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Why do the large majority of people believe Mathematics to be strictly computations?

If a young person insinuates this then I just believe they're trolling (because they usually are) but old people are such fucking disgusting creatures that if you claim to be a Physicist or Engineer and make a silly arithmetic error they label you as unworthy in their eyes-even though this person probably couldn't find out the area of a triangle if their life depended on it.

Are these people just bitter because they couldn't get into STEM at a younger age? so they use whatever excuse they have to cast doubt on the entirety of abstract thought?
Only computer engineer (gay babies) believe this I suggest you seek out better friends
>Are these people just bitter
they literally just don't know what mathematics is lol
Are you retarded? Obviously that's how they learned math in school. In school you never see proofs and homework is just a dozen "solve this linear equation" problems.
Dunning-Kruger is apparent.

You'll have the least informed people with the strongest opinions on just about everything.
How would mathematics not be strictly computation? Isnt that like the very definition of mathematics? Its very core? Even algebra is still computation of unknowns
I dunno. Topology is kinda wacky.
>How would mathematics not be strictly computation?
Because its full of incalculable irrational, imaginary, infinite, and indeterminate values.
Irrational numbers are computable.
Then compute the last digit of pi.
There is no last digit, but you can compute any arbitrary digit.
>but you can compute any arbitrary digit.
>any arbitrary
Them compute the number pi digit of it.
>There is no last digit,
Then you aren't actually computing it, you are giving up at whatever arbitrary point your memory space limits you.
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>Why do the large majority of people believe Mathematics to be strictly computations?
I don't even know what you mean by that but I imagine it's just a bunch of pretentious horseshit, right? Math is math, we all know what math is, no need to try to make it into something it's not

>probably couldn't find out the area of a triangle if their life depended on it.
See picrel
You can compute arbitrarily close to the value.
No, even if you stopped at the first 3, your arbitrary last calculable digit is always infinitely far from any actual last digit, there is only a relatively small finite amount of calculable digits compared to the infinite incalculable number of digits that exist in the sequence, so you are always infinite digits away from computing the actual value.
>actual last digit
This doesn’t exist.in a sense, you’re right in that you can always compute an infinite number of more digits, but those dogits are still computable.
>doesn’t exist
Which is why there are infinite incalculable digits in the sequence.

> but those dogits are still computable.
But pi itself, like all irrational numbers is not.
>you can always compute an infinite number of more digits
No, you can only compute a finite number of digits, yet there is still an infinite number that can not be which is why it is not actually calculable, the amount of incalculable digits will always vastly overwhelm the amount of calculable ones.
All “digits” are computable, only constrained by time and space.
*Except of course for the last digit, L, and the last infinite, L-∞ , digits as has been explained.
Any math that isn’t computable is irrelevant and fake. The law of the excluded middle and the axiom of choice are the worst things to happen to math.
Is there an equal chance of the next digit of pi to be any number 1-9? If so, couldn't you just say that the last digit is a random number between 1-9? This is all stupid anyway, but still
>If so, couldn't you just say that the last digit is a random number between 1-9?
Sure, if you are just saying random numbers instead of making calculations, but if you admit that irrational numbers can't be calculated, then you don't have to cope with the fact that you will have to churn out infinite arbitrary strings of numbers instead of ever actually calculating the value of an irrational number.
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Yes that is just as likely to be the last digits of pi as anything else since you can never actually calculate the value of pi.
I flicked my boner.
How did it fall off and why did you flick it instead of reattaching it?
There are new lives because I didn't. I ackhyqlly learned about the sky after.
But it is calculated, isn't it? It's a random number between 1-9? That's calculated lol
No, that is random arbitrary choice, not a calculation.
Left leg, now
No, I command you to stop being an illiterate retard instead.
A computer wouldn't have any problem calculating it, just tell it to give you a random number between 1 and 9. Poof, calculated
You still underestimate me.

All mental alls

Even some physicals with weight of poo.
My trance moment is 'now-of-a-certain-grade'
Computers can't generate random numbers, only pseudo-random and the calculation they use to make the pseudo-random output is inconsistent with the calculation for digits of pi.
Blahblahblah so make up some letter that stands for "a random number between 1-9" and insert that into your faggy equation and be done with it then
That is a variable not a calculation.
They already did a much more accurate version of that when they used the sixteenth letter of the greek alphabet as a placeholder for the arbitrary partial calculations of 3.1.. to represent the ratio of a circle's circumference and diameter.
>much more accurate version of that
If there is an equal chance of the final digit of pi being any number between 1-9, then how is there anything more accurate than just saying that it's a random number between 1-9? I mean, over the course of fucking infinity this must be the case, right? That is, unless it's NOT equally likely to be 1-9

I don't fucking know, I'm not a god damn mathematician, I'm just going off common sense and one or two sentences off of wikipedia here. To me this all seems pretty much pointless
>If there is an equal chance of the final digit of pi being any number between 1-9
There isn't an equal chance, just like there wasn't an equal chance that the first digit was random or anything other than 3, you are just doing some retarded coping to compensate for the fact you are wrong and irrational numbers can't actually be calculated, only estimated.

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