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What is the science behind long Covid?
“They’re pathetic losers.” - the Science
large overlap with CFS which is metabolic dysfunction, impaired vo2 max and high lactate during exercise etc
Persistent complement dysregulation with signs of thromboinflammation.
>Our data suggest that active Long Covid is accompanied by a blood protein signature marked by increased complement activation and thromboinflammation, including activated platelets and markers of red blood cell lysis.
>Tissue injury may also be complement-mediated and, in turn, activate the complement system.
>Moreover, complement activation may be driven by antigen–antibody complexes, involving autoantibodies and antibodies against herpesviruses, as well as cross-talk with a dysregulated coagulation system.
It doesn't exist. Just like the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome, it's a fake illness made up by histrionic women and effeminate (possibly honosexual) men.
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That is nothing a Witch Doctor can't fix with phallic Juju.
anon please stop embarrassing yourself repeating the nonsense from decades ago, >>16386018 physiological dysfunction has been proven long ago
all my fucking problems went away once I started taking costco multivitamin and mineral pills. maybe they should try to get enough micronutrients.
the science hasn't kicked in yet because we need to properly study the long term effects and it hasn't been long enough to create good data.

unfortunately, the vacuum that's created by a lack of good data is misinformation. I feel like people who criticize the vaccine are really trying to criticize the abhorrent response to Coronavirus where millions died but the media is only reflecting the worst parts of their movement. Not taking the vaccine shouldn't be the only thing because it comes across as you being afraid of needles.

As an American, we barely have healthcare so nitpicking the vaccine is such a small issue when it was one of the only times medical treatment was free.
I have cfs, it's tragic.
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women are almost twice as likely say they have long covid than men
trannies are even more likely. 15% of all trannies say they have long covid!

in other words, long covid correlates with being a hysterical nutcase.
Also that 12% of bisexuals vs 7% of "straight and gay and lesbian adults" thing is damning. Everybody knows that bisexuals are even more nutty than regular fags, and they're twice as likely to say they have long covid.
I encountered a woman recently who claimed long covid permanently made her completely unable to taste literally minutes after talking about how something she was eating tasted.
CFS caused by Covid-19.
CFS in general - a persistent non-lytic viral infection caused by a mutated viral population - most often Enteroviruses and EBV - and now, Covid-19 as well.
And why would that effect bisexuals more than straight or even gay people? Why would it effect trannies at more than double the rate as others?

These statistics can only be explained by it being entirely in the heads of nut cases.
Trannies would be easily explained be having artificial hormonal disruption, which does impact the immune system.
Similarly, if bisexuals are indeed as promiscuous as you claim, then it would be just a matter of increased risk of transmitting some of these diseases - thus parallel infections too (themselves causing immune response).
There may also be more factors at play. Such disparities are well to low to suggest causation - only some correlations.
it's interesting that that article claims the highest percentages are found in red states because from my autistic pattern recognizing i have observed that nearly everyone i've encountered with long covid is very much a deep blue city stereotype (notably, they also frequently have other trendy yet fuzzy dysfunctions like pots, autism, fibromyalgia, ehlers-danlos, etc)
>Similarly, if bisexuals are indeed as promiscuous as you claim
I didn't say anything about them being promiscuous. I said they're nut jobs.
Tell it to the CDC, schizo.

It's probably lefty weirdos being more likely to use long covid as an excuse to stay shut up inside if outside their community isn't ideologically aligned with them. They go outside, see Trump signs, "just can't even" cope with that, and then flee back home and tell everybody they can't leave the house because muh long covid.
Care to comment on anything else than me misinterpreting the ‘even more nutty than regular fags’ remark?
Food for thought: people obsessed with other people’s sexuality are deeply insecure about their own one. It’s a cope and rejection mechanism.
what's your explanation of why bisexuals are more likely to have long covid?
are people obsessed with other people's homophobia insecure about their own homophobia as well?
why are bisexuals significantly more likely to have long covid than straight people, gays, or lesbians?
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How is this any different than a common NEET?
because this time it's liberal women doing it
You're wrong thoubeit.
Depression. It causes brain damage and depression
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A grift for sympathy and neetbux and a way for people with long-term psychologically damage from chink flu hysteria to blame it on chink flu itself, causing even more trauma and a self-reinforcing mental illness loop.
Girls are more likely to identify as bisexual. There are more bisexual girls than straight ones.
Food for thought. If you hate pedophiles it's because you secretly want to fuck children. Do you hate pedophiles anon?
Still insane to me she pulled that off. She's making more via patreon than YouTube and she's getting her simps (who earn less than her) to make her filthy rich. Makes me mad..
>are you apiphobic? Then you must secretly want to fuck bees.
Not getting good enough dick and losing will to live as a result

Women have been getting "long covid" for forever, same symptoms different name at different times
Why are bisexual girls more likely to say they have long covid than all other girls, including lesbians?
Made up. Scripted. 13 is 6+1+6, it's the 6th prime. 156 is the eclipse number. 616 is the number of the beast.

It's all scripted and made up. None of these people are real. Their figures aren't real. The stats aren't real. It's all fake.
Also rank of 12th, number of perfection, zodiac, ribs on each side, hours per AM and PM, etc. 1+2=3. Ranked 34th. 1 off from 33 again.

"thirty four" = 61, 18th prime. 3rd multiple of 6. Triple sixes, 6+6+6. 1033 agrippa's key, 133, the pythagorean output of "six hundred threescore and six". It's all made up and generated around eclipse numbers.
>svenanon said this 3 years ago
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>disturbances to neurotransmitter and hormone homeostasis
>changes in clotting and damage to small vessels
>possible nerve damage
>metabolic dysfunction

And that's pretty much it.
As far as I understand, there is no difference between long COVID and other post-viral syndromes, besides the initial damage from acute infection.

there is no such thing as "long covid". This is a made term to hide the fact that the system is causing epic levels of depression among the population.
Pots is easily testable and real.
Normalfags subconsciously checking out of the simulation, but not understanding why
Basedboy form of fibromyalgia.
Vaccine injury.
Queers are more sensitive and complain more because they perceive themselves as under harsher societal pressure. A 10% decrease in "liveliness" of a queer will be perceived by said queer far stronger than the same decrease in a normal person because normal people already "suck it up and deal."
>What is the science behind long Covid
most severe respiratory infections can have aftereffects for months down the line.
The sudden change in reality with social distancing and being stuck inside for ages probably knocked a lot of mentally health people into depression. That's exactly what the symptoms of long covid sound like. It's a bitch of a rut to get out of, hence why they are still stuck, but thats what their problem is.
Long covid = vaccine damage
Simple as
Tbh women have far higher rates of inflammatory/auto immune diseases.
Endometriosis was considered psychosomatic just two decades ago.
Saw one on the tv, was fixed by some drugs. Something to do with the mitochondria.

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