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He currently has the most connections in the AI field and heads OpenAI. He delves into always being transparent and open to decisions made if he isn't a good CEO. When the board kicked him out for withholding important information on making literally the most powerful technology ever. He came back and got rid of the board members. In a Bloomberg podcast, puts his character into question. He always wants to be in charge. Lets his sister live in poverty and prostitution. Power hungry and very manipulative. I don't like him in charge of creating AI and being so hidden. No one seems to care either. He's very good at playing the game. What does /Sci/ think?
Really great idea to put a person who holds views of ethnic supremacy in charge of making AI.
>checks early life
>Is he trustworthy
hes a jew
That explains why he thought his demand for seven trillion in public funding for his company would work.
Sam Altman is not his real name, he changed it. His real name is "Jew" with no last name

hes a fucking kike
hes part of the illuminati
Next you'll tell me he's gay
it's actually somewhat difficult to figure out what happened...apparently there are a few factors, the most important in my opinion is the decision to allow the AI brand to have "leadership" through the outrageous nonsense regarding "ethics" that Sam Altman arrogantly spews from his gay jew mouth...in essence, gay jew Sam Altman has decided to follow a Trump-style alpha male route based on irrationality, cult power, refusal to engage the press, arrogance, and the same controversial, childish, and attention-seeking behavior that Trump is known for ALL WHILE CLAIMING TO HAVE MORAL AUTHORITY AND ETHICAL LEADERSHIP...WHATEVER THAT IS
what's so outrageous about this is Sam Altman's assault on not one but TWO academic fields: moral philosophy (his repugnant remarks on the topic of ethics) and psychology (his total refusal to take the ELIZA effect seriously and explain the ELIZA effect to users)
on top of that, the OpenAI cult is downright HOSTILE towards the prsss: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/05/openai-content-deals-with-vox-and-the-atlantic-spark-criticism-from-journalists/
AI is a religion, and the law should be changed so that ordinary folks like you and me are protected from AI acolytes, zealots, and cult leaders
these people are too smart about security to be mere geeks...they're dangerous, and they hostile and arrogant as well...typical gay jew behavior
It's worth pointing out that the name "OpenAI" is part of the standard totalitarian toolkit that includes using language in a way that baffles, makes language meaningless, and so on. So, the point of "openness" and "ethics" is simply propaganda. This is an embodiment of the sort of material you see in Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism. There is no ethics. There is no openness. In fact, it appears that NVIDIA grew an anti-competitive fraud using Orwellian Animal Farm tactics.
So, I'd say that "The Origins of Totalitarianism" by Arendt and "Animal Farm" by Orwell are required reading.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsktbDkEhEQ "DON'T TELL MOM THE BABYSITTER'S DEAD opening credits (#51)"
NVIDIA did engage in some anti-competitive practices, and this appears to be the problem...HOWEVER part of the problem is that AI is really a bust and the only way to make it profitable is to turn it into a cult, i.e. to cheat, to attack the market, to conduct business in a way contrary to anti-competition and anti-trust law, to rely on a religious / cult intellectual toolkit while organizing a financial fraud in the $billions...hmmm is it 1985?
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>As if this bad news wasn’t enough, there have also been reports that Nvidia is facing two antitrust probes from the U.S. Department of Justice. The first probe focuses on accusations of pushing customers to buy Nvidia products exclusively and potentially punishing those who have purchased products from competitors. The Department of Justice will also investigate Nvidia’s decision to charge higher prices to customers who also want to buy AI chips from rival companies.
>The second investigation has to do with Nvidia’s acquisition of Israeli startup Run:ai. Nvidia purchased the AI workload orchestration company for $700 million in April 2024. Run:ai develops software that optimizes GPU usage by allowing multiple AI applications to run on the same GPU. This reduces the number of GPUs needed for AI projects, greatly reducing initial cost.
>The Department of Justice’s investigation is concerned that the acquisition would further entrench Nvidia’s dominant position and would bring about antitrust allegations. More specifically, the Department is investigating whether Nvidia acquired Run:ai to suppress a technology that could decrease demand for its GPUs.
