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Clipper Edition

Previous - >>16382658
in summary
>FAA levied massive fines against spacex
>spacex is suing the FAA in response
>axiom is going out of business
Even if Axiom is out of the picture, we still have Haven-1, StarLab, Orbital Reef, and potentially Starship. We have backup plans for commercial space station.
I'm much more concerned about Axiom's spacesuit contract. Berger said it's in better shape than the station side of the business, however is that enough to keep the company afloat? There isn't a backup Moon landing EVA suit to fall back on.
Summery of problems with CLD
>Dragon too expensive
>Starship too big
>Nova chan please save us!
starship will launch with multiple dragons in it
>Starship too big

it needs to be larger to fit a grav therapy centrifuge onboard
Your gainz station wngts. 20Gs is unrealistic
It's too big for Commercial Leo stations which are all substantially smaller than it.

Still not feasible. In order for that to make sense you would need multiple stations and high demand which just isn't there. We really need crewed Nova but that just isn't going to happen for a while.
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This. The main limiting factor on developing space stations is the mass of everything needed inside the space station and not the actual volume. Like even Skylab was plenty spacious in the '70s, and I would imagine large-open spaces are more difficult to actually move around in due to a lack of walls/railing to propel oneself or hold on to.
Having a fuckton of inflatable volume solves a non-issue and is only relevant for future scalability. Plus it requires additional air mass to inflate the unused parts of the station.
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>It is the largest spacecraft NASA has ever developed for a planetary mission.
I hope it finds out lots of interesting things about Europa.
starship isn't too big, what matters is the cost of launch
it should easily be less than F9 when fully reused and in that case even if it had only 4 people in it, the price per seat should be cheaper
no shit
20 gs will cause capillary burst

you don't need artificial gravity or high g therapy
just a normal centrifuge

in fact, you could even harness the forces exerted by a theraputic centifuge to achieve spin
blue glenn will win. unironically.
>Dragon too expensive
Because of NASA's restrictions cutting the available seat down to 4. You can cut the per seat cost by half just by restoring Dragon to a seven seater.
>solar-powered probe
RTGbros... we lost again
No you moron, it IS too big. Like literally too big. Gateway is too small to control itself while starship is docked to it. Every other station concept that is even close to reasonable is small in scope.

Not to mention the fuel cost which is way higher. Even in fully reusable mode it's going to still be expensive to launch crew. Only launching 4 people per starship wouldn't be feasible but launching more than that also wouldn't make sense because all of the station concepts are small. See the problem?

We need a mid sized fully reusable rocket designed for crew. Nova is pretty much it. NG has plans for a reusable 2nd stage but those are only plans and we all know BO timelines are less than desirable.

I doubt dream chaser is going to be less expensive than dragon given it launches on Vulcan.
In what sense is dragon too expensive? If dragon can’t foster some sort of commercial station economy then unironically the world is ngmi becuwse your other options are… what? Starliner? Get the fuck outta here.
Starship better DRASTICALLY cut down the $/kg for human launches or it will be a billionaire joyride industry until the end of time
How the fuck will they ever drive the cost down below F9 levels, that seems so outlandish
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>The PPE needs to control the orientation of the Gateway when they’re attached — the “integrated stack.” That could be a problem with vehicles like SpaceX’s Starship HLS whose mass is “18 times greater than the value NASA used to develop the PPE’s controllability parameters.”
Holy shit they literally designed Gateway around Starship not winning HLS. What a garbage tollboth.

Realistically we've got Haven and Starship. Starlab and Reef are the kind of halfhearted establishment projects that exist to collect several million in dev funding and then die in a downselect.
Except for outfitting a starship as a station. Starships don't have any issue docking with their siblings. The problem is that the imagination of the current prospects are still clinging to an oldspace idea of scale.
Starship has issues too. It's sized for large stations and tons of passengers but we don't have any large stations and we can't get any large stations until the small ones are a proven business model.

This problem applies to all commercial Leo stations BTW. See what I mean? Starship is too big. We need another solution to lower crew transport costs
Nobody is gonna make it but SpaceX, and BO by brute force. Better luck next time! A better business model right now would be trying to scam Bezos into just buying you out as some sort of “investment”
just build the station out of starships you tards
Total SpaceX monopoly.
needs more isogrid
Vast's second station launches with Starship so they should be OK.
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Didn't someone get on my case last thread for saying that someone should build a reusable crew vehicle around a Falcon 9 second stage that could be launched on a standard booster?
This. Or at the very least these stupid companies wanting to build oldspace style modules should just pay SX to do custom Starships where the upper stage has a detachable propulsion + pressurized section. Basically an interim second stage.
SuperHeavy, Upper Stage, pressurized nose cone. Just charter a separate FH or extra Starship flight to throw on a Power and Propulsion Element for station keeping w/ solar panels, radiators, etc onto the ass
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Reef is alive as long as Bezos is around. Anyway my point is we 100% will have our ISS replacement one way or another, unlike the EVA suit situation where one supplier has quit and the remaining one is facing financial trouble.
We won’t get either, orbital reef isn’t happening and CLD will be a failure of a program
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NASA, oldspacefags, and other companies than SpaceX would never do that.
A single Starship, if converted into a wet-workshop would have a volume comparable to that of the largest Sierra Space inflatable, but could carry much more mass up while also cutting the entire cost of actually constructing the space station. Just send up one Starship to be used as the wet-workshop with the all the tools for converting it into a wet-workshop into the payload bay, then send up a second Starship with compressed air and additional cargo to actually pressurize the first Starship and make it completely livable.
It really depends. Both Vast and Starlab will launch on starship but the question is whether or not either can safely control itself while a massive starship is docked.
Wet workshopping is so dumb
wtf is this real? finland has a space program?
Wet-workshopping is a very efficient way to construct space stations and you are a retard if you think its dumb.
>very efficient way to construct space stations
Hahahahahah almost had me there anon! You’re only pretending to be retarded, r-right??
Essentiality there should be no refurbishment or barge moving with general operation.
How it should operate:
>starship gets stacked
>gets fueled
>booster returns to launch site
>chopsticks catch it and place back on OLM
>new ship is moved in and stacked
>whole stack is fueled again and launched with (ideally) zero human interaction
Ships with also be caught but will be hauled off to be reprocessed with new payloads. There should be a small fleet of ships for each booster.
I was thinking a large 6 way airlock with 3 or 4 Starships semi-permanently or permanently attached and remaining ports for visiting spacecraft or custom add-on segments to be added. There's a lot you can do when your module is that big, relatively inexpensive and can lift itself to LEO. Using an HLS derivitive would make sense.
operational reusability will make it cheapr than falcon and starship. falconis not as easily reusable as new glenn will be, and starship is in a notoriously bad state which i dont need to comment on.
nice argument fag
>operational reusability will make it cheapr than falcon and starship.

Needs to fly to actually do that. Plus it’s more expensive to produce. I know it’s larger than F9 but look at their production methods for GS1 and GS2 right now. Bezos is already self-admittedly horse racing a way to make the second stage cheaper because it’s too expensive
>falconis not as easily reusable as new glenn will be
NG can only be reused 25 times max so you’re wrong there
>and starship is in a notoriously bad state which i dont need to comment on.
It’s flown four times? How’s New Glenn going
Im not arguing with you if you think wet workshopping is trivial. That’s not the case dumbass. You expand your living quarters almost 4x in this case, you need to quadruple your life support, run electrical and shielding, all that mass needs to come up from additional launches. It’s easier to do what >>16385373 suggested. There’s your argument, aka you are wrong. Wet workshopfags are almost just as disillusioned as asteroid minercels
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Clipper might be the spacecraft to discover extraterrestrial life, it might even be able to catch a microbe on ejecta if we're extremely lucky.
Pic not related.
Not happening. BUT… I’m stoked for EuroClip nonetheless. It’s going to be a cool mission.
We're on the inferior timeline
You're forgetting that this is Starship. Bigger ECS systems for a wet workshop Starship sized volume do piss all to launch mass concerns when a Starship is launching lightly packed with air, tools, and no flaps/tiles/headertanks.
Did they generate this art with AI assisted tools? Sad!
This would make more sense if Artemis II (or III as originally planned) was happening this year
You’re so ignorant it’s unreal
Regardless it would likely be cheaper to send up one Starship to be used at the wet-workshop then 1-3 more to have all the necessary materials and tooling for shielding, life-support, etc. than say, the 40 launches required to build the ISS.
And as >>16385379 proposed, the initial Starship used for the wet-workshop can carry plenty of mass used for the internal constituents of a space station on itself.
you really destroyed my argument there
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This is what they took from you.
That depends on whether or not the ETs that are already here make themselves known before 2030.
>Needs to fly to actually do that.
Which it will
>more expensive to produce.
starship is more expensive than falcon. doesnt matter. thecost of manufacture is a small part of the cost of every launch if its reusable many times.
>Bezos is already self-admittedly horse racing a way to make the second stage cheaper because it’s too expensive
He will do it. When they ramp production rate cost per upper stage will naturally go down as it did with falcon.
>NG can only be reused 25 times max so you’re wrong there
Thats bullshit. Bezos says a MINIMUM of 25 reuses. And thats reuses without part replacement.
>It’s flown four times? How’s New Glenn going
Bud, if you dont know about the starship problems you must be new or something. It's not going great, and newsflash, it failed every test flight by the standards you would apply to any other company. I think flight 5 will work, but starship is so overweight at thispoint that its basically useless whithout a total redesign (which they will do)
Even at 40-50 tons to Leo starship would still be worth it with full reuse
you handwaved wet workshopping
>he has opinion i dont like, he must be troling!!1!!!
Its payload will be much lower with the flight 5 version because of all the buffing they are doing to the heat shield. More like 30T to LEO. 15T less than New Glenn. Dont get me started on the ice in the tanks, or the fact that its literally impossible to service or maintain raptor 3
Raptor 3 will eliminate the dry ice problem. They aren't taking the ox gas from the same place with r3, they are taking a pure ox gas feed iirc. They can get rid of most of the fuel filters for V2. A lot of the weight they gained was just from having to learn shit about reentry with the test articles they have available. Once they stick the landing and understand the vehicle better they will start shaving off weight.
Can I get a QRD on how they're going to catch starship returning from orbit? Do they have that good of a grasp of reentry modelling to be able to end up in the bellyflop within a few hundred feet of the tower? How much translation authority do the flaps have in the final 10-15km of descent?
>they are taking a pure ox gas feed
oh really?
good news if they are. but how do they heat the oxygen?
Probably heat exchangers.
So does Intuitive Machines have some oldspace networking guys who helped to secure this $5 bn contract?? Or did no one else bid on this thing so they just won by default
I'm pretty sure the plan is
>get the booster reusable ASAP
>chuck a dozen starships into the ocean
>your reentry model is now accurate
>go for double landing
>full orbital reuse achieved (congrats humans on step 1)
This is why no one takes the leafs seriously.
Flight 4 they were able to get the ship within 6km of the intended landing location
My bad, I think that is just speculation on the part of csi starbase because they removed some components from r3 where they take the ox gas from in r2. I misremembered what he said. Either way that seems most likely what they will try to do because the extra weight from the filters etc and the CO2 contamination is clearly an issue.
astrology CSA mission NOW
Sorry, anon, but Mercury is retrograde right now.
wait whats the axiom news
Struggling financially. Might end up going under.
They've spent a lot of money and they're having trouble raising more. They're behind on their payments to SpaceX, Thales, and some of their suppliers. They didn't make much if any money off of their crew missions since those were apparently more about building relationships with future customers. People have started throwing around bankruptcy, as if they're going to go under before Astra (which would be wild but Chris Kemp is a funding cockroach, so it's not impossible)
My arse(technica)

Show me the mass budget then, brochacho. How does ECS, a wet workshop kit, and some ROSAs add up to 200 tons?
Look dude. There is zero point in making use of all of the available space in starship when there is hardly any demand for space stations in the first place.

It makes more sense to do what they did with Polaris dawn but with a starship. Send up a starship for a couple weeks or a month or whatever.
Get some science done during that time, then come back. That is way more viable than modifying a starship into a space station.
wow who knew the people who used to manage ISS dont know how to not run in the red. subcontract everything! "newspace" is a propped up corpse
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>Sickle Cell Disease
Umm don't they know that its racist to call Sickle Cell Adaptation a disease? Africans evolved it to make them resistant against Malaria, they are harming the BIPOC community by labeling this advantageous mutation (with a few adverse side effects) as a disease.
based. just focus on using NASA funds on science missions and get out of spacex's way so that they can transport your shit up there.
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Maybe it's a good thing they are going under.
Honestly they should have tried to diversify their business more. Space stations are expensive and you need other revenue sources. Sierra space/BO, Airbus/Voyager both have other revenue sources in addition to their space station concepts.
> That is way more viable than modifying a starship into a space station.

Unless you single purpose each section. Put a dozen of them up there at L1 with purpose built sections like a cruise ship.

Sierra Space and BO most definitely do NOT have revenue sources lmfao. And Axiom is more diversified than both of them
It's a reasonable plan to get a Canadian astronaut to get some practical spaceflight experience on Dragon before he gets launched as a Gaganyaan test pilot.
And add Voyager Space to that list as well
Ah yes great idea. Now every resupply needs to have refuel flights associated with it and this potential points of failure.
They both have parent companies to learn on, or other revenue sources
You named two more failed newspace ventures as positive examples
>Now every resupply needs to have refuel flights associated with it
your fault for not making a reusable high energy architecture
Good luck making a fully reusable AND high energy architecture. You can only have one.
Unless you somehow reverse engineered alien warp drive tech while no one was looking it isn't going to happen. The mass penalty from reuse is too high.
NTA but what about reusable centaur
starship + kick stage that can survive high energy reentry
any L2 paypigs wanna let us know whats new?
That would eat into the mass to orbit. Reusability incurs mass penalty, period.
>Reusable Centaur study. Volume 1: Executive summary
>March 15, 1974
>A study of the Reusable Centaur for use as an initial upper stage with the space shuttle was conducted. The currently operative Centaur stage, with modifications for space shuttle orbiter compatibility and for improved performance, represents a cost effective development solution. The performance needs and available development funds are discussed. The main features of three Reusable Centaur configurations with increasing capability at increasing development costs are summarized.
No because your centaur is a separate entity that refills on its own. It’s ULA’s problem. You skip needing to bring the kickstage and you optimize for mass to orbit, then somehow finagle a centaur to get it into a higher energy orbit. Where does the mass penalty take place here?
>Where does the mass penalty take place here?
On the reusable Centaur.
Jeff's checkbook does qualify as a revenue source. Pretty dependable one.
Why because it needs to save fuel in order to get back to a lower orbit to refill again? This problem is fixed by it topping off in a lower orbit
>hauled off to be reprocessed with new payloads
Nope, too expensive and would take too long. Think bigger. Standard air freight containers loaded on the stand during fueling
>so what's up with that ULA sale?
>No one is willing to meet the parents' price. Both Jeff Bezos and Fatih Ozmen, among others, have kicked the tires and apparently not found the value they wanted.
How embarrassing.
Now replace “Jeff’s checkbook” with “Axiom’s owner’s checkbooks” and you see the problem. Well’s running dry. That’s not a revenue source, or rather, it’s a dependable one that isn’t sustainable
Wasn’t ULA hyper-undervalued at only like $1 bil?? Can Jeff not match that?!
You're still thinking too small. Add wide docking ports and spiral staircases to the noses. Build a radial center unit with a zero G docking port along the axis of rotation. Add wet workshop Starships. You now have spin gravity with a >120m radius at the bottoms of the tanks. That gets you 1g at under 2.8rpm.
It's not fully reusable if it doesn't return to earth, and return to earth requires a heat shield, fuel for the boostback burn, and other considerations to safely land.
Do you not understand this or what? Why do you think falcon 9 has more payload to orbit when expended compared to reused? Why do you think starship is so fucking heavy?
Reuse has Inherent mass penalties. You can't escape that, only minimize it.

