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Name a worse character arc.
Looks like he's bat-spit insane.
Not a real scientist, but he plays one on TV.
12 year old me never trusted this faggot
Adult me started to warm up to him a bit but that was a mistake
Always trust your 12 year old self's judgement
Grow up and learn to trust le hecking science!

American Politics is just a sham, the real damage he and his kind have was way worse than that. They caused public to lose their trust in scientific thinking and become skeptical towards even long established scientific facts. Flat earther, anti vaccine crowds, chemtrail believer and many others are thriving thanks to them.
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>They caused public to lose their trust in scientific thinking

Politics DOES influence science.
E-long Husk
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NASA is now the most WOKE organization in the USA government.
The Artemis program exists for DEI astronauts.
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>Name a worse character arc.
Anything publicly funded is radioactive these days, and expecting any progress coming out of there diversity programs would be childish. Our only hope is channeling space exploration efforts to the private companies. SpaceX is the first one to do it, but there is no reason for it to remain as the only one.
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>lumping the antivaxxers in with actual schizos and thinking no one would notice
They censor the antivaxxers because they're right. They don't censor the flat earthers because they're wrong and therefore irrelevant.
> They censor the antivaxxers because they're right.

This isn't true. They censor antivaxxers because vaccines are an incredibly profitable racket. It is reasonable to be skeptical about vaccine safety when so little is done to actually ensure safety protocols are followed. It is not reasonable to jump to conclusions in the way that many antivaxxers do.

We can agree that the way the COVID shot was mandated was fucking retarded and there was basically no evidence for its efficacy in major segments of the population. This doesn't invalidate the largely impartial research that has come out demonstrating that outside of the relatively rare incidences of myocarditis, it is largely "safe." It's generally a low-risk low-reward choice for most young and healthy people (which is why I personally never got it, because I'd already had COVID by the time it became available and I didn't see the point in the marginal risk).
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Never trust Bowtie Men, speaking of vaxxie insanity.
Whats with the umbrella logo in the top corner?
Only if you ignore every bit of evidence and sweep regulatory capture under the rug and blind yourself to the transitive property of vaccines because they have the same name oh and that is why they dont have to be safety tested to the same insufficient standard as before.
You are basically retarded. Good luck.
Vulva-shaped rockets don't fly well. Also, what body part is shaped like a goods distribution network, or a battery factory?
BNTSG was golden age of PBS programming, and was is own standard in the early nineties. I think it raised the appreciation and comprehension of academic science and research.
I saw him give a talk/lecture/powerpoint presentation recently and while he's aged he's still good at engaging kids and their parents about supporting science & arts, critical thinking about misinformation and supporting kids' ability to develop lifelong careers in scientific fields.
I feel like the cringey shit 10 years ago is more a reflection of how different culture and society are vs 30 years ago. Back then I wouldn't have imagined a black science man squashing beefs on a weird huge chat forum thing.
>blue orgy
>pay sex
>the rocket has a glans because of aerodynamics
i agree with this slide, bigotry is usually just a cop out from thinking about why data shows differences between socially defined groups of people.
>Anything publicly funded is radioactive these days
>Our only hope is channeling space exploration efforts to the private companies.
With public funding?
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As the CHIPS Act has shown, public funding can come with lots of strings that aren't worth the money but straight forward purchases of services, such as "we give you x million, you put this satellite into this orbit" is fine. The problem comes in when there's a requirement of "and your rocket must be built at least 37% by refugees". The best contracts probably are those for launching spy satellites because there's no point adding DEI requirements when those can't be virtue signaled to the public.
But who is buying those chips when the tarriffs hit.
What do you mean? If the fabs in the US, USAians would buy chips from the US fabs without paying a tariff on them. If the US fabs mode more chips than the United States could use, maybe then there would be an issue with other countries slapping tariffs on those chips, but that would be for people in that country to pay.
>worked for Boeing
And the above wipes all that out.
What the hell is Bezos doing with Blue Origin??
Following the old space blueprint but without the funds of a superpower nor the talent pool of the 1960s.
>every single white person around the world agreed to secretly manipulate black people into committing crimes and dropping out of college
>no it's you who are a conspiracy theorist chud
what a shame
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isnt this guy dead or something
Not a single word of your response is what that post actually said. I hope you consider actually thinking about things someday.
>n-no.. I didn't say that mr. Chud.. I d-din't mean it like that..
instant fear of a direct conflict, classic
>spacex building next generation of space tech is the same as jeff bezos space tourism retirement activity
not a musk fanboy, I think he's a retard, but people who he employs(actual engineers and scientists) are not retards and they are actually trying to build something new and cutting edge. comparing it to bezos is insane disingenuousness
Notice how every response of yours is to things you've imagined me saying. You seem like a preoccupied and fundamentally incurious person, and I hope that you try having a genuine conversation in the future.
>you are imagining stuff
bro you are the one believing all white people are a part of a secret shadow government which only mission is to discharge fire alarm's batteries in black people's homes, don't tell me about making things up
In the science community, yes, but probably because there are not many other notable figures. Poor guy, I hope despite his mistakes, he is loved.
Show me vulva shaped rocket that can go to moon
>Always trust your 12
haha infinite ice cream goo-ACK
>Name a worse character arc.

