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previous >>16409484
Totally not infected by /pol/ newfags
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silence, mudfoot
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>While oxygen tank number two on the Apollo 13 spacecraft was an accident waiting to happen, another problem on the Saturn V rocket could have destroyed Apollo 13 before it reached Earth orbit. During the second-stage boost, the center – or inboard — engine shut down two minutes early. The shutdown wasn’t a problem, as the other four engines were able to compensate for the loss by operating for an extra four minutes. But why the engine shut down is a mystery that may have saved the mission.

>“A catastrophic failure should have ensued,” said Apollo engineer Jerry Woodfill, “and would have, except for the unexplained behavior of the engine’s shutoff system. In fact, even the NASA Apollo 13 accident report fails to deal with the seriousness of the event.”

>When the center engine shut down, it caused a few moments of uneasiness for Mission Control and the crew. Speaking after the flight, Commander Jim Lovell said that when NASA gave them the OK to carry on with the flight, “We all breathed a sigh of relief on the spacecraft. Hey, that was our crisis over with and we thought we’d have a smooth flight from then on.”

>Woodfill said that the quick assessment in Mission Control was that a minor electrical signal failed to keep the engine operating so that it shut down prematurely. But that wasn’t the problem.

>What happened was the Saturn V rocket experienced dangerous so-called “pogo” thrust oscillations, a problem NASA knew about. While a fix had been planned for Apollo 14, time did not permit its implementation on Apollo 13’s Saturn V.
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Space Force Lunar guantanamo
1,000,000 pop Mars colony by 2050
Asteroid redirect, Destination Urf
Venusian cloud dwellers
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Mars 2028

I feel for the Europa clipper enjoyers who bought flights to Orlando not like this
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>The Apollo 6 mission carried a mock lunar lander of more modest mass than the “full-up” lander which Apollo 13 carried to orbit. With the added mass for Apollo 13, the pogo forces were suddenly a magnitude greater in intensity. A mission report said that the engine experienced 68g vibrations at 16 hertz, flexing the thrust frame by 3 inches (76 mm).

>Woodfill said that if the center engine had continued running a few more seconds, the oscillations may have destroyed the vehicle. “That engine was pounding horizontally up and down, a quarter foot, at the rate of 16 times a second,” he said. “The engine had become a two ton sledge hammer, a deadly pogo stick of destruction, putting enormous forces on the supporting structures.”

>“It is, to this day, not fully understood, but it had something to do with fooling the engine’s thrust chamber pressure sensor that pressure was too low,” said Woodfill. He has studied the mission report, but says the complete analysis of why the engine shut down isn’t included.

>“Though the shutdown command came from a low thrust chamber pressure sensor assessment, actually, the engine was operating correctly,” he said. ” The sensor had nothing to do with the pogo phenomenon. For some inexplicable reason, it was like something sucked the pressure out of the chamber and a sensor turned the engine off. But no one knows exactly why.”

>Woodfill said those who later examined the situation said it was altogether lucky that the sensor shut down the engine. “Something intervened, stopping the engine from pounding its way from the mount into the fragile fuel tanks. This would have destroyed the Apollo 13 launch vehicle.”
One candidate wants to enable Mars, the other wants to regulate SpaceX to death.
That's just the undeniable case.
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Hecking BASED!

Elon and Trump gonna win the White House!

These too BASED Zionists are gonna help Based Israel destroy Gaza, Lebanon AND Iran! America will be at war in the middle east for ANOTHER couple decades!

>I hate mars/spacex
Fuck off troon. Go back to your safe space leddit
>Posts a canadian vtuber
What did he mean by this
I wish Gateway was good for something because the idea of a permanent deep space station is cool.
>Posts the worst EN vtuber
good for me as it means more days off from work
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Gateway is actually a really bad design as a space station (it is literally not controllable with the RCS if Starship is docked) but PPE+HALO+robot arm+unpressurized sample storage+CRV is a pretty great setup for an NEA / Venus flyby cruiser.
You can refuse to drink but you can't stop elon from taking us to water.

Btw guys I clearly need a different idiom for this
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Stick it at EML2 (or L1) instead and it can be of use as an industrial processing station.
Making the case for Canadian annexation
That artist draws the best clocks.
enjoy earth, faggot
How can you say that and then not post a single timepiece?
You can lead a poster to new idioms but you can't... fuck
Kronii is a very fine piece.
You can bite Mitt Romney's hand but you're still getting locked in the dog cage on his car's roof?
I legitimately have no idea what's going on.
it's >>>/vt/ stuff
why not put one in orbit around Mars?
but enough about ame
Starships are going to come in hot and aerobrake
A space station around mars in the early stages would be pointless, especially some cuckbox
If they're going for cargo landing in '26 they need to figure out landing real quick. Are cargo ships going to be closer in design to HLS Starship, with legs and landing engines placed up high? Otherwise how in the fuck will Starship land?
prediction: the new heatshield will have more problems than the old one
We're going to gaan so much you're going to get tired of gaaning
Gaan status: We
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erm uh... krystal, uhh... ula snipers.. uhhh cirno poster... errr... we gaaan..
ha ha u see..
im one of you guys...
i know the rocket equation btw
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Mars SOI is probably the least useful place in the solar system for electric propulsion because Starship can SSTO+Aerobrake+ISRU. SEP is king for NEA missions, Venus missions, and Mercury missions where the sunlight is strong and there's not enough CO2+ICE for methalox ISRU.
>68g vibrations at 16 hertz, flexing the thrust frame by 3 inches
God's subwoofer.
Lunar Dubstep
HLS is not applicable to Mars
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are brown dwarfs the incels of the universe?
Well then, how's a Starship gonna land on Mars
Astoundingly efficient means of regulatory capture.
Why pay lobbyists and spend decades lawcrafting behind the scenes when the President is personally asking you to help gut and reform regulatory agencies?
normal starship plus legs
His transformation is COMPLETE
Yes and rogue planets are the sigmas
But, the mass penalty!
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Do you think we'll encounter aliens in our lifetime? If so, what do you think they'll look like?
I'm not memeing, despite this pic. I thought of something: dolphins and sharks look basically the same, even though they aren't closely related. Dolphins are much closer genetically to humans, yet they look more like sharks because of the environment they live in.
Knowing that, if there was an Earth-like planet, would an intelligent species look more or less like a human? Being bipedal, two arms, a head with sensory organs?
What are your thoughts?
FAA pls, gib loiscense, I'm more deprived than a sponge in the sahara
just like it lands on Urf, only a little slower
Crab creatures are the default nature form, otherwise whatever the fuck type of lizardmen the dinosaurs would've been
I guess we could just hope it doesnt tip
she looks like she fucks human men
I don't really think aliens exist, the statistics argument is far too hand wavy for me. The magnitude of things that need to go right for a self replicating system to evolve beyond basic chemistry is likely much higher than our best guesses. Not to mention the amount of places in the universe are outright hostile to life outweigh the places that aren't.
>just like it lands on Urf
In the sea? On Mechazilla?
Humanoid, with booba. Milk is the perfect food for high-brain-mass organisms. The more intelligent, the bigger the booba
I dont even think it's bribing at this point
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At most we might encounter some primitive microbal life on another planetoid in the solar system, most likely Mars. And the reason would be because of interplanetary pinball kicking bits of life around.
Ayylamos are just the modern version of fairy folk.
Well she can't because she's not real. Clear, on the other hand, can be kidnapped and held in the 4ASS rape dungeon.
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on FAA
There is no FAA on Mars, and Godwilling there never will be.
Based on what? Gut instinct?
gut instinct is seldom wrong
Total FAA death
They gonna kill Elon if Trump gives him his DOGE position.
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6'2 v 6'6
Spanish is such a poetic language
But it's often misinterpreted
looks like he lost some weight
Mass autism strikes again
I can't sleep right now, seeing the LED street lamp has made me think of the outer solar system. How dark would it be for humans on Pluto? Would it be as dark as night under the pale moonlight? O
She does fuck human men (me)
Fucked your head, bro. Get some help.
At noon on Pluto, it's brighter than the full moon on Earth. You'd be able to walk around and read just fine.
From whom? My Krystal pillow?
We are dark maga now bros.
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>In a paper posted on the arXiv preprint server Sept. 30, a group of observational astronomers reported on observations of a set of 18 Qianfan, or “Thousand Sails,” satellites launched in August. The satellites are the first of a constellation that may ultimately consist of more than 14,000 satellites.
>The study found that the brightness of the satellites ranges from magnitude 8 when low in the sky to magnitude 4 when nearly overhead. That makes the satellites, at those higher elevations, bright enough to be seen by the naked eye — which can see objects down to magnitude 6 in dark skies — and well above the threshold of magnitude 7 recommended by professional astronomers it mitigate interference with major groundbased observatories.
>“Qianfan satellites are brighter than magnitude 6 except when observed at low elevations in the sky,” the astronomers note in the paper. “So, they will adversely impact professional and amateur astronomical activities unless the operators mitigate their brightness.”
>“Humanity is clearly approaching an inflection point where we need to take action to preserve our sky as a window to explore the universe from Earth. Satellite companies are not interested in producing this unintended radiation, so minimizing it should also be a priority in their sustainable space policies,” said Federico Di Vruno, spectrum manager of the Square Kilometer Array Observatory and co-director of CPS, in a statement. “Starlink is not the only big player in LEO, but they have a chance to set the standard here.”
why is foust using the article to attack spacex? the headline is about chinese satellites but the article is mostly about starlink.
>company in the west does something
>Nooo you can't do that!!!
>China does it worse
How many times does this need to happen before these retards get the picture
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because the president is useless without congress
The President has this neat power called recission where he can just choose not to spend money and send it back to the Treasury. He can also instadelete regulations.
There is no helping or teaching these people. I regularly encounter Chinese weed farmers who don't speak a lick of English, buy up cheap properties and just sell weed all day right in front of cops who give no shits. Probably CCP sponsored, probably lace some of that shit with fent. The only end for anti american cosmopolitans is to be ripped apart in the gutters of their own cities. Human spaceflight.
whats lil milton gonna do?
any studied at TUDelft? I read their programme in Aersopace Engineering is t3 in the world. I have the opportunity to go there next year, but it costs a many penny :|
delay europa clipper
sign more people up for free starlink
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>and so, the changes, not only to Starship itself but to the Raptor engine as well, is going to be an order of magnitude better, meaning we can have a payload of...
elon has some mickey mouse ass huge hands
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>a payload of...
>say no more
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Things are about to get very based.
Because he's in China's pocket book.
>American company does bad thing
>Chinese company copies bad thing
>Anger pointed at America again, conspicuous silence about China
They're unironically traitors.
naw bro is stuck in 2016 /pol/ mode
/pol/ was actually kind of fun in 2016 before endless tides of agitators, retards, and morons came in and started shrieking.
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He grew up in apartheid SA. He knows.
honestly, how would you guys react if he invited Trump to Starbase for IFT-5? (assuming he wins)

