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Would this type of surgery have been possible in the 1940s?
Is it even possible today?
just cut the hands, reverse them and stick them in place. Apply pressure and fix them in place with a plaster cast, over a few weeks the hands will naturally reattach themselves.
how do you attach all the arteries and nerves when the connections are all reversed out of place? what about the bones, they don't fit if you reverse them
Knock it off with the antisemitism
The bones just attach to other bone, as for the arteries, blood finds a way. I dont know about nerves but they also reattach, it just takes patience.
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Goy, accept the settled science. Don't do your own research.
>Simon Baron-Cohen is chairman of developmental psychopathology.
Imagine. If he passes off that garbage as true, what shit has he peddled under the name of childhood development or autism science?
American slave mind. You're no better than your Jewish forefathers. Kys in peace.
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Yes to both
Although the only procedure that I can think of to keep the functionality of the hands intact would be really complex and time consuming, even today. So if this is actually a thing that happened she would've had nonfunctional hands
You don't need to cut those
very explicitly says the hands were swapped. if they didn't cut the arteries and just twisted the hands around, then the thumbs would still point the correct way palm down.
What would be the possible advantages of having your hands reversed so the thumbs were on the outside?
Maybe Dr. Mengele was doing Goldblatt a big favor for free
nobody said that her hands still worked
nobody said that her hands were worse off than before the surgery either, if there is an advantage to having your hands reversed then the surgery improved her hands
Father of "Sascha Baron-Cohen"(aka "Borat")

No, really. His dad is a doc in Brit*in.

You could "do it" inasmuch as the tissue may not die immediately b/c you connected the blood vessels, but they would never be "functional", or likely even have sensation.

When it comes to all these "Holocaust Torture" memes, I've found that "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is."

Also, isn't it "remarkable" just how many people seem to have "survived" these "Death Camps", especially considering the BBEG were famed for their efficiency. I mean "death rollercoasters" and "wacky hand" surgeries for LOLZ seems, rather unlikely, if you ask me.
I'm aware that it's all one big family. Hence why Simon Baron-Cohen aggressively promoted that "everyone has autism" shit (UK autism stats have been notoriously high ever since) as he is affiliated with numerous banks and hedgefund managers who also derive tremendous profits from renting their property to "medical experts". That one-to-one therapy setting they promote to treat "autism", btw, requires a single room for each patient at a cost north of 3000 pounds each month.
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Crazy what they were able to achieve 80 years ago.
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Why is OpenAI so antisemitic? Isn't Sam Altman Jewish?
Sure but don't forget jews are the people who thought up the holocaust narrative.
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One thing thats worth noting about "the holocaust" which is never mentioned in the hundreds of Hollywood movies on the topic (How many movies has Hollywood made about the American Revolution? 3) is that all of the evidence of "the holocaust" comes via the Russians. Throughout the past 100 years everyone has always known what massive liars the Russians are, so evidence of "the holocaust" from Russians should be taken with a grain of salt.

Some of the evidence of "the holocaust" provided by the Russians has already been proved fake by contradicting eyewitness accounts, for example in this video:


Anne Frank's stepsister Eva Schloss explains how she knows the the Russians' films and photos of the liberation of Auschwitz are fakes and even got the Russian government to officially admit to having fraudulently staged that evidence. Since the Russians faked the liberation of Auschwitz, that calls into question the rest of their evidence, why would they fake the Auschwitz evidence and then use real evidence from the other so-called "death camps", all of which were in what was Russian territory
This can't be real
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the jews would never lie about something as serious and important as the holocaust
Stop asking questions goy.
>starved and malnourished
>strong enough to bend a steel barrel without noticing
Damn jews are tough!
If you had this surgery and you were right handed to begin with, would you become left handed or would your formerly left hand become your dominant hand
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oy vey we've got an antisemite over here
its that neandrethal blood
I found it interesting, especially the part where Auschwitz guards handed prisoners loaded firearms. I didn't think they would be interested in this sort of activity, but I guess I learn something new every day.
Are there photos of Ruth Goldblatt's mother? It says she survived
thats a good mod, you'll never have to walk backwards again. they should combine it with detaching the head and reattaching rotated 90ยบ so you can see walking forward in both directions.
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its all so fake and gay
I'm not saying they wouldn't lie, but this is just too retarded and completely unbelievable
you're talking about the demographic with the highest incidence of schizophrenia of any group in the world
Just stitch them together.
Schizophrenia is 4000% more common amongst them than it is for the rest of the planet
they know they can make up whatever lies they want with impunity because holocaust denial is illegal. this is their way of laughing in everyone else's face over the fact that they're a protected class and you aren't
the hands would not or be minimally functional
You can do them a big favor for free, but they'll never repay you with anything other than a big stab in the back. Millions of white died fighting Hitler to save the jews and how have the jews repaid them?
With endless white hate rhetoric in the jewish owned media
antisemite spotted
It doesn't appear to be a real quote

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