>Bro just refill
Holy shit. Go back and read the posts you were responding to.
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Elon is giving sight to the blind, and yet they still refuse to worship him.
How many more miracles will it take?
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>"Sources familiar with the company’s operations told Forbes that co-founder and CEO Michael Suffredini, who spent 30 years at NASA, ran Axiom like a big government program instead of the resource-constrained startup it really was. His mandate to staff up to 800 workers by the end of 2022 led to mass hiring so detached from product development needs that new engineers often found themselves with nothing to do."
>What’s their approx asking price?
>More than $2 billion, apparently.

It's absurd that LM/Boeing would think ULA is worth more than $2 billion. The only valuable part of the company is the staff and they've been leaving so fast it's going to put the brakes on Tory's launch goals for next year
He can fund them for another century at the level he has for the past 23 years, assuming his investments simply track inflation. At that point, he'd still have half his money left.
I don’t think the plan for a reusable centaur is to ever bring it back into the atmosphere
I can't wait for ULA to be literally unsellable because its workforce evaporated.
It was more a dig against Axiom. They can’t afford it. I know Bezos can (he’s got lots of money and I am very envious)
Arguably already the case
How is that a fully reusable rocket then?
Read the posts you are replying to holy fuck.
I can't wait for ULA to be literally unsellable because its marketshare evaporated.
What the fuck are you talking about?? You just keep saying “go back and reread” but nothing was missed?
I’m just saying I believe it’s Tory’s intention for this “reusable centaur” he keeps hinting at to always be in space
Anduril will buy ULA.
Turning used centaur into a spacetug counts as recycle, but you are still one second stage short down the gravity well.
porque no los dos?
>los dos
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If you missed the aurora last night, there's a (very) partial lunar eclipse going on right now
Yeah that's not a fully reusable rocket dude. How are you getting your payloads to space with your centaur which is... In space. You are describing a space tug, which still requires things to be yeeted into space by a rocket.

If we go all the way back to the original post here
You can see I was talking about a fully reusable rocket having Inherent mass penalties that make getting to high energy orbits incredibly difficult without refueling. That was the point of the post. You cannot have a fully reusable rocket and have it be high energy. You can only have one or the other.

All you did was say exactly what I said which is that refueling is needed for higher energy orbits, just in a different way lmao.
The flame of the west? The sword reforged??
I know it's a joke, but is there anything ULA would even have for Anduril? Any employees they want from there, they can probably just recruit.
It's ULA. The real problem was no first stage or booster reuse.
it's going to slow down a lot before they try to catch it
its initial speed is irrelevant at that point
they already got the last one to stop when it was falling to pieces
it'll be fine
It's the same problem that the old OTV plans had with the space shuttle. Centaur V/ACES is a good space tug but there's no cost-effective way to get fuel up to it.
Yup as soon as I posted I realized you specified both in that post and I felt like a simpleton, and yes I was thinking of centaur being utilized as a space tug in this instance lol.
I agree with you then in everything you said. You can’t have your cake and eat it to. If you have some fully reusable + high energy system then it’s probably running on unicorn blood and fairy dust.
This is what Bruno tries to attack Starship for, calling it “LEO Optimized”
That's where the ULA space economy map comes in (not the "expendable launch vehicles" edit). The goal was to mine ice on the moon and NEAs, ship it to orbital depots, and use solar power to crack/chill to hydrologgs.
They'll do absolutely anything to avoid refueling from a terrestrial source, won't they
More mass penalties

To be fair it is Leo optimized.

That's the best solution for orbital refill honestly but it's way too far off to matter in the near term. Ideally we would have a mass driver on the moon for even better cost savings on sending fuel to LEO.
This just seems even more expensive / logistically annoying than trying to ship it up from earth
Earths Gravity well is just that much of a tyrant. It's genuinely way easier to send fuel from the moon to LEO than it is to send fuel from earth to LEO in terms of ∆v
For that you need to have ice mining outposts on the moon and water cracking refineries in orbit, as well as all of the transport infrastructure to make shipping raw materials between them economically viable, and have the Earthside budget and political support to maintain permanent off-world mining colonies. Building fucking Zeon is a bit of an ask when you're talking about a cheaper way to get payloads from LEO to GEO, especially when those payloads have yet to even try and exceed 10,000 kg. Launching a payload on an expendable rocket followed by launching a big kick stage on a second rocket of the same type will always be cheaper than ULA's space infrastructure dreams.
Yeah that's what "ideally" means. It's not happening any time soon. Mass driver would be ultra cheap though if it could be built, but that requires high demand to justify and we aren't anywhere near that level yet.
It seems Elon has traded all of that for just trying to chase cheaper launch costs. Hell even if there were magically huge carbon deposits on the Moon, the fact that SS runs on methalox means it’s probably still easier to just pump natural LNG on earth and send it up on a giant rocket optimized for as low of cost as possible than to try and ISRU it on the Moon. Maybe.
If Starship ran on hydrolox would it be cheaper to just land crackships on the Moon and get that back to LEO vs trying to send it up from Earth? Bezos is committed to hydrolox upper stages and he’s playing around with what might end up being a NG Starship-like clone. Wonder if this is an avenue he would ever explore, or if it would even be worth exploring
>lunar colonies and resource extraction at scale in order to support oldspace-style objectives
It's like that godawful Ad Astra movie
>Hell even if there were magically huge carbon deposits on the Moon
There will be. Every time we look a little harder, there's more carbon and more water.
Moon can support methane ISRU. I remember angry boomer on yt reported on that back in june
This is why they hate Elon.
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With all the regulation lawfare against SpaceX, should Elon divest from American and move starship operations to China?
Now you're just baiting.
Thanks anon, had a look.
oh I went outside and I thought the Moon looked a little weird, that explains it
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Reminder, there is no trust between SpaceX and FAA. All non-sense about them having good relations is just deflection.
>partial lunar eclipse
hehe no that was me sorry, I had a little bite
hehe sorry I got hungry
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>Interestingly, United plans to get the actual retrofits done within two days — and may even be able to split this up into two parts, where the process starts while the aircraft is in base for one night, is suspended as the plane goes into flight for the day, then completed on the second night.
>As it turns out, the actual satellite terminal is much smaller and easier to set up than the ones United currently uses. “It’s another great example of where Starlink is pretty incredible. It’s really well-engineered. It’s a very simple product. It’s much simpler than what we already have on the airplane,” Jojo said. “The [satellite systems that use] geosynchronous orbits have moving parts inside. The antennas track the satellites as the plane is flying. Starlink doesn’t need that. There’s no more moving parts inside the Starlink modules. It’s very modular.”
>getting paid $32k to write some bullshit
how do we get in on this grift?
great. now every other airliner fall in line and buy your starlink terminals. im sick of shitty airline wifi that costs like $20/hr to use
what color is your skin?
Dye your hair pink and purple and make up some nonsense about how white people are responsible for all the world's suffering
Alaska wifi is free for me but still sucks ass. I'd love a Starlink upgrade.
That's pocket change. Get into McKinsey and you can charge 4 million to say trash bags should be kept inside garbage bins.
>we have an alaskan anon
Does someone have the 'nothing is beyond our reach' image?
>2500 United planes turning on $10K starlink/m
$10,000 x 2500 x 12 = $300M per year deal

They were previously using Viasat or Hughes right? Thats a huge loss
>Currently, United is using a mix of four different providers — Gogo, Thales, Panasonic and Viasat
The fuel cost is like 500k vs the 15 mil of the upper stage of F9
It would be much cheaper
You dont seem to get the point of Starship, its going to be cheaper than even the smallest, shittiest smallsat launcher due to full and rapid reusability
The relative size to the station is irrelevant as well, starship cando stationkeeping while docked no problem
Is it really worth it for them to pay $300M per year to provide free wifi?
Likely isnt their whole fleet, and they wouldve been able to negotiate a 'buy in bulk' deal of some sort. Real price is probably allot lower.
Again, what matters is cost
How have people forgot the point of Starship? Its not that its a big launcher
Its big so its easier to fully reuse, thats it
Full reuse a d high cadence -> cheap
Why not a smaller rocket that is still fully reusable, costs less because it needs less fuel, and is appropriately sized for small space stations?

Instead of 500k for fuel it'd be like 10 times less because the rocket is smaller, resulting in even cheaper per seat cost for crew. Nova will be the future of crew transport IMHO.
$10K/m per sat/plane is cheap for unlimited highspeed/low latency business class internet.

Imagine what they were paying for their old service providers for dogshit dialup tier internet, probably atleast 2X more.
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Alaska Airlines has like half the gates at SeaTac. Besides, Astranon was in the building at mission control for a few Alaska launches including LV0009.
2500 is the total number of planes planned to install Starlink so far, so the $300 million is spread across several airlines.
>United expects to have Starlink on all United aircraft – more than 1,000 planes – over the next several years. Testing begins in early 2025 with the first passenger flights expected later that year.
It's the entire fleet.
I don't understand. It took Voyager 1 under two years to reach Jupiter. I understand that it needs to be travelling slower to enter Jupiter orbit, but these travel times are still so ridiculous. Instead of doing all these gravity assists, why not just launch at a slower velocity?
They did diversify with the spacesuits but if you follow the model of subcontracting everything and lose money with every diversified business line yhen obviously that just loses you even more money
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>During her update on Commercial low Earth orbit development at today’s NAC-HEO committee meeting, NASA’s Robyn Gatens shares the following slides regarding accomplishments and upcoming milestones from both funded and unfunded commercial stations:
There is a big difference between having a billion and having 100 billion
With the former you blow through it with a couple of crew dragon trips, with the latter you can keep up a couple of billions a year indefinitely just with the appreciation of zero risk long term bonds
They are fucked, no way to turn this around in time even if they had the talebt (they dont)
What government brainrot does to a person.
unrelated but i hate namefags with a burning passion
Yep that felt like cope and muks being polite in the past hoping it wouldnt cone to this
They were slow and incompetent before, they are openly hostile now (motivated by partisan politics)
>no axiom
its over
Because doing full reuse on a smaller rocket is extremely difficult
Maybe stoke works out, who knows, but they are doing very non conventional things with the pseudo aerospike/active heatshield
Regen cooling has been done with engines for decades. I don't see how doing it with a heat shield is somehow super risky or unconventional.
>so it has cone to this
Elon installs VLC.
Absolute mogging. They're delaying Starship because SpaceX could very well do 99% in the coming years
You dont see how a pseudo aerospike is unconventional
Musk also called for the firing of the leadership of the FAA
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Saarliner status?
*static firing booster engines at
I wonder if she put SpaceX in there so she could say commercial EVA development is going well without mentioning Axiom. That or NASA always see Starship as the safe fallback despite not selecting SpaceX for the CLDP program. Otherwise there's no reason to put SpaceX update on the slide.
And I'm not saying its bad, its very cool
Its just not guaranteed to work
The first stage of stoke is much more conventional with the retropripulsive booster landing shown to work with F9
Starship suoer heavy follows F9 and starship itself follows conventional capsule re-entry, though you could say a reusable heat shiel is still unproven tech wise
The bellyflop manue er was also unproven before spacex tested and demonstrated it, but not anymore
Sure, the aerospike is unconventional, but the heat shield definitely isn't that unconventional. The science of Regen cooling is well understood. All they are doing is applying it to a steel heat shield. I don't see any reason why the heat shield wouldn't work.
so basically what your argument is, New Glenn will win because Starship is going to fail
MPC-HC bros...
>interest rate change tomorrow
expect multiple companies to be throw against the ropes as their sources of funding immediately dry up
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>6 trips

>pdr complete
>pressure testing
>doubled employee count
>still set for q3-4 2025
>accelerating pace
>haven demo finally given date of q1 2025 and its integration
>testing of life support and structural capabilities soon
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That reminds me, SpaceX already launched 87% of all mass to orbit in Q1 2024, just a little bit short of 90-91%, which would be almost an entire order of magnitude more than the rest of the world combined. Yeah, a single company launching ≈10 times more than everyone else combined. This kind of mogging is so absurd and insane that it's even difficult to put it in a different context to understand it.
Look at the difference in filled space between the top and bottom. Vast and SpaceX have so many accomplishments under their belt and many future goals. Says more than enough of how CLD is going. And Vast was late to the game!!
the rate is expected to go down, which will make funding cheaper actually
whether this translates to investors seeing it as a positive or negative depends on the circumstances
interest rates cuts are good during normal times (cheaper capital), but bad if its actually a recession and the interest rate cut is seen as a way to deal with that (i.e. the unemployment rate has gotten so high that the FED is forced to cut interest rates even if the inflation rate goal has not been reached yet)
Absolutely brutal, at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if every other commercial launch provider was lobbying the FAA/EPA to slow down SpaceX so they get a chance to compete.
quintessential oldspace vs newspace
or everyone else vs SpaceX and its alumns
Elon sueing the democrat govt will sure help him when kamala arrests him
More like Oak Ridge bros where's my fucking plutonium
What zero plutonium does to a mfer
what do you expect him to do?
>spacex/musk is a frau-
that pic is so powerful. literally the only thing you have to show to silence all skeptics and naysayers forever, that's it. it's impossible to deboonk, numbers don't lie.
see >>16385708
>literally the only thing you have to show to silence all skeptics and naysayers forever
nope they dont care. EDS is a real thing. there's a whole reddit where all they do is continually rage about him in every single thread. even in space articles on ars they'll say they hate elon and want him to disappear forever.
Falcon 9's unrelenting dominance plus the incredible feats of IFT4 really had to have jolted them into a panic. This must all seem so bizarre, sudden, and genuinely scary to them. Kek.
if these people are anti-space, thats simply not going to work
those are just shills
who else cares enough spend all that time hating

Boeing is a weapons platform developer, military contractors are infamous for this shady bullshit in all fields not just spacefaring
they're used to lobbying, greasing palms, silencing whistleblowers, not being competent

that's why they think they can use a tiny vocal minority to sway things back in their favor
instead of putting up and making the necessary investments to compete
>who else cares enough spend all that time hating
Whoever is brainwashed adopts the default EDS programming. LMAO.
let me make this clearer to you
Imagine you have been looking at how an industry dominated by the government is going for your whole young life, there has been no progress in decades
You decide to see if you can make it go quicker using different methods and you build a company to do this
You succeed massively and continue to succeed massively compared to the ongoing governmental and pseudo-govermental efforts.
Now there comes up a situation where there are people that think people in general should not be able to build or operate big companies at all, only government and pseudo-government activity is tolerated.
What you are suggesting is helping/submitting to the people that don't want you to be control of your company at all, or companies to be controlled by singular founders at all. Submitting and thus giving up control is akin to giving up the mission you started the company for in the first place, as the government and pseudo-government entities simply can't do what you do and if you cede control, progress stops.
it goes way, way beyond shilling
Musk succeeding as radically as he has is a direct threat to their worldview in many cases and then you have a lot of people just following the herd (Reddit used to love Musk, now they hate him, in both cases most of the praise or criticism was similarly unreasoned or badly reasoned)
Hiding under a shed, licking its wounds
robo supereyes lfg swap em out scotty, I want the IR vision, the Radar vision, the UV vision, all of it at an insane resolution and have some kind of mind controlled zoom function. Unethical to take my eyes out? Oh well looks like they are going to have an accident with a kitchen knife and now you have to give me robot eyes :^)

cyborg bros
>Nova will be the future of crew transport IMHO.