Bill Cosby
Not /sci/.
creepy pedo looking guy
Look inward, Thunderf00t
used to work at boeing, was on almost live, had his own TV show, then went bat shit crazy.
Michael Mann becomes more and more of a hack. And James Hansen.
>critical thinking about misinformation

Do you think Nye will ever admit Fauchi funded Daszak and Barics work at WIV and is culpable for covid origin?
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"Democratizing science" has achieved the result not that more people appreciate or comprehend science, only that more people think they appreciate or comprehend science.
Hansen isn't a hack, or at least is less of one:
Michael Mann belongs in prison however.
this but unironically.
The real sigma take is to say we would be all under the water if we didn't do anything about it. This way le epic science not only wins the argument but gains the hero status for saving us.
>bigotry is usually just a cop out from thinking about why data shows differences between socially defined groups of people.

You are one of those who KNOWS that bigotry explains all racial differences. You KNOW this and no facts will EVER persuade you differently.

Not ONE of the top 100 ranked world Universities is run by Black Africans
Not ONE of the top 500 largest companies in the world is run by Black Africans

The reason South African has a large Indian population is because the European settlers could not find or train enough African Blacks to run the bureaucracy... they had to import Indians

Modern academics REFUSE to even consider that racial differences exist, any obvious intellectual achievements differences between races is ALWAYS blames on the "SYSTEM".. they failed because the education system was bad, the justice system is bad, the welfare system is bad, etc., etc., etc.

Standardized test are 'racist' against Blacks but somehow 'magically' not racist against Asians.
Why do socially defined groups show such consistent results everywhere in the world, throughout all time periods, in every measure?
this so much this
Yeah you're not wrong.

I guess the debate really centers around what is better or worse for people, there are pros and cons with using Fluoride in the water, even those trace amounts, trust me.

RFK Jr. was more wrong because of his track record against vaccines, but it seems like Trump is choosing some better cabinet members, so we don't have to worry too much. I think this term shall be fine.

Besides, we could be looking down the barrel of the next major world war. I think we should be electing a capable military commander-in-chief. One that can actually get things done, unlike the fucking retarded person on the other side.
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>the debate really centers around what is better or worse for people

No it does not!
When I turn on the faucet I want PURE water to flow out... just water.
If YOU want Florine in your water than *YOU* put it in your water.
It is NOT the government's role to play mommy and decide to alter my water for what THEY perceive as the "greater good".
I will not stop anyone from adding Florine to THEIR water but do NOT add Florine to MY water.
If you have children and you want Florine in their water than YOU add it.
The public water should be PURE WATER.
The sissified Europeans don't put poisons like fluoride in their water either.
Erwin Schrodinger was one of the most influential physicists of all time and then later turned out to be a pedophile. Though Bill Nye is annoying, pedophilia is a worse character arc than being annoying.
>skeptical towards even long established scientific facts.

That's actually a good thing and was definitely NOT this asshole's intention at all.
This guy makes me think that literally everything regarding covid has been totally fake. There's no way this guy is not some actor of some kind..he can't be for real.
Please kill yourself
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Kinda lame how he became a priest of the religion of sciencetism. I did like the Bill Nye the Science Guy show. It really spurred my interest in science and math and I am grateful for that even if Bill Nye is not an actual scientist. It introduced 11 year old me to Soundgarden in 2007, so I'm thankful for that though:



Also is this board just /pol/acks sperging over COVID and pseudoscientific racial theories now? Last time, I came here regularly, it was dudes being insecure about not having girlfriends or driving at the age of 20-something, which honestly was less annoying than current year politics.
>/pol/ buzzwords are all I know because I'm a tasteless, terminally online fatherless zoomer
Lol. As expected. /pol/acks have worse tastes than heroin addicts.

Also yes, racial theories are nonsense. Most of them don't even account for things like diet, culture,access to education or whether the place in question is a warzone/impoverished and just say "white good, brown bad". That's just about as anti-scientific as you can get. These things do make a difference in a lot of physical and mental features of people otherwise you would think Albanians were always manlets but they magically have grown in a generation, whereas the truth is Enver Hoxha turning the country into Europe's North Korea during his reign starved the citizens of his country and now things are returning back to normal now that the nutrition levels are getting back to normal.

Basically, you're a retard that's easily convinced by third-rate scientific studies that no serious anthropologist/biologist would take seriously. Maybe you should actually learn about the theories you are spouting rather than perverting them for your retarded political cause.
Here's a second version that takes into account Albana's manlet status among even their co-ethnics the Kosovars and the rest of the Balkans as a whole.
you're just all that familiar with darwin's theory. he is extremely specific about the impact of environment on phenotype expression.
i had a teacher who went to a seminar he was hosting before his fall from grace and she said he was the biggest prick shed ever met
Listen to this guy, he's right. Not trusting your inner 12 year old instincts is a typical midwit trap. Also, be wary of a man with a bow tie.
She said his penis was even bigger than black soience man's?
Poor Nye, could you imagine being in your 60s playing the hyperactive scientist from your late 20s?
He reminds me of The Wizard of Oz.
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Bill Nyet the red army vet
Yes, but all that means is that animals develop adaptive behaviors to their genetic and environmental circumstances, not that one breed of animal is better than the other at all things. Same goes for humans.
>white good, brown bad
if browns are any good then how come they all want to leave their brown homelands in order to live amongst whites instead of their own people?
You mean like white people in the 1600s-1800s when they devolved into wartorn shitholes? No idea.
Hansen is shit
lol dude is flamin
>Bill Nye the pedo guy
HIs arc is so weird and bad I almost think the original Bill Nye is dead and this guy is some imposter just using his name
what a sad attempt at bait
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>Everything that doesn't agree with my retarded worldview is bait
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>Name a worse character
I can't,
Twum is based, she is a real scientist, not a TV fraud like Nye

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