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Is there any bigger frauds than psychiatrists? They claim authority over the proper functioning of the human mind, yet 99% of their job is saying "schizo" or "bipolar" and "take your tranquilizer".
Have you interacted with most people? There is something wrong with the majority of them. Whether it's autistic rants about monorails, or they're emotional and get offended, or they have weird quirky behaviors, anti social and rude, or are so nice they let people walk on them, the hysterical woman, on and on.

Psychiatry is actually very light on pathologizing human personality and behaviors, there is much more wrong with people than in the DSM. Homosexuality and sportsball obssession can and should be mental illnesses.

Psychiatry is the most right wing career someone can have. You enhance healthy people with stimulants and you subdue deranged bipolar and schizo types. It's eugenic unlike all other fields, where you help the obese and undeserving and do nothing to enhance or better a regular person other than take $130,000 of their money for a Fatty's surgery.

Aspiring high IQ chuds should study medicine and become psychiatrists. You could also tell your patients to sign up for bennies to put strain on a broken society.
>Psychiatry is actually very light on pathologizing human personality and behaviors, there is much more wrong with people than in the DSM.
wow what a ridiculously bad take. With exceptions for extreme unethical or destructive or anti-social behavior, psychiatrists have no authority to be the "thought police", and doing so puts a chilling effect on creativity, personal growth, independent thought, spirituality and freedom(not just for those that are institutionalized but for everyone).

I am a hyperrational individual from 1000 years in the future and I consider all leisure to be results of mental illness, lowering societal efficiency, hence requiring immediate pacification with central amygdala alcohol injection.
Praised be the central regime.
then why are narcissists not locked up?
They don't actually analyze your brain to produce a mental health diagnosis. Like imagine getting a cancer diagnosis without doing a biopsy. It's entirely based on subjective interviews with the patient. It's sociopolitically biased and consistently produces wrong results.
Low iq doctors
am lawyer, can confirm
Theres no need to, you are just obsessed with the aesthetics of science. Its like doing a DNA test on a cat to make sure its a cat.
Mental illness is defined by behavior, you dont need to look at some brain to observe behavior
wrong. psychiatry is obsessed with finding biological markers for schizophrenia to shutup all the naysayers calling them quacks and not real doctors. They haven't found much of anything but lord knows they're gonna keep trying because they can't stand being one of the least respected specialties in the medical world.
This board would be even more dead if they were.
>Is there any bigger frauds than psychiatrists?
I have been reading some studies, and it showed, that one specific schiz pill pushes patient more into direction of dissease... Literally graph was from highest marker to lowest describing healthy, control, on pill. That means, they worsen the diagnosis.

Can somebody explain why they're trying to cure effect of pill with another pill that potentiates it's effect?
Maybe but to everyone critiquing this field how else would you deal with the clearly mentally ill. Im not talking overdiagnosis of a toddler with supposed ADHD but I mean the actually completely deranged or really sick

for all saying MI isnt real it is but its overhyped so much by this soft generation that the true sufferers are overshadowed by the fakers

my dads a psychiatrist he gives b12 injections thinking hes doing a service for the community when majority of us are omnivorous which is a big omega lul

nigger still makes 600k a year
>Is there any bigger frauds than psychiatrists?
Are you aware of forced electro-shocks and stuff like that? Are you aware of side-effects or maybe even main effects of anti-schizo medication?
>history of medicine is fucked up
yes we know
I live in post-socialistic country in central Europe, and ECT is far from history... It's daily practice, also they still prescribe haloperidol as first line of treatment.
They are state sanctioned drug dealers and intensely evil. $$$

Most psychopharma studies are fraudulent.
>wrong. psychiatry is obsessed with finding biological markers
Not its not, it just looks at behavior. A schizo acts like a schizo, his disease is his behavior. Doctors are not going to open up your brain to find the source of the disease. Some researchers do that but that not what normal doctors do. Normal doctors also dont know how the pills they give you work, they might mutter "dopamine muttafucka" while they write the prescription
i like pressing them on how the pills work just to remind them they are frauds
What exactly "act like schizo" means?
My father has worked in a swiss psych ward for over 20 years and from what he told me, it's absolutely nothing like what you describe.
They mostly deal with the elderly, the addict and the severely depressed. The schizos / psychos and what ot are mostly outliers.
they meet a plurality of the qualitative symptoms listed in the diagnostic manual
Don't make me read DSM, just list me schizo behaviour please,
I've never been halllucinating for over a month, I've tried to get on acid for whole month, but never had hallucinations whole month.

Being disorganized and asocial isn't going to get better by AP's.

