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Why don’t modern day scientists know what philosophy is? Do they not realize that theoretical physicists can’t avoid taking philosophical positions?

Also, why is semantics killing science?
Progress. It's increased exponentially as philosophy died out. Advent of AI is made by atheists who hate philosophy.
>One and a half actual scientists in that picture.
They do know philosophy, but it has changed. The philosophy departments are useless. The philosophy of science types haven't done anything new in years.

Philosophy in general is a very... Weak field compared to math and the sciences. Imagine being a field where people are encouraged to read the original writings of authors for some nugget of knowledge. Like how juvenile is that? When is the last time you read Einstein, Euler, or Newton? It is unnecessary.

Maybe its because of general high verbal IQs in the philosophies, but you really don't see very good collection of texts from these types. You can literally just compare /lit/ and /his/ recommendations to /sci/ recommendations. /lit/ and /his/ recommend original books, /sci/ recommends textbooks, collections and synthesises of entire fields from numerous contributors.
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Philosocucks themselves don't know what philosophy is. Descartes was the last philosopher and after him philosophy committed suicide by separating itself from science and math. Modern philosophy is just dogmatic midwittism of no intellectual value whatsoever.
That image is wrong. Chads must be always placed at the far right, and fags at the far left.
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They are scared. Philosophy inevitablely turns you into a fullblown schizo.
Better to just shut up and calculate and collect the next paycheck.
Accurate assessment to be fair. Principia Mathematica destroyed philosophy once and for all, philosophers have been seething ever since
>Work made by philosophers should somehow destroy philosophy
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these days SCIENCE! attracts rigid thinkers who don't want their metaphysical assumptions questioned. they feel comfort that they've arrived at the "final truth" of naturalism and no deeper questions need to be asked.
>Descartes was the last philosopher
He was also convinced you can torture animals because they don't feel anything, their screams are just automatic reactions.
A good explanation of how much we should care about philosophy.
Anti philosophy fags are the worst sociopaths desu
Progress has always increased exponentially, philosophy is embedded in AI, it is a large part of its training data.
Op I'm confused you put 4 nobel prize winners and pitted them against 2 professors and 2 influencers to make your point... are you even trying to hide your cherry picking or are you lamenting the fact that despite the explosion in access of media we somehow are exposed to the loudest voices instead of the more nuanced ones?
Philosophers aren't allowed to say anything interesting or true without being turned into pariahs (see: Nick Land).
Luckily the answers to most big philosophy questions are already lurking out there in statistics and info theory
Funny thing is medical doctors and scientists thought the same thing about babies until the 2000s. I think that shows how much we should care about the Science too
Newton was a mathematician before anything, not a stupid fucking philosopher
He called himself a philosopher and wouldn't care less about your opinion
Metaphysics really aren't that important to science. You just describe the phenomenon, doesn't really matter if you think it's fundamentally material or ideal.
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Well, philosophy is shit, so...
dirac's quote is fake. same people who worship science and despise philosophy post fake news
Why do you think it's fake?
No source of this quote was found
You should try harder. I found it with a single Google search.
You are a retard with the cognitive subtlety of a nigger.
NTA but I found this in like 3 seconds
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I reckon we already got black hand out the way

I sick. I can't breev...

I'm allergic to oxygen, I know I am.


It hell
Right. Junglers. Smell their farts. Know when they fart. Why they think like that when they fart. Their discomfort when they need a wee.

This sort of advantage
Then Newton was a nigger as well
Good work

Always... Probably... Ok.

We've got involved.

By weight of false decree.
idk at Oxford I did the based 4-year MPhys which combined philosophy and physics
>Why don’t modern day scientists know what philosophy is?
assertion without a proof or source.

>Do they not realize that theoretical physicists can’t avoid taking philosophical positions?
assertion without a proof or source.
insinuation physicists wouldnt philosophize.

