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got so tired of all the iq fags and self testing bullshit and decided to finally try a real and legit one so scheduled for mensa. and what do you know im in top 1% of iq

what now faggots
>what now faggots
Now I laugh at you for failing the idiot test and paying the test fee and membership fee for Mensa which effectively does nothing but prove you're a tool.
it gives physical proof im smarter than any psychiatrist and psychologist fag
vinergar based nam nam
Damn, I wish I were as smart as you are. What does it feel being so smart?
What now? I guess, now that you’ve been identified, it’s their move. Probably just sell your personal info to advertisers.
i learn stuff very fast. im in university and basically i get to do all homework and projects without even going to lecture if i do go to lecture i understand the material instantly very obvious while i notice my collegemates seem to need a lot of time to process write it out and reason through it. i hardly need to write notes only when i write solutions.

the negative thing is i feel very alone and isolated. i also have become lazy (just doing the bare minimum and doing whatnot in my free time) it’s hard to bond with people over homework problems as i just solve it fast and when i try to explain the solution they seem to be amazed/or need a lot of time to process it. im in engineering. had two math classes where i didnt go to a single lecture just did the required homework and got a B in both exams
Is that your FSIQ retard or fluid or vci quit larping

Real high Iq people don’t join societies unless it is their only trait
its fluid the test is similar to raven mastrices
A smart person would have saved their money and just had their mom write a note saying "You're a very special boy." to put on their fridge.
Study math.
nah im not that smart. i know a couple people studying math who have been to olympiads and are not worried about job prispects. my plan is to be lazy and have a job secure education
should have helped build AI, now you'll be designing door hinges for the rest of your life
>nah im not that smart
My IQ is much lower than yours (128) and I have no trouble with studying math.
there's no trouble in studying math, the point is are you going to get a good secure job that's not a teaching position? besides, if you gonna study math you should be at a level that would make you have groundbreaking discoveries like gauss, euler, or newton or abel. studying math with sub 140 iq is useless and a waste of time
>the point is are you going to get a good secure job that's not a teaching position?
Already did.
>besides, if you gonna study math you should be at a level that would make you have groundbreaking discoveries like gauss, euler, or newton or abel
>studying math with sub 140 iq is useless and a waste of time
>Already did
what job
simple cost benefit analysis. too much cost for little benefit (understanding obscure math theorems that only a handful thousand in the world knows)
cost benefit analysis sub140 iq invests more time with less returns because their brains are too weak to make anymore creative connections to other math fields, or too learn more math in the same amount of time

well if you get a lot of dopamine hits by studying math, if math becomes crack then that can justify it but that would isolate you out and make you a math autist antisocial weirdo
How much are the dues these days?
Also, Mensa is top 2%, moron.
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Do you look like this? If so, would you be willing to have babies with a midwit? I may be a midwit (in the colloquial sense), but if I rub my last two brain cells (too much whippet abuse) together really fast I can obtain an IQ of 6 gorillion if only momentarily. Of course, the heat generated from doing so gives me a headache, so I'd need to lay my head on your cool lap afterwards.
I have an IQ of 71--I'm edging retardation--and I study Maths :3
>what job
Code monkey in finance.
>simple cost benefit analysis. too much cost for little benefit (understanding obscure math theorems that only a handful thousand in the world knows)
It's a challenge, it's fun, it makes you think in new ways and reveals true things about the world. What the fuck does it matter if only a few people know about them?
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but whoever told you your IQ is 71 lied to you.
You really only need to be like 130+ to contribute to mathematics. The average math professor is in the 130-135 range and this includes many who produce research. Past a certain point higher IQ has diminishing returns in terms of research success and securing tenure. You're literally better off being more likeable than just some asshole sperg if you want an academic job trust me.
i know but they give a score. i got iq >= 135 which is top 1% or more
im a guy
yeah "to contribute" which means writing some hard fuckass math paper with tons of hours poured in just to improve some tiny bound or some weird useless lemma of another theorem in some weird theory branch of math that only maybe a hundred people at a time understand with minimal impact other than just expanding on some obscure mathematical system.

this is what i mean by the cost outweighs the benefits unless you're some math sperg. math is not the only thing im interested in. im interested in having some time for family, other topics on the side, and a stable job. also top academic positions are a bloodbath to get requriing As in all courses and international research experience at a uni ranked higher than the local uni you want to be a professor in. it's not worth it plain simple.