I can certainly see it delivering a LOT for quite a while, I used to be type A but the government is fucking that up real bad. Going to be a long time before Starship gets man rated at this rate too. There is a lot of lunch to be eaten while SpaceXs limited starship launches are dominated by increasingly larger and heavier starlinks with almost no capacity for anyone else except the DoD. Exactly like it is now with Falcon 9. Amazon Kuiper is a great example, they are losing money at an astounding rate and would instantly scoop up every single launch at ~500k per 5t to LEO. They would probably do it for 100x that price. Then there is all the budding orbital manufacturing sector, how are they going to get their shit back? Are they really going to each design their own unique re-entry vehicle? Or will they just buy downmass from a Stoke launch that uses it's upper stage performance to do collections from multiple places before coming back. I'm pretty sure they won't be quibbling over Stoke pricing.

The problem with man rating stokes upper stage is that all that human bullshit is really heavy. Crew Dragon is 12.5t. I suspect a lot of this weight is absorbed within stokes upper stage. All the propulsion, propellant and guidance crap is already built into the upper stage and you lose the heatshield mass too. So a lot of weight off, but getting a 4 person capsule down to 5t? I mean, maybe?
not to mention a LAS mode for the aerospike
you guys saw what happened with those pagers in Lebanon
Isn't most of the mass just starlinks? It's not that impressive in this case because Musk is artificially increasing the demand for Falcon launches. Competitors simply don't need to put as much mass into orbit, because demand is much lower.
artificially? Starlink is destroying the other satellite internet providers, its not just pointless mass you retard
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Simply ignore the Gateway.
Send up your own lunar orbital outpost.
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>china will be launching a re-entry capsule demonstrator early next month
what are we talking about here? what kind of "capsule"? like dragon or like varda?
Starlink is a fucking money printer, not some dummy payloads
kickstarting your own self-sustaining space industry is good actually
The real difference in mass. Voyager 1 dry mass was about 720 kg. EC is 3240 kg. Flyby missions are aways very light, but they don't carry much scientific payload either.
>starlink doesn't count because reasons!1
kek, based retard
Correcting myself, that is fully loaded+wet mass. Dragon dry mass is 7.7t. Once you lose the heatshield, engines, thrusters, electronics, batteries, piping, etc etc that's already in the upper stage, it's probably close to 5t. Hm, maybe it is doable. And you could have 7 seats in too like dragon was meant to. 500k divided by 7 people is 71k each. That's WAY affordable and if you have 7 people to downmass back to urf then the cost is just over 35k. That's nothing. Downmass capabilities are way underrated.
Why is SpaceX there? They're not making a space station.
yes they are
Starship is a space station
BOs module would be sweet if it wasn't BO doing it. I hoped Jeff would whip them into shape but after seeing him talk to Tim Dodd I really doubt it. Imagine taking those modules and stacking them 50 high, counterbalaced by another 50 spinning around. Jeff could do it if he wasn't gay.
Starlink creates more revenue for SpaceX than others
Why isn't Elon investing in a Biosphere-like research project tailored towards testing a self-sustaining Martian habitat?
Because there’s not a single good reason to justify spending time / resources on something like that at the moment?

"The Mossad injected a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It's very hard to detect it through any means. Even with any device or scanner," the source said.

The source said 3,000 of the pagers exploded when a coded message was sent to them, simultaneously activating the explosives.

Anoter security source told Reuters that up to three grams of explosives were hidden in the new pagers and had gone "undetected" by Hezbollah for months.
> But the suits program sucked engineers and resources away from the station effort, and the passenger service to the ISS proved to be a money-hemorrhaging distraction, former employees said. “Turns out that there's not a lot of billionaires that want to set aside their life for 18 months to go train to be an astronaut for the ISS,” a former Axiom executive told Forbes.
similar stuff that has been happening with BO, they do 15 different projects simultaneously and nothing progresses
Not sure if this has been posted on /sfg/ yet, but it looks like Rocket Lab's Venus mission finally has a tentative launch date (December 30)
>Venus Life Finder
>won’t find life
That’s why you keep missions names more neutral. Something like “Venus Life Investigator” would have been more appropriate
>atmospheric venusian entry probe based on Deep Space 2
>no camera
Mr. Beck wtf?! I respect the weekend warrior attitude of this mission, more of a “look how easy space can be, we are building this as a side project for cheap” but EVERY DESCENT PROBE NEEDS A CAMERA DAMMIT
It begs the question: how do you turn a profit in space?? Besides hunting for NASA contracts? If you compete for contracts and lose, you’re not seeing cash flow. If you invest in niche money-hungry ideas like new shepard/axiom training/bigelow commercial stations, obviously you’re not going to make money.
Whoever at SpaceX first proposed the idea of a satellite internet megaconstellation with a subscription-based model was an absolute genius. But not everyone can just copy this idea and expect to generate money. How the fuck are you supposed to start a business in this industry and turn a healthy profit, seriously
It certainly feels quite bleak for profitable business in space right now, BUT
>billionaires are prepared to throw tons of resources at the problem with only legacy on the line
>optimistically as rocketry and material science advances, more avenues for utilising space will open
Do this.
Technology & Manufacturing (produce and sell satellites, rocket vehicles or components like rocket engines)
Space Services (offer launch services, space tourism, space station operations for customers, space debris removal, space advertising)
Data & Imagery (earth observation, analytics i.e. cost analysis or insurance or logistics, space weather monitoring)
Comms (satellite communications, navigation systems for earth or moon/mars, space based broadband)
Resource utilization (space m*ning, orbital manufacturing, data centers/space based solar power)
Academic grift (NASA contracts, defense contracts, government-funded research)

All of these are either impossible unless you are the first mover, super fucking rich, lucky, or a sleazeball with academic/defense connections
if in-space manufacturing doesn't work out, I don't see many (or any really) industries working out
communication is obviously one but you covered it, earth imagining is going to stay very niche and its a crowded space
Space tourism requires very cheap launch, it might work out but depending on NASA as a anchor tenant before that doesn't seem to be working out
then you have the niches serving these industries (communication, manufacturing, tourism) but they are small relatively speaking
things like satellite buses, satellite components that are not whole buses, kick stages/space tugs
there is really no other killer app besides satellite broadband or cellular right now
whether manufacturing works out remains to be seen, depends how useful the variable gravity actually turns out to be
I never thought Falcon 9 would be doing rideshares. For a long time many people were questioning whether transporter 1 would ever happen. Now, I’m shocked at the amount of customers out there building payloads willing to launch. I ate crow there—and now I’m wondering if there is a market to BUILD custom missions?? Half these damn missions fail because the hardware is expensive and artisanal. One-off craft builds by inexperienced teams.
Rocket lab has a good idea trying to consolidate it and honestly I think their satellite service is a better business model than Neutron will be, but Neutron will probably eat into their running costs and kill them possibly. A company that does something like venus life finder demo, where you’re just reusing old hardware and R&D like deep space 2 and the repurposed AFN instrument design is neat. Just design a bunch of common instruments and do custom low-cost missions for universities and whoever these small LLCs are that keep doing rideshares. Just design your shit to launch on Starship
Plus NASA gives out gimmes, like asking RL to do ESCAPADE. You could swipe that right from under RL and start making money from those contracts as well. Any time NASA is tight on money but directed by congress to do XYZ anyways they would come crawling back to you
>there is really no other killer app besides satellite broadband or cellular right now
because everyone is on earth. we need to get them off the planet, but we cant because its too expensive. its a chicken and egg problem.
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The science community really should throw its full weight towards space observatories to REALLY figure out the laws of physics.
Think about it, an absolutely massive, ultra capable fleet of telescopes, planetary probes beyond our flagship mission dreams, and other novel science instruments in space is going to yield more science return that building another particle accelerator. These can now be done on the cheap, and the missions can be risk tolerant. Fuck around and find out.
Human missions have too much pucker factor, Im all into the robotic exploration missions, robot are NOT absolute fragile, afraid pussies, and with AI and high speed data, these missions should accomplish greatness.
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"In our defense, we were pretty wasted when we wrote this paper. Whippits and tequila is a bad mix."


Normal of the human
with starship something like that might actually happen
One of my favourite ways to go about this is to have them build, and also suffer the smallest they can for the longest period of time, before TAKING what seems an enumerable amount more by tricking them with small things like a hidden referee switching the tides of an implemented war where they keep punishing each other for thousands of years. This is not really what my mind will produce, but it has this scent.
nah they will just pivot to how he's polluting LEO with junk satellites or something
just to let you guys know, it's real
The "silent majority" absolutely agrees, but remain silent or actually vocalize opposition to this, because of intense peer pressure. We are literally held hostage and are forced to live a lie, or sacrifice everything. How the fuck did we get here?
Is anyone here interested in space outside of spaceflight, space colonization and extraterrestrial life? I don't care what is the composition of Jupiter or Saturn, unless its about atmospheric mining, I don't care about the axis of Uranus. Dead matter is completely uninteresting to me unless it has some connection or usefulness for life.
I do. I spend most of my time reading about space, watching videos about space, thinking about space. I'd imagine this general is mostly filled with rocket autists and people invested in SpaceX/etc. I don't really know much about all that, I just want more lander probes.
The moar you notice.
We are not actually crazy, we are not becoming radicalized, we objectively have the evidence to prove with like 50 sigma significance this is happening before our very eyes, and cant do a damn thing about it. We need a hero at this point.
I feel like there will be a resurgence in astrology when spaceflight becomes vastly more prevalent. Like with all the superstitious shit sailors had, but in space.
What is medium fidelity human in the loop tests?
>Starship was not supposed to win HLS
Incredible, it was all just gonna be grift before SpaceX threw their hat in the ring
Does anyone remember the scene from the end of Gattaca where everyone goes to space in a business suit? Cause Space tourism will never take off until we reach that point as even if space launches are cheap most people aren't gonna be able to do it if you need months of training just for a short flight.
Humans working on medium-fidelity hardware. Not medium-fidelity humans kek
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>france will start building satellites that will be used to mark targets in LEO that are to be attacked by ground-based weapons

Chinese Researchers Say They Can Detect Stealth Aircraft Using Starlink Satellites

>As the South China Morning Post reports, the team used a DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone as a stand-in for such an aircraft for an experiment. Using a ground-based radar system, the team spotted the tiny drone thanks to the radiation emitted by a Starlink satellite, which was flying over the Philippines at the time.
>This idea is that when an aircraft passes between a satellite and an antenna back on the ground, it can scatter the satellite's electromagnetic waves — ripples that can be picked up by ground-based radar to identify targets.
>Thanks to the thousands of Starlink satellites that have been launched by SpaceX so far, scientists are now hoping to use disturbances in the high-frequency radio signals to track stealth aircraft.

havent i seen something like this before?
>china says
lemme guess, they can get a "track" that is about as fuzzy as a dog's ass.
Swap the locations of the astrologer and the NASA fanboy.
sometimes as trivia knowledge but not really anymore than any other obscure topic if I don't need to know something
Explain the chinese then.
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>We need a hero at this point.
Honorary aryans.
That was the japanese
Japs need to launch more if they want to get the title back.
anything going on today?
Nature's most perfect mimic, they can replicate anything at slightly shoddier quality than the original.
Electron and Long march launches. So no.
The Chinese are inherent (baked into their DNA) collectivists. Everything they do is for national pride. They are also distrustful of and aggressive towards anyone who is not Han. Their entire culture revolves around them being the center of heaven. Therefore they must, because it is a mandate.
Rocket lab launch, LM3B launch,
wouldnt the big brain asat play be to launch a configuration of large focus mirrors that can be used to target both satellites and interceptors?
> French startup U-space will work with multinational missile supplier MBDA to develop a pair of satellites to demonstrate spacecraft detection, characterization and targeting. The program, known as Toutatis, includes a 12-unit “Spotter” cubesat and a smaller target cubesat.
just attack at night lol.
the idea is obviously to go further than leo so you have global coverage 24/7
>30 years at NASA
>800 workers by 22'
>nothing to do
Makes you wonder how much dead weight is hanging around NASA especially in places like JPL
With SpaceX being a private business, you can refuse service to anyone you want. Ergo you can refuse service to bureaucrats like this whos only plan is to regulate. SpaceX would also be operating on what is legal high seas, they could also likely lay claim to it themselves as current countries agreed to not to lay claim to other bodies in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty.
he got fired
And? Slimy rats like that usually pick up jobs somewhere else anyways.
It's outright bene gesserit population engineering, albeit not the result of an intentional project. The west is has most of its genetics coming from individualistic Germanic tribes and most of it's cultural roots coming from the Roman Empire, which was itself a huge weebpile for the highly individualistic Grecian city-states. Meanwhile, China's been living under some shape of centralized imperial dynasty for the last four thousand years which has endowed them with an instinctual reverence for authority. It's not gone on long enough for them to be considered a separate species, but it's getting there.
A joke about regulating Mars from someone like this is no joke at all. Even if he has no authority anymore, sooner or later someone with authority will say the same thing and will not be joking
Not as much as the memes would lead you to expect, but way more than should be tolerated by any reasonable nation
The centralized government thing is very insane, it's no wonder they took to communism (and then immediately added 'Chinese characteristics), they've basically had the same form of government since the dawn of recorded history. It's also hindered them though, and my sixth sense is tingeling. I think the Chinese space program is going to start missing goals here soon.
Yes, IIRC any long wavelength signal will work. I think it's also been done with TV broadcasts and even X-band weather radar. It was similarly received as "great, you have a signal shadow you still can't use to target anything, but at least you know a stealth plane is there". Russia pivoted pretty hard into thermal detection after that, as well as looking at some pretty interesting fisheye lens star trackers getting reused to detect high speed movement in visual wavelengths
You can blind fire after doing the math on the expected track vs speed, hoping the plane and pilot don't notice your launch (lol)
China's done a very good job keeping their goals slow and incremental and they haven't had to deal with the megaprojects and chief designer drama that wrecked the Soviets. The safe bet when someone says that China is on the verge of implosion is to assume that China isn't going to implode. That said, the Chinese space program does rely on patronage from a stable central government and an economy that can afford to spend a lot of money on prestige projects. China's economy is a huge bubble built on top of even more gigantic bubbles and the flight of cheap manufacturing to places like Vietnam and India could easily take out the wrong load-bearing fund or institution. Also, Xi Jinping is 71 years old and his death or retirement is going to cause the kind of dynastic power struggle we haven't seen in China in a very long time.

