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Back in May it was confirmed that the shield has an issue that would have killed astronauts in reentry


Now it appears that the shielding cannot be fixed

Orion cannot take a human crew. It would get cooked in reentry
No humans will fly to the Moon in Orion
Years and billions of dollars wasted in both Orion and SLS
The only alternative is Starship
And development of starship is being halted by the FAA.
>And development of starship is being halted by the FAA
FAA can only delay, they have no authority to stop development.
Orion, SLS and Starliner are all failures at everything except fleecing the taxpayer.
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>FAA can only delay, they have no authority to stop development.
Development is not free, it needs money and things done in a timely way, if FAA keeps indering Elon's efforts, there's a point were development stops because is too slow and expensive.
I home Trump wins and tells the FAA to give Elon a blank check, then you will see some development.
China on the other hand, can keep developing, uncumbered from stupid legislation.
While the US sleeps, they will catch up. They don't seem to be in a hurry to go to Mars, but sure as hell they want to put bases on the Moon.
>China on the other hand, can keep developing, uncumbered from stupid legislation
Chinaspace is entirely in service to the PLA, that is inherently limiting.
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>Chinaspace is entirely in service to the PLA, that is inherently limiting.
How is that so?
>appears that the shielding cannot be fixed
Video from a channel called "GREAT SPACEX" with a misleading clickbait title.
He doesn't explain or say anything about why he thinks the heat shield allegedly can't be fixed, all he says is that NASA is facing difficulties and delays and has an unclear schedule.
Useless Elon fanboy garbage.

This is like pointing to one of the technical problems (of which there were many) encountered during the uncrewed Apollo 6, 7 or 8 missions, and confidently asserting that it CAN'T BE FIXED! and that the Saturn V would have to be abandoned and replaced for Apollo 9 onwards
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>YouTube channel is called "GREAT SPACEX"
>features a fake news story about the only functioning moon rocket
starship probably won't be safe for launching humans into space until it gets used regularly for a few years so how are they supposed to get men to the moon by 2030 if not by orion?
Falcon Heavy expendable
China is going to win SRII.
Super heavy tricore Vulcan centaur

The exploration upper stage is basically centaur architecture anyway
We'll never reach the Moon again.
What is the issue with a Dragon to LEO that docks with a Starship? It may need one more refuelling than the current mission architecture, but that doesn't seem to be a big issue. Maybe it`s an issue for the Artemis missions after Artemis 3 because there they are supposed to assemble and use the Lunar Gateway
>if FAA keeps indering Elon's efforts, there's a point were development stops because is too slow and expensive.
You're retarded, my dude
it will be a hard thing to face if they can't get a reentry shield to work on what is basically a modern version of the Apollo CM. Very hard. Sadly they will likely double down instead of facing facts/
The answer is right here. Single throw to Lunar orbit for the crew, launch a lander separately.

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