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Can people reply with the proof about race and IQ being biological. I used to have a folder but I can't find it. I'm trying to blackpill someone, thanks.
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….What proof do you need? How about simple causality/evolution…?

Let’s take the politics out of it and go back to the basics of biology.

Take two populations of the same species. Not humans- let’s say rabbits.

Isolate them genetically for a significant period (usually such isolation is caused by geography but it doesn’t matter why so long as interbreeding is minimal and is over enough generations for natural selection and genetic drift to occur).

Will there be a divergence of traits between the two populations?

The answer is yes, of course. Some traits will diverge becasue of natural selection, some because of sexual selection and some just becasue of genetic drift.

After all that is how evolution works - it simply must be the case.

Evolution isn’t just about when two populations diverge so greatly that a new species or sub-species forms - it’ happening daily for all sorts of traits and characteristics of an animal.

And the traits that most directly impact on fitness will tend to be subject to strong selection.

So wind it back to humans.

Have certain populations of humans being genetically isolated from each other for many generations?

Yes. We tend to call them ethnicities.

Will their traits vary as between population groups?

Yes. Hair type, blood group, eye colour, facial features, ability to digest certain foods, average height, body shape etc. All these traits demonstrably differ between ethnic groups.

Is intelligence a trait of humans that will likewise vary?

You can logically only choose one answer:

A) Yes - and as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,

B) No - intelligence is a special trait - alone amongst all traits it’s not possible for it to vary between groups at all - all groups of human beings have the same average intelligence.

If you pick B fine, but don’t expect to pass a biology class any time soon.
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Disgusting fascist. How dare you.
What the fuck is your problem
So, there is a problem with your rationale, and you need to go a step further (which they do in books like the 10,000 year explosion or A Troublesome Inheritance) and actually like this potential for population level trait intelligence differences to an environment which would produce large changes quickly. The development of agriculture is quite likely to have fostered that kind of selective pressure, however that one is also not a hole in one. This indus river valley and Jordan river valleys have both had agriculture about as long as anyone can have them, and the test average IQ for people in those regions are not much higher than the low 90's.

If you compare that to areas like Japan or Korea, which developed agriculture much more recently than the fertile crescent or Indus river valley, it's clear that just prolonged exposure to agriculture is not sufficient to explain everything in terms of trait intelligence differences.
Every different ethnicity and country can build modern cities, and perform other modern industries
Can they? Many ethnicities have giant cities with millions but many people don't have sewers or decent zoning or have tons of corruption and violence. You really think the rest of the world resemble japanese or german or Canadian cities? Hell, even different ethnicities or races can have very different incomes or rates of violence or education levels living I'm the same country. Just look at america or brazil or Mexico or any diverse country with lots of groups of people living in them.
You can't really prove it in practice. Even if you account for income, you can't account for "culture" and "raycism". You may believe or estimate that these effects are small, but you can't prove it as it's too difficult to measure or even clearly define. You could prove it by doing unethical experiments involving babies raised in controlled environments.
>Many ethnicities have giant cities with millions but many people don't have sewers or decent zoning or have tons of corruption and violence.
Because the most intelligent among them, the designers and implimenters of cities and industry, don't feel the need to implement those things, because they are probably not as suffering from them, it's a mad dash scramble pile on pile up to get the most and nicest of what you can.
All the knowledge exists in books, its as easy as falling Lego or Ikea manuel
>don't have sewers or decent zoning
What did early London and early new york do about sewage, and how was their process of modernizing it? Yeah with millions packed on top living like an ancient city with some modern amenities, I imagine it would be quite the challenge to dig up and build modern sewage system.