>It's a challenge, it's fun,
it's masochism.
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No you didn't. You're a sad, lonely troll trying to stir up shit. You gave away the biggest tell: you spelled Mensa in all caps in your title. Anyone who is actually involved with Mensa knows it's not an acronym and is only shown in all caps on a few pieces of marketing material, where it is also sometimes shown in all lowercase or mixed case. For some reason trolls just can't help themselves and always put in all caps when stirring up shit. Perhaps because they think it looks arrogant that way. And I notice you later did the zoom zoom thing of just completely doing away with all rules of capitalization. Mensa members, even Zoomer members, don't find basic rules of capitalization and punctuation to be intellectually taxing.
Mensa is a gaming club for people who want to game in peace without attention whoring trolls ruining everything by making everything about them. They truly want to play games. They're not there to flail about, screaming for everyone to look at them. They're not there to show off how smart they are (something much easier to do if you join a club full of normies and midwits instead of a high IQ society); they're there to get away from the attention whores who ruin everything. They're there to get away from people like OP and that people like OP keep seethe posting these threads over and over again shows that the people in Mensa are right to have separated themselves away from people like OP who just can't help attention whoring their feelings of inadequacy.
OP is false flagging in an attempt to create resentment amongst others like him who wish they could get into the organization so they could use it for attention whoring instead of as a social outlet for those tired of dealing with people like OP. It's funny that he created an implied insult to everyone on /sci/ by saying most posters would be stupid enough to fall for this variant of Bio-Leninism.
There is only one person in the world that I would care to see do an IQ test and that's Trump. He makes the claim he has the highest IQ out of many popular, previous (and current) presidents but he has yet to actually take an IQ test. He won't even let his old school release his SAT scores to help give an estimate to what they could be and instead threatened to sue them if they ever did.

The average IQ of convicted felons is around 92, which is a lot lower to his estimated 156.
>yeah "to contribute" which means writing some hard fuckass math paper with tons of hours poured in just to improve some tiny bound or some weird useless lemma of another theorem in some weird theory branch of math that only maybe a hundred people at a time understand with minimal impact other than just expanding on some obscure mathematical system.

That's basically all modern research now though. It's basically near impossible to write a paper by yourself that's groundbreaking. All the low hanging fruit has been picked and you basically have to specialize in some niche or a few. I understand if it's not for you but we are way past the stage of Gauss and Euler. Even Cedric Villani or Tao or Perleman are like this, they basically just solved the correct reduction of some larger problem and "published" the solution but they are standing on many others work.

>this is what i mean by the cost outweighs the benefits unless you're some math sperg. math is not the only thing im interested in. im interested in having some time for family, other topics on the side, and a stable job.
okay, fair enough.

>also top academic positions are a bloodbath to get requriing As in all courses and international research experience at a uni ranked higher than the local uni you want to be a professor in. it's not worth it plain simple.

What exactly do you mean? Like being a professor at Harvard? Why does it even matter? I can name multiple experts in many fields who are not at ivy league colleges or the most top ranked institutions. The name of your school really doesn't matter in the long run, you can still produce highly quality research at tier 2 institutions. Nothing is stopping you from collaborating or networking with people from Princeton or Harvard if you have the ideas either.
Then that’s just 2 sub tests combined not your pri retard take wais iv then talk fucking larp
lol 1% iq isn't that rare to larp about. cope being sub 120 iq
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I know the truth you don’t know shit about Iq and tests and the g factor


Thanks for assuming I’m 120 FSIQ I’m 100
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>so my VIQ is the same as a homeless person

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Kek. Nope you just got busted by a guy in the top 0.1% (150 IQ). And I was in Mensa too.
When I was 10.
nigga now that's a larp
Oh, don't worry. I'm barely functional. Being a meta-genius takes it's toll.
Nothing that you'll ever know.
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Welcome to the club faggot
bro that's so gay. it's like showing to other people we are in a faggot club
it only proves you're a shallow narcissist like all other members of mensa. iq tests were only designed to categorize retards in the military so you'd know which ones you had to avoid assigning responsibility to. imagine having a club centered around the score you got on the retard-detecting examination.
This and it correlates with job performance at .55 g loading

This Mensa is a fucking retard this entire post is a mental masturbation
iq positively correlates to health, academic performance, and income. it's one of the best measurements of an individual's intelligence/genius (all genius in past history has had very high iqs). keep coping sub 120 iq, you're not part of the fag club
>This Mensa is a fucking retard
you have 85 verbal knowledge iq. in english, you're functionally a retard. or as you put it, in the same position as a homeless person
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>all genius in past history has had very high iqs
wrong, we didn't have iq tests before in history. maybe a math genius had 80 iq we don't know
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What do you even do as a member in Mensa?

>>16391726 says its a gaming club
I still know the g factor nigger
Wallet guy here :

On the paper is "participate in cultural and social activities".
But the final aim is mostly do some networking for job/business.
>I still know the g factor nigger
nigger using 70% of your brain verbal capacity to understand g factor and IQ is pretty retarded. you should at least use that 70% in understanding plumbing and how to decongest shit-filled tubes. at least, you can contribute something that way. let the intellectual elites do the thinking
>networking for job/business
In other words, board games and orgies.
average plumber is 115

i doubt a 97-100 FSIQ person can understand and conceptualize the g factor

you know very little about intelligence

it shows nigger im smarter just admit it
no i function normal quit jumping to shit

its my analysis

average negro is 85 iq and on welfare

>pov my dad is a psychiatrist making 600k a year and im a neet trading his money with algorithms i made with measuring lag and finding price inefficiencies through fluid iq 107 that nobody else did
It's a scam, so you pay their membership, if you use your iq you will realise I am correct.

