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Pardon me for a sperg out. I have been conjuring up a pseudo-science for a little while now that I conceptualize as "absorbtion" hypothesis.
I had learned a while back that a good chunk of the brain deals with the nerves in our hands. The hands likewise have a lot of nerves that connect to the brain. This got me thinking, given that skin is not 100% impermeable, that is it possible to "taste" or absorb certain chemicals or DNA into your hands and eventually reach your brain? Now the obvious answer is yes but I am thinking a little more retarded. This relates a little to psychometry, can you absorb things on objects that influence your mind subconsciously or without you knowing? LSD tablets are known to absorb through the skin and enter the blood stream and can do this anywhere. Can trace amounts of Chemicals or DNA convey information in the nerves or blood vessels of our hands to the brain almost without knowing? I liken this to a common trope in literature where objects, particuarly weapons, have heavily vested essence in them. Where a sword that has slain dozens of people can have an aura or feel to them when an unrelated character holds it. Can large amounts of DNA on an object be sensed by the hands and subsequently relayed to the brain? Everyone has had this feeling I think when they touch something. Like holding a pot that you can tell has cooked alot of food despite never knowing that- especially before holding it. Or a toy your sibling had played with, you can tell somewhat.
Another parallel I feel needs to be drawn is that of the Slime colonies that exhibit sentience or intelligence. The slime colonies are almost instantenously able to communicate between different parts of itself without any obvious mechanism, such as a brain or nervous system. This mold was able to detect it's surroundings and grow accordingly as if it was being guided to do so. I bring this up because I think the sympathetic nervous system can likewise be an "other" brain, where it can sense things we dont know such as a hot stove and move our hand, but can also detect more minute things like a certain chemical interacting with us and relay it quietly to the brain, or coming into contact with DNA doing the same. With enough exchange of DNA can you become altered? If you exhange skin cells enough with say a partner, does your physiology change? Maybe your genes shift a little, or your brain has enough of their DNA bleed into it to change something. We already know from the holocaust (insert holocaust never happened here) that extreme hardships, both psychological and physical, can permanently change your genes in a single generation. children of holocaust survivors still have this changed gene. What exactly would stop this from happening in other areas? Such as interacting with certain chemicals altering your DNA. Now, I know this would typically be called cancer and the certain chemicals carcinogenic. However, there are likely compounds that can be engineered to elicit certain effects (medications, nicotine patches) that would alter someones DNA or chemical makeup in their brain without them knowing. like coating their silverware, pens, steering wheel, phone, in it to slowly change how they think. like a HPV or HIV. All of this is a roundabout way to propose that psychometry may have some merit to it. Discuss.
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