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Has medical science come up with an accurate estimate or count of the total deaths from the reported coronavirus epidemic yet?

define "accurate."
the real question is how many people euthanized their old family members through neglect or more direct methods
...and got away with it

None. The memoryholing of the barbaric coof measures requires a symmetrical erasure of the supposed coof deaths.

There's no way that can be achieved. It would rely on completely untrustworthy data from too many sources with too many conflicting agendas. Excess deaths is the closest to a true figure you can likely get.

t.labrat who spent the entire pandemic testing coof swabs
How do you know that 'excess deaths' are attributable to the disease and not to vax injury?
Or do vax injury deaths count as part of covid deaths?
Oddly at the beginning some people were claiming COVID came from lab. This was widely frowned upon and everyone insisted it was of natural origin. The pajeets showing the possible origin of furine cleavage as man made were forced to retract the preprint by fauchieouchie himself. Their work however may have been slightly flawed because they use too small nucleotide fragment to search and align which may cause wrong results. And now after couple of years, everyone is saying there is no way of knowing if the virus was man made or natural. Thereby indicating lab origins may be true while still on full denial.
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What is it?
How come medical scientists can't even do basic counting exercises?
& why do people who can't even count expect me to trust their advice on far more complicated medical matters?
I was depressed, and so before insel, before covid
Then, when I got COVID, I got this unique thing called long COVID man. I'm like so depressed. I've been depressed for several years now. You know, could really ruin my life
The one thing I do have is some communication every week or two with my long covid forums
I'm actually kind of unique and actually kind of unique and special.Sorry about these voice to text errors
nobody died of covid because it didn't exist
You can't because the data is all mixed up with the effects of the vaccine
How could someone who took a vaccine for a disease end up catching that same disease let alone die from it?
Someone should start building coofocaust memorials and museums in every city for the lulz
That sign is ironically correct. Medical error is a the leading cause of death, anyone entering a hospital is more likely to leave with more problems than they started with if they manage to make it out alive.
So I take it you're staying at home in case of a cancer diagnosis?
Most cancer diagnoses are false positives. Death from cancer is most often caused by the prescribed treatments rather than any disease.

Please tell us how you expect someone who doesn't go to doctors to get a cancer diagnosis
Kek Operation Warp Speed was a master level play by Trump to remove opposition voters.
>Please tell us how you expect someone who doesn't go to doctors to get a cancer diagnosis
low IQs tend to contradict themselves because they are low IQ
its over nine thousand
It's unironically 6 million, such an unfortunate made it impossible for the topic to be brought up in the media, so you will never heard about it
The only deaths were from vaccine injury.
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not all of them
There were also the people who were intentionally murdered using the respirators
why does canada only holocaust white people and never jews jeets or africans?
Because Canada is run by a homosexual
This, Fauci is a hero. Plus back in the 1980s he poisoned thousands of faggots to death with experimental AIDS drugs.
not yet. first they need to come up with cute mascot to regain your trust. just like the vatican!

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