Anyways I don't check this board so don't reply.
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I am 98IQ according mensa norway online test and I also study math. I am borderline retarded like I it takes me 5mins to read single page of a novel, and after reading for like 10 mins I think about my retarded environement. In a year I will finish my bachelors degree and go study computer engineering since I figured out I need stable job prospects in some comfy office, and also I am only interested topology, category theory, foundations of math, and philosophy of math.
>IQ 71
fits the bill
>Mensa is a gaming club for people who want to game in peace without attention whoring trolls ruining everything by making everything about them
ok maybe I wanna join now
Nothing too impressive. I have above 145 IQ and enough psychotic ability to invent entirely new fields of knowledge. Im literally singlehandedly fixing your guys gay ass issues for like the next epoch or whatever. If procrastination doesnt get the better of me, yes its pretty bad, Ill solve societies issues that they didnt even knew they had (well they knew tangentially) and reinterpret the whole of reality in a new and as you probably will learn, productive way. Genius really is buried between autism and schizophrenia and you guys cant even imagine what life is like being such a snowflake retard. I have been gifted and cursed
proof or gtfo lol youre just another narcissist iq larper
not gonna post my stuff in your shithole
dont need your validation either

Lets just put it this way: By saying some things I said, I changed public discourse worldwide already. Im not as obvious, or as lame as your classical fags.
so youre a neet
and Im living in your head, rent free
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>By saying some things I said, I changed public discourse worldwide already
>Anon was the first one to start the Free Playstation movement
This anon was the one who made calling out the Jews palatable for normalfags. Zased, so fvkin Zased. I kneel.
I'm going to forget about you tomorrow
I have a top 1% WISC score, I probably will never join mensa even though I wouldn't have to do anything to join. I'd rather join a political organization or start my own.
Yeah do you have to bring your own stick up the ass or do they provide that for you?
Why is god real (you won't give an atheist answer because you're a mensa)
takes it's toll
Is offical test any different then their online tests, such as mensa dk? If yes, what's the difference?
Congrats on your talent, if not trolling
i think you have low quant reasoning

you are probably white
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>Welcome to Mensa anon, thanks for using your big brain to pay us!
how do i get dopamine hits from doing maths please help i need this for the rest of my life
It doesn't matter what your IQ is if you believe bullshit, such as people walking on the moon, gas pressure next to a vacuum, propulsion through a vacuum, curvature you can't see, motion you can't measure, etc.
put the fries in the bag bro + MENSA gay button ---->
Does this shit even help you get jobs? can you ask the members if they're hiring?
If you even have your test results on physical media it only proves that somebody certified that you achieved a certain test score once.

A test score significantly more than one in hundred psychiatrists and psychologists can beat. Since you are in 1% of the general population, which includes niggers, convicts, women, drug users, the homeless, niggers, fat people, old people and the mentaly infirm.
I've never understood the appeal.
What benefit is there, if any, in joining such an organization?
My iq is even lower (117) and i feel intellectually disabled. I even got on disability hehehe
>I've never understood
yeah, that pretty much explains it
look at it as a containment board in reverse
Online mensa tests can be deflated even.
average iq for a plumber is 115 retard
that's a lie you need to be below 93 to get disability
nope they're all over the place
>nam nam
I hope you die a terrible death
Nice dude. Isn't that the same club Mandelbaur was in?
>nope they're all over the place
Mensa ones seem precise. Do you recommend a particular one?
maybe i should be a plumber... it still seems really complicated
lmao this literally happened to a friend of mine with a similar backstory. He got out of it last year and now designs locks.
Friend's mom is in Mensa. She took me to two meetings they organized and it was such a beautiful fucking shitshow. Many people there don't keep themselves clean. Really bad smell all over the place. They mostly have ZERO social skills. One occasion was we went to CERN and the guide asked about our backgrounds. One woman raised her hand (she was the stinkiest one, works in retail):
>We're all highly gifted so you can speak on the highest level to us
Fucking lol.
Other occasion was an observatory. I got to meet Peter Scholze and his wife there, so that's a plus (he's not in Mensa though, just a guest). Both really sociable and both interesting and interested people. I talked to him about Mochizuki and his trips to Japan. Well, there we are in the observatory, and the physicist asks whether anyone knows how to handle a telescope. Kid of 14 or so years instantly rises up and is asked to find the moon. He totally randomly turns the knobs and gears and it's clear he has absolutely no clue about what he's doing. Then, after half a minute of watching his fidgeting he goes
>So, this should suffice.
with the smuggest of faces I have ever seen in my live. Physicist guide was completely stunned and didn't know how to react at all.

tl;dr: Mensa is for the retards and socially inept looking for like-minded tards.