It would probably be the final straw for liberal spacex fans

of course sbarky goons to blue archive lolis
Can I spoonfeed and ask for a vulcan GEM exploding webm? I want to show my family and make fun of ULA
>liberal spacex fans
If by liberal you mean TDSers and Democrats, there's no such thing at this point.
The American left is, at present, the true enemy of real progress in space flight.
At this rate he will either be the POTUS or a retired former President when that happens. So I don't see what the big deal would be. Normal people don't have an existential crisis because a man is watching a rocket launch.

koharu what are you doing here
I wake up yet again with a hatred for it seems all federal agencies and all branches of government. Only the Space Force can stem this righteous anger.
>liberal spacex fans
No such thing, they hate SpaceX, they hate Musk and they hate the SpaceX goals of Mars. Look at reddit's spacexlounge board, they banned or deleted any mention of the Mars 2026 announcement. Thats the leftists site and its infected with people shitting on Musk/SpaceX.
About the same as just after sunset. NASA has a calculator for this
But... all those cat subreddits...
Its all about Trump/right wing now
About like under the stadium lights of a football game at night. Perfectly fine to see by, but there's no warmth to it and no plants will grow.
Elon sounds like a special kind of retard speaking right after Trump.
my god, I thought Trump was already retarded.
Counterexample: Berger is 100% a liberal SpaceX fan.
But they're certainly few and far between these days.
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do you think liberal Spacex employees would tolerate a trump visit?
As space reporters go, Berger is fairly objective. But he still cracks with his inability to understand why Musk bought twitter and think its a bad decision. He cant see how its literally putting Musk in close proximity to the most powerful person in the world(if Trump wins) and plows through the beurocracy nonsesense, strategically speaking.
>kate won an emmy
wtf for what
For some spacex thing, not sure which one. I think it was commercial crew or someting
elon getting the nobel peace prize
For saving ukraine
For saving NC
For electric vehicles
For commercial space industry

I mean in terms of effective philanthropy, the guy is doing so many.
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uh oh...
le black starship man is not happy...
>a place for relaxed and laid-back discussion.
>No jokes/memes

Why do people read this and not immediately 180 the fuck out
I wonder if the leftists will continue to seethe as Musk sends Starship to mars with Trump clapping in the background shot
If these are the same person, it explains a lot.
>I wonder if the leftists will continue to seethe
i can already see the riots and legislation getting drafted to stop it
More , I'm talking about the so called "space enthusiasts" who dont want to acknowledge the Mars ambition o the Musk/Trump's political declaration. If trump wins, the chance of Musk achieving his goal increases from 30% to 90%.
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I hope Elon thanks Trump and says it couldn't have happened without him when the first Americans walk on Mars. It will break so many brains.
He will. Elon is pretty humble and has no problem giving thanks where due.
He thanked Butigeg when they worked together to fix the problem of airspace being shutdown/starlinks being confiscated. He's practical/humble when need be but also also practical/forceful when need be as well.
What's the analog of this

Let's say I just really loved the fuck out of a green energy and followed wind and solar technology religiously. Then a big CEO endorses a certain political party. Am I supposed to be torn apart by this, WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR? lmao
There's actually bipartisan support for solar and nuclear now. Kill the windmills, save the whales.
Starship once again being restacked.
Democrats hate nuclear because it doesn't solve inequality. They hate solar panels on homes because their donors (Warren Buffet) runs coal plants and wants solar panels on homes banned in his states.
don't care unless it has FTS installed
>because it doesn't solve inequality
They hate nuclear because it doesn't give them a crisis to continue the push to install communism.
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Happy Ween!
Its not I posted fp and have been lurking since. Making that clear though here.
don't care unless van zanten is piloting
NOTAM already released. L2 says Oct 13th is a certainty. Quit being a doomer
you're very lucky anon, nasa has an entire website to answer this question
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Something strange about the mission commander... can't quite make out his face
cope chud
you have no FAA license
although launching on a weekend would be kino since I wouldn't miss it due to work
FTS wont be necessary in that case
Shut the fuck up retard. FAA license will drop two days before you idiot
>honestly, how would you guys react if he invited Trump to Starbase for IFT-5? (assuming he wins)
Almost a given, might have imvited him already
>honestly, how would you guys react if he invited Trump to Starbase for IFT-5? (assuming he wins)
Not important enough imo. Whats important is when it launches to Mars in 2026 (assuming Trump puts a guy who greenlights SpaceX on FAA admin). Then SpaceX will go BRRRRRRRRRRR
OFT-5 is launching October 15
F silent
5 5
all womxn are bisexual so yeah
Blue Origin gulf climate seeding project designed to disrupt SpaceX florida operations Mk1
>practical/humble when need be but also also practical/forceful when need be as well
would you say... Elon has mastered... the art of the deal?
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>Breaking Down Elon Musk's Big Beef With The FAA
>Oct 1, 2024
>“He needs to resign,” Musk wrote last week on X, the social platform he owns.
>Musk called out Whitaker for alleged inaccuracies the administrator made about SpaceX during an unrelated hearing the day before, where he defended delays the FAA imposed on an upcoming SpaceX Starship launch.
>The FAA had licensed the launch for later in November, months after SpaceX’s desired mid-September timeframe.
They had not and have not licensed anything yet
>Whitaker said the delay had to do with permitting laws and an environmental analysis around sonic booms, which the launch could create when it attempts to return the rocket booster to earth — a first for space flight
A first for ... what? A least pretend to know about the subject matter. You don't hate them enough.
>It’s generally a bad idea to feud with regulators who “could make life miserable,” said Harry Kraemer, a professor of management and leadership at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. “It’s the last thing a company really ought to be doing. You’re asking for a headache,” said Kraemer. Musk persists, he added, because of his “ego.” “He doesn’t think the rules apply to him.”
Don't feud with the agency making things miserable because they might make it miserable some more? And pay no attention to BO doing the same thing mentioned in literally the next paragraph.
>“We don’t need another bully like Boeing,” he said. “It’s time for the FAA to do its job. It hasn’t in the past, particularly as it has pertained to Boeing.” — Jim Hall, former chairman of the NTSB
So the solution is a regulatory crackdown on SpaceX.

Picrel is from a different article about how the FCC suddenly decided orbital debris should be regulated by them and their ongoing attempts to expand their regulation of that domain.
>Go to mars
>Stand around not doing much for a few days
>Go home
That'll be $1,000,000,000,000 + tip
Potential Atlantic basin record or a tie depending on how NHC rounded it.
>>It’s generally a bad idea to feud with regulators who “could make life miserable,” said Harry Kraemer, a professor of management and leadership at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. “It’s the last thing a company really ought to be doing. You’re asking for a headache,” said Kraemer. Musk persists, he added, because of his “ego.” “He doesn’t think the rules apply to him.”
Communists believe you should fear the government. Free people believe government should fear the people. The government serves the people, and not the other way around.
>>“He doesn’t think the rules apply to him.”
This is such lazy and predictible thinking. The rules are literally made up on the spot half the time and often serve no purpose. Congress isn't even sure what the rules should be and the regulatory framework itself is experimental. The FAA was instructed to use a light touch. The FAA was instructed to streamline the regulatory process. They did just the opposite.
I will stay on mars and instead gift a nice big rock back to Earth
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If I'm going to mars, I'm dying on mars. Fuck going back to earth.
SpaceX should bring a huge slab of Mars rock back, seal it in glass, and gift it to the White House as the President's new desk. It would make the most ornate throne look like cheap overcompensation.
How over is spacex when trump doesn't win?
Tuned mass damper at the top of future Musk tower.
The dems need spacex to continue the ukraine war
That would be based
I love this image. You can tell someone is a real human or not by asking them their opinion on mountains. Or ships.
That too. Mars has lots of rocks.
just for clarity, can sfg please compile a list of FAA officials that need to be eliminated?
DoD, NRO and their underlying agencies aren't going to go back to the old days of a couple ULA launches per year. There's a major paradigm shift already underway due to the greatly increased cadence and lower costs. Somewhere right now future NROL payloads designed for Starship are being designed, budgeted and built.
>On September 14th, SpaceX and NASA received the 2019 Emmy Award for Outstanding Interactive Program, honoring their combined video, social media, and interactive coverage of Crew Dragon’s inaugural launch, orbital rendezvous, docking, undocking, reentry, and splashdown – a true tour-de-force.
She was on the team that won a collective Emmy. Though a trained engineer, she works primarily as a science communicator for SpaceX, and it was in that role that the Emmy was won by the team.
Pic rel is what my wife will be doing on mars when we arrive
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People used to get over this type of thing after the initial outrage. The Florida Citrus Growers endured boycotts when they hired Anita Bryant and later Rush Limbaugh as commercial endorsers of Florida orange juice. But that was in the pre-social media days and now angry activists can keep outrage over something rumbling at a low level indefinitely. Those who hate Musk for not being the Real Life Tony Stark they thought him to be will continue to whine and most of society will just ignore them.
>Computer, freeze programme. Age wife down. Resume programme.
He is real life Tony Stark though. They just don't get they're the bad guys.
There are no aliens.
It will become completely a REDGOV asset as that will be the only path of survival for all of elon's companies
Actually it's just a few billions at most
1000 of them or so
We'll just end up living in the timeline where there's actually competition between America and other space powers as opposed to America totally dominating everyone and making all the rest irrelevant.
they give that award to people who drop bombs (Obama), not people who work for actual peace (Dennis Rodman)
thrust to weight was so small omg, look how slow it lifted off
There's a reason every post Apollo SHLLV proposal started with strapping solids to the first stage. The SSME, Merlin, and Raptor have really spoiled us for first stage TWR.
lmao imagine the absolute G if they stuck with the SRB first stage
It just wobbled into the air, I thought it wasn't going to make it
Penis cobbler! Stinkus slobber :)
go back to bed Tory
>"elon is the only reason why america can still send people into space"
how many spacefags chimped out at this
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probably a lot fewer than before shartliner stranded crew on the ISS
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A cowpoke never reveals his secrets, folks
>HAFS-B changed it's mind and now agrees with HAFS-A
it's over
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here you go guys
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now make lightning shoot from his hands
the FAA in shambles
the suit blowing backwards slightly adds perfectly to the idea that he's landing with some forward momentum.
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timestamp where trump talks about musk a bit