>Also, why is semantics killing science?
assertion without a proof or source.
I farted
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Scientists don’t even realize how much they look like evil wizards.
There's no point in questioning the truth, only the false should be questioned, that's why religion lost.
Why can't scientists learn some graphic design if they're so smart?
Because scientists are de facto materialists, and materialist thought precludes properly thinking about ideas rather than processes. Universities have been turned into trade schools filled with tinkerers obsessed with progress rather than thinkers obsessed with knowledge.
cool story, /pol/.
Why was Einstein able to do it?
Einstein still believed in God. He wasn't a full blown materialist.
>materialism means you don’t believe in god
But that’s retarded
If they believe God exists, then that means they believe something is THERE
That’s material- er, rather, THERE-ism
If it’s THERE, there will be substance to it, allowing it to exist at all
Anti-materialists argue against God’s existence without even realizing it
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Low iq Christians don’t use logic. High iq Christians try to use science/physics to prove the existence of God, lmao. They believe things like evolution are tools He uses.
Einstein also thought the moon didn’t fucking vanish when you turned away from it like an idiot

“Don’t tell God what to do” oh shut up
Sometimes I forget how stupid this board is.
Believing in God is not the only way to avoid being a dogmatic materialist. It is simply one of many ways.
Also you've misunderstood what materialism is. You're approaching its definition from a materialistic frame of mind. Materialism posits that there exists nothing more than that which is contained in the natural world and that all phenomena are explainable through the processes of said natural world. There is nothing in the natural world that tells us that, so you're asserting it a priori. A priori assertions are lacking in foundation. It's a fallacious argument to even make, as you're basically substituting the definition of "materialism" for another definition and then making a non-point.
what did they do to Nick Land? How is he a pariahs if he is super popular
How metaphysics is not important for science since math is literally part of metaphysics?
>calls someone retarded
>proceeds to post something retarded
Isn’t philosophy mostly just coping with the universe being deterministic?
>cherry picking
We didn't truly knew that up until the last centory though
Determined by whom?
No it’s literally just pondering shit.

The same way science is literally just repeating shit

Scientists have become over pretentious dorks who can’t into words.
None of the people on right side are scientists. They're science *explainers* aka modern day priest charlatans
>Materialism posits that there exists nothing more than that which is contained in the natural world and that all phenomena are explainable through the processes of said natural world.

You can’t avoid taking this stance if you’re not a motherfucking idiot. To the physicist, meta-physics is still physics. It’s all relative. Nature. “That ain’t natural” is an opinion.

Doesn’t matter if we can’t explain it, even if we will never able to explain it. It’s still nature. Some hypothetical alien might.
All I know is philosophy is hella gay
None on the right are actual scientists. And not all those quotes are at odds with each other.
Source: trust me bro
Nice trips lil bro but...
>Why is semantics killing science?
What's your iFunny?
>last time you read Einstein, Euler, or Newton?
Almost all relevant contemporary scientists disagree and have read historically important scientific works and papers.

They would regard reading Copernicus or Ptolemy as rather useless, but not Kepler or Newton. Do you see the difference? I do, because I read.
Philosophy? We can't even criticize Israel without being arrested as scientists.

This is why the Chinese are so ahead. If American scientists aren't developing on the (((chosen))) subjects, they ruin our careers.
>This is why the Chinese are so ahead
They’re waiting until we fuck up and fall and can’t get back up again
There's a mechanical issue with philosophy in that a large part of it is figured out through intuitions, whatever feels or seems most true will be where work goes into. Good science doesn't really have this issue

There's also a problem in that philosophy in the lower/middle tiers is more of a fashionable pursuit to gain an identity, "have you even read x" is the common epithet, rather than delving into the substantive concepts

Finally I think modern Philosophy disproportionately attracts a certain kind of person. The kind of person who rather than trying to uncover aspects of reality, wants to find ways to accommodate their own particular calling in life, or personality disorder, however you want to spin it. Many of the more recent discoveries in physics and AI and such are a perfect new area of study for Philosophy, but a raw study of reality isn't really what motivates them as it does for scientists. It's closer to a religion in that sense, closer than hard science is anyway. I don't think these kinds of people were present to such a degree in Philosophically historically, you had more Isaac Newtons etc back then. The balance of priorities is out of whack basically, if the aim is uncovering hard reality truths as it is for 'real' science
Modern day scientists are such ass hats holy shit
No they are just too far up their own ass. Though I guess that’s an ass hat for you.
Based racist man
>To the physicist, meta-physics is still physics.
Lol, no. Try talking to a physicist for once in your life
Physicists do not read newtons works. It's incomprehensible to them. First of all it's in Latin. Secondly it's purely geometric which isn't how newtons laws is analyzed today.
luke smith is all i need to know about philosophy. that it sucks.

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