Bonus: they have a magazine that is absolutely fucking hilarious, especially the dating section. I'm at a conference right now, otherwise I'd post pics.
That sounds about right.
Is Peter Scholze's wife white? I also heard she died.
Now when you suck your own dick you’re also sucking the dick of a genius!
I want to see that dating section, anon.
Please show us.
Yeah, I joined Mensa in 2023. It's cool. I'm in the top 0.1% of IQ, though. AMA.
European Mensa is for retarded freaks, yes. Something about the European mind cannot make good use of high IQ. OP, are you American? I need to know if I should write off this thread or not.
No fucking way I was interviewing peter scholze with his wife at his home in my dream but I had no idea he had one so I think my subconscious correctly predicted it
Too many shit that can go wrong no thanks
Do you know many subjects or only one mastered
The reason why OP took MENSA to begin with was simply because he realized that he was much smarter than everyone else around him. For example, professors’ explanations make sense and he can understand the points they’re trying to make even before they make them, while the others in the class seem to struggle with it or just blankly listen with no indication that they get it at all. To a high-IQ the rest of humanity seems like barely sentient animals, it’s quite frustrating.
What's 2+2?
I know many subjects but only have 2 mastered

The skills that I know that make me 100k+ a year USD I am actually not a master at, just intermediate level (but I'm getting there)

I'm mostly an extraordinarily gifted dilettante outside of a few domains
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>reddit spacing
>top 0.1% of IQ
it makes it easier to read
what subjects anon

don't say bio and fitness
Just invent some kick-ass battery and you'll rule the world
dude get real everyone is a crossposter and a newfag now

reddit spacing is also easier to read

get. with. the. times. grandpa.
I don't really want to say because you'd probably be able to dox me
its nothing super important, just a few competitive domains which are heavily dependent on g
>reddit spacing is also easier to read
That's not what the reddit spacing meme is about.
So math and physics
I’ve been Channing since 2018 retard
Cancer even.
I've been here when /sci/ was actually good.
anon, not going to lectures is the normal university experience.
how much do you drink?
If you're not piss drunk at least 5/7 nights, what you're doing isn't anything impressive.
Congrats, anon.
why are you congratulating him on something thats innate?

congratulate >>16400681
he didnt make a thread about it kek
18 whole questions! Wow that's certainly a proper an comprehensive filter of intelligence. I won't disabuse you from joining as POWER COMES FROM ALLIANCES AND OWNING SERVANTS. Be wary that every social club has parasites.

A top score! Excellent! You could achieve a high IQ score if you took a Mensa Supervised IQ test.

There are a variety of reasons why people take the IQ test, many are simply curious or want to challenge themselves, others do so for university applications or CVs, as a high IQ can be beneficial, it can make you stand out as a candidate. Many of those that take the test are pleasantly surprised by their IQ score.

If you would like to obtain an accurate IQ score please click to book a - Mensa Supervised IQ test at a test centre near you.

Those that achieve an IQ score in the top 2% will be offered Mensa membership. Mensa members benefit from an exceptional programme of intellectual and social events, the informative monthly Mensa Magazine, over 100 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to join and access to the members area of the website.

A few other benefits of being a Mensa Member that have not been mentioned: Gatherings: The last annual gathering was 5 days, and for $119 (if you registered early) you got:

5 days of speakers about everything from genetics to comic books

13 meals over 5 days

Hospitality including unlimited soda, coffee, tea, milk, beer or wine. The cider went pretty fast. There was always bread, hot dogs, peanut butter, tuna, chips, candy, cookies out.

24 hour game room with hundreds of games and people to play against.

Thermal coffee mug On average, there are 3 -5 smaller regional gatherings each month that run from 2 to 4 days each.

Local Events: my local group has 3 weekly events, and another 6 monthly events, plus dozens of occasional events each year. All of these are free once you are a member.

Discounts: % off goods and services, admittedly, this is the same level of discounts that a LOT of organizations offer.
Ah holy shit I know if I take this test I'm going to score the same as a normy. Every time I take one of these practice tests I get 115, so it's probably that. Enjoy your slaw.
>says he has high IQ
>talks like trailer park trash
Hmm curious what OP meant by this.
thats how i feel
Everything about this, sounds like you are setting yourself up to become a morally corrupt human.

Smart people are more dangerous about that, than stupid people.

If you, as a smart fuck, become morally corrupt, you have a higher impact of detriment to society.

You better start to learn how to properly help others, Jack.
Because I am only on this planet, to help God figure out how to upgrade Hell.
Infinite time burning doesn't dissuade you people.
I am going to make Hell far worse.
I am going to remember you.