starts to talk about space exploration at the timestamp (56:57)
>we will lead the world in space exploration
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>Booster 11’s Aft Dome was moved from the Port of Brownsville to the Massey Outpost this evening. That… was something special.
"I am once again asking for your FAA support"
imagine the seething when they start deleting sections of agencies, so many paper pushers are going to get sacked
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Are we back?
If I had to guess this is just to apply pressure on the FAA
they don't want a successful booster catch before the election
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>When you see a Raptor upskirt
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You can lead an earther to space, but you can't make him stop being a goddamn earther.
You got that from twitter
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Two explanations:
>violent shaking of the engine caused low pressure areas to form in the combustion chamber, just like "the beer bottle trick".
>Divine intervention, probably by Apollo himself.
>he thinks the rules don't apply to him
>he shouldn't feud with government regulators because they will invent, bend and break the rules to ruin your life if you don't genuflect to them
These two sentiments, simultaneously expressed, reveal a statist authoritarian.
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template for those who want it
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>Cancel Falcon
>Cancel Vulcan
>SpaceX patnership with ULA
>ULA makes ACES for Starship
US companies working together
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shitty normalfag-tier label meme, kys.
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this one is slightly better.
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Oh yeah? Get a load of these curves
i would decouple that hotstage if you know what i mean.
We got loads of megastructures out of them. You should be happy with what we gained for OUR years.
I'm tired of frogs, what would a Spurdo shoop look like?
Page 1 discourse is always so shit. We need our own board
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Why can't we have moon racing, /sigh/?
If you make a habit of sage posting, it at least keeps your own posts from bumping the thread back to the top of the first page, keeping it out of view from the rabble.
It won't hurt the thread, because most people don't even know what sage is, much less how it works, so it gets plenty bumped.
Punished Elon, a man denied his launches.
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You do, as aforementioned. Attributes to emotional intellect.
All that
is this a bot
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The second tower impact reflected in its eyes is a nice touch.
Is this a faggot?
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No, this is Patrick
Yes, once they become irrelevant due to the FAA and the current administration being stripped of their ability to hamper spaceflight, the topic of this thread. Until then, it's on topic.
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>Hurricanes hitting Florida is a rare event
They really believe the universe flashed into existence the moment they gained consciousness.
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This image has does more damage to spaceflight then every before in history

the USG wants space-based interceptors by the 2030s so that basically means funding Starship development using the military budget.
Both Kamala and the Don will fund it.
For the west coast. Hurricanes don’t usually form in the gulf and then move east.
Not the worst photo of him, desu.
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Have you already forgotten about the weed smoke and shirtless pics?
This is nothing.
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Is this the Musk deference face he makes when he meets a high ranking person that he respects?
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He is so fucking autistic lmao. He just instinctively looks down during handshakes, but manually looks up. He literally can not stop his head from pointing down during a handshake or fistbump or something. There's a lot of videos in more casual situations where he does this. He's literally me
imagine voting for a fucking TV star just so some other guy can get """his""" rockets to another (useless) planet
Imagine a faggot free sci, where posts like your didn't exist, and you as a person never visited sci
still beats voting for the alternative lmao
I think this is just some weird thing he does
seething faggot kys
I don't have to imagine it
god i wish i was a rocket
>Be autistic
>effortlessly mog 3 industries full of supposed competent normal people

Autism is just the next stage of humanity, normie cattle will be purged.
NTA but
>imagine me using 4chan as a safe space
There is this website called "reddit" (I bet you have visited it regularly) where you can start your own subforum as a safe space. Try it (and stay there, faggot)
name the third
starlink doesnt count as its just an extension of spacex
Space, Electric cars, neural implants
>but it been dun
Yeah but fuckers we're too lazy to move the tech and inch in 20 years
neural implants are a meme
Just like electric cars and reusable rockets.
Whats funny to me is that chuds think trump winning is gonna change something about the current state of starship
i will literally hack ur mind and turn you gay
Federal agencies are slowing it down, this is not complicated
federal agencies have discretion and bureaucracies
the POTUS can't change that if they disagree
homo. Talk about the fed talk about the Jewish
Their heads are appointed by the president and anything beyond actual law passed by Congress is enforced at their discretion. Starship progress is determined by the president.
You cant hack me I'm behind several proxies and have Shrub installed.
Astroniggers should be thinking about how to build telescopes in space, but like every other academic they can't survive without engaging in petty squabbles and turf wars that commit them to championing the merits of a single approach, no matter how stupid it is.
they can just ignore their head for years
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What will the age of consent on Mars be?
if they ignore it then the head and congress can start making progress, or they can circumvent the FAA alltogether by citing national secuirty or whatever with a executive order or something similar
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There won't be one.
In actual news, reports that FAA has cleared F9 for RTF tomorrow

>Next weather briefing for launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 with ESA Hera asteroid probe is 5:30 pm today. ESA PAO says they've been told by SpaceX that FAA has cleared SpaceX for launch of Hera. Awaiting confirmation from FAA on that. (Or did did I miss that @jeff_foust? )

>I've heard the same about FAA approval, but nothing official from SpaceX or FAA. They're really trying for a launch Monday, since that may be the last opportunity for a while.
>oh my god 17 year olds with parental consent were flown out to a billionaires private island

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New Shepard 5 Karman Line
by the way a knocked up 14 year old with a 30 year old druggie boyfriend ? No big deal in modern America, she should totally be allowed to get abortions no questions asked
Total astronomer death
They're the same people that think putting a multibillion dollar car roover on Mars every few decades to take pictures is fine
Sure, just vote for Trump so we can have spaceflight again, faggot.
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Any words or images posted without a source are assumed to be fake until proven otherwise.
It's perfect
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Imagine buying a rope and hanging yourself, then go do it
>you have to worship retarded opinions
No, die.
Free speech doesn't mean all ideas are equally good. The value of free speech comes from being able to adopt good ideas and discard bad ideas, so free speech without criticism and evaluation is worthless.

On 4chan, this criticism takes the form of bullying retarded faggots such as yourself.
Ok got some additional information
This is a specific waiver for Hera, the investigation is in its final part, NASA already accepted the results so gave the go-ahead for Europa Clipper. BUT it's still not finished for commercial and starlink mission.

However given NASA's requirement for no F9 launch around Clipper, and the current solar storm, this probably isn't a problem for Oneweb and Starlink.
>Declare Starship as national defense critical (it is)
>testing occurs at rate of development
>China and Russia humiliated and btfo

The problem is half the media/congress/academia are Chinese shill traitors
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CZ3B/E upper stage for thursday's launch.
The goal is to reach the CZ3B's 100th launch by the end of the year (this is the 99th)
The dick riding levels are off the charts
Such a sperg lmao
waiver for Hera and Clipper only is bollocks, what's different compared to Starlink?
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Alright confirmed

>From the FAA: "The SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle is authorized to return to flight only for the planned Hera mission scheduled to launch on Oct. 7 from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The FAA has determined that the absence of a second stage reentry for this mission adequately mitigates the primary risk to the public in the event of a reoccurrence of the mishap experienced with the Crew-9 mission.

>Safety will drive the timeline for the FAA to complete its review of SpaceX’s Crew-9 mishap investigation report and when the agency will authorize Falcon 9 to return to regular operations."
This absolutely is the solution. Along with cancelling SLS, overpriced NASA shit missions, and several other Artemis projects that are dumb. Artemis will continue, but hugely restructured, and NASA needs it too.
The question is, to what extent does the president have power?
Is it a commander in chief thing, declaring it somewhat militarized? How to stop the greedy equitable jobs program senators? They are wasting all of the budget.
There are plenty of real "experts" who will testify in front of congress, what is indeed stupid, slow, overpriced, risky, and just a bad idea. So Elon as D.O.G.E. has some backing here
politics I guess, you could argue that Hera and Clipper have launch windows they need to hit which could delay them for years if they miss
a few weeks for starlink would not cause similar delays
but the fact that NASA is allowed to risk a launch while an investigation is still not finished and SpaceX can't seems to be just politics
can't SpaceX make their own risk assessment too? What makes NASA more competent in this manner compared to SpaceX? I would argue SpaceX is the most competent and knowledgeable actor with respect to this, easily
working as intended
just swamp gasses
you didn't see it
congress has the power of the purse, so they actual decide the budget
the admin needs to have congress on their side too and with everything its always about compromises and political capital
not sure how much certain congressmen want SLS pork train to continue but I would guess for some its something like their top priority as many of their constituents rely on the jobs or jobs that flow from them
SLS doesn't need to be cancelled, Starship just needs to be allowed to fly (though it would be good if it was cancelled, the actual politics going on is a bit opaque)
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NASA is already ok to launch $5 billion spacecraft on Falcon 9, but FAA still "investigation" lmao
The video's reflection in its eyes is priceless
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Mark Kelly (former astronaut) shitting on Musk
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>It'll only cost 10 billion dollars according to elon's fantasy projections
>white male democrat hates his country and his people

what else is knew
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antisemitic conspiracy theory
>He gets billions in contracts!
Yeah that's how companies work, you give them a contract and they deliver the product you asked for? What is this bald faggot raging about? What "tax cuts for billionaires"? I think that's just a thing his ilk say, there's no actual meat to the statement.
>former astronaut
and big leftie lapdog
>Dana Bash
so basically this is outright propaganda
what do you mean? they are openly donating
gets the uninformed retards riled up when you bring up billionaires
We know raptor cost, we know ship cost, we know starlink revenue. You don't know any of that because you're a newfag
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Then fuck Artemis, Elon should do the minimum already signed for, then decline bidding on future projects for NASA.
Go to Mars, and go it alone. Fuck the US government if they're doing this shit, NASA will never fund it, the military could, but even that is sketchy and would come with too many unacceptable conditions.
Just clear the bullshit hurdles via Trump, get critical mass infrastructure really quickly, leading to offshore platforms, then abandon the US government later on, if hostile administrations replace Trump. (they will)
The advanced tech products people want, like Starlink and commercial launches, will provide the money, fuck depending on governments or wall street Jews. Nothing ever gets done.
Intelligent rocks
In just 2 years he aged like shit
I'm pretty sure they're slower and have less maneuverability than ground systems
Wow, i'm going to vote for kamila now.
ITT: eternal seething from alt-right redditors
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>if the democrats win I'll go to prison
>If the democrats win it's the end of democracy
>If the democrats win they fuck your dog and kill your wife