And why the heck I'm getting 3AP's and 2AD's on schizophrenia?
I thank shrinks for keeping the superego alive in this time of boundless narcissism.
No, I don't want bipolar people and schizos running around unfettered. I want to pump em full of tranquilizers.
>Homosexuality and sportsball obssession can and should be mental illnesses.
No prisons large enough
All this picture did was remind me that somewhere, at some time, someone has fucked and cum inside a chicken
These fucking psychy faggets misdiagnosed me with schizophrenia when all I had was an anxiety episode from the stresses of life.

They know about as much about the mind as some Middle Ages plague doctor
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>they're emotional and get offended
Classic sign of a deranged and paranoid Schizophrenic.
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Oh, so super well adjusted people have super well adjusted crazies.

Fucking bananas...
Is anyone harrassing you? Are you being followed? Are you the target of surveillance?
Is climate change real? Are perpetual motion machines possible?
I've been long in this world...

Long enough, to have "I've got paranoia that you'll get me on antipsychotics." being flagged as paranoid symptom and recieved AP's on it's behalf.

Also I have in my medicinal record, that I'm harrased by psychiatry, which is delusion, but they always come somehow...

Climate change is not something you can base diagnosis on if you're not part of Ministry of Truth.

Also, energy loss is not that big, that you can have well oiled machine in environment, in a constelation that machine outlives you.

Honestly, if you think about this rocks that are hotter when comes together, you can have enough of motion.
How can doctor conclude patient is not target of surviellance?
This isn't the world I live in faggot. I live in a world of fools and poop
Are there any of those fools here with us right now?
By being a member of the intelligence community himself.
I only choose shrinks who have worked for the NSA or CIA.
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Maxwell's demon is possible.

Psychological taxidermy is impossible:
You can collect questions,
but in a confrontation with your equals,
you don't get to pin somebody down:
the outcome is only half your own.
>wow what a ridiculously bad take. With exceptions for extreme unethical or destructive or anti-social behavior, psychiatrists have no authority to be the "thought police", and doing so puts a chilling effect on creativity, personal growth, independent thought, spirituality and freedom(not just for those that are institutionalized but for everyone).
soijak.jpg moment.
>Can somebody explain why they're trying to cure effect of pill with another pill that potentiates it's effect?
Questioning the Government/control structure
>Homosexuality and sportsball obssession can and should be mental illnesses.
They are, all addiction and obsessive compulsive behavior is a a mental illness.
the world gets crazier and these quacks prescribe more drugs. no end in sight.
Homosexuality was removed from the DSM because of antipsychiatry thanks to to clinical psychologists being contributors and editors of it (pro tip, they've always been retards like Peterson).
Sexual addiction is not, though, so anyone obsessed with homosexuality is still treated as mental illness.
Well, I don't even questioned it, I only stated it's profoundly fucked up.
When I was a child I became convinced I was terminally ill and was framed as a “crazy hypochondriac” and was forced into antipsychotics which I refused to comply with because they cause permanent brain damage.

5 years later my neurologist informed me I was dying from an incurable and progressively debilitating disease which could kill me in the next 6 months.

So I wasted the best years of my life framed as a lunatic just for being 2 steps ahead of everyone else, I was persecuted by psychiatry just finished being a child with a terminal illness.
>or are so nice they let people walk on them
literally me

confrontation and negative interaction are so unpleasant I let my ex gf burn me with cigarettes when she got mad
i think you belong on reeedit
naturopaths, chiropractors, psychics
>they're emotional and get offended
or like majority of population, especially zoomers
>diagnostic manual
the one that removed trannies from it in 2012?
psychiatry is incredibly important it's just that we know very little about the human brain and how it works. Most treatments are just 'nuke it from orbit." and if it doesn't work, the next step is to just use a different nuke with a different yield.

It's amazing how something with 86 billion neurons with 100 trillion connections would be hard to diagnose. It's not a shit science, it's just an incredibly difficult one where we are hundreds of years away from learning how shit actually works.
at least these guys aren't empowered with the authority to take away peoples freedom and force-feed them drugs.

The only other people more powerful(with the respect to take away man's freedom) are Judges, but they don't usually claim any scientific
or medical authority
Behaviour is adaptive or maladaptive, not "ill" or "healthy".
I guess they even doesn't know that man and woman is different spieces when to it comes to handling elevated prolactin.
It’s not a shit science because it’s not a science.
Can anything be true or false or is it all based on societal power to you?
They are having nightmares about Organic Chem.
I just think that while there can mental symptoms of various neurological and other diseases and conditions, the mind, having no anatomy and thus no possible pathophysiology, cannot possibly be ill or well. Better adjectives are deranged, competent/incompetent (a legal, not medical conclusion), acute, dull/bright etc. I said nothing about societal power.
bu m p
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>you masturbate with your left hand?
>tell me what is your relationship to your mother?

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