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Science has become a status contest for normies who care about prestige and social standing, and not about truth and progress. Real nerds who focus on intellectual curiosity and solving problems are alienated by spending months on untruthful window-dressing for prestigious paper-chasing, networking, and academic politics. What we got from that are replication crises, shallow research, and billions of normies peer-pressuring themselves into injecting themselves with genetic technology tested for two months.

The main motivation of normies is social status. This is e.g. why they hate you when lay out clearly why you made a particular decision, they see the facts you share (that nerds would just find *interesting*) not as information but as challenging their social status when they decided for something just because it's popular. That's why their monkey brains generate the automatic reaction to devalue and punish you for it.

Normies are driven by status alone, so what if we created a **system where status doesn't matter**, that actively alienates normies and attracts nerds again? How would that look like? Anonymous contributions, judged only by anonymous peer-reviewed merit, no names or institutions attached. Discussing data like in the old internet times instead of polishing it up to create content for the publishing industry and elongating an academic CV. Could this force normies out and bring nerds back to the forefront of real scientific advancement?

Let’s come up with a bunch of ideas to fix this mess.
Just do math. Progress in math is so slow it has always been the best deterent to normie activities. See Gauss who was a sheltered bigot when the French revolution was happening, or Jean Pierre Serre who didn't give a single fuck about hippies in the 60s. Math is the only refuge for people who can't stand normies. Add to that interest for classic books in literature (minimum 200 years) and you have a decent intellectual hygiene.

We got more maths than we might ever need.

Meanwhile, nerds need fields like medicine working effectively too.
it's all branding
rename scientist to statistcal technologist or some shit and leave what science is becoming to it's own devices
then when the masses catch in to the cool new thing rename it again
nerds = chuds
bring back nerds, lol
lmao even
if you want nerds back you will have to remove women and minorities first, kek
so your only real option is to wait until they ruin science, culture, technology and our economy until they die off
cool story, /pol/.
where do you think nerds went?
the second the stereotype gained a hint of positive stigma for singelhandedly ushering in the computer revolution normies, especially women and minorities began hardcore larping as nerds
then when they completely took over the stereotype and all associated groups, they started calling real nerds chuds, incels and so on
the only real nerds left now are completely apolitical high functioning autistics 145 IQ and above

congratulations, you made me point to the sign

it's not about incels vs. girls polbro

it's about nerds vs. status seeking normies

normies will screw literally everyone over as soon as they infiltrate something. have you been part of the interwebs before steve jobs allowed them all to get in? plenty of good nerdy girls there. they tried getting into science but normies steel their work too
Unironically defund science. Anything that pays too well will have prestige associated with it. This will filter out nearly everyone who is unserious and just in it for the money.

We already have too many scientists anyway. 99% of the field is dead weight. The midwits are dragging down and drowning out the actual innovators.
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>Science has become a status contest for normies who care about prestige and social standing
Scientists have always been obsessed with prestige and social standing within their own social circles. Your question can be reduced to the political interplay of normie social circles and scientific social circles. The only solution is for science to sabotage itself by planting land mines everywhere in the form of irreplicable studies and grant writing corruption until it is so discredited that normie social circles no longer benefit by association. The solution is already well underway. If you haven't figured it out by now, best to just hide in a corner and let the adult men do what adult men always do.
And how do you explain category people?
NTA but category people are peak normie. I mean you can't even speak to a one-person mob of category people without being projected into the apex normie discourse of transphilia.

not in pure maths but the dude I know who is into category theory is vaxxed to the max, has depression and weird physical health issues now, and recently left his FAANG job to join a startup that will solve climate change with AI

I thought he was a nerd. do any of these people ever have real interests or are they just pretending for status seeking? he told me stuff like solving hard math puzzles in his freetime, I now wonder why he even told me that

Looks like a figured it out but I can only watch(tm). Any advice for the near future? How will science develop, will it be defunded?
I don't care if you're normie or nerd, science needs dedication, not nerdification. You don't have to be nerd to be smart.

It's not about smartness, and you are right about the importance of endurance. ImageNet was all about commitment to a ton of work, and single-handedly was the foundation for revolutionizing AI.

It's about the end goal. Is it curiosity, knowledge and truth? Or social standing / money?
Both, you can't do much research if you're poor, therefore security of your truthseeking operation is related to the budget... But I've think people spent more money on books about quantum mechanics, and actually getting lasers would be cheaper if you know what I mean while obtaining educated "experts". Intellectual and cognitive capital are necessary, we waste too much by mindgames.
>Science has become a status contest for normies who care about prestige and social standing, and not about truth and progress. Real nerds who focus on intellectual curiosity and solving problems are alienated by spending months on untruthful window-dressing for prestigious paper-chasing, networking, and academic politics.
To truly eliminate this as a problem, you'd need to address the issue of college degrees being seen as necessary to make a decent and comfortable living. The stigma of uneducated idiot/poor person is just too strong at the moment I think. A lot of young people I speak to see not getting an undergraduate degree as "failing at life". This sentiment has bled into the sciences despite the rigor of coursework doing a decent job of weeding many unworthy types out.
Meanwhile ten year old youtubers are dabbing on these supposed geniuses

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