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>If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.

You cannot explain political philosophy to a 6 year old.

How do I explain the implications socioeconomic philosophy of Marx to a 6 year old.

This idom is dumb
Yes you definitely can.
If you cannot explain anything in simple terms, then you truly don't understand it.
The measuring stick for whether you actually understand something is whether you can explain it to a computer
Tbh, Marx is fairly explainable to children. I'd say you'd have a much harder time with most research level scientific/mathematical topics than "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." If anything, Marx is a fairly simplistic thinker which leads him to be very palatable to those who find themselves (rightfully) disgusted with the status quo but with no ability to be think through what a meaningful replacement would look like (hint, it most certainly won't be Marxist communism or fascism).
Apex brainlet
i guess nobody understands consent
True, I gave my 7 year old son kapital and now he just talks about gold/silver exchange rates and abolishing the value form
Feynman's version of 'a bright first year student' works better
How would you explain the Boltzman constant's presence in the ideal gas law to a six year old?
rookie mistake
i can explain it to you in terms you can understand however I can't promise that it won't short-circuit your brain
Yes lets rely on the comprehension skills of a literal child. Great imposition anon. Firing on all cylinders.
Oops! I had better dig into some stoichiometry to explain that reference!
You can't? Lmao
Uhhhh I do not get it
there is no bolztmann's constant in the ideal gas law, stop spewing random shit
good luck explaining partial differential equations to a six year old
>things often affect other things, which is modeled by a pde. for example, a hot thing heats up its surroundings, and a cold thing cools down its surroundings. this is modelled by a "heat equation", a special kind of pde
>Oversimplifying a quote about simplifying.
The idea is that if you understand a topic thoroughly enough, you should be able to explain any idea at a level appropriate to your audience, without needing to use misleading analogies or false equivalences.

ex. You should be able to explain to explain how a plane flies to a kid at a conceptual level they can understand without yelling at them about the Kutta Condition or turbulent vortices.
A sx-year-old what?
Knowing how to explain things at different levels is indeed a skill/talent and sign of some intelligence. Definitely not a requisite for being intelligent.
That's why make-up and other ways to manipulate and deceive people is also illegal, right?
begone philfag
>everything reduces to material interests
>history is a progression from barbarism to utopia
>power can be eliminated
Why not? Fascism is incredibly flexible economically, and the modern world's destruction of identity will hopefully lead to a revolt in the opposite direction.
You can, it just takes longer time.
Sure you can.
There is a tendency of the rate of profit to fall as productivity rises. Capital=labor+means of production. As productivity rises so does capital and means of production takes a bigger share. This leads to lower wages. Since the laborer can't afford the product it leads to overproduction which leads to economic downturns. Therein lies the contradiction of capital. Eventually the rate of profit will reach zero at which point the mode of production will shift from capitalism to socialism and eventually communism.
>5 year old turns 6 and is suddenly endowed with cognition
>Try to explain time dilation to him
>The faster you go, the less time it takes
>He starts laughing and running around pretending to be an airplane
>Or maybe... A rocket ship?
>Of course! He gets it!
cognition begins at 5
confirmed for not understanding pdes
Are you satisfied about all explanations equally much?
So, what if I explained Aristoteles philosophy as “be a good lad, don’t do too much”.
That was an apt explanation to you?
I just asked chat gpt to try. You just got mogged by a language model.

Imagine you and your friends are building a big Lego castle together. Now, one friend takes most of the Legos and doesn't share, so they get to build a huge tower, but the rest of you only have a few Legos and can’t build much. That wouldn’t be fair, right?

Karl Marx had an idea that everyone should get the same amount of Legos (or toys) so everyone can build cool things together. He thought that it wasn’t right for some people to have way more than others, and that sharing would make things better for everyone.

So, in simple terms, Marx believed in sharing to make things fair for everyone!

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