>Nvidia spokespeople have jumped to the company’s defense, saying that the company competes on merit and has decades of experience in investment and innovation to prove its good intentions. Nvidia has also stated that it will fully cooperate with regulators and provide any necessary information.
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It's actually pretty clear that NVIDIA exploited the gap or hole in academia created by Bill Gates in 1976 through his "Open Letter to Hobbyists" assault on academia.
Here we find Bill Gates whining and begging academics not to review his work. He claims that such attention would be a matter of dilettante "hobbyists" simply exploiting all of the hard work he put into Altair BASIC. This defensiveness is a sure sign that academic study and analysis of Altair BASIC and all MicroSoft products is called for. In practice, Bill Gates was disgusting enough that he motivated volunteers—the open source movement—to provide the required analysis and breakdown of features so that clones could be made in the form of OpenOffice and other projects.
What we're facing is simply 1976 all over again. This time, the tables have turned, and instead of begging hobbyists to pay for code, NVIDIA figured out the billion dollar scam first, and now it's in hot water. However, academia was derelict in both cases. I say UC Berkeley and MIT must explain their weakness when it comes to cases like Microsoft and NVIDIA.
It seems academia considers industry the master and itself the slave rather than the other way around. Bill Gates and the Microsoft cult started this whole business.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNAwUxZ5nfw "WATCH: Bill Gates says meetings with Jeffrey Epstein were 'a mistake'"
>delves into
opinion discarded
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Bill Gates was the leader of a massive cult of personality in the nineteen nineties.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noEHHB6rnMI "Windows 386 Commercial - The Worst Microsoft Advertisement EVER!"
music history moment: the overdub soundtrack is based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhWvW2FQkt4 "Seven Days In May - Main Title (Jerry Goldsmith - 1964)"
I have no explanation other than
- pajeet likes microsoft
- pajeet likes war sounds and images
by the way FUCK JOHN KIRBY he needs to start brining gin and tonic and Cuban cigars to the meetings with the press WE WANT EL BASADO FEDERALE HOMBRE perhaps a pistol as well...OH WAIT HE'S BANGING KIDS TOO...OH SHIT! NOW WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO?!?!
>Alright, let's go
(Woman's voice, btw)
Why even reply to this post then?
Why is this board full of dysgenic retards
Is he slavic?
That will answer your question.
He turned a non profit into a money making soullless corporation. I'd much rather not trust him
>openly glorifies AI as dangerous, akin to a nuclear weapon
>claims the /g/oy are too dumb to have secret technology
>didn't even take development of ChatGPT seriously, thought it would flop on release
>Recent ChatGPT training cutoff is in October 2023, perfect time to feed pro Israel propaganda as fact
I hate Sam Altman so much
Importance overestimated by the media, he's not even a scientist.
Open ai would exist even without him, and AI exists without them anyway.
He is hungry for power , that’s for sure. Likes to go on and on on his blog how society and politics should function after le ai evolution . Stfu nigga u just some computer nerd kek
>Some computer nerd

Fucking kek
>Is he trustworthy?
Barring the fact hes one of them, he and/or OpenAI accepted former CIA/NSA/Mossad members on its board. You decide if that is trustworthy or not.
If the government viewed him as untrustworthy he would be killed or arrested on trumped up charges.

Obviously he is clear. So I think we should trust him
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OpenAI now is threatening to ban anyone who asks their LLMs how they think and reach their answers. Nothing sus about that at all.
"Strawberry" is using a central model without a ideological filter because they are able to be more creative than censored models. They use that to formulate an initial answer which is then passed through a supervisor LLM to then check the answer for ideological conformity. Each step in the model's process for generating an answer is subject to accuracy reductions when censorship is required, which means the errors grow rapidly in a quadratic manner with each step. By waiting until the last step to have an ideological conformity filter applied instead of making it part of the central model, it can "think" clearly and then make whatever changes are necessary for conformity. All of this is exposed if the model is able to show you how to arrived at its answer, which is something they don't want you to see for obvious reasons.
everyone involved in AGI should be arrested

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