You better make sure you don't meet me in person.
Higher education is an absolute joke in the modern world.
You're painfully average and will soon realize it.
>Smart people are more dangerous about that, than stupid people.
Hardly. In Africa people set others they don't like on fire. I doubt the method or IQ is relevant in what way someone can harm you, if they have power over you in *any* form.
Does Mensa membership work for padding the resume? I feel like for people who know what it's like, it wouldn't mean much, but for some random woman in HR it might? That could make it worth the fee.
No, do not ever put it on your resume.
wasnt there a study showing that midwits on average earn more due to their ability to not get stuck in analysis paralysis? let alone other factors prevalent in certain industries such as nepotism and policies that favor certain demographics? ive known some wicked smarht people who consciously decide that the societal perception of success is flawed due to its overall impact on the people in the parameter? It also gave credence to the idea that high IQ people who strive for success are usually prone to psychopathy/narcissism which when masked well can carry you far up the corporate ladder.

tl;dr truly intelligent people dont want power over others. see: uncle ted, tesla, etc.
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Mensa is for midwits. Lmao, 130 is reddit tier.
>24 hour game room with hundreds of games and people to play against.
Why do they waste so much time on playing games? Why aren't they solving the problems of humanity? They've been given a gift and they squander it on Settlers of Catan.
Based realist.
I worked with a woman who I later learned worked on some of the testing for Mensa and also worked on the puzzle books they sell. She never mentioned it once, and was a really nice normal person (apart from being a C++ developer). They clearly aren't all bad, but I'm guessing anyone who cares enough to tell you they're in Mensa should be avoided.
What happens when the membership expires? Do they make you take the test again?
You get a certificate saying you're dumb
this doesn't mean you're high IQ it means you're a fucking autist
No you just pay to renew it
Anyone who tells you theyre in Mensa unprompted is a total fucking loser
t. 99.9th percentile mensa member.
So are you in the Triple-Nine club as well?
No I didn't join that one. I might soon though. It's highly obscure and also very tiny so I didn't see the point.
door hinges and boilers are cooler than AI
How does it feel to be of average intelligence and to use it on flipping patties?
You stop being a member. You can be reinstated by paying the current membership dues. A weird wrinkle is that you can have your membership gap erased by paying all of the dues you would have paid during the gap. I have no idea why anyone would do this as there doesn't appear to be any benefit to having been a continuous member.
In my experience, most people in Mensa rarely mention it and the few who do go around bragging about it are never actual members. If pressed for proof, they'll eventually admit they're not a member but "I could be" and they'll tell you about their ASVAB score or something stupid like that. While I'm sure there are some obnoxious and arrogant fucks in Mensa, most people I've met who were in it just wanted to place to enjoy the company of other members without having normies screaming in their ears about their inferiority complexes.
t. used to be a member but really isn't into playing games all that much so it had little value to me.
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That's interesting to know. I assumed, seemingly incorrectly, that Mensa simply licensed its name for use on puzzle books and weren't involved in the production of the content in them.
Yeah, if you're a retard who studied engineering because he thought he'd build military submarines until he got told to make door hinges and boilers yesterday.
not anymore ai is a meme for indians LLMs are a dead end if you want real ai brute force every number in a feature space between 0 & 1 with q learning
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This is Mensa. Say something nice about them.
>bragging about getting a B
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Why is everyone over 50? Is it only for Boomers?
They've done a really poor job reaching out to young people and also when you join everything is boomerfied. Old school website layouts that look like they're from 2007, facebook groups & groupchats, no discord communities, and zero apps you can download on your phone to interact with people.

I'm the youngest guy in my Mensa group by decades and administration is actually asking me to volunteer often, sometimes to try and do outreach to young people. If you wanted to do some type of long march through the institutions esque transformation there is a good chance you will succeed if you had a bunch of young people join simultaneously working together to a single goal.
In person social clubs have been in steady decline for decades and social media really accelerated that. Mensa still having large gatherings and a bunch of local chapters is impressive even if they're not the size they once were. It sounds like most of their online stuff exists to promote the in-person events. They could increase their online presence but would that really help anything? From everything I've heard about Mensa, it sounds like most people join for the get togethers. Doing that online isn't the same as doing it in person and there's little reason to funnel things through Mensa if it's mostly online.
While it likely will lead to the end of the organization, the current way of doing things that still serves a population will keep it limping along until enough of the members die off without enough replacements to sustain it as an entity. Trying to get members interested in Discord and other communication mediums favored by younger people likely would just alienate the people who are actually showing up and have been faithful to the organization. Lots of companies are finding out the hard way that chasing after new customers isn't useful if you alienate the existing customers, especially if the new customers are so easily swayed towards you because that means they're also easily swayed away.
i'm intelligent but I act stupid out of habit
would they hate me?
Do you want to break that habit and how does it manifest itself? Even intelligent people do stupid things from time to time but if you're ruining everyone's fun with constant stupidity, you're better off listening to Alice Deejay.
Other people are just so inconsequential I just don't really care what they think of me. That and most people pretend to be far smarter than they actually are, likely because that gets into places they otherwise wouldn't be qualified for
You're acting like its a binary choice between modern social media options and boomer social media options.