MSR by 2028 and flags-and-footprints on the moon by 2029 is still safe bets, but the Xuntian space telescope and their outer planets probes have undergone a few rounds of schedule slippage. Anything further out that that should be regarded as speculative.
>power exists
Wow. Deep, anon.
> flight of cheap manufacturing to places... india
Lol, not happening. Expect ethiopia to industrialize before india does.
Sadly a few industries are jumping. Some motorcycle companies are building their cheaper/smaller bikes in India. This works about as poorly as you'd expect and India's own Royal Enfield brand is both slow AND poorly made.
>>power exists
Step 1: identify the problem
Step 2: remove the source of the problem
>anarchy will work this time bro trust me mars is different
>anarchy is me not being in power
wow, deep
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>Russia pivots to IRST
>US paints their fighters with an awesome metallic coat
Thanks russia
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>Slides for the Cabinet Briefing Live
>1. Soorya/NGLV - $988M - 96 Months for development
>2. Chandrayaan 4 - $252M - 36 Months for development
>3. Gaganyaan Follow up & BAS 1 - $2.4B (2028)
>4. Venus Orbiter Mission - $148M (Mar 2028)

India's funding things. They're even starting to name their rockets something other than acronyms.
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Is that 30 tons reusable?
And 3 stages on a reusable rocket is an interesting choice.
>Clipper might be the spacecraft to discover extraterrestrial life, it might even be able to catch a microbe on ejecta if we're extremely lucky.
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the latest hit piece making the rounds
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I'm pretty sure that the 30 ton payload is for the expendable version with the SRBs
>muh joos!!
Go back >>>/pol/
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Big whoop its the typical astroonomer bitching stop posting it
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It makes sense to me. Regardless of how many stages you have, the first is the most expensive. It probably costs more than 2 and 3 combined. Plus one of the biggest short comings of reusable rockets is the low staging killing high energy payload mass. Adding a third stage mitigates that to an extent.
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the director of the astroonomer group
>remove malicious power
>"Oh noes, anarchy!"
You are a useful idiot and you will face the wall in the end.
was the car bomb in space? no? then fuck off back to >>>/pol/
Not spaceflight fuck off >>>/pol/
What if it was in space?
Its not so shut up retard
>China's economy is a huge bubble
They basically went from communism induced substance farming to a fully developed economy in the span of thirty years. The value associated with China increasing quickly is inevitable. What would even pop?
>his death or retirement is going to cause the kind of dynastic power struggle we haven't seen in China in a very long time

Reminder: China’s current regime is the longest span of time it has been unified in its entire history.
Yeah but what if it was?
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
You forgot taiwan chang :)
What else but real estate
The world shrank. The conditions are wildly different. I wouldn't get my hopes up.
I did.
The real estate market is totally artificial there though. It was already on the brink and they just went in and fixed it.
>make retarded
>person you're making hypothetical to doesn't give a fuck and won't waste his time with it
>y-you don't understand hypotheticals.
do you think women don't understand you when they ignore you as well? i get that nigs can't abstract into past, present and future but that doesn't apply here, your retarded hypothetical just got denied.
>i-i-i can understand hypotheticals I'm just choosing not too!!!!!
look, anon, i'm not even the anon you originally applied to, at this point you're just sour because people denied your request to discuss the /pol/ topic of the day.
just discuss spessflight.
what's your favourite Soyuz variant?
lol i'm not the guy who posted the /pol/ thing either.
How would you feel if the shuttle was still flying?
i'd probably feel no different because humans can only contrast bad with good.
there wouldn't have been any reason for commercial contracts and thus spacex would never have come into existence, we wouldn't have had the luxury of comparing the shittle with G.O.A.T spacex, and thus wouldn't have the knowledge that there is a better way.
back before spacex you could've likened it to asking a victorian era serf how he feels about dying because of simple diarrhea, "it's a part of life" he says.
I’m not either of you guys
Who cares about soyuz variants the original r-7 is where it’s at. so pointy.
Depends on how high they could get the launch rate up post Columbia and if dragon still became a thing. I don’t hate shuttle as much as /sfg/ wants me to.
this is me
Now you look like an idiot
i am none of these people
/sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Schizophrenic Dissociation Edition

Previous - >>16386119
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Just launch a telescope into orbit? What's the issue here
Clever, if only it wasn't a 2 posts per minute board.
just put my greasy cock in your balls
Space telescopes are expensive and hard. But really the solution is to tell astronomers to shove it.
Eutelsat buys H3 flights
Nice to see MHI getting some work
Hopefully this funds something reusable
Yes, they hate Elon because he is good and they are evil.
Musk should get a few children and women in Cameron or some other African countries to write a rebuttal in full newspeak, accusing the Europeans of imperialism.
Get the Congolese in as well and demand reparation of the institute's entire budget for the next ten years.
Are any of these satellites actually mass limited by F9's 8300kg limit to GTO? Just add a baby kick stage.

Watching this video on Gravity Probe B just left me in awe of how complicated the whole fucking thing is. Every solution introduces more complications and they just keep piling on more and more complex solutions to those. Rube Goldberg himself would tell you to stop bullshitting at some point, but it just keeps going after that.

Of course, they fucked it up because it would be impossible to do all that crazy bullshit correctly in one go and the results they got were garbage.

I wish that type F and G stars weren't so short-lived. CRI 1 or bust.
lunar and solar eclipse are literally MOON EAT and SUN EAT in both Chinese and Japanese
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It's like a dollar or two per ticket. Of course passengers would be willing to pay that.

Soon not offering free high speed satellite wifi on flights will mean they would have to significantly cut prices to stay competitive with airlines that do, and by a lot more than $2 per ticket.
I have shitposted on /sfg/ over the Pacific on free EVA wifi, but it's limited to 1 hour per flight and the connection is not good.
based hater of evil
hope Elon succeeds and sell space station parts, space suits, supplies for fucking around on mars or private spacecraft
>Included among the articles that were published [was] a part of a chapter of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf rewritten in feminist language
impressive, very nice
Terrible example. Their program is based on Soviet technology.

Before you say that the American and Russian programs were based on the German program, yes, that is exactly the point.
But all of those nations have progressed beyond who they got their tech from. Both the americans and russians far exceed the A-4 and the chinese have long since surpassed the russians.
man will never be free until the last astronomer is strangled to death with the guts of the last journalist
>The regulatory state, which is oppressing progress, and the use of lawfare against individuals and companies have grown tremendously under this administration. There is no chance of getting humanity to Mars, unless there is regulatory reform.
Crazy to watch a figure like Elon get redpilled at 54. Maybe by the time he's 70 he'll learn to hide his power level
By the time he's 70 there won't be a need to.
Facebook is full of people like that
All he does is whining about migrants and the 'woke" without addressing its cause. Yes, he's right, but he won't change anything just by noticing stuff on twitter.
>Senators write Vice President Kamala Harris over her mismanagement of a $42 billion program to expand Internet.
>After 1038 days “not a single person has been connected to the internet using the $42.45 billion.”

Where did 42 billions go?

The difference between him and any other given middle-aged man is that nearly 200 million people follow his account, which distributes the noticing a little more than it usually would.
Trusted internet partners, who then donate a % of that to her campaign
Is the vice president typically the one to blame for this kind of thing?
I wonder when they'll start trying to claim "Lawfare" is an alt-right dog whistle.
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their punishment must be more severe
The question you should be asking is. Why would Jeff pay one as 1.00 United States Dollar for ULA?
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>was the car bomb in space?
all physical objects are in space, where else could they be?
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This is a running theme.
>california high speed rail, millions spent zero rail laid over 20 years
>money to combat homelessness "disappears"
>millions to install electric vehicle chargers and only 6 ever get installed
>billions spent on "connecting rural neighborhoods" but no one ever gets connected

It's fraud. that money is going into people's pockets. The government is corrupt. Welcome to the real world.
Nobody reads this shit anymore. Spamming musk tweets is garbage on par with spamming spitter randoms and EDSfags.
And why the fuck is noticing the most important thing to you in spaceflight general? Shut the fuck up you retarded election tourist get the fuck off this board
When the president has about as much ability to lead as a tapioca cup and the whole nation is being managed by a cabal of court eunuchs, yes
gtfo wannabe janny
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>CRI 1 or bust.
what is that
Inefficiency is the American word for corruption
He keeps claiming this but Spectrum has started connecting people. I hope he gets good money from Elon
Does she explaine why we need to waste time with permanent manned Leo?
Pop up in a StarShip take some photos and land.
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Constant FAA seethe is just off topic political talk disguised as spaceflight. Yes we all dont like regulation of space but trying to blend in with the regulars and sneak in 'vote Trump Kamala bad' every fucking chance you get more annoying and alienate the people youre trying to influence. Just discuss spaceflight and stop trying to insert your shit election politics INTO EVERY FUCKING HOUR OF THE DAY HOLY SHIT ITS DAY IN DAY OUT AT ANY POINT WE MUST BE TALKING ABOUT FAA AND TRUMP AND KAMALA BAD AND MUSK JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE WE HAVE HEARD IT OVER 1000 TIMES AT THIS FUCKING POINT DISCUSS FALCON 9 STARSHIP ANYTHING BUT REGULATIONS AND POLITICS FUCK SAKE I COME HERE TO NOT LISTEN TO THAT FOR A FUCKING REASON THIS ISNT THE POLITICAL BOARD
Kamala harris has been the worst president ever
You'll hear it until the election, only another 2 months.
I know. Thats the worst part.
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calm down
In another life, I would have really liked just talking about IFT-5 and -6 with you.
> giant impact theory of the Moon's origin btfo
Its over for Theiafags
So you admit youre just here to shill your candidate
to think we could be waiting for flight 6 right about now if not for the KAMALFAA
Dang, seriously?
I saw an Anton Petrov video on this, worth watching? I havent given it a go yet.
I’m over here thinking about the fire that broke out on Mir
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Calm down. I'm not even American.
long story short the moon is a planet that earth captured and made into her little pet. Gaia has been a lesbian couple with the moon ever since.
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>I saw an Anton Petrov video on this, worth watching?
>not reading the linked paper and saving time
Some pharmaceutical and pharma precursor production has been outsourced to India for some god-forsaken reason. So you end up with mind-boggling stories like FDA inspection teams finding workers in clean rooms running around barefoot or inspectors straight up getting poisoned when they try to mount a surprise inspection of a lab.
Space is political
Of course not. Most of those unified ancient dynasties lasted two centuries.
You sound like you vote blue.
There has always been a significant minority of scientists who were unsatisfied with le giant impact, even though popsci queers acted as if the question was completely settled
That's a valid opinion but you need to understand that it's 100% wrong. All caps doesn't make you louder either it just make you sound like a faggot, so don't that either
The moon needs to be sealed up and terraformed
seems pretty clear as he goes ballistic only after certain type of comments
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We should do this!
what else has pop sci lied to me about? Are aliens real?
>dynastic periods were free from internal wars

Go look at their list of wars. This is the longest period of time China has gone without fighting itself.
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>FAA is responsible to allowing space flight in the USA
>FAA doesn't something shitty, hampering space flight
>People shit on FAA
Nobody asked. Maybe tell your commie pals to stop interfering with spaceflight and it will stop.
I hope this shit analyses water ejected by big gaysers
Put elevators in the core of the trunks
If he's the polaris dawn spongebob-poster he's probably some euro zoomer
Not for long *invades Taiwan*
FAA = Females Against Astronautics
There’s a pretty big Taiwan political faction which favors reunification. If the current regime holds, they may not need a war.
The simplest self replicating molecule would require the spontaneous emergence and correct arrangement of roughly 100 different proteins. Studies have shown that the chances go down an order of magnitude for every protein you add. Let's say the chances of life emerging are 10^-50 per year per world with ideal conditions. Every star in the observable universe could have a planet with ideal conditions for a billion years and life still may not emerge. The speed of light and the chances of life did not collaborate to make star wars real. It's more likely that for every volume of space observable by life there is a million times more that will be empty forever. There are no aliens. There will never be any aliens.
If China wanted to invade Taiwan, they could do that today, but they're clearly aiming for a peaceful reunification.
>ywn stroll across the lunar sky
Yutu-2 is still operating
>China’s current regime is the longest span of time it has been unified in its entire history.
That's categorically false. And I can definitely find a 80 years period in their pre-1949 history that was internally peaceful.
>peaceful reunification
>Taiwan and China
You leave out that that faction wants reunification by overthrowing the CCP.
Fiery but mostly peaceful reunification.
It will go like Hong Kong protests. Lots of strong words from the west but no action.
What's the point of comparing things to something that hardly anyone has seen in person. I have no idea how big the statue looks irl
Damn. Gonna have to inform the big guy that he isn't real next time I get sleep paralysis then.
The KMT? Their official stance is that the CCP is in charge.
Okay chang.
We aren't even on page 1 wtf
These dudes thinking they live in Shadowrun
/sfg/ - sino fanfiction general
coincidentally, the EXACT same amount of time the FAA stopped launches for
could it be they didn't want successful launches of the biggest rocket ever made from an advocate of their rival to sway people

spacefaring has literally ALWAYS been political
did you think the Cold War spacerace was about advancing science

no, it was about intimidating their rivals with the threat of ICBMs and propagandizing their constituents with the idea of "progress"
as soon as the political need dried up, so did the program

it really is that simple
your problem is forgetting that life only needs to form once to be spread across the galaxy. even with astronomically bad odds.
yeah, we've known that's true for a while

there's very good evidence that the moon has actually grown in size over time, because some of the areas on it's surface are relatively free from impact craters while others are heavily potmarked

this suggests that those first areas are literally newer than the former, and the moon is slowly expanding and could be geologically active

yeah but why the fuck did it ring like a bell for hours when we hit it
that's the kind of shit that makes people think it's some kind of hyper advanced monitoring station or terraforming project
Wrong! There are fungi like organisms on mars. curiosity rover photographed them.
Doesn't work like that unfortunately. Posted that pic, guy just says it's made up. Okay, here's a list of all launches from this year
>uhhh look up how statistics work
I never figured out what he was even trying to say with that, but yeah basically he was 100% sure he is correct even when you showed the contrary. It was all either just fake, or skewed numbers
Well that's even easier to disprove because nothing is happening nearby.
Anything found on Mars will be from Earth. Possibly the other way around. But the processes there do not scale
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>Well that's even easier to disprove because nothing is happening nearby.
*that we know of*
Oh yeah I forgot, if you say anything good about SpaceX you're just doing it because you're a Musk fanboy, even if nobody has even mentioned that guy besides them. They're so anti-Musk, that in their head you must just be sucking Musk's dick. You're just talking about rockets, but they can't stop thinking about Elon Musk. It's pretty interesting to observe
Don’t forget the classic “elon musk’s companies are set up to keep his as far out of the loop as possible. They run in spite of him, not because of him”
>there's very good evidence that the moon has actually grown in size over time, because some of the areas on it's surface are relatively free from impact craters while others are heavily potmarked
link me up
>mumumumumu has ALWAYS been political
this is the sentence /pol/niggers use to insert their endless whining into every nook and cranny of 4chan.