Has anyone told Musk that there is currently a Democratic administration in the whitehouse?
Take a hike, space-hater.
I've heard that most astronauts absolutely hate 'lesser qualified' people getting into it, and want to keep it as their own little club for eternity
yeah sooner or later some hostile obstructionist government will probably come again, even if Musks government efficiency commision gets something done
they will just cut out the rot, but it will come back gradually
that is just something that happens to bureucracies, not sure you could design a system that is somehow self-cleaning perhaps
but the same bureucratic rot happens to big companies too, they just get disrupted at some point by new startups
but nation state governments disruption is much less unpleasant usually
war or revolution or perhaps rarely some widespread reformations
>you HATE space if you don't support my side
Is there a biggest proof than this, that Americans are mentally ill and brainwashed?
Should be easy for elon to do himself then right?
>the democrats are currently jailing their political opponents, but they want to jail more
>the democrats have political machine controled one-party in rule is some but not all of the country, and they want to expand this
>the AFT will kill (although not fuck) your dog and they're currently doing everything they can to kill Americans in the Carolinas

Tell me, when I ask you to imagine an apple, what happens in your head?
Yes but unironically, if you don't support dissolution of worthless modern governments and formation of colonial space states you don't support spaceflight and also guzzle cum.
yes and he will if he has to
the government just needs to get the fuck out of the way
the fact that you don't know this means you are completely ignorant of the issue
at this point over half of the revenue that SpaceX gets is from Starlink and its growing very rapidly
SpaceX will be able to self-fund the mars missions with Starlink revenue and later if its necessary, Musk can divest from his other companies (or when they are mature enough like Tesla in a decade or something, pay dividends which Musk could then funnel into the colony)
>yes but random non-sequitur and more FUD
Your words are worthless and wasted.
>there is currently a Democratic administration in the whitehouse
Yeah, and it's been fucking terrible for space
Musk's private efficiency program is negotiating the largest payment package in history by lying to the board of directors and shareholders, paying millions to settle sexual harassment claims, posting D.o.G.E. memes to suck up to Trump and lying about hurricane Helene.
No it's just kind of an ironclad argument you should already understand if you've read any books about modern power structures or near futures outcomes.
He is you utter moron. You're clearly a newfag, you don't have the slightest idea what's going on here. What could compel someone wholly ignorant on a subject to argue about it? Lurk and learn or fuck off
>supporter has a conflict of interest

Wow. And there mark kelly was, in the womb of the ISS floating in the vastness of space when it just came to him.
lying? he fucking 10x the value of the company and 10x the revenue, the package was earned
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Pretending to be retarded for (you)s is just being retarded with an extra self-deluding step.
>noo you see I was just being funny!
You're being retarded, fuck off.
/sfg/ - Seething Faggots General
Stop sputtering, sperg.
you need to go and stay go
If you want an orbital base, Phobos is right there with regolith to cover the hab from radiation and possibly water to mine
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trump wants to do star wars? chances of this happening?

Trump proposes reviving Reagan-era ‘Star Wars’ missile defense program
>Speaking at a rally in Laconia, New Hampshire, Trump promised to build a “state-of-the-art missile defense system” that would cover the entirety of the United States, dubbing it America’s own “Iron Dome.” Adding credence to his proposal, he brought up the famous “Star Wars” missile defense program touted by former President Ronald Reagan, which was scrapped due to the technology being out of reach.
>“You know, Reagan proposed that many years ago, Star Wars,” he continued. “He proposed it many, many years ago. But at that time, there was no technology. It was just, like, it looked good. But we have unbelievable technology. We should have them.”
>The system Trump had in mind was known as the Strategic Defense Initiative, nicknamed “Star Wars” after the popular movie at the time, developed in 1984 at the height of the Cold War. The system would be based in space and use lasers to shoot down Soviet nuclear ballistic missiles before they could plunge back down to Earth.
amazing work
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>Laconia, NH
Uhh bros
yeah, and every day is worse than the last
maybe you didn't notice but they've stopped all meaningful progress in spaceflight

p.s. neck yourself
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Don't do reentry burn then. The chinks don't do that either.
Chances of skilled non Americans being allowed on Mars? Take me with you bros
Only if you're female and pass certain criteria
Dismantle the FAA and scatter their employees over the sea as chum for sharks.

It's a nice town.
Yep, SpaceX were blocked from the HLS contract under the Democrats and Starship was cancelled.
Only with an automobile tariff exemption for Tesla from President Donald Trump can save spaceflight.
HLS selection was done during the early days by Trump appointees who were promptly fired for doing it.
And after that a second HLS contract was awarded to Blue Origin, who was likely "supposed" to have it before SpaceX entered the race and brutally shoved aside all competition.
Imagine a world where NASA selected BO's nonexistent lander and Alpaca as the redundant option.
>Soon, every payload will be FIRE
The final selection was in 2021 and the reason that only one lander was selected was because a republican controlled Congress did not provide enough funding.
Later we get the blue origin lander as well because a democratic Congress provided enough extra funding that NASA requested, it's hardly blocking spaceflight.

Anyway I think Musk should have remained more apolitical as he was in the 2010s, this pathetic cynical dicksucking he is doing for political favours is the exact opposite of what their philosophy is supposed to be, and it's how SpaceX will become oldspace.
So cheaper than the F-35 program? I'm fine with that.
holy cope
That was simply a factor of the contracting model (costs+guaranteed profit). No company can remain healthy that way.
he was attacked repeatedly, he stayed apolitical for years
it doesn't work
and what do you mean by "their philosophy is supposed to be"?
I'm genuinely curious
sasuga anon
SpaceX mission is to make humanity multiplanetary
whether that involves politics or not is irrelevant
if the political climate is healthy, staying apolitical makes sense, if the political climate is "going to space is dangerous and we have to ban it", then obviously to achieve the mission, you have to change the political climate
Musks companies and by extension SpaceX has always been about getting things done by whatever means necessary, using the government to their advantage is not some foreign thing to them i.e.see subsidies and government contracts
thinking you can even do spaceflight without getting the government involved in some way is pretty naive and going from government to politics is not a big stretch
so why did they restack starship?
We are going
IFT-5 next week
>Later we get the blue origin lander as well
And you think this is a good thing? You like this, you wanted this and champion it as a right move?
You actually think like this? You motherfucker?
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in a just world people like this would be promptly strangled without ceremony and stacked like cordwood

SpaceX letter to FCC about Omnispace obstructing them
I wonder if a reflight of IFT-4 is to provoke some type of response from the FAA.
If Musk/SpaceX is correct that some people in the agency are directly interfering with Starship progress, they wouldn't be happy at even a redo of IFT-4, but without modification of the flight parameters they very well can't say much without looking like direct interference.
what the heck bros. I was just watching the Balkan news channel when I saw Elon with Trump on stage. The fuck?
see >>16412033
Ayo when is the Hera launch?

I am excited about planetary science missions!
yeah it seems pretty cool based on that 3min explainer

this vid
part of me wants Dragonfly canceled because it's budget tripled but the other part of me wants me to keep Dragonfly because it's legit the best planetary missions we had in decades
It's going to check up on the asteroid that DART smacked into? That's pretty cool, I wonder if the crater left by DART will look any different than normal ones, apart from looking newer that is. It'd be real neat if any bits of DART were embedded in the crater.
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>It'd be real neat if any bits of DART were embedded in the crater.
would be very kino.
>F35 program gets you thousands of new fighter jets with new features (Vertical takeoff and landing, stealth, etc.) for yourself and all your allies
>Mars mission gets you some rocks and makes some middle aged autistic men happy
>the dinosaurs had no defense against asteroids because they never had a space agency
Yes, blowing up goat herders is definitely a better use of money than colonizing our nearest neighbor planet.
We dark maga now
t. bong
Yeah it is because mars colonization has no value-added proposition
Falcon 9 pioneered VTOL
>colonize mars
>immediate immigration by space sandniggers
>mars society collapses in a decade
gj retard

>kill all arabs
>no space sandniggers to assault you
>mars society flourishes
it's that easy
Where are the fields of gold and cocaine on mars?
what does cocaine have to do with this?
the LEM was VTOL tho
You need to extract value from mars somehow
Let me know when Somalia has a space program and I'll worry about it then. Shit, NGOs don't even have a space program anon, you can't just load people up on a raft and float it to Mars.
Your supposed problem does not and will not exist. The only immigration to Mars we'll have to keep in check is Chinese.
no you don't
You autists always make short dismissive statements because you have no explanation for how the colonization of mars would be a positive sum relationship

Yes you do
cocaine is not that valuable.
Okay, substitute something more valuable in it's place that you can find on mars.

What is it?
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Gold is useless on Mars aside from tiny niche uses in electronics and scientific instruments. Besides, SpaceX has asteroid access.
Cocaine can be synthetic, Mars will be confined, and boring at times, so they will be the richest planet in the known universe with thousands of designer drugs and advanced in-situ resource chemical manufacturing.
>Mars mission gets you some rocks
It's not a mission dumbfuck, they're sending several hundred tons of cargo as soon as next window to get a base started. Some of the first people to arrive might stay there
Not happening, Elon is going to have his hand out for hundreds of billions
>it has to make money or there's no point
This is how I know you're Dutch
musk showw fealty to the alpha male
>IFT-4 2:electric boogaloo
What would even be the point though, they wouldn't be able to gain any meaningful data from Starship as they've changed the flap profile and clearly the upgrades to the internal tanks worked to keep the booster working post-stage separation.
The only benefit would testing to see how the new tiles and ablative work during re-entry, they can't even do any of the in-flight tests they did on IFT-3 without a change to the license.
What are you even attempting to say?
did you see what Musk did with Twitter?
he really cares about the mission
Okay so what's the value proposition for colonizing mars. What's the positive sum relationship?
It has to make money or there is no point, that's correct
Mars drugs. What happens if you smoke mars perchlorates? Anything can happen
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making life multiplanetary, having a place where you can go live without retards and the mean IQ being something like 120
>Elon is going to waste tens of billions of dollars on a meme base that will get abandoned if governments don't bail it out
Not happening, he will ask for money or to transfer the burden of maintaining it to government
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niggers always find a way, anon.
>making life multiplanetary, having a place where you can go live without retards and the mean IQ being something like 120
They will dump Haitians on Mars as soon as it's successful
it = twitter
not musk personally
>It has to make money or there is no point
0 (zero) human spirit detected.
If Elon throws enough Starlink money at it to make the colony self-sustaining, then you really don't need to extract any value from it.
A colony which is materially self-sustaining is inherently economically self-sustaining. It develops a semi-decoupled Martian economy that exists on the basis of trading Martian goods and services among Martians. Earth isn't explicitly necessary beyond the initial kickstart, which Starlink is perfectly capable of providing. Elon is essentially "purchasing" a new locus of civilization and economic activity, not establishing a venture to extract value for Earth.
>It has to make money or there is no point
You are scum and I'll be glad to leave you behind
who will?
Value proposition of mars is putting a void of space between yourself and 80 iq monkeys, their midwit enablers, and the psychotics running banks and countries.