I wish I did know a lot more about cities, infrastructure, urban planning, heavy industry, subtle industry, energy grid. It is a supreme human endeavor, and immensely complex of problems and man power and mind power efforts
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its self evident
And midwits think that building modern cities and performing modern industry is the meaning of life because they are unable to conceptualize anything other than the game they are playing.
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No, he's right. You proved nothing he said wrong.
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Seeing pituitary gland development being the top variation makes sense.
you cant train for iq tests without it being leaked if they really want to know what its measuring its intelligence rarity based on a normal distribution
Anon, that is self evident.
You are wasting your time trying to convince a dullard.
What is better than modern conveniences and luxuries?
And working a job where you perform incredibly sophisticated sci fi tasks to feel grandly fulfilled, to then drive your air conditioned heated music playing floating chariot to your heavenly home in a neighborhood of paradise
How much time do you guys spend consuming this valuable information, if your ancestors weren't too lazy to pick their own cotton or cheap to pay a neighbor to you wouldn't be thinking about any of this
I’ve seen this theory that average intelligence, as measured by IQ, hasn’t really changed (or done so very slightly) across ethnicities. Instead, areas with higher IQs had environmental factors that filtered out enough low IQ people to move their average up. Any credence to that idea?
filtering out the low IQs is literally how human subspecies evolve their inteligence, so by that definition the average DOES increase
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Just go outside
But to respond to your request I'll contribute
…You don’t need agriculture for smart cavemen to have sex with other smart cavemen… or dumb cavemen to have sex with dumb cavemen…
There's no proof. Just fake made up philosophical arguments like >>16462947
How is any of that philosophical? It’s just simple causality sense. Everything drifts. Everything changes. Balance outside of the ability for life to work exists nowhere in nature.
Lol, shut up and learn some real biology, retard.
Well, the thing with IQ that's difficult is that it acts like a ceiling, not a floor. There are tons and tons of non-genetic ways to achieve lower than your true genetic potential through lifestyle and environmental influences.

If you, as an example, are exposed to drugs or drinking from a young age and never seriously intellectually stimulate yourself you are very likely to achieve below your genetic potential. The same goes for serious poverty, malnutrition, exposure to violent traumatic events, etc. If you notice, these factors that are known to reduce people's intellectual performance tend to be ubiquitous in areas where IQ test performance is broadly poor.

The complicated part is that people also largely create their environment, so it's not like these environmental impacts aren't going to exist in a vicious cycle until something changes.
And by real biology you mean sex is a social construct, right?
Actually all scientific evidence points to it being largely genetic with politically motivated people clutching at straws yelling "show me the genes!". Well we are actually finding the genes now so I can't wait for you to be totally btfo in the next 5 years.

Yeah this is retarded not to mention different races have different levels of admixture from different species. People claiming that average iq is somehow identical between every group for no reason other than they want it to be for political reasons is purely retarded behavior.
What the fuck are you talking about? Go read a book, retard

So post that scientific evidence, then, moron. It shouldn't be too hard
What he means is, what you believe is on the same tier as “men can get pregnant”.
List some of the most important things high IQ achieves, that given the right amount of time and helpful environment, a lower iq Individual could not grasp and accomplish?
Or the point is the quantity, breadth of possible tasks and abilities and knowledge units a brain/mind is capable of possessing?

I would also think something like brain surgeon is beyond even iq, many factors come together to allow a certain individual to be able to do that, not all high iq people could be brainsurgeons likely, as not all high iq people maybe can be rocket scientists,

Or is the suggestion of IQ, the notion of it: the greatest capacity to achieve in the greatest number of (high value, high sophistication) tasks?

I didn't like that I had to learn a second language in highschool, felt it would take to much time and attention and space,
I geuss If my iq was hire I could have just sucked it up and actually paid attention for a second in French class, it wouldn't have been such a burden.
So you no idea how to substantiate your claim and instead start screeching mindlessly about trans when you're questioned. Retarded fuckwit
This guy is an incel and voted for Trump.
>as not all high iq people maybe can be rocket scientists,
You actually just need a good enough memory to repeat the steps
You know when people say "rocket scientists" they don't mean the spam in a can that gets shot up into space, they mean the people who did the math and engineering work to build and launch the thing.
Most rocket scientists work on military hardware rather than space travel. The space ones are a vanishingly small percentage.
Grazie Dottore

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