yes, literally anything and everything having to do with humanity is either directly or indirectly linked with politics in some way, that's not an excuse for you to fill up literally EVERY SINGLE discussion space with fucking political conversations.
there's a board for that, it's called fucking /pol/ everyone who wants to talk about politics for 6 hours straight should go make threads there instead of whining about it here.
wrong and stupid
I am in strong support of Large Taiwan.
It's kind of how I expect US/China conflict to end anyway. Taiwan, the local US client state exerting control over useful manufacturing centers like Shenzhen, while the rest of mainland/interior China is provoked/encouraged by classical CIA tricks to splinter apart and stay preoccupied with infighting. I yearn for the kino of a modern day Warring States period.
Thank fuck atleast its not just me. Im so sick and tired of these election tourists ruining this general that Im having genuine spergouts because they ruin my hobby
>Geological activity means its expanding
Have you been IQ tested?
mind you, i'm pissed off about the regulatory lawfare too, and i don't agree with it.

but quite frankly, we've had like 2 threads now that has been NOTHING but talking about that shit and then slowly shifting more and more to tangential topics like the election rather than actual spaceflight related shit. at some point i just get fucking tired of it.
Can you two stop talking about Taiwan and China's geopolitics this is obviously not spaceflight and obviously political. How about this, discuss how Taiwan could make a counter station to Chinas Tiangong and maybe some Taiwanese startups that are looking to do something like that?
Hey when are you going to bitch about the off topic China discussion going on right now, or is your TDS not going to let you?
Yeah he just provides funding for his companies, with the billions that just appeared out of nowhere and not from running successful companies. He's just winning the lottery over and over by accidentally owning another successful business. Or then he's just a conman scamming the government out of money, but I'm not sure if anybody still has figured out what the con actually is
EXACTLY yes I said this earlier in that all caps one but we all hate regulation and osbtruction of SpaceX but its been used as an excuse to constantly discuss nothing but politics by election tourists, THEN they misconstrue me as some psycho bureaucrat when I just have heard this same exact message 1000 times over in the last week and its BEEN annoying for that long. They do it so they can 'justify' continuing the offtopic discussion by making it so that anyone who wants the general to stay about spaceflight and not politics is some insane monster that you shouldnt listen to. Its an obvious tactic.
He >>16386421 is not me >>16386431 >>16386286. I did it for you already

i swear to god these faggots that say spessflight is political therefore they should be able to discuss every fascet of american politics instead of spaceflight in this general are probably the exact same culprits behind the ICBM spergout we had a little while back.
probably all election tourists who overstayed their welcome and now feel entitled to talking about politics 24/7 because they haven't gotten a slap on the wrist for it yet.

i'm not saying never ever discuss politics 1984 style but fucking hell can we keep it to a minimum?

hey faggot, guess what i and other anons are already doing
>y-you told me to stop talking about politics therefore i assume you have TDS
i have neither TDS nor EDS now shut the FUCK up you fucking newfag.
That ICBM spergout had to 100% be bots theres no other way to explain 500 straight posts with some repeats. I dont know if they sent GPTs or something but holy fuck that was absolutely awful. And see they call you TDS or something else like I said they misconstrue you so they can continue shitting up the general.
there are more posts about you whining than post talking about the FAA at this point (and almost generally too)
this is probably all because of that one fucking vermin that spammed links to /sfg/ on /pol/ and insisted that flooding it with reddit transplants directly from the worst board on this site was healthy for this place.
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>yeah but why the fuck did it ring like a bell for hours when we hit it
>that's the kind of shit that makes people think it's some kind of hyper advanced monitoring station or terraforming project
>it vibrated therefore hyperborea
Are you retarded
you underestimate user autism, anon. 2 retards locking their retard beams can cause extreme stubbornness where they argue for literal hours.
rightfully so, it's been going on for a while and it's not surprising anons are starting to vent their frustration.
SpaceX just sued the FAA after the admin used it against them. There's reasonable cause for politics right now
I'm pretty sure bitching about the FAA has been a tenet of /sfg/ culture for a long while.
FAA being shit has been talked about for years faggot but now when there is undeniable evidence you want people to stop talking about it?
lol, lmao even
quick someone post that picture of Starship crashing into FAA
Bloody hell I hope SpaceX has enough money in their slush funds to grease palms out of this one bros.
yeah this happened LAST FUCKING THREAD NIGGA move on.
i probably have the EXACT same opinion on it that you do but quite frankly it's been discussed to death by now and you can see this stage's trajectory is veering dangerously off course because fags are starting to discuss everything tangential or even completely unrelated E.G the china taiwan mumbling.
Not for weeks on end you braindead retard thats all these fucking threads have been of you retards. Did you not read that people are complaining that you do it incessantly in every thread for weeks on end? Heres his post in case you missed it >>16386436
>i'm not saying never ever discuss politics 1984 style but fucking hell can we keep it to a minimum?
your hobby subject has been propaganda and weapons R&D from the start
no, not everything humans do is political
but this is definitely one of them

you might think of this as a hobby, but this is /sci/, not /tg/ or /toy/
very serious buisness, and pretending politics and warfare are irrelevant to this matter is highly naive
cope and seethe
yes for weeks
>I'm not sure if anybody still has figured out what the con actually is

Ok I’ll explain it. It’s a pretty complicated work, but here it is:

>Elon is providing a service of value at reasonable pricing.
can I get a QRD on the "ICBM spergout"
topics get discussed over multiple threads sometimes, why are you so unhinged about this particular topic (such as the commercial space stations have been discussed for like the past week)
>I have been forgotten
>no not everything humans do is political
actually virtually everything we do can be quantifyably related to politics.
>but this is one of them
yep, and we've already talked about it from here to pluto's fucking apoapsis, but you seem angry that there's pushback and you want to constantly turn every single goddamn conversation into a political one because you are OBSESSED with politics and probably only have a passing interest in spaceflight.
>cope and seethe
sounds like projection.
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a bunch of tourists ruined half of a thread by filling it with their dick-measuring contest over which nuclear power had the biggest nuclear chad dick and which one was cringe and super not based.
Is this a spaceplane or something
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VTOL same as Falcon9
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only oldfags remember this fateful day
Dont forget the other thread filled by two dutch queers who got that thread deleted with how much they kept on going.
Are the /k/ommandos going to ruin this thread again?
>How about this, discuss how Taiwan could make a counter station to Chinas Tiangong
Taiwan is even less space-capable than Japan, but the idea is laughable for other reasons.
They have suborbital rockets, but developing anything orbit-capable (and therefore an ICBM) would be too great a provocation towards China. So they could build the parts of a station, but striking a long-term agreement with another nation or large company to launch and service the station would, in itself, also be crossing the line with China. A Taiwanese space station requires Taiwanese rockets and/or effective foreign recognition of Taiwan. No country with a space program or company capable of launching this theoretical station is willing to make such an overt move against the CCP because it WOULD result in WWIII.
I expect the postwar spaceflight scene in Asia to be really neat, but we're kind of stuck waiting on the DoD being satisfied with domestic microchip manufacturing ability/stockpiles before they tell the glowies to get the ball rolling.
you people have this telltale that you always want to imply any pushback on your behaviour is from le jew or le libtard or le EDS sufferer, rather than people who are sick of you turning every thread into election politics drivel.
>such as commercial space stations have been discussed for like the last week
GEE WHIZ maybe it's because they were actually talking about the intricacies and logistics of spaceflight and how they related to decisions and mistakes being made.
lmao at the dutch retard sperging out ITT over a single /pol/ thread from last week because his autism has to take a backseat while real life problems take the wheel

I'm not the one bringing up the FAA.
In fact, this is where I first learned about that issue.

I am much more interested in talking about Mars weather and LIDAR than anything else.
Explain your posts anon.
oh look he came out of the woodworks.
As a pilot I am legally entitled to bitch about the FAA anywhere, anytime, and to whatever degree I so choose
Holy shit was Musk really that handsome that recently? What the fuck happened to him?
Chill out man, we'd love to discuss flight five, but instead we're discussing why it's delayed and how things are moving. I hate it as much as you do but progress on starship over the next few years can take two very different paths
so what you are saying, you are the arbiter of what can be discussed here and what can not
fuck off
turbopump from company that makes turbopumps for spacex
open fan turbofan engine
american prototype stealth aircraft
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>people are bullying me for not talking about spaceflight
>this must be this one particular anon i've been obsessing over.
just post some space rocks or something already, otherwise why did you even come here.
why are you interested in LIDAR. I've heard Dragonfly might have a lidar not sure.
>you people
you're an idiot and see your personal boogeyman everywhere
not all of us have a single board they lurk like you, there are still a few left who have been browsing multiple boards for over a decade including this one

sperging out like this only encourages more trolling and off topic posting
how many different ways do I have to explain this to you
bitching about /pol/ is off topic

fuck off dutch autist
so /sfg/ can bitch about FAA every week for years on end, no problem, but now that the CEO of the world's leading launch company complains and publicly announces he's fighting back against FAA, suddenly FAA is off limit?
I mean if you are not interested in talking about the FAA, don't talk about it, ignore the posts
I ignore the posts I don't find interesting and in some threads that is plenty of posts
but I don't go on some unhinged rant and try to get people to stop talking about something
if people like to talk about venus colonies for the 100th time, then go on the fuck ahead, doesn't matter to me
why the fuck do you think you can tell how often and for how long they can talk about the FAA affecting flight 5 or the FAA in general? Starship flights are the most important and substantial events in spaceflight, this whole general was started due to Starship and a large portion of the activity is usually Starship related
this time it happens to be about the license getting delayed and what are the particular reasons for that
Ok. Have these gone above the Karman line?
>guy who replied
>as soon as someone criticised his lack of authenticity is also the dumbass that probably flooded this place with like 50 newfags
not surprising tbqh.
yes apparently (and its pretty clear why)
I am not being bullied.
Your words literally just don't affect me on an emotional level.

The only person getting worked up and reporting posts is you.
I was talking about space just fine before dutch retard started flipping out AGAIN.

because elevation heatmaps make me aroused
pretty colors
>Dragonfly might have a lidar
it had better
which is why you cry every single time someone mentions the fact that you don't belong and never will.
if you keep crying about it I'm going to make it my personal mission to post about the topic every fucking day until the launch license is granted
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>because elevation heatmaps make me aroused
fuck same
nta but if we stage at page 9 again I will mention FAA in the thread.
>/pol/nog is supremely spiteful loser who throws temper tantrums and tries to flood boards every time he doesn't get his way.
not very surprising, when'd you find this place, 2021?
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why do you fags want to silence amazing politics centric spaceflight discussions like this?
okay then
interesting discussion about radars over on k
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jesus christ, that's grim
why can't they just stay in their designated containment zone, why must they leak out into every other part of the website?
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tomorrow I will remind them
I just love thinking about how solar wind predictably affects the Martian climate.
Is the Mars colony going to have a hot weathergirl specialist to do planetary forecasts?
The issue is the frequency of the posts and the content of them. Please read again, the posts have been nonstop for threads on end with hundreds of posts each about it, and you just yourself said that before it only happened every week. In addition, the posts are constantly filled with D vs R american political cancer disguised under the regular FAA hate. I wouldnt mind nearly as much if that wasnt snuck in there. Its like those political ad texts you get spammed with, do yoy like those? And before you say its because Im some bureaucrat who wants to ruin Mars, no its not everyone knows /sfg/ is very homogenous in leaning red. I and many others are just so sick and tired of how much this has been discussed. Weeks of it, not just once a week, and its been used as a way to derail discussion for political purposes.

Again, the issue is the frequency and content. Normal FAA bitching is fine because its generally about some new aspect of the issue and not inherently tribally political. The recent FAA 'discussion' has been repetition of the same message over and over and over again with no new angle to explore and also sneaks in off topic discussion by newfags that are here from that one retard who advertised us on /pol/.
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yes and her boobs will jiggle inordinately because of the lower gravity.

come to think of it, has there been any research done on how lowered gravity affects breast development?
maybe women on mars would be able to support much larger boobs because they weight less?
no, fuck you
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they're gonna call a leftist or heavily imply that you are one for making this daring post lol.
Saving this. Thanks anon.
So these are orbits that can be achieved by crafts going between the Earth and Moon?
hehehe, benis
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bros you know how a telescope works r-right??
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that statue is a lot smaller than most people realize. Most of the height is in the pedestal.
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>(and its pretty clear why)
Kek, sure is
i felt and immediate drop in quality after that nig advertized us everywhere.
it's obnoxious how much these people resemble communist death cultists with their obsessive need to infiltrate every place and insist that they belong and their personal compulsions should be respected respected and threaten with even more infiltration and corruption if you don't agree with them.
And read >>16386526
I wonder who makes images like these

>how lowered gravity affects breast development
>women on mars would be able to support much larger boobs

I had the same thought.
Alternatively, because the breasts and the chest/shoulder muscles that suspend them won't sag as much due to gravity they'll either not develop sufficiently or be more torpedo like.

Which means any Martain woman coming to earth would have quite saggy tits because her physiology isn't used to the extra weight.

The human biology involved is the real question, we just don't know enough about it yet.
Or at least I don't, I'm sure there are specialists who could make an educated guess.
We'll only really know once we have a few generations of natively born and raised Martians.
I think it's possible Martians will be tall, and lanky af because of the lower gravity.
Could somebody please give link to that Red Dragon conspiracy theory?
death to jpl
i welcome our martian tittymonster overlords.
i will use them as a bouncy castle.

speaking of, bouncy castle in a pressurized space on the moon would be fun as fuck, so would trampolines, can you imagine how fun it would be as a kid jumping 40 meters into the air on a trampoline?
that might get political, better not
I guess the SLS budget is off topic now too?
the relative strength of SpaceX as a company compared to the competition and so on, at least according to the deleted posts here >>16386518
the dutch retard who immediately filled the ONE /pol/ thread with pedantic insults and demands to not go to /sci/ whatever you do is autistically counter-productive

that's how you encourage people to shit in your general
nobody would have even noticed the SINGLE link to the general if he hadn't signal boosted it and advertised his pure salt to fucking everyone
but because of his retard Euro autism, it's impossible to explain these social dynamics to him
>instant seething
bro, nobody said politics wasn't fucking allowed, matter of fact everyone explicitly said that wasn't the fucking case.
just stop fucking whining about the election for 2 secs okay hun?
>said the guy who literally posted the fucking thread
why are all of you so hypocritical, do you not see how jewish you're being?
how about you stop trying to be some pseudo janny you obnoxious faggot
>more seething
you wrote a woman style passive aggressive post because people got a little tired of you trying to turn every conversation into something not even remotely related to spaceflight, stop crying.
people? its mainly you
Starship FAA license and its blocking is very much spaceflight related
You have absolutely no reason to believe I am the one who posted that thread.
I don't post threads.