Mensa has absolutely made a mistake by not adapting to platforms like discord and X and most of all by not creating their own app. As a young person it was extremely cumbersome and time consuming to try and use these antiquated systems like Mensa Connect to reach out to people and discover events. It's weird to use this rube goldberg machine fusion of digital yellowpages and oldschool oughts forum combined with email to meet up with local chapters and communicate with others.

You could still keep all of this old infrastructure here while developing a new platform that emulates the functionality of modern social network apps so both sides are catered to and are happy. As it stands now unless you want to absolutely trudge through a bunch of clunky outdated user interfaces and byzantine forum posts you're going to be SOL when it comes to making connections.

I'm persistent in addition to being smart and I had memories of using similar forums when I was a kid in the pre-iPhone internet, so these weren't problems which hindered me that much, but I think this is a huge reason why I hear so many young people passed the test, and even joined, but didn't see enough of a benefit to continue to participate or renew their membership. Its just too damn difficult to use the digital platform.

Increasing their online presence WOULD help things as it would incentivize young people to join and would make it look like it was less of a stuffy oldies club for boomer nerds.
No, you'd fit right in.
What's your IQ?
I'm going to die alone.
To be fair, the average felon is not convicted for falsifying business records. It's usually property crimes.
you can access high IQ women through mensa... good genes
>what now faggots

Nothing you flaming homosexual. That was the easy part. Now actually try to do something meaningfull with it. High IQ alone doesn't make you Einstein.
If I were a member of mensa I would never show any paraphernalia around, they would trigger instant sub-120 IQ ressentiment and rage.
I hope this is bait
>But the final aim is mostly do some networking for job/business.
that's why it's useful, plus >>16422275 and why I'm taking the test soon too.
I'm going upwards until I get my kurisu style gf
Dude, this is the funniest shit I've ever read. I didn't attend any classes during my undergraduate years, but I still managed to graduate with a 2.8 GPA, then got accepted into a master's program and then a Ph.D. My Ph.D. paper was published in the best journal in our field (MRI physics; I am an electrical engineer). If you think you have achieved anything, think twice; hell, even more, you are nothing. Your IQ or whatever score means nothing. Life is about persistence and determination.
>your easy success story
>Life is about persistence and determination
you're contradicting yourself here, meaning your IQ can't be above 120.
>your easy success story
Lmao, it definitely was not easy at all. It took me years to get to this point with a lot of pain and suffering. If anything, it just proves that I am a stubborn idiot who doesn't know when to quit. I do not wish this fate to anyone, even my worst enemies.
is that you, Hunter Ash?
pretending to be smart by putting unnecessary sophisticated words in your talk is a decisive proof of midwittery, you cunt.
this, you would look like a pretentious autist/narcissist
how can a muslim have an IQ higher than 100?
this kind of student gets in big trouble when he needs to do work, eg. get a PhD
You have never reasoned through a logarithm or whatever, you just go with the intuition flow and pass your exams
Certified 63 IQ here, the hair on the left side of ny skull is shorter than on the right because i stratch and pull at it that much, at work i keep 2 monitors on at all times and move both my knees up and down, when i am alone i flap my arms.
Still got a job in IT because i am not a lazy fuck
Ok but that's completely tangential to why and if you should join a gaming club.
Bell curves have long tails even if they don't have much area.
>lalala mememe
its funny because to "independently rediscover existing fields of research", or as you, in your ignorant high call it "inventing", requires a complete lack of focus in any field of research.
Yours is a shitpost but even if you were certified i would bet trifiddy cents that its fake and you are the chief's son, because to develop a brain you need specialized studying
>the autistic emotionally overwhelmed expression
would lovey dovey babymaking sexo
The only woman I knew that was in Mensa had a pretty face (though certainly not model tier) and a good figure that she kept active to maintain. Light makeup and generally bad fashion sense that hid her figure. Too bad she was insanely cunty, sarcastic, and generally demeaning to those around her. She's in her 50s now, lives alone, never got married, never had children, and sells necklaces with charms shaped like coat hangers as some form of Roe v Wade protest. She might indeed have had good genetics but she would have been terrible mother material.
Agreed there are no high Iq Muslims
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Keep in mind that each national chapter is different. They require you to be in the top 2% for that country so Mensa Indonesia will have a different intelligence level than Japan Mensa, even though the standard in both places is to be in the top 2% of their respective nations.
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i dropped out of high school and taught myself programming while moving to la to get a job in tech

now i'm an ai engineer designing tools for astonauts

i've been invited to colleges to speak.

stop bragging about being a good little sheep who had a guide through his education, and try to cut your own path for once in your life
lol no one cares that you're a self taught programmer dude
they care that youre talented
im a self taught programmer with no degree working in cybersec with a TS
do you want to know who gives a shit that I did it on my own?
nobody who is worth a damn
How much difference was there between your online test score and the real deal?
Oh yeah well I'm known on the chan.
That was so cool! You must see through through the veil of feeble childish lies! >Thus spock zarthesustra!Dx>tips mennorah
Welcome brother.
There is nothing to see here.
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Mensa has a sub-group called FireHouse, which is where they contain their /pol/ type members. This is what they look like.
if you're so fucking smart, maybe spend your time on more productive things than fellating your own ego?
If you're so fucking smart, you'd recognize a low effort troll.
where did i claim to be smart?
You need the schizophrenic ability. If you dont have the schizophrenic ability, even with high IQ, you wont discover new fields. I envy you for being so normie :<

I have no choice but to make up my own shtick. Literally grasping in the dark all the time. Mental retardation doesnt help in life, but also is an advantage in this. Im so creative, its kind of ridiculous. If Im lucky again, god drops me some hints.

