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Are there any notable biological effects if you only ate a plate of fruits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
well it's probably mostly fibre, sugar and not a lot of protein
this. you also need protein and a little fat.
fruits have protein, (((they))) just don't talk about it.

The main problem is the sugar in fruit, called fructose, and the related fructans, pectin, and alcohols, and to some extent the water content too.
Basically you'd have to go through a diarrhea hazing period, until your body is used to it after a couple of months or so, and by then your body won't be able to probably handle any other food and you'd have to go through another hazing period of alternating diarrhea and constipation if you want to switch back to eating like people.
Your brain changes and you become entitled and brag about how meat is murder at every occasion.
sure, you will also find a little fat but how much can you collect by eating fruits?
and are those the right proteins/fats?

I have to feeling you might suffer from severe brain damage.
are (((they))) in the room with us now?
and who are ((((they))) in your little world perception?
(((those))) that keep you from using fucking wikipedia or google?
Diarrhea due to the high fiber and low fat.
>high fiber
fibre causes the opposite problem
The inverse is true retard

Go eat a lot of fruit your turd will splatter

Fruit isn’t as nutrient dense as it was it’s gmo that’s why fruit is a dessert
Or just eat tiramisu
garbage, almost as bad as eating candy
says the anon who hasn't google scholar'd enough

there are some really shit-tier fruits where that is true, then are blueberries, raspberries and pomegranates.
Low protein, non-fat, high sugar as fructose.
Over load liver and heavy malnutrisi.
The famous Steve Jobs died after consuming nothing but that. It was actually cancer, but it makes it very easy to look at his diet as diet does have massive effect on health.
I know a women who's done this for years. She has many chronic injuries and conditions, probably because of the lack of protein.
There are some who believe sugar is what cancer thrives on.
You are brain dead.
Worse than Barkon
its called glycolisis
those are low GI fruits so its basically eating a complex carb

most fruit is pure sugar
>Are there any notable biological effects if you only ate a plate of fruits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
vitamin B-12 deficiency is the first thing that comes to mind.

Professor Barkon is schizo tier randomness yet sometimes smart and funny, you are just a dumb nigger.
Your world view is shit

Probably a vegan communist holy shit you need help and an Iq test

You don’t know economic theory so don’t even talk

The only thing “unlawful” in capitalism is exploitation of inefficiencies of logic amongst the working class

That’s where I believe if the market tam cagr gets high enough the government should intervene

You probably don’t know this because you’re susceptible to subconscious programming and propaganda
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My gai is 97 and I know the truth nigger
Scams by the economy

MOOCS except for 10 udemy courses but ChatGPT is free now dunno how long the compute credit socialistic company will last they have to figure that out even with a $20 sub it’s not efficient to be for profit

Nutrition memers
Most seed oils are fine just gmo basedbean oil that lowers test

We need to follow empiricism
We have democratization of information it’s just lag and rate of implementation before it’s going to reflect in the economy

You seem pissed off too Kek
The only animal we eat mass of is cows that are sentient because of autobiographical memories measured by MRI imaging so that’s no good so eat lamb and fish basically the med diet and avoid saturated fat
No they don’t retard you’d need to eat an obscene amount of fruit to get your body weight of protein assuming you’re a gym memeing faggot

But as far as longevity is concerned the blue zones don’t eat all fruit so that sums up your pile of shit
All known by a

>100 FSIQ anti memer autodidact took me 5 years to figure this shit out and Chris langan can’t even come close
All by passive learning and market experiences
If your brain is already damaged from years of neglect, abuse, or genetic malformation, adopting a proper diet later in life will do little to "fix" anything.

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