I keep saying you see personal boogeymen everywhere because it's true.
Go to bed.

You have posted literally hundreds of times in multiple generals qqing about /pol/ existing.
This site is FILLED with salt miners, and you are mentally incapable of realizing that your conduct merely encourages them.
it hurts those that always called anons posting these things as crazy, schizo, conspiratorial etc to now constantly be reminded what they really are
mmmhm, and all of the other shit that people try to tag onto it as [spaceflight related don't you dare call it not spaceflight POLITICS IS SPACEFLIGHT BRO]
>people, it's mainly you
Political discussion with no strong link to spaceflight industry needs to be pruned but cleaning it out entirely even if it's uninteresting is myopic if applied consistently. Starting next year if elon bet on the wrong horse, spacex will be punished for at least 4 more years and we won't even be able to complain about it here (I'm not finger pointing at an administration, just the agencies as they are). Well you'll be able to complain about 3 letter agencies like the FAA, EPA, FWS, DOJ in a vacuum.
Oh wait I've been gone for a while and just read you guys can't even talk about the FAA now. What happened to this place. Oh "complaining about the FAA is a dogwhistle for D&R politics", or is it "I'm tired the posts here so they need to be deleted". Maybe consider a website with a downvote option that hides posts. As long as /sfg/ is on topic, what people talk about shouldn't be catered to your tastes by janitors. Just because you agreed with the censoring or it was even a good idea this one time doesn't mean it's going to improve /sfg/
>y-you encourage me by noticing, stop noticing!
truly a demonic creature.
who cares what people try tag onto it? some of it is relevant, some of it isn't
that doesn't mean you ban the discussion of it alltogether
why the fuck don't you just ignore the posts that are off topic? why is it so difficult for you?
you shit up more threads with your whining than the few actual off topic threads do
this isn't the first time you have done this, and this is the first time I'm arguing with you about this
you get these spergouts constantly
just shut the fuck up
I like watching that Huygen Optics guy on youtube. Videos start off shallow but I always get lost with how much he covers. I really enjoyed the series on making that tiny monolithic telescope lens.
Its many anons that hate your spam Ive literally told you before
you'll notice he's switched into full damage control mode now that a bunch of people reached a consensus that they're sick of this.
>discuss something other than politics, preposterous! you must be trying to censor me!
who are you quoting?
The FAA bashing is lingering because the FAA story constantly stays in the news this time. We knew of the delay to late November last week, then this week FAA imposes fine followed by Musk says he is suing FAA. People will keep talking about it until the next big event hits. It's just how news cycle works. Just like how we kept talking about Starliner when it kept on giving for a few weeks.
anon you can't pretend you're now randomly some other person when there's clearly one guy who had a shitfit because he feels personally attacked, that's you.
this, it hasn't been just one thing
its multiple things constantly
you didn't see these spergout seething sessions when Boeing got called incompetent every day or other day when there was something related to Starliner, but now when the FAA gets mentioned (for good reasons) almost everyday, its somehow now off topic and political
its very, very clear what the actual motive here is, even getting close to it and you get this
talking about it directly gets it removed, even if its very relevant
Earthers will pull you down to the bottom of the bucket and then demand that you believe the bucket never existed
Again, would not have nearly as much of an issue with it if it wasnt infested with obvious political discussion that derails the general.
you're still trying to make this about the FAA specifically and not the fact that the constant repetition of FAA related news is apparently an excuse for a bunch of people to just start talking about how china will take taiwan or which states will be blue or red this election or how trump has this super awesome policy or whatever that's great for border control.
I just want to talk about space weather and LIDAR images of Mars so we can deduce an optimal landing site for the colony.
And how the gravity of Mars among other factors including pod life will affect human biology and psychology over several generations.

You contribute absolutely NOTHING to the general and have spent a week bitching about /pol/.
Nobody fucking cares what you have to say, and it doesn't hurt my feelings or dissuade me from posting.
It's a complete non-issue.
He doesn't realize anons post about the FAA not only because the FAA is on topic, but precisely because they made themselves topical by doing gymnastics to stop the species level achievement for 2 months. There's no bigger elephant in the room. As soon as they stop fucking up anons will post about something else.
Did you see Trump and Kamala mentioned thid often in posts when Boeing discussion was happening?
mandatory deluge plate chaining for every earther tourist on /sfg/
but the latter doesn't really get discussed, you are lying
what does sometimes get discussed is the pretty clear lawfare going on, but that has nothing to do with specific elections in some states or border control either
the lawfare has been discussed for a long time from time to time, but only now when the reason is very clear and its close to the elections you start to sperg out
Oh, "gateway" discussion theory. We can't discuss something on topic because it might lead to something off topic even though the off topic posts can just be deleted or ignored.
>i just want to do this thing
>after i very publically and proudly stated that i want to infest this board with newfags multiple times even after people told me to knock it the fuck off
>i then blame the influx of newfags not on myself, the one who posted the fucking thread, but someone who posted on /pol/ telling you to get the fuck out.
truly the depravity of earthers knows no bounds, have you no shame?
what does it matter? if Trump and Kamala were relevant then it would have been warranted to discuss them in relation to Boeing
Based autists
>y-you are lying
you can dispel that belief by scrolling up a bit in this very thread, disingenuous prick.
okay link the border control discussion posts then?
Reminder that if you search "vote t" this is the only match >>16386286
By the way, telling people they can't talk about a regulatory agency that prevents spaceflight is a guarantee that people won't talk about spaceflight. You instantly create thread meta discussion that's just as derailing as politics.
Again thinking that many people are one person. You are literally psychotic. If you want to discuss, space weather and LIDAR, DO IT. Ive myself engaged with posts about space weather before like that one where one anon thought Mars winds would blow the Mars mattress and similar ideas over, as well as those posts about changing solar winds and auroras. You had no idea it was me. Ive also done write ups on presentations to make it digestible for /sfg/ like the LunA-10 and the Airbus station and the Haven Lab and more. I also make took those recent requests for doing stuff in Space Engine, Ive also made someones 4ASS sketch in a 3D modeling program for them. And again, I am just one of the many people that are sick of the OBVIOUSLY political discussion on here, I wouldnt mind the FAA discussion if it wasnt constantly interjected with election politics. If you want to discuss space weather and LIDAR, DO IT.
you can scroll up in this very thread and watch a bunch of fags go on about taiwanese reunion.
>aha but you don't have a specific link to THIS VERY post that you used as a general example
seriously do you not fucking realize how inorganic you are?
you were the one that brought that shit up in the first place, then you say you have it in this very fucking thread and you can't even link to the posts?
give me a fucking break man
you seem to only react to people that hate /pol/ and also assume they're all one person, any reason why you might do it? say, because you're a /pol/tard and you're feeling defensive?
>everyone ITT I don't like is you
you very clearly aren't here to talk about space, easily triggered autist
and haven't even thought about the problems concerning life on Mars at all or any possible solutions
no, you'd rather accuse random people of posting a single thread on /pol/ for days on end

pure LARP
you will never into space
you'd be the first one to get airlocked
this will always just be a hobby to you
live permenantly in this general, see if I care
Man at this point your seething has taken up more space in this thread than the politics and you're approaching taking up more space than the actual topic of spaceflight. If it's really so unpleasant than please go play factorio for a while and come back to the thread later.
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Earth auroras are space weather I never even thought of this but its true
and yet you are the only person who reacts venomously and defensively and insist on me being one person.
could it that i've been on the internet long enough to discern writing styles and i just recognize yours?
anon do you think there's literally a single other person here who would defend linking this place on fucking /POL/ of all places? there's only one person trying to do that and it's the fucking guy who did it.
>which states will be blue or red this election
Link the post or admit you're a liar.
so you're that dutch idiot who thought going to /pol/ and bitching about a single link to this general existing during the Polaris Dawn mission until thread 404 was productive, huh

>insist on me being one person
you are though
that's literally an admission of guilt

anyone accusing me personally of making a thread doesn't have a shred of sanity left in them
that is simply shit that no longer happens, I don't make threads
>on fucking /POL/ of all places
nobody cares about /pol/ as much as you do
that is your personal fixation
shut up or fuck off to reddit where you belong
so you're the guy who spammed this place on /pol/ and now insist that it's not your fault that board quality has dropped.
you'll notice that again, everyone else would never EVER fucking do something that heinous, and you did it, and are trying to place blame on someone else, you fucking rat.
Hey everyone, what are you guys talking about today?
I want to talk about moon EVA suit after potential shutdown of Axiom but no one is interested.
Your dad was on my cock last night.
The one who has been bitching about it the last thread was me not the anon you replied to
I think he unironically believes it is one person and not that many anons are sick of him. I have myself told him and pointed out which posts are mine when he accuses samefagging yet he keeps insisting its one person even when posts come in succession before the 1 minute mark and also have different typing styles. It is very obvious when samefagging is happening but he just refuses to use basic ways of identfying it and just insists that it has to be 1 person. Though I was the one bitching in the last thread it isnt just me this thread. He just refuses to believe that his posts could be bad
No I am not the dutchfag that shat up the general I am an amerishart and I didnt go to /pol/ either when that happened. I made a post in here literally saying that doing this would only bring retards over from there and look whats happened. I stated in my lane when that happened, I didnt do anything but you blindly accuse anyone you dont like of the absolute worst you can to make them look bad so you can win an argument. Jfc you are neurotic.
>SpaceX lander
>SpaceX moon suit
It follows logically anyway
do you think spacex will bother to develop a lunar EVA suit even if nobody gives them a contract for it just because it's on their roadmap anyways and they want to just get the artemis stuff over with?
>board quality
a single thread doesn't constitute spam
at all
/pol/ doesn't care about /sci/, and that was the ONLY thread made on SpaceX missions I've ever seen on /pol/
there aren't enough real users to propagandize here, so they spend their time on /his/ and the like instead

you are a looneytoons basketcase
go to bed, dutchflag idiot
I believe you when you say you shart in mart.

>you blindly accuse anyone you dont like of the absolute worst you can to make them look bad so you can win an argument
woah there
that's not the worst thing I could accuse you of
far from it
>board quality
by that he probably means /sfg/ since this place IS the /sci/ board lel. every other thread is irrelevant, we constitute more than half of /sci/'s posts on a good day.
>potential shutdown of Axiom
I was always suspicious of them, couldn't put my finger on it until recently when I realized it was the *type* of diversity in their promotional videos. Like SpaceX has Indians and women and in the dim todd tour you could tell they were there on merit but the Axiom promos were too on the nose. Like the front of a textbook. Fictional
None of this is related to spaceflight please fuck off
it's sad
/sci/ used to be a board that exists, I can remember those times
what happened man
Its always spacex
I wonder who will save us by doing literally everything themselves, again
I discussed Axiom shutdown earlier with you :(
They will need it for mars so eventually
Maybe not in time for artemis without a contract though as there will be other priorities
schizophrenics invaded and were not gatekept hard enough.

you'll notice that every single dead husk on this site is because they willingly let in subverters and people from outside the in-group and didn't gatekeep.

you'll also notice that all the people against any form of gatekeeping are usually the subverters trying to creep in.
Covid, dude. You don't remember? Where online were you allowed to really talk about it but the 4chan science board? That chaos kicked out all the normal posters
Bro needs to wipe off his camera lens. He's been touching it with his buttery baguette fingers and it's dirty.
Unrelated note, remember when that anon said gatekeeping is bad and we must fix earth before we go to mars in an earlier thread? Gee I wonder what he was talking about at the time.
based satan quads
gatekeeping involves rules 1 and 2
and that's basically where it stops

this shit has never been an echochamber and shouldn't be
if that's what you really want just start a discord server

nah, I think certain elements about posting on the site as a whole changed significantly and perceptably and scared the userbase away
I still can't believe we had that horseshoe theory proof
>fix Earth first
>no not the environment, the niggers
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auroras were pretty disappointing this time around. just a barely visible glow on the horizon. last time it looked like they were coming straight down from overhead.
An /sfg/ anon did back before starship ever flew and we were waiting on the Environmental Assessment/SLS
I'm foreseeing pressure from NASA to keep the suit program alive resulting in huge personnel cuts and most of their other projects getting semi-shelved. This, in conjunction with absolute shameless begging for cash from everybody they can call.
A kind of neat outcome would be purchase or acquisition of majority control by Spacex. Something like a full or partial waiver of the money owed for crew missions plus a bit of cash on top. This would of course depend on Axiom actually having infrastructure and suit-building expertise that Spacex actually wants.
Yes for IVA suit, but EVA suit when NASA has separate contracts for?
I don't think they will develop a lunar suit on their own. It's not really on their roadmap. SpaceX will provide HLS but I think that's the extent of their involvement. They will build and drive the bus to the campsite, but you're supposed to bring your own clothes and shoes. Mars suit has different requirements and timeline, it's not a easy replacement.
I understand that will be the only outcome, but it will be suboptimal, trying to repurpose a space EVA suit for lunar EVA.
That makes two of us.
you couldn't be more transparent if you tried.
an in-group with it's own culture and standards is not an echo-chamber you fucking faggot, newfags will join naturally in a non-obtrusive way and at a slow rate, you don't have to bust down the door and let a bunch of people who just want to turn it into a 2nd version of wherever they came from shit it up, to prevent it from becoming an "echochamber"
i feel like a mars suit will have similar enough requirements that it could be worth doing for spacex.
>experiencers have a measurable difference in their brains
It's not schizo anymore pal
Is there anything interesting happening before November? Both New Glenn maiden flight and IFT-5 might happen then
I dont think they do
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>EVA suit when NASA has separate contracts
I mean if Axiom goes up, who else is making suits right now? SpaceX is working towards a mass producible Mars suit, so surely for some amount of money they can can a few off the line and artisanally make them dust resistant. Aren't there like 11 NASA EVA suits in existence? SpaceX plans to make millions
>I really enjoyed the series on making that tiny monolithic telescope lens.
We get similar recommendations
We're having a lot of engagement in this thread bros
I can’t stop thinking of that study where they drilled a hole in that guy’s skull and his headaches went away.
I can't stop thinking about that fluid anal breathing device Japan invented
I think you might enjoy that treatment. I hear some mental hospitals do it for free!
going to talk about the FAA as much as I want. go be a faggot leftist on some other site that caters to your kind (the type that self castrates)
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I get dopamine hits by looking at this sort of imagery
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functioning miniature jet engine
Can this be used on a spaceplane
spaceplanes are dumb
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How long, realistically, until we can make a Dyson swarm and become a Kardashev type 2 civilization? I dont trust gay analysis from wikipedia, we have the technology to make Dyson swarms right now no? We just need to colonize Mercury and start slinging mirrors out there
Two problems I have with this scenario are, one, such restructure will be hugely disruptive and could potentially introduce significant delay to the program on its own, and two, since Axiom's other business is also with NASA, that's like telling NASA to choose between ISS and SLS.
We have many years ahead before Mars suit is needed. Mars suit is also less of a challenge to manufacture and design due to not having to deal with moon dust. We do not have the same luxury for Artemis mission unless we want to lose both Moon and Mars race to China. If Axiom failed to produce EVA suit for Artemis, we are probably not going to get a prototype Mars suit as you might have imagined. Instead it will be repurposed Polaris Dawn EVA suit, with more dust protection for the zippers.
Well then can it be put on a rocket for whatever reason? How are you intending to use this to get in to space? Spinlaunch multistage or some gay shit?
oh man reading through the thread that FAA faggot keeps doing those
greentext techniques as only a reddit tourist would gravitate to. hilarious.
Dead mass at worst and extra complexity at best. Air breathing engines do not belong on rockets
Ellie's interview with the war criminal, gonna watch soon.
I bet the /pol/ astronomy division is better than /sci/ counterpart.

