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New peer reviewed article from Frontiers in Pharmacology claims to have a cure for baldness, however some doubt has been cast upon the claim because one of the authors is bald and all of the authors are Pakistani
Please post your thoughts on this topic after reading the article
try it out and find out
Someone tell that bisexual vegan feminist haircafe
Sup choom
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this is what 'she' looks like without the makeup and hairpiece
It would be unethical for the authors to put themselves first in line for this miracle drug.
>however some doubt has been cast upon the claim because one of the authors is bald and all of the authors are Pakistani
That wig is really shit tier for covering up his receding hairline
So the discovered a drug that does the same as minoxidil and dozens others, while the side effects of it are unknown?
I don't think it's a cure, but their data does indicate it's a decent potential treatment.

I was on just min+ketoconazole for years and my hair was pretty stable. A few weeks back, I did a deep dive on the hair pharmacology literature and added topical caffeine, cetirizine, mint water (read: eriocitrin), azelaic acid, zinc sulfate, vitamin B6, rosemary oil and hemp oil. There have been pretty significant hair gains without any shedding.
>some doubt has been cast upon the claim because one of the authors is bald and all of the authors are Pakistani

Nonsenses Saar, this is simply example of ethical scientist who does not engage in self-experimentation until the phase 3 data of the clinical trialing has been fully of the analyze.
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Medical science cures are always bs. There's no such thing as 100% cure. Because sometimes things work and sometimes they don't.

They will be looking for cures until the end of time.

Even some bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.
Shit, if you really want to cure bacteria, use singlet oxygen with photodynamic chemotherapy. Wipes out difficult infections really well.
Baldness is an exclusively masculine characteristic, thinking that women aren't attracted to it is like thinking men aren't attracted to women with big tiddys. Just because they don't admit it doesn't mean it isn't true, there are tons of dudes who will never admit they like tiddies, but if you check their browser history you'll find out the truth
i bet the giant woman spammer faps to michelle obama
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Stop picking on Big Mike!
He almost passes as a real woman.
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Just because baldness is exclusive to men doesnt make it inherently masculine.

Besides, humans evolved hair on their head as a way to protect it from the sun, and because your hair is an indicator of health. Animals exclusively go bald due to stress or disease.

I'm sure no woman in human history has ever sat down and thought "I wish he was bald". Yet, somehow humans evolved male pattern baldness. This indicates that baldness is a trait that humans selected for unknowingly or unintentionally.
I should say that I think humans evolved baldness not because it's attractive, but because it weeds out unhealthy males.

There was a study done in China which found the biggest correlate with balding was soda consumption. I've heard of anons who were balding for years who moved somewhere else and it all grew back. They hypothesized that it was due to something in the water, probably estrogens. Of course some men will probably go bald regardless of their environment, so that's likely only part of the reason baldness exists.
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies don't get tested for enough as potential causes. Too many doctors see someone loosing hair and automatically jump to androgenic alopecia without considering nutritional problems or autoimmunity.

>a lot of "non-responders" to fin/dut or min don't really *just* have androgenic alopecia
Cure existed for a long time now;
oh look, another /pol/ thread.
lol 33% of women get it to some degree too: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/treating-female-pattern-hair-loss
the 'women' they're talking about going bald is trannys
pretty sure 33% of women are not transsexual. I've seen stats more in like the 5% range.
>I was on just min+ketoconazole for years and my hair was pretty stable. A few weeks back, I did a deep dive on the hair pharmacology literature and added topical caffeine, cetirizine, mint water (read: eriocitrin), azelaic acid, zinc sulfate, vitamin B6, rosemary oil and hemp oil. There have been pretty significant hair gains without any shedding.
honestly, as a male you should consider low dose finasteride for them skin gains, collagen synthesis etc
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>honestly, as a male you should consider low dose finasteride

nice try, picrel.
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She has the same masculine square bottomed chin that Kamala does
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>tranny with a combover
the "its a tarp" meme takes on even greater meaning in this context
How much did xhe have TOUPEE for that hairstyle?
>some doubt has been cast upon the claim because one of the authors is bald
well its a recent article. if that author is still bald next year then the article clearly fake
there are some cases of AA where it is too far gone for any treatment to work. there are also other cases where something else is going on like an autoimmune condition or nutritional deficiency. some hair loss patients are dual or even triple diagnosis. so a cueball author is suspicious, but not definitive proof of fake science.
can you science niggas redpill me on calecim? also the hims chewable 3 in 1.
Is there one of Melania and Mike?
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its quite telling that his wiki page make no mention of the controversy about him being a tranny. if you look at the wiki pages of any major public figure that isn't considered an ally of the liberals then every controversy in their entire career is covered in detail
My hypothesis has always veen that balding is the milder male equivalent of menopause; it helps remove older men from the breeding pool without having to kill them, which greatly benefits a multi-generational society that thrives on information retention and dispersion
>there are no paid shills for fin because it's a generic
This is the greatest thing I've learned all week
somone finally invented a combover technique for afros
I am not the antichrist
-Barack Hussein
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>New blood vessel formation can restore blood supply and stimulate the hair regrowth cycle

Why do peoples hair lines follow the muscles on the head?
Seriously, look it up.
Me thinks metabolic damage and autoimmunity fuck the blood vessels as you age.
DHT and estrogen just influence the process.
Hence why some bald at 23 years old and some only in old age.
It's fin and min for me, still cum inside my female gf on the reg.
I'm doing more of them than Bryan Johnson (but not fin or dut, far more phytochemicals) and having good results. If you really want cheap effective shit as monotherapy, just go for some kind of topical mint product.

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