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Why is life expectancy on the decline?
No progress in over two decades. Before that life expectancy only kept on increasing, but now its declining.
Whats wrong with the current crop of medical scientists? Why are they so incompetent?
This gives me cold sweats. Appetite lost.
Obesity still on the rise keeps it lower than "comparable countries" and COVID + our politicized response to it killed off a bunch of oldies that probably had a couple years left in them around 2020.

Also healthcare is an overpriced mess (not saying that socialized is better, you just pay taxes rather than paying for what you need) while inflation has reduced purchasing power so a lot of people delay or put off diagnostics and procedures they can't afford.
this is what happens when every shit is allowed in the food sector and environmental toxins and emissions remain unlimited and companies are allowed to leave behind or dispose of waste without hesitation.
>Braindead garbage
The graph doesn't show anything about who is at risk of what nor does it invite discussion more intelligent than 'follow The Science' or 'take another booster' . Garbage in garbage out.
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I read that it was mostly suicide and opiate overdoses.
Food regulation in the USA is pretty good for base ingredients. Bread can only have this and that. If you cut something like cheese, you can't call it cheese, you can call it "cheese product" or "singles." But with more processed food (premade meals and fast food) it's easier to skimp quality and hide what you've done to it.
The food isn't even the killer. The processing just makes you fat (all the added sugar and fat) without filling you up (all the nutrients have been removed). This is by design. Being fat will kill you. You could eat McDonalds and vitamins/fiber suppliments and in theory you could do the math right to have something like a healthy diet but I wouldn't try it.
There is one exception and that's pesticides You can dodge this by buying organic. I've heard spraying glyphosate/round up is a big cause of "inflammation" and that "many diseases are variations of inflammation".
>if glyphosate was bad we would have 50% of people have cancer in their lifetime!
>oh wait
In the US it's largely due to suicides/overdoses of white Americans.

Fun fact: Latinos have a higher life expectancy than whites despite depite being much poorer. So Hispanic immigration actually offsets somewhat an even greater total decline.
Obesity has dropped already because of Ozempic. Stopped reading there.
I bet this retarded sounding anon is actually a smart evolutionary biologist. Basically if you're a species that invests in offspring your time is up about 16 years after getting children at 16. Why live longer than 32? Well apparently evolutionary pressure has not been so wild that evolution optimized genes for until 32. Furthermore tribes with elders may have been more reproductive than tribes without elders because after passing on their genes they are still useful for passing on memes. Thanks anon for all your wisdom in such a simple sentence. We're all enlightened now.
nice going science
you took centuries of progress, halted it and threw it into reverse
good job
Probably the fact that all (((western))) nations are doing their damnedest to shorten their citizens lifespans? Just a guess.
Which is stupid because the graph only goes through 2022. If Ozempic is going to impact life expectancy, one way or the other, it's not going to show up in 2022 numbers.
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Childhood mortality always throws off the averages in charts like the one in OP, most people who are more serious about the topic look at life expectancy after 50 rather than raw life expectancy to get a clearer picture of the issue, however its not hard to figure out that since childhood mortality is still on the wane, the data displayed in OP is even more ominous than it looks.
Childhood deaths drag down the raw life expectancy averages massively, as those death occur less frequently now than they used to and since less children are being born, the average raw life expectancy should be climbing even if life expectancy after 50 was stagnant, instead it is declining, so life expectancy after 50 must be really crashing pretty hard
This is just the long term effect of not paying off our national debt while sponsoring things like DEI and having the systems in power encouraging crime.
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Welcome to clown world
With life expectancy declining that means you get more than a year closer to death for every year you live.
>environmental toxins and emissions remain unlimited and companies are allowed to leave behind or dispose of waste without hesitation.
the so-called environmental movement only cares about stopping CO2, which isn't even a toxin or aa pollutant, its plant food that enriches the environment
how abysmal retarded are you?
And opioids.
>starts crashing arounf 2018-2019
I wonder if it has to do with experimental injections they tried to intimidate everyone into taking
Sure am glad I don't have to go through like worrying about if I got poisoned by the vax
u guys are retarded
99% chance this is counting premature deaths like overdose. there were like 100k overdoses on avg between like 2018-2020

fucking retards saying "SEED OILS DUDE!!!" lmfao
>these deaths don't count because reasons and sheeeiiiitt
>this statistic with a sample size running the tens of millions isn't real because it upsets me and I'm too childish and immature and emotion to accept it
>t. doesnt know how to read
Trump will fix this unfortunate trend
>Why is life expectancy on the decline in the USA?
He will fix it and the scientists will try to take credit for having fixed it eve&doe they're the ones who caused the problem to begin with
It's not the base ingredients, it's all the chemicals that the FDA blindly approves that are causing colon cancer left and right
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Warning, do not look up the images of the patients in this article.
>Genital necrosis
common problem amongst trannys
They also tend to suffer from acute mental necrosis as well
>comparable countries
This part is where they inject the woowoo, btw, in case anyone missed it
We're just close to the hardcap. Longevity, like everything else that matters, is genetically predetermined.
Longevity in the USA was steadily rising for decades until Obama took over, then it started declining
pffffffff big deal. who gives a fuck. no point in living after 25 anyway
western society literally peaked, we're in a world recession and things are going to get way worse over the next 20 years
If a recession implies a relatively temporary state then this isn't it
I agree that things are only down from here
I would rather live like a king for 78 years than to live like a peasant for 82.
you will get neither, you'll end up living like a faggot until you die of AIDS in your early 50s or late 40s
Because everything is getting worse. It has a negative overall effect on a person's health and lifespan.
Lead, Asbestos, Microplastics, Hormones in milk and meat, the vax, promoting trooning and other mental illnesses, worse lifestyle, food without nutrients, water full of chemicals...

Geez, I wonder why is it still so high.
>Why is life expectancy on the decline?
food quality
lack of exercise
You deserve to die early

Immigrants have actually offset the decline because Latino immigrants have higher life expectancies than American citizens, dumbass. Without immigration the decline would have been sharper.
Life expectancy data is unreliable due to pension and social security scams
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Governments and companies figured out that it is cheaper to have old people die out sooner before they are forced to pay for their pension.
Its also badly skewed by child mortality.
The people who actually study topic like life expectancy tend to rely on the metric "life expectancy at 50" which the expected remaining years of life for someone who didn't die before they were 50 years old
>we can't give those people the pensions they paid for, we need to send that money all to israel
>t. uncle sam
Have you worked in the federal government before?
That's it
>why is X so expensive in America
Because we're all so fucking fat next question
Environmentalists dont care about anything except CO2. Their movement has simply been controlled-opposition'd, same as economic leftist movements have been replaced by identity politics movements
Using the vax to poison the redditiers was based

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