They have more successful operations on record.
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Then... why are you here?
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>They have more successful operations on record.
Put my fries in the bag spaceplane nerd
You are biting obvious bait.
Why would you build that
yeah he always says
every single time someone questions his /pol/ narrative
really enlightening how he went into instant damage control mode the moment he got noticed.
they located the satanic pentogram on saturn and correctly identified the ancient signs of civilization on mars
if you don't already know I'm not going to spoonfeed you
/pol/ astronomy division is legendary and this general is unfortunately beladen with seething mediocres

they used trigonometry to stellarly triangulate certain positions on earth for reasons relating to operations
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hearty kek
So they used high school math good to know
you're a newfag who watched capture the flag videos we get it.
I don't like the FAA. Those from Orange Reddit do not like this brave truth
nobody likes the FAA, but that's not what it was about, and you know that, don't you?
Nah, I lurked those threads personally.
Noted the sound of chirping frogs on stream, not the only one.

As a matter of fact, that's not even the only time their services were provided.
But you'll never find out about it.

board that got things done > /sci/
/tg/ > /sci/
example China space-relevant:
There is a CZ-3B scheduled to launch 3 Beidou navigation satellites in a few hours. All further launches are mere rumors, since China only publishes bare NOTAMs externally.
There's also an Electron launching from Mahia in 50 minutes. Stream should go live at T-30:00
>this retard doesn't know that /sci/ is published as the first author in a paper about combinatorial supermutations
2016 election tourist confirmed.
toy rockets arent spaceflight
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>posts wikipedia slop

you're not in a position to confirm anything
we lurked /sci/ back when it was a real board
I hate that question. We haven't even figured how to turn (electrical) energy into a reliable source of food yet. Most of our overall energy isn't spent on miracles, but heating or lighting stuff up. What do we need a dyson sphere for?
>What do we need a dyson sphere for?
Cooking all the food forever, lighting all the shadows forever
Falcon 9 is VTAL, not VTOL.
and hwndu isnt?
I like that your previous defense was "i'm important, I was there, I heard frogs"
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but they sure look a lot like muffins
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ai slop has taken root in space research
Just let the sun shine directly at the shadows? No intermediate medium needed.
> Yes we all dont like regulation of space
Yet you continuously vote for the people who do exactly this all of the time. CURIOUS.
it's like all the redditor retards saying stupid shit like "I don't like Boeing but Elon Musk has lost the plot and is a chud!!" Well, who do you think Boeing competition is? Who do you think pays excessive amounts of money to brainwash you to think that way? Is it the crazy entrepreneur who isn't even head of spaceX, or is it the american weapons contractor who routinely kills thousands of people and profits from it?
You're the one who mentioned that singular operation.

Not me.
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stream's live
artist's impressions have been missing that certain human something for a while now anyways, so that's not too bad desu
I don't really mind AI for stuff severe nobody has a real clue of how it looks anyway.
All I see is someone with the soul of a redditor trying to regulate what can be spoken about on an imageboard general
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The courts will rule that FAA had no authority to fine SpaceX for unauthorized use of ground equipment as the responsibility for range safety lies with the range operator (USSF). The USSF operates the range under it's own DoD authority therefore the FAA cannot claim a threat to public safety if there were no objections from the range operator. The FAA will look very bad once discovery shows the politically motivated timing of the proposed fines and the willingness to use SpaceX's good faith attempts at transparency against them once it was politically expedient to do so.
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new sloss
>Artemis II alternatives for Orion heatshield issue
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> Earth once had a ring!
Welteislehre chads vindicated
that's cuckoo!
it's a hexagon, dummy
start your own thread about people who don't go to space, faggot
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Not today, hobbits.
>53rd launch ever
>SpaceX launched almost 100 this year alone
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hey faggot, the only important thing in spaceflight is starship testing and the most important thing about starship testing is that they're not doing it because a bunch of faggots are abusing the federal government to obstruct it
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos
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nice launch ahmed
Total SpaceX dominance
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Fucking Rocket Lab bullshit caused us all to miss a static fire of S31
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Anything special with this SF?
Its was a significant duration, all 6 engines. It made a huge mushroom cloud of steam into Mexico.
Also, this could have been the FINAL static fire of a V1 Starship. The next ship to static fire here with be a V2 ship. So goodbye to this shitty S31 V1 ship that probably wont even fly, given the lawfare delays.
There are some discord trannies. Call them out. They don't belong here
>Final v1
Does this mean it's all raptor 3 from now on? Interested to see if they really did fix the ox contamination issue with r3 like csi speculated
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Its unclear if upper stage Starship V2 will have Raptor 3 or not. This graphic says... yes? It will definitely have the redesigned flaps, and countless other improvements.
>starship v3
>that height-to-diameter ratio
yeah, it'll never launch unless there is no a single cloud in the sky lol
It's not even unified now. And most, maybe even all, of the modern territory of the PRC has been outside of a "unified" China at some point in history, so to talk about the history of a unified China you're going to need to explain what, when and where you mean.

It's probably more meaningful to talk about the unification of the Chinese nation (i.e. the people), which is also of course incomplete.
>can't launch if there's clouds
stop giving them ideas
Now that the berger rumors turned out to be true, why did NASA keep a russian on crew-9 when they needed to cut the crew in half to bring back the Starliner crew?
Are they beholden to fulfill their crew swap agreement that badly? If there were a Soyuz problem and POCKOCMOC needed to bump someone off would they keep an American?
SN11 pisses me off to this very day. Couldn't they have waited like one or 2 days for good visibility? It would have been the most kino sight ever, and we fucking missed it.
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It was pretty cool to see, but to this day I don't know why they did it.
>why did NASA keep a russian on crew-9
Because the seat swap agreement is important to keeping the station running in an emergency that requires one of the two docked spacecraft to leave and getting Russia to agree to it in the first place was a pretty big deal. Yes, Roscosmos would keep the American onboard for the same reasons. Why is any of this surprising to you? Everyone understood that Gorbunov was almost certain to be staying on once the idea of launching with half crew started coming up.
They really should just give in and make it fatter instead. The only alternative is maybe getting more efficient engines so they need less fuel, but good luck doing that. only thing that might work is RDEs but those are hardly proven at this point.
It’s only a surprise because Gorbunov has never flown to space before. I thought they were going to keep Wilson and Hague for experience reasons and just give russia an ‘IOU’ considering the circumstances. And I don’t think most people expected Gorbunov to stay
Most people did. If Soyuz MS-26 had to leave unexpectedly an all-American Crew-9 would have left the ISS without a cosmonaut onboard which would have triggered problems NASA does not want to have to deal with. Supposedly there's clauses in the agreements that established the station that require America and Russia always have at least one crew member onboard.
There never was any real doubt that the Russian would stay on Crew-9. On returning Starliner's crew, NASA had chosen the option that required the least interaction outside the agency. They could request an empty Dragon to pick up Butch and Suni but didn't because it's easier to internally adjust astronaut assignment. No chance they would kick the Russian off and risk making any alteration to the existing arrangement.
You guys are thinking about wind shear in the upper levels, which a slender rocket is more prone to.
But due to Starships absolute huge size, steel construction, its strong as fuck and has so much inertia it can plow through all but the most intense wind shear conditions. They will be conservative at first, then push limits and be like, dude, its fine, launch it in weather that would halt lesser rockets every time.
Yeah but they should still make it fatter because more payload diameter and volume is always good
They could've launched already if they wanted to and done the catch upgrades in parallel, they don't have to attempt catching on flight 5, but apparently they like not testing starship. Tower readiness has apparently moved to October, too, so they're just wasting time with the ship and booster which are ready. Seriously at this point they could've tested whether the new flap seal works while doing another virtual tower catch and probably still have had the next booster and ship ready before catch upgrades would be done, are we really supposed to believe catch testing is more important than reentry testing now?
>that bird going OH SHIT
Would it not make more sense to test tower catch with a short hop flight?
You could probably fly the same profile as SN15 and do a catch that way, provided the FAA wasn't intentionally stalling the next OFT until after election season.
No those wouldnt be real operational loads its undergoes during a reuse landing. Also makes more sende to knock 2 birds w/ 1 stone when doing a real flight for boostback test operations. Overall just not necessary and potential waste of money/tower/booster for a test its not even designed for.
They will stick with 9 meter rings as a foundation for a good 10 or 15 years, depending on how things go.
Its already ambitious as fuck, lets enjoy the epic show thats tooling up as we speak. 9m Starship CAN get the initial job done, and so much development has yet to be done. We are not 100% sure this will work as planned. And do you really think, in the current state of government obstruction and popular Musk hate, an even bigger ship would be allowed? Thats crazy talk. I do NOT see a government upheaval in the near future, so lowered expectations, and hard limits imposed on cadence.
If they'd done an ITS-scale EIS in 2016 when nobody cared like they should've, we wouldn't be having all this bullshit and they could do whatever sizes they want. Yes I'm mad, it would've saved so much time and trouble.
you're right
the FAA is advancing spaceflight and SpaceX keeps obstructing them

Get in, Beidou launch on CZ-3B
Well, this is unexpected
How many innocent civilians will they kill with this one?
The point is even without the FAA delay they're wasting time, with how quickly they're getting vehicles ready now they could've launched the current ones on the flight 4 profile while working on catch upgrades in parallel and then already have the next set of vehicles ready when those are done, that way they'd get more reentry testing done.
There are guys in the douyin stream room living in the drop zone, they heard booster drop around Baise City (百色) & Tiandeng County (天等县)
The shit we're seeing is precisely because of the FAA bullshit. They have to do absolutely as much as they can with every single launch specifically due to the fact that the government is choking their ability to launch.
As of flight 4, the license allows multiple launches with that profile without changes. With a fifth flight mid-August, then #6 with catch attempt mid-October they'd have had just enough time to get the full five for the year they're currently allowed. The way they're doing it now they're not getting to five even if the FAA had approved the modifications by now as initially expected.
No, there currently are environmental review about the deluge which prevent any launches until NET early october, no matter the trajectory.
>the government agrees that current spaceflight activities exceed the regulatory scope of any single agency
>the government however cannot agree on the regulatory scope of the various agencies involved
>the government doesn't even know which agency should license mission authorization for Artemis
>meanwhile the FCC enacted orbital debris regulations two decades ago nobody asked for
>the FCC is now taking up rules about in-space servicing, assembly and manufacturing nobody asked for
>even the whitehouse and congress think the FCC is out of line
There need to be gigantic blanket exemptions for any project touched by NASA or DoD money. Fuck the outer space treaty.
They really need a space faa that is dedicated to spaceflight shit. An FSA.
New org top to bottom that is built to make approving anything related to space easier, if anything just because it lacks any baggage from how prior orgs like FCC and FAA do things
I forget when exactly that one started, couldn't they've sneaked in a mid-August launch before it hit? And desu that one is SpaceX's fault so I ignored it for the hypothetical also maybe I'm getting it mixed up but I think there was a determination they can continue while the permit application gets worked on?
Elon says they've been ready to launch and are being delayed another two months.
So you are just dedicated to sucking the Biden admin's girldick because you love niggers and faggots so much, or else you are mad about Elon personally.
In any case, there's no reason for you to share your government approved opinions here.
We can all read mainstream press or watch NSF videos if we want that.
you're very low info and sound like a huge faggot. lol
>we really need more bureaucracy
I have an alternative proposal
Yet you participate in bureaucracy. Curious!
I am very intelligent.
Be realistic. The FAA isn't going anywhere. The best thing that can happen is a brand new org made from scratch and staffed with people who can actually get things done.
Yeah it was obvious, as hindsight is 20/20. I wonder if this is something the US is willing to sacrifice in favor of being able to identity everything in vicinity. If US decides to utilize this aspect.
Being "realistic" isn't how you get Falcon 9 and Starship, yet here they are.
1) Not SpaceX
2) Her Donors
>continue while the permit application gets worked on
This is about mishaps, there were no mishaps for Flight 4.
Elon says a lot of things, his own employees contradict him regularly. Fact is if they were launching on the flight 4 trajectory they could've launched already (if they didn't fuck up the deluge application).

Look it's late and I can't keep all the various dates in my head at all times. They applied for the TCEQ permit in July but they got a determination to continue using the deluge, so if they hadn't applied for license modifications, they might've slipped a mid-August launch through.
The way to succeed in space is to approach space from a Henry Ford and Model T perspective. Anything you do, must be designed with the mind of building a factory that will mass produce that thing, so that COGS over time will crater, allowing your investments to turn into money printers. There's that old tweet that Elon made where he says that he's speedrunning Factorio in real life. It was viewed as a joke originally, but if you look at what SpaceX and Tesla have done, what Neuralink and XAi are doing, it's all about scale and collecting as much data based on real world usage to fuel the next generation and thereon, all in order to drive COGS towards negative infinity as quickly as possible.

After Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and XAi, you'd think the industry at large would figure this basic fact out. Yet, time and again, companies continue to struggle, keep making artisan launchers, spread themselves too thin in trying to do too many things at once in order to remain "competitive" with SpaceX, and then burn through all their cash before they achieve anything. Nobody can compete with SpaceX across the many sectors they are active in, and its foolish to try. The best path to success it to pick a particular subsection of what SpaceX does and emulate and ruthlessly copy ideas left and right, as much as humanly possible. Because the more you learn from physically based activities, the more likely you'll have your breakthroughs and even potentially discover a niche within the current market that's untapped which you can corner.

Axiom was supposed to be that for space stations and space suits. Only for them to be run by an old space NASA blowhard, that overhired and under fed his engineering talent. Burned money like a retard high on papermache, and fucked off once he had secured his golden parachute; while making the company work on too many things at once.

