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how does hypnosis work from a scientific perspective?
Hypnosis is NOT creating illegal matrixes where someone's trapped in a graphic system.

Hypnosis is a type of forced state shift that can be attained in numerous ways, one of which is causing a perfect oval to encircle your face, but it must be caused indirectly.
i thought you have to allow it to happen
ahh so OP is wondering how his forced fem fdhypnos work. well they don't. you were always a raging faggot.
It must not be interrupted. Yes.

In any case, illegal matrixes are criminal activity. You were probably tricked into it and a lot can be taken from you from the people you do it to. If it's your allies, you may escape unharmed.
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if you are a week allone and pissed you can seal your emotion and then you simply crack an human open like a wallnut
If you were tricked, then shift the crime to the trickster. You can do a lot of damage here
CRACK the CoDe Faggot. Obviously a lot of fighting happened.
I was put under hypnosis they made me strip naked it was at trump national golf club
It's just a larp
This is the least coherent thread I've seen in a long time.
>how does hypnosis work from a scientific perspective?
So how do I learn to hypnotize people then.
Obviously not like fucking movie shit, but for real
you guys are all wrong. hypnosis is subconscious suggestion during a trance like state
Study NLP and psychological priming.
Thread is obviously an /x/ magnet but honestly the lack of explanation of hypnosis, and the lack of motivation to even attempt it, is kinda weird. Jaynes has a chapter on it in Bicameral Mind.
Its not so much a matter of dominating people's minds as the pop culture wants you to believe, but of testing for people who tend to be subservient and open to suggestion or circumstances that tend to elicit that in specific people.
What are you really saying though? Is this subservience and openness to suggestion or circumstances significantly stronger than the instances of subservience and openness to suggestion or circumstances we normally encounter in daily life? If so, hypnosis is a specific thing that requires explanation.
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A hypnotist came to my school and kicked two people out for obviously not being hypnotized
>the hypnotist explained this to the crowd by saying not everybody's susceptible to hypnotism
Then the performance goes on, people did dumb shit, people laughed. But when I asked my friends who were up on the stage they all said they were faking it to keep the show going and not get kicked out like the first few.
Honestly if I didn't know it's real I would definitely think hypnosis was just a myth.
I'm still somehow convinced it's impossible to do that to me even if I agree to try, and according to science I'm probably wrong.
That's how alien hypnosis looks to me.
I think it's for the best if you stopped posting here, and kys
I don't know to what extent your friends were or were not faking it, however that doesn't mean that hypnosis is not a well-documented phenomenon.
The lengths people go to to deny this just because it doesn't fit exactly into their worldview are kind of astonishing.
>Is this subservience and openness to suggestion or circumstances significantly stronger than the instances of subservience and openness to suggestion or circumstances we normally encounter in daily life?
Do you test for it in everyone you encounter in daily life to see what kind of a scale of subservience to defiance exist in your community? Do you randomly ask people to do things to see exactly how they respond or do you just go about your day and largely ignore most passersby?

>hypnosis is a specific thing
Yes, it is the act of isolating people who are more susceptible to suggestion and exploiting that susceptibility.
It is already commonly acknowledged that some people are more susceptible to hypnosis than others. All you're doing is renaming from "hypnosis" to "suggestion".
Hypnosis is the one that tried to rename since it caught on in the public imagination with people thinking its some kind of superpower like mentok the mindtaker when all they are actually doing is finding NPCs and exploiting them.
I told (you)

I am just trying to help you study what you asked for, suggestibility is something that can actually be tested for, hypnotists aren't gauging hypnosability, they are just exploiting psychological phenomenon, hypnosis is largely a pop sci thing, but imagination and suggestibility are actual things you can study with psych texts and behavior analysis.
Study fags, find yourself
It's simple, repeat the lie long enough and people will start to believe it
(You) lost our bet, mini chalice now, at your own accord(must be 5.30% accurate mixture).
It doesn't. Psychology is a sham that has far lower statistical standards than actual medical therapies. They use a 5% significance level (lmao).
Hence why SSRIs were used to treat depression for the longest time, even when they do no better than a sugar pill.

>but hypnosis is itself a heckin placebo!
Not always, it doesn't always correlate with placebo effects. Also a sugar pill is cheaper than a therapist.
It's still very rarely significant at actual scientific p-values.

>but le heckin Economics uses 5% levels!
Economists are very aware of the limitations of their models and the difficulty with dealing with endogenity. Also they are not recommending medical treatments.
When Behavioral Economists come in they basically debunk 90% of the field of Psychology (and don't even get me started on Sociology).
Hypnosis is some crackhead theory from weimar germany jewish psychiatrists. It has no basis in reality and it was just popularized by hollywood jewish media
its real
The question whether hypnosis can be used as medical treatment for some physical/mental/behaviour problem is quite different from the question of whether hypnosis exists at all (e.g. when it causes someone to hallucinate a bodily sensation or something).
The situation is almost exactly the same as for the neurological and psychological workings of meditation, we just don't understand the brain well enough to give mechanistic explanations of high level phenomena. At least meditation has some hype behind it nowadays. But maybe meditation is just self-hypnosis and the results will converge, that would be funny.
So you’re saying you don’t know
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>Hypnosis-based therapies for the management of irritable bowel syndrome and menopause are supported by evidence.[16][17][18][19]
What the fuck
Tell us more
Would this be considered a type of hypnosis?

>brain games conformity waiting room

Is this a bot thread or are all posters actually schizos?
You're the only battle bot roun' ere FaGPoT
You are skitzo
Exploiting a backdoor created in the process of facilitating social functions that require some level of roleplaying and/or subordination.
There's nothnig mysterious about that experiment. She clearly just figured that the other people must have been told information that she wasn't made aware of that they stood up for. Either that, or she just didn't want to look weird by being the only one doing it.
A hypnotist came to my middle school assembly once but all he did was get seventh grade girls to kiss him on the lips
That’s illegal
i guess noone knows
Mind over matter. It's basically voluntary hysteria.
Hypnosis is inducing neural states more conducive to specific information recall. Whether or not loads of NPCs are resistant to it doesn't impact its validity.
Ask your dad.
Your brain goes to service mode and you think you are here? NPC's are the ones who are hypnotized to have no mind on their own. And you, you are a dumbfuck.
The retarded npcs on this board don't even think qualia or free will exist. To present a question about hypnosis to the deranged is meaningless.
>Anon, the spokesman of degenerate appeared.
No, we don't ALL, retarded NPC's maybe, but somehow some of us don't have qualia, so our autopsy won't interest machines so much at your autopsy, I want to be autopsied later, or even better not at all. Somebody from cognitive neuroscience would insert this wire in your head and look for conciusness or qualia if you had any. And if you think you'll be dead then, think again, because that'll be ionic pulse in your brain like it's now.
This retarded NPC can't even choose whether they have free will or not, so they seethe about it.

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