So somewhere near priceless.
To watch the Earth degenerate and die, with equity mandates for all the world's niggers, Muslims, and other turds, special education is SO important in failed societies, the IQ is going to drop rapidly, everyone worth a shit will leave for a societal do-over, while the home planet flounders in incompetence.
Utter moron. Do you think current day Elon would invite government involvement in his endeavors? At least attempt to have a coherent position
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Once there are people on Mars they will sell their labor, much like is done in other places. Many kinds of work do not require one to be physically present at a particular location.

Some people will do work for off world entities and some will produce the goods and services necessary to support the colony directly.
This is a fetish for you or what
yeah, its basically asking what is the benefit of earth existing
what would be the benefit of starting a self-sustaining country that can not trade with other countries? well the people living there are a separate economy just like the global economy is self-sufficient right now
Mars has a lot of space, will have a free-er government
why do people do anything at all? money (i.e. way to get resources or services) is just an instrument to do something else
He already wasted billions on a meme rocket with the express purpose of building the meme base.

Don't be a retard.
Go be retarded on some other board faggot, fuck off
You're not going to replicate the supply chain of modern life on a mars colony with a couple billion dollars per year in starlink profit, it requires millions of people living there at a minimum
The point of Cathedrals was to enhance the transcendent experience of mass and the worship of God
You know exactly (((who)))
It will get destroyed immediately if it's ever actually successful

Yes, who do you think keeps all of his businesses propped up? Its mostly government contractor money or subsidies
I don't think magic worm poop exists in this universe
>You're not going to replicate the supply chain of modern life on a mars colony with a couple billion dollars per year in starlink profit, it requires millions of people living there at a minimum
the rough goal is a million people, yes
a couple of billion per year (lets say 3) over 20 years is 60 billion
but Starlink will have much higher profits than that, could be something like 10bil a year pretty easily
>some retarded anons wanted this for VP just because he was an astronaut
This motherfucker would have just hindered SpaceX, and given Bezos (a billionaire) everything. The fucking irony.
sadly at the speed it impacted the probe probably just vaporized, i seriously doubt any bits of it are left.
this and literally me too - he's trying to bow slightly bc he's a weeaboo at heart but maintain eye contact. it makes it look like those starfield npcs kek.
The state of $AST right now
building designed to please imagined deity is not the ideal example anon?
>and the psychotics running banks and countries.
surely you meant psychopaths? Also who are these psychopaths running banks and countries? Name them?
Starlink hasn't even launched the entire initially-proposed constellation. The existing constellation isn't running at capacity. Subscriber growth is nonstop. Revenue growth is explosive, on track to hit double-digit billions in a year or two.
Starlink PROFIT will hit double-digit billions in the early 2030s even if trends start slowing.
lmaoo, was just reading other stuff about ASTS, they are coping about the Trump endorsement
so you're saying when bullets hits rocks they also vaporize?
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>building designed to please imagined deity is not the ideal example anon?
If he's imaginary, explain how the shroud of turin was fabricated by a 13th century monk

Look your God in the eyes
>Starlink PROFIT will hit double-digit billions in the early 2030s even if trends start slowing.
Starlink charges over $100/month which is not competitive with ground based carriers, it's only used in rural areas without ground infrastructure.
>Also who are these psychopaths running banks and countries? Name them?
Name any CEO or high-ranking politician and the odds are you're naming a psychopath. They filter to the top of organizations very reliably. Anon's mistake is thinking that Martians will be escaping this phenomenon—it's one of the closest things we have to a law of sociology.
look at your digits
Depending on the speed and density of the target, yeah sometimes. Still, I think anon is wrong out of sheer hope that there's some little bits of metal stuck in that crater that'll show up in photos. I don't expect a solar panel sticking out the side like a cartoon but something.
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damn for a moment there I thought you were gonna say Jews. But damn you're right I'm pretty sure lots of these CEOs are psychopaths that can't feel empathy.
>cathedrals don't make money
Very poor example. The Catholic Church is one of the largest corporations in history.
>building designed to please imagined deity
Wrong. Idiot. The separation of stem and the humanities has been a disaster. Also, it's a great example. Great expenditure to create something beautiful, and the payoff is that centuries later we still have something beautiful. That's the only reason you need.
Not relevant
which covers tens of millions of people...
>Great expenditure to create something beautiful, and the payoff is that centuries later we still have something beautiful. That's the only reason you need.
Where's the beauty in bringing back some mars rocks and people living in some white vacuum sealed domes for a few days again?
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>Great expenditure to create something beautiful, and the payoff is that centuries later we still have something beautiful. That's the only reason you need.
100% human spirit detected
can we please extend this argument to astronomy.
Most people in the world live off <$10 a day, it's already the biggest player by far in NA and Europe for rural areas
Fuck I want to live in a rock so bad bros. . . .
It covers the entire planet. Most of these places will just skip the step of installing ground infrastructure on the path to an American standard of living. It's also the only option for every plane and boat on earth. The telecom market is one trillion dollars a year, were only talking about capturing some single digit percentage of it.
This is pretty well-researched, anon. Or, as well-researched as it can be when the population you're studying is neurologically well-equipped to conceal their own nature. Psychopaths are either smart enough to leverage their way into reasonable success or they end up in prison. Occasionally one, then the other.
1% of 1 trillion is 10 billion

Telecom profit margins over time are slim, meaning the profit margin will be around 30% absolute maximum
non-whites will naturally pay much less than any whitey has to pay, thats normal
Did Raytheon buy him? This would cost trillions easily. If SpaceX could do to defense rocketry costs what they did to space launch I'd maybe get it.
They should run the IFT-5 flight plan anyway.
>lol what u gonna do about it
Might give them a small boost? Proves the viability of the business really, as the rest of the market still pretends SpaceX doesn't exist otherwise
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Not tunnels, geofronts. Massive open spaces we can build cities in. It's the ideal solution to the "outside" problem until Mars' atmosphere has been thickened enough.
We're not going to spend a couple days in a tent just to bring back some rocks. We're building a city far away from you.
Fellow man
Even with your hypothetical three billion, building a full stack from scratch is only like $100,000,000. We don't know the refurbish and refly cost yet but it's already shaping up to be lower than F9. This is a lot of money if the government isn't in charge of spending it
Anduril is trying to do to the defense industry what SpaceX did to space launch, but yeah I'm not sure
he is talking to some people in a state with an existing company in that which I assume is one of the old Primes
would have to use something else than them if you wanted to actually start doing stuff in earnest
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Why is this US election more bizarre than any other?
But can it reenter with a melted wing
muskiddies btfo

It always gets weird
Umm sorry sweety, the (((FCC))) is part of a global conspiracy against mars colonisation, this is FAKE NEWS from FEMA about hurricane HARPlene
this dude is the european version of thunderfoot
made a video about the tesla semi being impossible for instance (tesla is in the process of building the factory for it right now)
he kind of did a version of this at the speech where he told Elon to "get over here" and Elon obediently did it.
It's the last one.
sorry autistic /pol/nigger but that was someone else.
did you really get this upset because someone pointed out that you will never belong?
The Tesla semi is retarded though because it's substantially heavier than the standard tolerance for most bridges.
It's like console wars but in real life
holy shit why do you always think everyone is the same guy
wrong and extremely retarded comment
It's not wrong, not that you've ever looked into it though
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"Eff you man! You're not even my real Dad!"
like this is pretending to be retarded level shit
please stop
5/5 bretty gud :DDDDD
are you serious?
>safety of the middle of the ocean

FAA more like faaggots
does a bullet travel at 6.4 km/s?
Reply to me again and I'm sending you a tikkie
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just looked this up. I can't believe this is real.
in case of an asteroid on collision course with mars we will also have the falling building systems from evangelion.
Wait, what happened with the Crew-9 mission?
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why are they like this
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the dutch need to be banned from the mars colony
i don't "think" that, there's one retard who is directly responsible for all of the newfaggotry afoot and he apparently thinks mentioning the nationality of person that noticed him is making an impact.
went out of his way to damage control on multiple occasions when the topic of the recent flood of newfags was brought up.
it's some payment app like any other?
That's fuckin hilarious, truly swampjews
we will make your mars colony more efficient than you could ever dream of by yourself.
plus, we already have tons of experience in terraforming, something no other nation on earth has.
Why colonize Mars when Antarctica is more habitable, is closer and has more density of resources?
EARTHERS could be here, he thought to himself
Mars cities will need their own Iron Dome/Star Wars defense systems to protect against eventual Earther aggression.
You wanna go dig that place up, be my guess.
yeah yeah sure.

but we'll still have the retractible gravity buildings just in case.

and because it looks cool as fuck.
So disingenuous that nothing coming out of these politicians mouth are believable. He knows very well what the core issues are, deregulations, borders, immigrations, etc.
because Mars is far away enough to need to be fully self-sustainable and independent
there is no point in making Antarctica self-sustainable due to the proximity to other civilization, which means it will never become self-sustainable
Yeah, thats why they targetted his companies, his reputation, his family, his life, etc already. Or did you forget all t hat?
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It does look pretty cool.
Not to mention that the harassment, attacks, and efforts against him are escalating because when you destroy a man while saying "Democracy! Democracy! Democracy!" there are procedures and images that have to be maintained.
>he doesn't understand that normal people don't bill each other for 1 coffee
Outed yourself Dutchfag
fuck off with your sensical arguemnt I want mars
its not sensical, colonizing Antarctica is pointless while there are many good reasons to colonize Mars
its not because there is abundant resources there or because its easy, its despite these things
if mars was an earthlike planet you would still have the same reasons (and perhaps some new ones) to colonize it, i.e. make life multiplanetary so one extinction event doesn't wipe humanity out, because its cool, because its a forcing function for making rocket and space technology better, because it lets us experiment with new types of governments (a bit like with the US)
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You might be wondering why Elon openly supporting the other candidate drives lefties on twitter insane.
It's because they zealously self-police. You'll meet ones who suddenly go into a panic at the mention of Donald Trump or whatever. They are signaling desperately that they DO NOT APPROVE. They are terrified that they will lose their status within their own pecking order. You might think "wait but that's like cult behavior".
It is.
the far right thinks trump is too moderate so yeah
these people never met a genuine far-righter in their entire lives
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We're pretty happy about his recent rhetoric actually
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>step 1: send cargo ships to mars containing all materials
>step 2: send humans to construct base
What's the problem, exactly? We should've had humans on Mars decades ago. All other problems have been solved. Food and water can be stocked up for months, oxygen can be made through electrolysis, radiation is a meme... so what gives? Thank fuck for SX and Starship because it seems this world is ran by kikes with no foresight or vision whatsoever. Yeah, there's a lot of risks, but so what? Everything we have done until now required risking lives and many sacrifices. What happened to the NASA of the 60s?
please go spaz out about atheism somewhere else
no one else cares how much you hated sunday school
Sending that much shit was too expensive, and landing needs to be propulsive. Getting back is even more difficult, and the trip each way is nearly a year. MOST of the shit sent to Mars has failed, something like 60%. It's a very difficult problem if you don't have a Starship
He needs to prioritize results over rhetoric.
por que no los dos?
>What's the problem, exactly?
rockets to get there are rather unaffordable
that always was the reason
this isn't even pop-sci
what kind of magic do you use to hold the walls up?
please, don't tell me
I already know it's fucking stupid
got link to research?
Air pressure.

