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Chadwick Bosman (Black Panther), and now James van Der Beek (Dawson's Creek), both in their 40s.
Is it HPV from butt stuff?
Is it lack of fiber?
Seed oils?
Chemicals in the water?
Seed oils and microplastics have both been shown (independently) to increase bowel cancer rates in rodents and I don't see why the chemistry of human intestines would differ by much at all

its probably meat consumption
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100% safe and effective.
more fags=more buttseggs=more AIDS and cancer
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>Why are younger people getting colon cancer more often?

Oh, I actually know this one.
Unironically this: >>16463208 And objectively not this: >>16464316
We actually know it isn't anal sex (which at one point thought was a contributor) because Millennials and Gen Z are having LESS SEX than previous generations, but MORE colon cancer, so it can't be that. That leaves us with processed foods and perhaps microplastics as this Anon says: >>16463314 since they're what's currently in abundance at the moment and we already know that processed foods do cause colon/bowl/stomach cancer when consumed in large daily quantities.

Lets look at some data, since we're /sci/entists and not BONE THROUGH THE NOSE OOGA BOOGAS.
From our cute chart we can see there seems to be a clear correlation between developed, 1st world, countries and both the incidence and mortality of colon cancer, whereas 2nd world nations and shithole countries don't seem to be too inconvenienced by it. We can also disprove the buttsex and aids theory because despite Russia having tons of colon cancer: Brazil doesn't spike (Africa could be an issue of no recording).

HOWEVER, why is Mexico's lower than Cuba's? This is a very curious exception to my hypothesis. More data is obviously needed.
>Millennials and Gen Z are having LESS SEX than previous generations, but MORE colon cancer, so it can't be that.
Not really, if they have less sex but more anal it could still be a thing, only if the actual numbers don't add up we could exclude that
Unironically spicy foods. Old people don't, young people do. Tracks with international data
>>16464338 read >>16464343
>why is Mexico's lower
genetically can handle spicy food
I mean look at india, if it was pollution or something they'd all have it. but nope, they're used to spicy food. full desi hot

I like that idea, but global data clearly does not track with it. Look at my (old) chart over here: >>16464338
And then at this map of spicy food consumption across the planet. Granted, spicy food consumption is harder to track than colon cancer, but it's safe to assume places like India, South East Asia, Central America, eat lots of spicy food. The consumption of spicy food seems to correlate, if anything, with an equatorial climate - people in hot countries near the equator eat spicy food. If spicy food were the true culprit of colon cancer there would be significant overlap, but there isn't.

I reiterate my hypothesis that it's most likely due to processed foods.
Equatorial regions have always eaten spicy food so they wouldn't get cancer. People who's ancestors have eaten boiled fish for the last 800 years are now eating chilli powder daily
I don't know but if anyone has any answers it would be appreciated. My cousin died from colon cancer and he was only 38. He was straight and married.
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>I mean look at india
> they're used to spicy food. full desi hot

Indian Saar do have the air pollution exposurings, but they eat special spice that does special things to ass.

>Curcumin for chemoprevention of colon cancer
>My cousin died from colon cancer and he was only 38. He was straight and married.

What was his diet like?
>What was his diet like?

Probably not enough pineapple: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/mnfr.201300345
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why is it bad if people who complain about overpopulation die of butt cancer?
That and anal sex.
>ecause Millennials and Gen Z are having LESS SEX
There's more anal sex and less actual sex.
Also this: people who aren't genetically capable of digesting foreign food (lactose intolerant people eating European food, Europeans eating Indian food etc.)
If that's the case, shouldn't we have a food pyramid for every race?
>Europeans eating Indian food etc.

u what, saar?

>t. white guy who eat the curry chicken issue-free with the lactobacillus probiotic
Buttsex is prolific in Russia, you think their high rates of AIDS is caused by micro plastics as well?
evolution faulty genes
Is this phenomena real, or just good detection methods versus bad record keeping?
>What was his diet like?
I'm not really sure, but I wouldn't be too surprised if he ate takeout a fair amount. He wasn't in great shape but he wasn't significantly overweight either.
There's your answer OP, this guy's colon is full of carcinogens. Serious answer though, sex toys are completely unregulated and often built with toxic materials.

>Millennials and Gen Z are having LESS SEX than previous generations, but MORE colon cancer
Having less sex, but definitely not masturbating less than previous generations.
Dildos and vibrators (or some random objects) built with questionable materials will do that to you.
The sex toy industry is also completely unregulated in most countries, good luck figuring out if the sex toy you got is safe to shove up your ass or not.
Litterally HFCS
>Consuming more fruit gives you colon cancer
So an apple a day doesn't actually keep the doctor away, uh?
Nope. In fact all plants make you sick. You should only eat meat.
>You should only eat meat
You won't survive the planetary warming caused by the meat consumption either.
I know a guy who got colon cancer too,I have no idea how he ate on a regular basis but was pretty overweight when he got it
>go to doctor
>ask "do i have cancer"
>doctor's internal dialog: hmm, i'll make a huge amount of money if i diagnose this guy with cancer and i'll make nothing if i don't
Doctors are amongst the greediest group of people you will ever encounter that isn't a racial group.
I agree, right next to (((Law))), (((Tech))) and (((Finance/Quant)))
>You won't survive the planetary warming caused by the meat consumption either
I'll eat more meat just to spite you nigger

Greenland shall return to be a green pasture for cattle
How about Hong Kong? What are the rates there?
Something something gut microbiome, which in some cases is seen to be related to schizo and autism
It could just be age-related. Most people in Africa are young so their cancer rates would be lower. How can the goyslop theory be true if USA has a lower rate than Europe?
Aw shit, I fucking love fruit.
shitty genes and humans are bound to go extinct like all species nigga 99% of them do
doctors are greedier
those other groups aren't greedy and conniving to the point that feel ashamed of their greed and try to hide it behind transparent lies like "i became a doctor because i want to help people" the way that all doctors do
you will never meet a doctor who will admit they went into medicine to become wealthy and for no other reason
how would that affect the cancer rates specifically for young people?
>It could just be age-related. Most people in Africa are young so their cancer rates would be lower.

Age has been accounted for already: the rate of colon cancer is higher in younger people than older people, as mentioned by OP, that's why we haven't been mentioning age as an contributor. It's the big mystery.

>How can the goyslop theory be true if USA has a lower rate than Europe?

That's a good question we can add to the list.
A possible difference/explanation could be better detection. I.E; they just spot it more, so they have better data. Europeans have access to public healthcare, so they go to the doctor more than Americans do.
>Europeans have access to public healthcare, so they go to the doctor more than Americans do.
and they get more false positives as a result
DNA sequences recently attained from colon cancer tumor samples match the DNA sequence from Pfizer's mRNA covid vaccine. There was a thread about this, but it was deleted.
>>There was a thread about this, but it was deleted
>>I have a gf but she lives in Canada

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