If Axiom goes bankrupt, it will be another reminder of failure to play Factorio IRL.
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It also means the US can track stealth planes. Overall just seems like another technology phased out in modern warfare, the tank was first to go and stealth planes are next. In comes drones and milsats btw, there is always a better technology. Even SpaceX is making them with Starshield.
>Be realistic! This politicized and highly obstructionist organization isn't going anywhere, so you just stop complaining and get used to it. If you didn't want your programs burred under malicious regulation you should have bought more lobbyists. After all, the best solution for a corrupt managerial state is to shuffle the chairs around and give their org a new name.
what technology is better than drones?
Hi, unrelated anon to this I just got here. Didnt you two fags already argue about this for a couple dozen posts in a few threads prior with the same exact points? Can we just agree to disagree here and move on? Id like to not see the same posts and argument again I dont learn anything new about spaceflight from shitflinging on how each random jerk off would manage the country.
Sorry, I meant that drones and milsats are coming in to replace the voids left by the tanks and stealth planes. They are that new tech
>It also means the US can track stealth planes.
That's not exactly very useful to them when they're the only ones who posses any serious stealth capabilities.
Its fucking ironic that the FCC Is the most competent of the bunch and is far ahead of the bunch in doing the job correctly as desired with respect to the written law and White House/Congress are basically throwing a bitchfit about the agency being out line. It's honestly amazing that there's no ELE threat coming from space, because with this much structural disfunction by almost all leadership echelons of our governing bodies, we'd be completely and totally fucked against it.
It's possible. I'm in the habit of completely forgetting previous arguments so I can enter new ones with undiminished morale
No they also got a determination in mid-August from TCEQ to continue using the deluge system under a couple of conditions (mostly taking some samples) while they work on the permit application.
That is true, but I really doubt they would take down the largest satellite network ever and all of their future satellite capabilities just to allow for their spy planes to continue operating. Theres no point in it, and theyve already clearly began investing and see the benefits from satellites. Not to mention even if you stop SpaceX, another company from China will do what they did and it will be MUCH harder to take down those. The cats already out of the bag, might as well adapt instead of regressing to outdated tech when youre the strongest military in the world. Starlink and Starshield will continue as usual, and I dont think that this fact escaped the US military of all organizations, its likely theyve just kept it hushed up so they could keep their stealth capabilities for as long as possible, you shouldnt show your hand in war.
i understood that part but you wrote
>there is always a better technology
so i was wondering if you have anything better in mind. drones are so broad that you need to enter sci fi territory for anything that supplants them
Would've helped with that F-35 on autopilot a while ago
And thats the thing, you are probably right. I have no idea what would come after drones since it requires no human operator. Maybe self replicating drones? Though that again falls under drones. I really have no clue but Im sure it exists somewhere in the future. The advance of time is infinite and we've only been civilized for 10,000 years. I cant think of what it is, but 1800s americans didnt even think an iPhone would be possible so who are we to predict what the future will bring. Maybe the drone wont be replaced quickly but it will happen some day.
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Berger rebukes assertion that Japan would be a big player in space.
Your wish is granted.
All rockets now need FSA approval for their actions at or beyond LEO as well as FAA approval for their flights within the earth's atmosphere.
Why cant nips get it together over there? Their space division is laughable.
Its too legacy corporate. Most companies in the world are like Boeing/ULA in structure. Its lethargy by regulation/lack of responsibility/no high agency individuals taking charge of their own will
They have the same problem as Ariane, people just don't know or talk about them because few can read or speak Japanese. And their newspace screen is even smaller than Europe.
I can see H3 occasionally beating out Falcon 9 for certain missions to higher-energy trajectories, especially if Japan is trying to use the mission to build international relations. The H3 has a slightly lower price tag and the GTO capabilities of the two are about the same. It'll still never be a big commercial player because that's not it's goal; it's supposed to be a cheap enough domestic rocket so the Japanese government doesn't need to take its satellite fleet overseas to find a launcher. Japan's final launch cadence doesn't look like it's going to be any better than India's, and while that's fine for clearing JAXA/CIRO's manifest it doesn't leave much room for outsiders.
HI, unrelated anon. I hate the FAA
>covers your battlefield with gorillions of tonnes of micro chaff particles

cool futuristic milsat comms systems bro
right? unnerving to see a chinese livestream for an uncrewed launch these days. Here's the replay:
>accidentally renders ur 9999999999 billion dollar stealth planes, AWACS, bombers, etc etc etc useless

based elon retvrning us to artillery trench warfare after rendering MAD obsolete through cost effective interceptors
I don't trust Europeans to take the lead on space flight. I like the whole idea of a monolithic space station, but it's also dependent on Starship being ready. And will it be ready by 2030? Who knows?
>Orbital Reef
We haven't had nay substantial update on that in years (I think?). And we know how slow BO is. Perhaps it'll become a thing, but who knows. Still waiting on them to launch ONE rocket after 20 years (yes I know they make engines now)
Probably the most likely to succeed. One module, launched on a Falcon, funded entirely by one crypto billionaire. I was always bullish on Vast, but I thought Axiom was one step ahead. Guess I was wrong.

Watch the Russians be the only one with an ISS successor. Everyone calls them shit because of the war, forgettign that two years prior we had to bum rides from them to the ISS. Also the last two ISS modules were Russian ones. And they have two NEM modules and a Prichal module being made right now.
If it wasn't for Musk, the US would still be bumming rides from the Russians right now. Thank god for Elon.
Daily dose of obstructionist government agency hate
Might have but then what of IFT-6? Would have had to wait even longer to actually test the catch
Without FAA fuckery, perhaps it would have made sense to use the same trajectory but like the other anon said, seems like IFT launches are a very precious commodity and it is in the interest of SpaceX to test as much as they can on every flight
The catch testing is more critical right now than flap burnthrough, the ship sint going to be catched for many flights in any case so they have time to test the flaps
Its kind of weird pretty much no ldy else has picked up this "design and build for scaling" philosophy that Musk employs in everything
Helps with hardware rich iterative testing as singular test articles are cheap and later helps with the actual running of the operation with lower COGS
Won't somebody _please_ think of the quarterly green line?!
>there's more carbon and more water.
Hydrogen I know about, but carbon?
How retarded does the FAA have to get to raise NSF's brow? Their video 2 days ago was horseshit fence sitting while implying it was space's fault for failing the bureaucratic obstacle course, or implying they know better than spaceX and they should be flying without a tower catch. No actual talk about safety or environmental damage because they know its not an issue. 2 months for one agency to ask another if a hotstage ring landing somewhere else is FUCKING STUPID. But there wasn't a fucking word on it.
>(not the "expendable launch vehicles" edit)
I made this lmao
We have progress update recently >>16385666 Axiom's absence is conspicuous.
>Russians the only one with ISS successor
Not going to happen. NASA will extend ISS for another 4 years and again to wait for commercial station to come online. Worst comes to worst, they will park a station variant Starship on orbit.
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Sadly this is the problem. Investors and governments freak out at watching their money literally go up in smoke and so they get unreasonably meddlesome when launches fail. Astra claimed to be trying this approach (which is a large reason I worked there!) but they IPO'd way too early and infighting between different component teams meant people didn't find the flaws in Rocket 3's upper stage until the loss of TROPICS-1/TROPICS-2 on LV0010 forced a real investigation.

People don't appreciate how much Elon being a disagreeable jerk who tells people to shut up and fix the rockets is vital to the success of SpaceX, like Wernher von Braun's autism was to old NASA.
NSF showed themselves to. E massive faggots with that one, but is that really new? They show this pretty regularly
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He could be Chief Inquisitior of Mars
Earth is in space.
you don't need to or want to spin for 1g in space when .38g is just fine for all purposes
>US debt inflation is now higher than their near-trillion dollar military budget
anyone going to mars better be pushing for an indepedent mars asap because the colonies are going to experience punishing levels of taxes just like the american colonies did
Flight 5 and Flight 6 will happen on the same day, at this fucking rate.
Oh didn't see that. Still not much confidence but we will see. I'm sure the ISS will have its life extended at least a few years again.
Blame NASA or congress but we don't actually know the minimum amount of gravity human body needs to avoid most of the adverse effect.
Japan is in a really shitty geographic location to be anything but an innovation hub

Commercial launches would all have to have payloads flown in at massive expense on top of the cost of the rocket. Their two biggest potential customers both launch on their own rockets for prestige reasons, and ESA is not really desperate enough to ask Japan for help when Elon is right there offering more for less and CNES is getting pissed that French engineering is falling behind. That leaves Australia and Southeast Asia, which have their own reasons for not giving Japan any business. Anything MHI launches will be Japanese national missions. ispace and that weird small launch startup are basically it. NASA will pay JAXA to ship stuff to Gateway by landing a Japanese dude on the moon. If I was Japanese and looking for space economy business, I would be looking at niche stuff nobody wants to touch (like they're doing now with debris deorbits). On orbit servicing is still on the table, which may actually get JAXA interest owing to how some of their sats died in the past. Other than that you're talking interesting systems of all kinds and potentially modules for space stations (only that last bit if you somehow convinced Softbank it would actually work). Those SLIM integral wheel landing imaging bots were cool as hell and should be on every lander ever from now on
Palmer Luckey's defense company has at least

This Thierry fag has been making life more difficult for people for a while
I hate bureucrats so fucking much
sadly they only use jet engines and SRBs
Yes one of the few examples
A new wave of startups beeds to emulate it, its not like Musks compabies and philosophy is delimited to one particular industry (personal vehicles, rocket launch, space communications, BCI devices and medical robots, energy storage, tunnel boring, self driving, frontier AI models) all have scale and fast iteration as principles
Might even apply on X with some features like spaces, trying to get people to use them (and thus acale testing) even when they are buggy and feauture poor and then inform the iteration and design through that
Palmers' defense companies is more destructive/war based so I dont know if its good for peacetime. Or rather I fear what they would do in peacetime if they dont meet their quota.
The whole premise of Anduril is to just keep cranking out PGMs forever IDIQ so we don't run dry in a war against China.
I understand the purpose but there's also even more BRRRRR going on during war time as well for the company. Plus the whole going into the war business is very dark business to be in as its exploiting violence.

Whereas spacex/neuralink/tesla/xai all are civil first purpose.
Kys fag. No seriously kys
Everyone thought like that for 40 years and now we're almost out of weapons. No gay hippies allowed.
I seem to be speaking to a gay hippie right now though?
Talking to yourself is a sign of mental illness.
The conflict was created by Biden during his Obama years. When he and his son's became corrupt. The Biden family partnered with local corrupt company and got paid for it. In return, the Biden removed an honest investigator investigating the company. Then Biden-EU partnered to coup the newly elected president that was friendly towards Russia and not towards NATO. This created the first war/conflict
Shut the fuck up, vatnik. Nobody is talking about your decaying mushroom-strewn old Soviet cumrag of a country. We're discussing armament levels for a potential US/China fight.
Sorry but this is Hunter-Biden story. Your premise rests upon the notion that the current war came out of nowhere, when it was created by the corrupt officials
UH OH! Is there off topic posting going on right now???!! Some very pissed off wannabe jannies are going to freak out and type out long paragraphs about this!!
Again, totally unrelated. This is about China's ability to soak up frontline PGMs, not the bargain basement surplus junk we've been sending to Ukraine.
Daily reminder that the FAA sucks
>vatnik hatred is now jannying
What are you some kind of sperg?
go back to /k/ or /pol/ or whatever other shithole you came from
Nigga scroll back around 8 hours. That's what I'm referencing.
Can we remove the atmosphere from the FAA?
Nigger im not reading your tiniest dick competition chatlog go suck your dads knob
No but we can remove the FAA from the atmosphere
then be overjoyed that's not the current situation
btfo kek
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I know it's onions, but this is such an amazing picture that I feel absolutely incredible just looking at it.
its two months now t: FAA
Guys.. i clogged dragon toilet :(((
I was going to go bathroom ISS when I see the door was occupied. I thought i could go in the dragon but when i flushed no suction came out, just my poop squished on the side. and now it stinks and the screen says there's a jam, vacuume not operational, please use the bag?
Alright I'm back, what now?
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>Government incompetence is clogging Starship development
>Axiom, the front runner for an ISS successor, is going bankrupt
>Axiom is also the only ones developing a Lunar EVA suit
>NASA might only have enough funds for one commercial space station
Don't worry anon IFT-7 will feature inflight breakup <60 seconds from launch
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hmmm I was able to push this anger down earlier but now that you've brought them up (axiom) might as well vent. my pure hatred at how fucking incapable anyone associated with NASA management is even higher than what I feel for niggers. how did one of the few shining successes of the federal government devolve to the point where anything they touch even in private industry can only be expected to die in the most retarded day. close NASA and send whatever useful things and people in it to the space force. make them the FSA too.
9 seconds apart, unfortunate multistage. It seems you were first so go go this thread everyone. Ignore the jovian aurora one, will put out warning on it.
A wrong summary.
Price per seat is the most important part and you don't do that by launching fewer people on a smaller rocket. You need a bigger rocket to launch about 20-30, or even more people at once and Starship is a perfect vehicle for that task.
>but we don't have enough space on stations for that many people
Then make Starship stay in orbit for like 2 weeks, like shuttle did in the past. This deal may be even better for tourist, because they won't have to pay for station maintenance.
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rtfm bro
How do you play the factorio game when you’re doing something niche though, such as commercial stations? You’re not going to need thousands of modules. It could work for someone like SpaceX (though they probably don’t want to run a station for NASA, that’s a lot of work but I digress) they could leverage their already-factorio business model via Falcon and Starship industrial chains and just make station pieces as well. But how could Axiom do it? How could Rocket Lab play factorio with satellite buses? When there isn’t high demand?
That’s what I don’t understand. Musk had F1 but quickly pivoted to F9 and started pumping them out like crazy. How did he get away with that?
you need to find smaller pieces to start spamming and get good at like SpaceX did with the Merlins
or just keep things very simple until you find a market/wait for starship to get online but still keep that mass producibility in mind as you design pathfinder modules in the mean time
like Vast is doing
just attach it to a rope and have crew space walk to and fro
Stefan Molyneux was right about the mechanism NASA's decline.
>the colonies are going to experience punishing levels of taxes just like the american colonies did
The effective tax rate for the 13 colonies was around one or two percent, which was much lower than in Britain.

By one estimate the average American now pays 35% of their earnings in taxes of all kinds.
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okay, we might have fucked ourselves on the taxes, but at least now we have a government that represents our interests
about 60% in nordic countries
Try over 80%
How would you even tax martian colonies? There's no resources there to make profit from. The colonies themselves won't be fully self-sufficient until a couple of decades at least so no industry either.
Space colonization is a whole different game from new world colonization. If any space industry is getting taxed it will be space manufacturing, communications, and asteroid mining since that is where the profits are going to be.
Grabbing aliens solve the fermi paradox but only if they passed the great filter. can they build a dyson swarm? von noyman probes?

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