Video fit for consumption by ADHD riddled faggots such as myself
Reminder that if you think gas can't flow from lower pressure to higher pressure you're a physics brainlet.
Trannies dont understand that Musk is an individual and X is a separate entity
gas flows uphill, liquids flow down hill
Mars roggs aren't buried under a mile of ice.
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I want this again so bad. Cannot wait
>what kind of magic do you use to hold the walls up?
It's a cavern, the walls are already held up by nature of it being a natural cavern.
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elections come first
same thing with JWST and MSR. And SLS and Orion. They’re interesting things worth chasing on paper but the prices and managerial incompetence is insane. On one hand it’s fine because America can front any spending bill (USA effectively has unlimited money and if it REALLY comes down to it we can always just brute force Titan missions, manned mars and lunar missions, MSR to beat China, etc) but the sad part is that NASA funding works through a bureaucratic process so that funding only comes in waves and when projects such as MSR blow up in cost and resources, it slows down other things like Dragonfly—when Dragonfly blows up it slows down potential future projects like Uranus or Neptune missions
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our future will be glorious
Should we check if the Apollo poop bags have been sterilised by 50 years of the UV and cosmic rays? Imagine if they weren't?
>Should we check
No, much like how the sunken ships at Pearl Harbor are considered permanent tombs, those bags of poop should be eternal memorials to man's progress in space.
I think the Apollo 11 site should be left alone aside from a dome getting placed over it for preservation. Extremely careful and limited collection of items from 12-17 should happen, though.
the point of cathedrals was to generate pilgrim traffic to build the economy of the town (tourism)

That said, I think cathedral-building is a good model for big space initiatives like Mars colonization. It was a multi-generational effort that did not expect returns for a hundred years, yet fostered an army of craftsmen, architects, and artisans. Hard to do that under the burden of a four-year election cycle.
Brainlet. What is density
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When Trump loses and SpaceX is persecuted by the FAA for being owned by Musk youre going to be real mad that he didnt keep his opinions to himself. Dork MAGA was a real good play chuds.
it's over
Would you fuck off already, god damn
Other payment apps allow you to make payments, but are not designed around sending payment requests to your friends
Why is Netherlands so weird bros. They have so much legal drugs and prostitution and now this.
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elon will be emperor of mars and execute his opponents
Either you are god damn stupid, have IQ lower than 85 or you are below 18 y.o
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Perseverance is using a steep but smooth exit ramp out of Jezero crater to get to interesting science targets on the outside. Now it’s struggling in a kind of Martian mud and resorting to unprecedented moves to reach its goal.
building this giant contraption without counter weights is hella fking retarded
seems more plausible with lower launch costs and a dedicated military branch.
Why counterweights? You think the arms moving will shake everything?
>when the chopsticks rip right off
Government that persecutes people for politics is an evil government. I wouldn't be mad at Musk for anything the government does out of ill intent
glad this guy is doing regular updates on Perseverance

space weapons are banned
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Don't worry about it
two retards carrying a box into some random boomers home
and another retard filming
You seem upset
>natural cavern with a sky in it
>calls others brainlet
>doesn't know what density is
Nice. I wonder if Starlink is sending their GPS data to the 911 operator for accurate location response.
that's beautiful
Kabloona You Seem
If Trump really does win, how long until the next NASA budget is chosen and allocated? Seems like the prime time to finally kill SLS
blow it out your ass cuck
I don't have a sister
SLS will continue to be funded until Starship launches uncrewed to Mars in 2026
President has zero control over budget
It'll only launch once between now and then.
$12 B just for that time
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Full stack baby
launch the rocket elon mustard sir

>Almost 3,000 satellites are launched per year and that number will only grow.

>Virtually, all satellites use custom designed busses, despite their payload missions being similar.

This is definitely wrong right? Most of the sats are Starlinks and they all use a standardized bus.
Does Ship 30 have the same flap placement as IFT-4? Do yall think we're going to see a similar burn-through like last flight?
yes, but flap hinge area has had temporary fixes to hopefully not have hot gas flowing through again. Even if it burns through again, v2 ships are only 2-3 flights away which remove that pain point entirely
Some pictures have also shown that on and around the flaps they doubled-up on the filler that they pack between tiles.
So basically, Flight 5 (B12 / S30) and Flight 6 (B13 / S31) are still Block 1 which uses Raptor 2's and old fin placement but with electric TVC and thousands of improvements over time

Flight 7 (B14 / S33) will be the first Block 2 stack. In theory still Raptor 2's but this time, this type of ships are ready to deploy payload, fins are placed much further back and many more optimizations. I would say , this Block is ready to test reusability. Also, in my opinion, Block 2 ships will have Raptor 3's mid 2025 i would guess. This would eliminate the nasty problem of autogenous pressurization contamination (pre burner exhaust into the tanks)

I hope it helped
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Thanks for the info anons
I am from the future. I will share my wisdom to you /sfg/
>Trump will lose the election leading to Musk losing his marbles completely
>Shotwell will retire next year
>Starship test campaign will be drastically hindered by the lack of progress and make no real advancement for two years
>Blue Origin lands New Glenn on its first launch and steals most of SpaceX's custemors and workers that wants to get away from Musk thereafter
>SLS will not be cancelled
is pretending to be retarded when everyone knows you're pretending still fun, anon?
Fuck off with this gay shit
>Virtually, all satellites use custom designed busses
And this is a problem because? Standardization just codifies mediocrity.
At least make it somewhat believable.
Milton will end SLS but also Clipper.
I am from the future as well. But future where this guy just shit his pants because he has the -ism.
remember the last time americans got persecuted? they fled england to found a new country on a new continent. this time they'll create a planet sized country.
>space weapons are banned
only weapons of mass destruction, however nukes are proliferating (china, north korea, iran?), and russia and the US tore up a few nuclear weapon treaties over the past 20 years. the direction moves towards striking off the ban on wmds in space.
ScamX wont be landing shit on Mars until Husk bends the knee to Kamala and turns himself in. Trump will lose and you will be happy with Shotwell owning SpaceX.
>how long until the next NASA budget is chosen and allocated?
its chosen every year. the fiscal year starts on oct 1.
/sfg/ in 2026: IFT-5 looks so primitive in comparison to current gen
Falcon needs to be more resilient to weather. If it were soyuz launching that would be an 85% go.
Not even true Boeing, Lockheed, and Northrup have had sold satalite busses for years.

They control NASA's direction. I don't know who could convince Trump to do this but he could refocus NASA to Starship oriented exploration payloads. Call it something or other, and make the goal something vague outside of a very clear number of probes per year. It's about time someone pointed them away from mass autism and shit rockets
Jim Free should be in jail
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why are they always young girls, lets see some young boys
Artemis is Trump's baby. If Elon can prove he gets a moon landing faster without SLS he'll do it.
How do we know there isn't another earth on the other side of the sun with the same orbit as us?
all vehicles are female silly
>watch challenger disaster documentary from Nat Geo
>expect a detailed explanation into what caused the explosion
>all they are talking about is the teacher and her feelings
>the cause explained in a form of a single slide at the end
fuck that, I've wasted an entire hour
At least the book gave me what I wanted.
/sfg/ in 2026: Man I can't believe we fell for the Starship scam. Now we're years behind China to land on the Moon. At least Musk is in jail and SpaceX got nationalized.
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I bet you'd like that wouldn't you
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>We're not going back to the moon
>We're not going to mars
Musk needs to genuinely be dismissed and bought out. He's ruining SpaceX.
NEA trojans would be distributed at 90 degrees ahead/behind instead of 60 degrees.
go read Truth, Lies, and O-Rings, that has all the detail you could want
Yes, that's the book I meant, but I need to read it again because I don't remember it all.
Daily reminder that there is zero reason to go to mars
thank you for reminding me.
Zero reason to climb mountains or to go diving as well.
Good point, we shouldn't do those either
fuck off reddit
she's high energy
Ah, so the doomposter is the sharty nigger, no surprise. I bet he's a foreigner, too.

Not our problem there isn't hope in whatever shithole you spawned from.
ASTSQ is the new TESLAQ
It's a white thing, you wouldn't get it
love my boy WvB but this rocket was fucking stupid.
I'm Whiter than you and going to Mars is dumb
Surely SpaceX can work something out with FH and Dragon and return to Moon within two years while costing less than the second SLS tower.
It's only a question of political will.
Is it possible to launch a rocket to orbit that never leaves its launch country's borders? like direct to geostationary without making any laps or even drifting that far off straight up from the launch site
>there is zero reason to survive the apocalypse
Yeah, for your race. Ours will go on.
Theoretically, sure. Gonna be expensive AF.
Mars had more atmosphere in the 70s so it made sense
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One drop rule, you either are or you aren't. "-er" implies not.
I mean, for a country on the equator. Obviously if you're not on the equator, there's no destination orbit possible.
Don't be ridiculous, no one is completely white. Maybe in the days of the pioneers but not now.
that explains away the spaceplane upper stage but not the retarded shape or propellant choice.
I see at least one now
Didn’t Free say something last year about HLS starship being “behind schedule” or something and also indicate that a second HLS option should be chosen under “traditional funding” aka cost-plus gibs
anon, this is engineering, they would've figured it out.
>prop choice
they would've abandoned it after relight issues anyway
Amerimutts cant be white
Dont make me tap the sign >>16411498
Why should there be relight issues?
Thanks, VanDijk. We'll let you know when we need more expertise from do-nothing Europoors.
Sorry, not relight. I'm so used to talking about Starship now. With that prop combo it was difficult to reliably ignite in the first place so it never went anywhere. It's also toxic so now it never will
Im from argentina and to me, americans are non white subhumans
how's your Argentinian space program doing?
Total chink death
They didn't get any of the good Germans
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lmao. thank you for your response.
based, it's good to put mutts in their place.
They didn't get the ones that built the rockets, they got the ones that built the camps that built the rockets
There is no contradiction here. Elon is allowed his own opinion.
We sent a monkey to space like 60 years ago but we stopped caring
at the top
Do you know what the difference is between America at its best, and everyone else? When Americans see a contest, they root for the winners because they're winning, and the loser because they're the underdog, and Americans love a come from behind victory. Everyone else? They want a winner. They want a winner, and they want that winner to remain the winner, and it makes them angry if someone else is going to be the winner. America at its worst is what happens when the people in power start trying to be like everyone else.
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You're fighting for the long term objective of the success of your cause, not the person who achieves it, because that being is largely irrelevant beyond some praise in the history books--which society largely dismisses within 3-4 generations of the event itself to being "oh, that's cool; anyway, here's the latest and greatest" (which accepting all the benefits of the original endeavor as being systemic and foundational to society in a way that can't be undone).

