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Everyone is just a machine, operating on basic evolutionary psychological impulses to propagate their genes and remove competition. Just cogs and wheels of nitrocarbon protein nanomachines and mitochondrial batteries whizzing away, slowly falling apart. Most people don't even mean what they say and only promote morals or beliefs in order to conform to all the other machines. The minority of people who are actually conscious of their own humanity and who have risen above the baseline of instinctual conformity to fully embrace higher ethics are in actual fact, defective in the context of evolution - our gears aren't aligned properly, we empaths, we autists, we philosophers. From the perspective of evolution, the greatest values known to man are mere hindrances to selection. Good natured prosocial protein sacks in the form of Christian Missionaries try to help the poor in Haiti and are killed and raped by more aggressively configured protein sacks with African names. And those protein sacks replicate, not the sacks with self awareness and humanity and empathy for ones fellow man. Those are all snuffed out in order for the human race to fit more snugly into the cynical factory process of environmental adaptation and natural selection, with humanity tortured into shape like a bonsai tree to bear that which conscious life would otherwise rightly perceive as unbearable. It makes me so angry I want to vomit. I think if we want any chance of escaping this horrid darwinian existence, we need a means of destroying evolution, natural selection and nature itself - likely through gene editing. I don't see that happening in an ideal way if there isn't an extremely moral and humanity minded population with their hands on the technology, which the evolutionary competition adapted psychopath banker crooks most certainly aren't. I take pride in the strangulation of the process of natural selection, and the bastardisation of nature. Because nature and humanity are inherently enemies.
Why is a harmoniously topiaried bonsai tree "tortured" by its shape more than the scraggly unformed nest of snakes it would be without grooming?
Because in this analogy the bonsai is developmentally stunted and prevented from reaching its true potential for growth and freedom, much like the most good natured and intellectually curious of humankind are ground away by the meat grinder of natural selection to make way for the idiots, the avaricious, the psychopaths and the liars, biomechanical instinct winning out over consciousness. The Enigma of Amigara Fault by Junji Ito is a perfect analogy for the horror of evolutionary adaptation.
It's a fair analogy but it's at least as fair to describe a nonbonsaied tree in Lord of the Flies terms: a development arrested for want of structure.
a tree grows freely, a bonsai does not

do you know how bonsais get their form?
there's nothing "harmonious" about it
Even free verse uses the "tortured" syllables of words. Without a basic bonsaiing of speech, all you'd have is anti-harmony.
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