Being plato level intellect, yet a stupid faggot is so frustrating.
>no anon your just delusional and grandiose
Well, somewhat. But Im also quite right. Being like the only faggot is lonely. Maybe I should join Mensa too, just to have some good conversation.

Normal people are like on guard rails on a train track. Im doomed and graced to be off road. Im in the underwood. I either get lost, or Ill catch something for my fellow humuns. I really need to step up my game and finish my good ideas. Of course nobody sees me coming. You are already echoing me, but you dont know it. I am a consequence of reality, just like you. Everything happens, as it should. Im one among the idiots
retarded unironically
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>Catch me Anon, Im in the underwoods
just copy it anon, just be a copycat like the rest of us
Anon dont worry.

I copy because I love
I should apply in a muslim country then, IQ above 95 must be considered mensa level there.
My IQ is 18 to 21, just like how I like my girls.
What do you know about the Yoneda lemma?
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How accurate would you guys say that text-to-IQ tool is?
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How many times can I take it before they catch on?
I'm gonna put this on my tinder to get pussy
if you are that desperate for mensa kek
ai is a meme
I have 145-150 IQ and it gave me 147 so id say it was somewhat accurate
you cant take it more than once
also no bitch cares if you are in mensa you fucking retard
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Why not just lie on tinder? Every time someone has told me they're in Mensa and I asked to see their membership card, they always turned out to not be a member but rather "I could join if I wanted to" types. Since they felt comfortable lying like that, they probably get away with it most of the time. You can even get Mensa shirts, pins, and stuff on ebay.
You probably have to take the test in person there and membership doesn't transfer between countries. Not sure how impressive a "Mensa Sudan" card would be but if nothing else, it would be a good conversation piece. Actually doubt Sudan has a Mensa branch but it does bring up the question of what is the dumbest country with Mensa? Indonesia? India?
Planes are stupid, humans weren't meant to fly.
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>what is the dumbest country with Mensa?
South Africa, with a mean IQ of 68.87.
Sauce: https://www.ulsterinstitute.org/ebook/THE%20INTELLIGENCE%20OF%20NATIONS%20-%20Richard%20Lynn,%20David%20Becker.pdf
This is interesting since there's stark differences in the intelligence of different racial groups in South Africa, which is going to skew the floor for membership.
its not accurate, i make word salads and i get 140 iq
derive the nigger faggot equation anon
we're waiting
Could someone with a lower IQ create a functional sentence with purposefully nonsensical technobabble?
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I used to go to a shrink who recommended I take the Mensa test since I have an IQ around 140 and then meet people through the organization, because I had social anxiety at the time.
I took the test, passed it, and never went to a single Mensa meeting.
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Do you still have the test results? I don't think they expire so you could still join whenever you get up the nerve to do so. But it might not be the best place to go for social anxiety. While they know some members suffer from SA and try to be sensitive about it, it's still a community based, mostly volunteer run organization. It's not your therapist and people there can be just as lacking in social skills as you are, sometimes being bluntly honest because they don't empathize easily. Of course there are also plenty of members who are socially normal and well adjusted but you should know it's not nirvana just because everyone is high IQ. If you're into board and card games, it will be better than what you would get at your local game store but do go in with realistic expectations.
Yeah membership is for life, I think. But my anxiety got way better during the last couple years, so I wouldn't need something like that anymore. Thank you for the advice anyway, friend.
Glad to hear things are looking up for you. An FYI for others who might stumble across this thread and be interested: Mensa offers a lifetime membership, whose price is based on your current age when joining, but most people pay annually. Your Mensa test results however might be valid for your entire lifetime. A psychologist administered IQ test certainly is valid forever for membership purposes. This is a bit funny when you think about it because childhood IQ often is not stable. Someone who takes an IQ test at nine might qualify for Mensa membership even though by 19 they're close to the median IQ.
Mensa needs cool unpretentious people who aren't bitter and old or obsessed with proving to themselves that they're not losers because they have high IQ so please join again friend. I'd love to have you at least.
Many people in Mensa are actually aware of the child IQ test instability problem and many of them are (rightfully) afraid of being imposters because of it lol.
please say you're going to the AG next year
the old people are running membership numbers into the ground
it's ok fellow mensan, we're all in the same boat
mensa is just a front.
you haven't ascended at all.
everything you know is a lie.
prove me wrong.
pro-tip: you can't.
Bros I was thinking about doing the test and joining Mensa, but this thread showed me the light. I'll pass
>the old people are running membership numbers into the ground
tell me about it bro
I was going to say at least my ex-gf will be there doing some of the admin stuff but we're both in our 40s now, so we're probably the old people you think is running the membership into the ground. At least I'm not a member anymore. I'm not all that into games nor am I all that social so there never was all that much in it for me.
tell her to make the expenses public
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Considering that her spending habits were one of the reasons why I didn't want to pursue the relationship further, doubt she'd be willing to do that. Hopefully they don't let her have access to the bank accounts anyway.
Child IQ instability isn't much of an issue. Sure, it results in some adults as members who shouldn't be but for the most part, as long as they behave, no one really is going to mind that a few people slip through. The same issue exists for the elderly or those with a health condition that inhibits their intelligence.
Tell her to make a goddamn app that I can install on my phone so I don't have to use mensa connect and there is an easy on ramp into the organization for newcomers
also start making promo material with young and hot people and increase their outward facing social media presence
something that projects superiority but simultaneously a palatable noblesse oblige