If you get hung up cause the guy leading the charge endorses the wrong person, you weren't interested in the cause, only the person; which shows that your resolve towards the cause itself is fickle and weak.
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Hera may be delayed a year or two.
Or else SpaceX should give ESA a Falcon Heavy upgrade free, on the house.
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Why do you reply?
>no one is completely white
That's a new type of cope
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Now it's complete
The head on the curb should be a plover
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it should be this
Over 90% of American whites have zero nonwhite ancestry. You are coping.
kek, another argentinian in this general? the world is such a small place, boludo jaja
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anti-ICBM development is back on the table as tyrants like monke are using it as shield to facilitate its imperial bloodlust. Effective countermeasures demand mass deployment in low orbits of cheap interceptors to kill the missiles before they can even properly stage. This is going to get funded one way or another and spacex crew is the only one capable of even doing the job. Now if musk remains as a controlling force in the company shareholders or if the machine has to brute force circumvent political hand wringing in the executive branch is another matter
One of these days you're going to deglove your penis reposting about this
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what is he saying to him?
>"We tie the FAA bureaucrats to the plover nests."
>"The beetles are behind all this. You have to kill their queen"
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>/sfg/ in a nutshell
reminder, the fcc voted to take funding away from starlink based on party line, with the two republican commissioners approving starlink funding and the three democrat commissioners voting against spacex

corruption, hatred, and lawfare
Yep, and clearly the traditional big internet service providers and cell providers have the democrats in their pocket. Pure corruption, squarely on the democratic party, in plain sight. And they always claim the moral high ground with their wokeness.
Hurricane Milton (lol at the name) is set to do another $100B in damages, and disconnect loads more people, just before the election, PROVING the democrats would rather kill people than allow direct to cell and Starlink everywhere for remote and vulnerable communities, funded by big gov as essential.
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the fcc allowed it today https://x.com/SpaceX/status/1842988427777605683
Pure damage control. Because the optics of the situation was a horrible, stinking fart stain on their faces.
Change the whole policy immediately, cancel the failed contracts, and admit wrongdoing, then I will accept their apology.
this is for direct to cell, not the BEAD funding for the dishes
Musk & Trump should preempt the Wednesday disaster, by shipping tens of thousands of Starlink terminals into the path, and enabling DTC across Florida BEFORE the corrupt FCC says okay.
Fuck you niggers in charge, make a point.
Major hurricane strikes WEDNESDAY, its MONDAY. Enable it all now, and fuck the FCC and democrats, who would only allow it with great restriction 2 weeks late.
The still have shit on their faces, and its NEVER coming off.
smoke & mirrors
They're counting on FEMA blocking deliveries again. Except the plan will fail in FL because they don't have a dem governor who will remain passive and only activate 175 national guardsman for a statewide emergency. FL will be prepared.
>this guy tried to call me out as dutch in 3 posts and has failed and gotten the wrong guy every time
did i give this guy PTSD?
you are spiritually dutch
how much would a cup of coffee on Mars cost? visiting a Dutchman there would be very risky
do you grow your own beans? maybe $100. if not, then $50,000.
Chicory is an adequate substitute
Free money

If we assume an order of magnitude decrease in cost per kilogram from F9 to Starship, it's actually about $7 a cup if you're shipping instant coffee.
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lol its tea
The track has way too much uncertainty to preemptively distribute them at scale.
Coffee is also a kind of tea
Well, congratulations, you made me wonder and now I'm not sure if this is true or not. I am leaning slightly away from it being true, because the coffee bean is a part of the plant that is botanically desired for consumption, while tea is more like a vegetable, where you take the parts of the plant that don't really want to be eaten and consume them anyway. It's the same as the difference between fruits and vegetables.
need to send about 5kg mass to orbit for 1kg to get into mars, or that is at least the ballpark numbers that musk has been saying

if we say 200 $/kg to LEO, then 1k $/kg to mars
you need something like 15g of ground coffee for a cup of filtered coffee (and 2.5dl water, which would cost something too depending on the state of development of the colony)
just the ground coffee would be $66
assuming you had a water reclamation system with 97% efficiency that would still be 7.5g of water
so about $100 is in the ballpark if you have $200/kg to LEO
Water should be basically free on the colony right from the start.

The coffee substitute is much darker.
Yes this is why many modern scifi stories involve people bringing live coffee seeds to grow off world. It becomes an investment, a small upmass for a planetary coffee monopoly. Chicory is much easier to grow outdoors on Earth, but in space all growth is artificial, so you just change the parameters in one greenhouse hab.
The entire State of Florida could have DTC emergency communications established tomorrow, that will work on any nigger's phone with LTE, which is all phones.
Starlink stations can temporarily warehoused with all local first responders in likely path for non-partisan distribution.
Simply the right thing to do, because we CAN! What is up with this obstructionist bullshit, its a shit stain on Democrats.
>lol its pee
>no caffeine
whats the fucking point then lmaoooo
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Two words: Eris colony
Bepis colony
4g a cup with instant coffee
Instant can be pretty good if its brewed with care and freeze dried rather than heat dried.
So coffee is a soup, then? Or a broth?
A juice
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Based, now we're talking.
it wont ever be free and certainly not from the start
even when the colony is somewhat advanced you can calculate the cost of water (you need to have the infrastructure and maintain it, which means both mass from earth through tools and labor of the actual colonists, the labour perhaps being more valuable here with the alternate things they could be doing)
Ok fine, so cheap as to be irrelevant to the cost of a cup of coffee.
Coffee is a kind of infusion. Tea is also an infusion. "Tea" is it's own category within infusions, but I think coffee is pretty much its own thing within the broader term of infusions.
Pretty broad fucking term there pal
Soup is an infusion
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Euro people are here this hour, they only have coffee to discuss, because nothing ever happens there
There are loads of ESA projects to discuss like uhhhhhhh
Watching these losers try to talk 'kets is embarrassing.
but thats not true
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Hera is launching today funnily enough >>16412554
/sfg/ - stimulants and frappuccinos general
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"tea" is a kind of leaf, not a drink
you can boil other leaves that are not "tea" and they have medically theraputic benefits

coffee is not tea, made from seeds not leaves
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Successful cryo test of B14 for flight test 7.
Time to install the Raptors, then ready to static fire!
telecom industry is shitting itself in fear now that it's exposed how obsolete and compromised they truly are
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>To further shift Blue’s culture, Limp highlighted a number of key leadership additions: Allen Parker as CFO after past executive finance roles at Zillow and Amazon; Jennifer Pena-Leanos as chief people officer, after running human resources in Limp’s prior Amazon Devices team; Ian Richardson as senior vice president of manufacturing operations after a long stint as SpaceX production director; and Tim Collins as the vice president of global supply chain after previously leading global operations for Flexport and Amazon.
> “We’d like to [be delivering] about an engine a week by the end of the year. I’m not sure we’ll get exactly to a week, but it’ll be sub-10 days … [and] by the end of 2025, we have to be faster than that,” Limp said.
>“It’ll be adventurous. It’ll be fun. I’m excited about it … but if we [don’t] stick the landing the first time, that’s OK. We’ve got another booster right behind it. We’ll build more,” Limp said.
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>Ian Richardson
Is there ANYTHING they don't shamelessly steal from SpaceX?
Good think SpaceX doesn't file patents on rocket concepts.
yeah, products
getting to orbit
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chance that the cape infrastructure gets fucked by this?
did something happen to the cape during 2017 Irma
crazy how people get executive positions after working for a few years. 30 year olds should not be VPs.
elon was like 31 when he started SpaceX
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Is coffee good for you?
are there anime featuring oneill cylinders :o
I'm drinking my 4th cup of coffee of the day right now
more than 3 cups a day causes alzheimers
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I don't believe you
not going to open that suspicious link
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>correlation = causation
whats next for space warfare after missile defense? i need inspiration.
It's a virus, don't click on that link.
that confidence interval is so wide it makes the whole study pointless
if the effect exists, its minimal
I believe you but I don't care
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>risk factors are causes
Unlikely due to the cape being on the opposite coast. Negligible storm surge and cat 1 winds at worst.
This is true, it's a cogitohazard, I clicked it and now I'm not gay anymore
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I didn't know I needed this until just now. Thank you anon, very cool
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Its 4:20 at Starbase, blaze it
Why is the FAA so much worse than other agencies? The FDA gave Neuralink a breakthrough device designation and the FCC has been giving Starlink more and more bandwith
You should die a painful death
Imagine swimming in space
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Agencies are made up of people. So you have the administration who is already hostile, but even worse are agency employees with a serious case of EDS scattered throughout the mid and low levels. The FAA just happens to have more than usual due to shitty hiring even by government standards because all the recruiting effort is spend on hiring and training air traffic controllers.
Ive switched to paraxanthine. I sleep better, cum harder, and have a bunch of pre. Good stuff and feels like a smoother perk up
>difficult to reliable ignite
Dude, you fucking introduce the two substances together and they party.
It's not that easy in hypergolery
needs a koozie
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nasa: we need roggs from mars
spacex: hey we can do th-
nasa: NOT YOU
Starship will land an Electron rocket on Mars.
Which will then be loaded back into Starship with a crane, and shipped back to earth
>mission architecture
>we propose using starship to land our pooper scooper and then return it
They'll send Peter Beck to personally retrieve roggs.
He's a hobbit so they'll get huge mass savings
What is the dollar value of this contract?
Under $1M?
I think that between the aluminium powder and the microplastics it's basically inevitable on my end anyway
it's $625k, this is just who was chosen to go forward with further study out of all the submissions made a while back.


