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What if Mars looked like this?
One of the worst genocides ever committed
there's a reason it doesn't.
We should have never nuked mars to the stone age. Our species are nothing but belligerent criminals against ourselves.
would you prefer to live on the continent of kiki or booba?
I'd rather live on the northern continent of nippa. More specifically the islands due north of kiki
I bet that's gonna be svalbard tier. The big fjords on booba might be cosy.
Yeah but the real benefit is that nobody's going to want to fuck with me or my family up there. Plus in 20 generations we'll have developed skin so pale that we get enough vit d for the year after a single hour of sun exposure
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Looks like a generic fantasy map :D.
This would make a kino JRPG map
is this tamriel?
>is this tamriel?
Yes. Summerset is just starting to detach.
Nigger it was not the stone age. I understand you are trying to be funny but I'm shocked you don't have even a wikipedia understanding of the time scales here.
What’s the seed for this rust map?
It's easy to forgive from the other side, all the pain is gone by then.
The map shows the planelt turned upside down, so the cataclysm must have destroyed everything.
what if the world was made of pudding?
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Coastlines way too cheesy, wouldn't terraform. Let's see Venus.
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This map is done by Alexis Huet.
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source is https://ahstat.github.io/Topography/
I quite like the moon one
That is what the surface of mars would look like, if 71% of its surface area was covered by water
what would the environment be like in the shredded looking area's.
if you were to terraform the moon would it remove it's mystic powers?
If we in the distant part could see lunar cities lighting up at night, it would be even more mysterious. Imagine seeing another civilisation but not being able to reach them for millennia?

On the other hand, the romantic powers would instantly double if we had a second moon, perhaps also one orbiting the moon. And with a ring like Saturn, the Zen would be off the charts.
Literal wet dream for any pirate autist get me a ship and drop me off, it doesn't even have to be rocket powered
venus with an earthlike surface and atmosphere would be warmer too, infinite carribean
Mars is cold, all that water would be ice.
The poles
Is a big universe, lot's stuff to learn
based answer
Brother if we have the technology to completely terraform the surface of Venus we have the technology to either increase the rotation or completely mitigate the issues with the slow rotation with mirror and shade satellites, as has been proposed before.
You're such a fucking pseud.
what if you weren't retarded? what then, huh?
2d quantum theories...

Does this even make sense for quantic nutjobs?

I mean is sort of bullshit ain't it?
Your entire life is bullshit
Midgar ... Junon ... HOME
Even with 4000 ppm CO2?
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antartica without snow looks pretty sweet
The anomalous crater-like coastlines would be softened out after a few thousand years of annual erosion.
there's a peninsula that looks like a gun.
I don't think so. It's be pretty sick if we could look at the moon from earth and see a blue and green sphere
One thing to note is this is how Antarctica would look if you removed all the ice RIGHT NOW, but much of Antarctica's solid ground is actually compressed lower than it normally would be due to the amount of ice weighing it down, given time much of those gaps and archipelagos would connect together as the continent rises.
It's not like Venus. It's like Mars had plate tectonics but didn't at the same time.
Ah, finally, time for some light reading.
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Nice AI slop artifacts
From earth, possibly, if I can look at the moon map close.

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