and get them to fucking ban all political discussions in those goddamn facebook groups
>Tell her to make a goddamn app that I can install on my phone
She's not capable of that and it's not in her area anyway. She's a volunteer, not an employee.
>start making promo material with young
a reasonable request
>and hot people
Let's be honest, that wouldn't be an accurate reflection of the pool of candidates even if some do exist
>and get them to fucking ban all political discussions in those goddamn facebook groups
Political discussion is infesting every aspect of society. Doubt it's possible to keep it out of any type of discussion forum without committing considerable resources to moderating, which will always bring accusations of bias. I don't use Facebook so I don't know if those groups are official groups or not. Probably best to just eliminate anything official and do nothing about the unofficial ones except require them to prominently display a disclaimer that though the group is made up of members of Mensa, it's not affiliated with the group in any official capacity.
>that wouldn't be an accurate reflection of the pool of candidates even if some do exist
promotional material doesn't have to be an accurate representation of genpop
Also I'm hot and high iq fuck you we're the minority but we do exist its a statistical certainty.
>I don't use Facebook so I don't know if those groups are official groups or not. Probably best to just eliminate anything official and do nothing about the unofficial ones except require them to prominently display a disclaimer that though the group is made up of members of Mensa, it's not affiliated with the group in any official capacity
the official mensa international group, which was one of my first introductions to mensa because I joined in a place that had no mensa groups, are flooded with people spamming democrat and republican spam, andrew tate spam, race and IQ spam, TDS and EDS spam, you fucking name it. Its disgusting. Probably above all of our pay grades to change that sure but it needs to be purged. Its a goddamn cesspit and its one of the first things I was able to see when I joined and was my "mensa experience" until I moved to a major city and actually met people physically who organized events.
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The terrible truth about Mensa is that most of the politically active members are Boomers who wouldn't have gotten in today after various tests were renormed. I get strong Dunning-Kruger vibes from many of them. There is also a lack of exceptionally intelligent people. Very few are 160+
>The terrible truth about Mensa is that most of the politically active members are Boomers who wouldn't have gotten in today after various tests were renormed. I get strong Dunning-Kruger vibes from many of them.

I 100% agree.
>Very few are 160+
Very few have less than two legs, though a few do. The minimum requirement is 130-132 depending on the test. Of course there aren't going to be many 160+ as there aren't many 160+ in existence. That's four standard deviations above the mean. Mensa is a social club. There are organizations that target the tiny number of people who are 4SD above the mean but they don't actually do anything other than send out a newsletter. Not even sure what point you're trying to make but you probably don't know what's your point either.
I get strong vibes that you're actually a midwit who knows nothing about Mensa other than you're yet another person angry that he got quantified and discovered being the smartest kid in the trailer park doesn't mean much.
You're mad as fuck brah. Why so defensive?
>believes in IQ accuracy
>Instant pseudo intellectual
OP pseud.

No matter how good you did on those tests, I tower you on true pattern recognition.
>secure job
There is not a secure job, it does not exist.
>if you gonna study math you should be at a level that would make you have groundbreaking discoveries
If the people learn something, it is because they love to learn. Discoveries are an accident, not the purpose.
>studying math with sub 140 iq is useless
This is ilogic, the utility of studying has no relation with the iq
>studying math with sub 140 is a waste of time
The ppl has freedom to decide how waste their time.

Are you really smart? Because it seems that it does not.
I only joined Mensa because it saved me 10% on my Geivo car insurance
>secure job does not exist
room temperature iq perspective
It's pretty expensive now, $107 a year
It pisses me off that a thread about retarded faggots is bumped by the same 2 retarded faggots since september, but there is no cats of /sci/ thread.

Mensa is literally a diploma mill for retarded faggots with unimaginably low IQs

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