Rocketlab, Spacex, Aerojet Rocketdyne, Whittinghill Aerospace, Quantum Space all received awards with varying descriptions
>Contractor to provide rapid studies for the Mars Sample Return (MSR) program."
>Contractor to provide research reports on studies about how to make MARS Ascent Vehicle lighter and more efficient.
Quantum Space:
>Contractor to provide research reports on studies of how to bring Mars Sample back to Earth.
>Contractor to provide research reports on studies about how to improve the MARS Ascent vehicle by making it lighter and more efficient.

curiously spacex shows an estimated completion date of their study of next week as theirs was awarded back in July. I doubt we'll get many public details but it might be worth a FOIA in a couple months if no additional details come out
adding to this, looks like some awards were above the 900k filter - BO got $1.3m, locksneed got $1.4m, northrop got $983k
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A spanish company is planning a reusable, propulsively landed first stage
It's not up to me man, they abandoned it because of lighting issues, I don't know why. The reason is probably scrawled on a 50yo piece of paper in an inaccessible file cabinet in Huntsville
le oldspace tax
The only viable plan is to build a rover to go get the samples, and launch it to Mars during the next window.
Of course this will need to be hosted by Starship, which will also have an orbiter and heavy capacity for a return to Mars orbit vehicle. And it will need payloads for the 2026 unmanned opportunity to go.
there's a Dutch bank that once issued perpetual loan in 1600s and still keeps collecting on it


Hera status? Anyone? Last I heard, weather was only a 15% chance of go
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We don't watch space launches here, we only talk about urfer politics.
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4 boosters landing simultaneously
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Ambitious, for a company that has yet to launch anything but a sounding rocket.
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A sounding rocket that made it 46 out of its intended 80km I might add.
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Investor bait.
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> And to end on a high note...
>We present LINCE, Europe's first private manned mission program.
>We seek to equip Europe with the capability to transport astronauts into space and bring them back to Earth.
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certainly a ways to go
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Miura Next, Falcon 9 clone but with 5 engines
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Its the cancelled Falcon 5. Gay!

How about something exciting?
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I guess the Miura 5 >>16413919 here is a microlauncher but actually orbital instead of a sounding rocket
Then Miura Next is a F9 clone with a crewed capsule on top and 2 sidebooster Heavy and 4 sidebooster Super Heavy versions
no, for some reason Miura Next and Miura 5 both have 5 engines
I guess the Miura 5 has just smaller engines and they are going to develop completely new bigger engines for the F9 clone (Miura Next)
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>Miura Next Heavy breakdown:
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the fact that they are just (well other than the 5 engines) shamelessly copying Falcon 9 makes it more likely to happen IMO
one of the european smalllaunchers (and wannabe small launchers) will probably succeed eventually with the captured inner market of EU
New Shephard Mission NS-27 Webcast
Delayed by 3 hours.
Why not have percy deliver the samples to whatever they end up sending?
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>Miura Next Super Heavy breakdown:
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more like OLDspace
Enough of this PLD shit, at this point you're just spamming.
Summarize it when its over, or post the .pdf of slides, we don't need 55 posts of that shit
>hey you seen that video with spacex landing 2 boosters?
>could you copy that and add two more boosters in the background?
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Yeah especially when there's so much other quality news going around like musk talking about politics or trump talking about politics or how Americans aren't white
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So it's either politics or rockets that will only ever exists in powerpoint slides?
Yes and the FAA is to blame
>moon transfer capable
wow they're just saying any old thing now.
Hera and New Shepard are launching TODAY. SpaceX is preparing the full stack for IFT-5 full wet dress rehearsal. Today.
Who cares about some AI generated Falcon copy, its all empty promises, do you think we fucking care?
yeah seems like they are promising basically anything lmao
but you could argue that planning the architecture to have a 2 booster and 4 booster version from the start is better than trying to tack it on later, which probably makes it more complicated
but they haven't even reached orbit yet
>They fell for the undersized second stage meme
Welcome to pre-SpaceX /sfg/
Painful desu
threadly reminder that the dude who predicted Trump being shot in the ear also predicted he would win and the 2nd Great Depression would begin shortly thereafter
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There was never any such thing.
I just woke up, how's the weather for hera?
The webcast still begins in ~75 minutes
You could extract caffeine from a plant that is easier to grow and add it to a coffee substitute that is a closer approximation to coffee in terms of aroma, color and flavor.

Based thread
VP is not an executive position. Even SVP is not an executive position. In large corporations a VP title is frequently given to someone who deals with other organizations in order to make those at the other organization feel like they're being taken seriously.

Some consulting firms have more VPs than non-VPs.
>this radius
>oneill cylinder
Just got around to watching S1 of For All Mankind. The plot lines are shit but the lyrics did a great job on the lunar surface sets
gundam is all about oneill cylinders
the plot is just going to get worse, much worse
This is a 4chan thread about spaceflight you fucking retard, you post about rockets until we hit page ten and then we do it again
Writers lmao, fucking phone posting kms
>relative risk < 1 for less than 4 cups per day
This is evidence that normal levels of coffee consumption are correlated with positive outcomes.
Good luck finding 10 people who are willing to work 40 hour weeks in the whole country, let alone a whole company's worth of hard workers. They will never build anything.
in reality: zero boosters landing ever
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>T-1h02 all systems GO! Weather improving. Falcon-9 fueling started
We're going!

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60% favorable weather
europa clipper's second stage isn't reentering either is it? so that mission should be go to launch too, barring weather issues
Is Hera a cool mission?

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Don't forget. You're here forever
I think so, it's gonna go check out the rock that DART impacted, I'm eager to see what the artificial crater looks like up close.
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11 minutes
The FAA currently has a proposed rule that would require evaluations of design and equipment as it relates to "cyber security" specifically as it relates to airplanes being more connected to the internet and it calls out satalites specifically. I can't help but wonder if this will not be used as yet another way to attack starlink, requiring more analysis, and paperwork, when the FAA is already overloaded.

I am willing to bet they will grandfather in old systems too, so it will keep the entrenched players in, while starlink needs to slog through red tape to replace the old providers.

The FAA didn't care about connectivity, until SpaceX came and provided a good service and began taking over.
This better be good.
it's a falcon launch. you've seen them before. you know what they look like.
yeah but this one has john insprucker on commentary
oh it's john reddit

Is it money for a concept study or Phase A of a contract to actually do MSR
never noticed the rocket wobbling a bit as the arm retracts before
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Anyone else saw the spinning heads?
fairing sep
This just got me thinking, what's a better tv series about space programs, For all Mankind or Irina the Vampire Cosmonaut?
>zip ties on your 363 million euro payload
yeah, what of it? you want it to cost 364 million euros?
HERA going to end up with shaken baby syndrome at this rate
It's so fucking over
When is the booster going to land?
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>the age of exploding rockets is coming to an end
The first stage just popped, they cut away from it
samefag doomer
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Had one last ride
Gave it all she got
Never, it was sacrificed to the god of delta-v
>this mission marks the 23rd and final launch for this Falcon 9 first stage booster, which previously launched Crew-1, Crew-2, SXM-8, CRS-23, IXPE, Transporter-4, Transporter-5, Globalstar FM15, ISI EROS C-3, Korea 425, Maxar 1, ASBM, and 10 Starlink missions
what, it's funny
right about now
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I didn't realize they allowed reused boosters on crewed flights as early as crew-2. I thought that was a newer thing
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For All Mankind is more accurate and grounded (within reason, compared to anime) but certain elements leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Irina has less substance but handles the limited story well, the whole vampire thing is mostly a red herring since they're basically just gypsies with a skin condition. I'd like a season 2 where they ramp up to a moon race, that'd be neat.
>what's a better tv series about space programs, For all Mankind or Irina the Vampire Cosmonaut?
Watch Star Cops instead
He's like 40
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not enough glimpse behind the Iron Curtain to see what went right to make the Soviets win the race in their timeline.

Irina was neat. Would like to know how much research into the actual Soviet space program was done to fill in the notSoviet details.
Rocket Girls. Doesn't take much to be better than SENPAI
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Nobody ever mentions this one, but I liked it.
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not many other series use PHYSICS to explain why it is CG doing the CT
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Reminder that WDR is happening today
But NSF says there is no evacuation order.
I'm always amazed at how many historic missions these things have
I like this guy's physiognomy
very conquistadore
this guy not so much
I give them 50% chance of making it
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Irina is based on a series of light novels, the first season is book 1 and 2 and there's 7 volumes all together. Weirdly book 3 seems to be about the fake US trying to mix vampires into their space program but it looks like they get to the moon eventually.
>not enough glimpse behind the Iron Curtain to see what went right to make the Soviets win the race in their timeline
They're doing a spin off of For all Mankind called Star City that's supposedly all about that.
No news of a second season as of early this year.
giving this nu/pol/ creature a pity (you) since nobody else wanted to give him a little attention.
Korolev not dying?
This but unironically, they were founded in 2011 and only got a sounding rocket to reach 46km.
>Want to launch in late 2025
>Don't have an engine test fired
>Hope to do "turbopump qualification" before the end of the year
>Uses two different engines types for S1 and S2.
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they are going to use a completely new engine for Miura 5?
Why aren't we colonizing Didymos? It's almost as big as mars.
Reading the Kamanin diaries certainly makes you wish for a series about it. It'd certainly be grim tho, his diaries are just depressing, guy quit soon after Soyuz 11 after all..
>That time gagarin broke some bone while jumping out of a window to avoid his wife while he was flirting with some nurse?
>"On his return from space he landed successfully. Here, unsuccessfully.”, the other vostok cosmonauts used to joke
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because it looks like a rapist
Korolev doesn't die, soviet material science is a little further ahead than reality so that they can make valves for the NK-15 that can be opened (and shut) hydraulically. This means they would be able to test fire engines before launch
Two completely new GG engines yes (~200 kN and 70 kN respectively). The miura 1 engine is pressure fed.
Then Miura Next will use a completely new kerolox ORSC engine (~1100kN).
>Juventas and Milani
did they call the two cubesats after football teams? lmao
what the fuck
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got brighter after shutdown, I guess due to no regenerative cooling?
Yeah it's stupid, they've long shown that their propulsion team is definitely not one of Europe's best and fastest.
Shame, putting 9 (or maybe 12-13!) of their 200kN engine would give a rocket that'd be quite larger than all their european competitor, and actually in a range where retropropulsive recovery starts to be viable.
in other news jeff is testing his new sounding rocket

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hop in 11min
Sir, this is a space flight general.
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its over
Everytime I see PLD Space, I think it's a typo from OLD Space. The keys are right next to each other!
>we launch starship
>with optimus onboard
>optimus has a deployable solar pack that doubles as a sunshade
>optimus goes on a journey
>walks to the samples
>bends over and picks them up
>stores them into a carry on pack
>walks back
>4K streaming connection to Starship with overhead Marslink at all times
>optimus returns to Starship
>takes the elevator back up
>Starship launches on a free ballistic trajectory back to Earth
>sample retrieved
>least complex architecture ever
>check pls
>RocketLab aesthetics and sizing with SpaceX vision
Good on them.
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this is true
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>absolute last thread on the 'log
>still on page 9
That's what happens when jannies delete threads, shartyfag.
how is this still on page 9
Spam thread production seems to have taken a hit.
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SeaFood General in a nutshell.

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