Wouldn't they get electrocuted if they did that?
>>16466576there's no current unless your credit card is approved.
>>16466590Even then, it's only very low current while the charger and vehicle talk to each other to negotiate the power parameters. >>16466576For the high capacity chargers, the copper core is surrounded by supercooling liquid. The thieves will hit that before they get to the copper. The liquid cooling system will detect the pressure drop and shutdown the charger.It would be funny if they went the RoboCop/South African route and instead amped up the power to fry whoever was trying to steal in copper but society is too pussy to do anything like that.
>>16466576Electric cars are probably the most retarded invention many of us wilm ever see in our lifetimes.
>infinite copper until you get caught
>>16466734Maybe not pure retardedness, but in terms of retardedness-cost-adoption product, you're completely right and it's not even close.
couldnt they just axe the cable, or just make sure its disconnected from mains? would a fuse not blow? if the cables were disconnected, or cutting it open blew a fuse right at the start, then wouldnt there still be capacitors in there that are full?
>>16466766Only the lowest of low end chargers are connected directly to mains power. Any decent charging station, especially the kind that do high power transfers, is going to have a large bank of batteries and capacitors to buffer the flow.If you're going to get goofy with an axe, you're be better off with a remote controlled device that works like a bolt cutter. Clamp it on one end of the cable, walk a safe distance, and then start it. Once it cuts through the cable, the whole thing will be dead. You can then clamp it to the other end of the cable, freeing it for you to haul away.But all of this is stupid. Only the lowest of the low end chargers aren't under constant video surveillance. And those low end chargers aren't worth bothering with. The whole enterprise is pretty stupid. Just go down to some gentrifying neighborhood off of MLK Jr. Blvd and rip the fresh copper out of the walls.
>>16466793or just make a YT series about how youre fixing up Detroit homes and steal your own copper piping. thats unlimited copper more than this
more than stealing copper out of car charging stations
>>16466576If you are willing to steal automotive related stuff, catalytic converters will get you a better payday than some copper wiring. Especially since most charging stations have good surveillance cameras set up, making the theft more risky.
>>16466576wear rubber gloves
>>16467621Thats a good idea, how thick does the rubber have to be for it to be safe
>>16466734Justify this statement. I got a second hand EV (Nissan LEAF) two years ago and the fuel and servicing savings have already covered the little bit extra it cost compared to the second hand ICEs I was looking at.
>>16467376Nope. It takes about 5 seconds to cut a cable muskrat.
I never understood this. Where would you sell the copper? Where do jewelry store thieves sell their goods?
>>16467860you strip the insulation off it and take it to any scrap dealercopper is like4 bucks a pound
>>16467901In some states you need to melt down the copper first so it can't be associated with its prior use.
In semi permanent oil fields (there for months or years, until the easily accessible oil dries up) they set up these big, haphazard power lines that are almost entirely copper, and people die trying to steal them all the time. I heard a story from a guy working in the field, the power went out and they followed the line looking for a problem, and they found a truck with 4 guys in it. They had tied a chain to the power pole and their truck to pull it down and steal the lines. It worked, except they pulled the pole down right on top of the truck (the chain wasn't long enough) and they all got electrocuted.
>>16468080>I heard a story from a guygood source, very believable
>>16466576I got just the solution for this type of "urban malarkey"...these automatically deploy from a nearby lamppost when the AI detects shenanigans...https://defensereview.com/defendtex-drone40-40mm-autonomous-mini-quadcopter-uas-uav-drone-munition-infantry-warfare-game-changer/
>>16469086more free copper
>>16466734a ford shareholder made this post
>>16469086sweet, manhacks
>>16469564THE HAAAAACKS!
how much is the copper in one of those cables worth?
>>16472646So if you could steal 4 an hour (2 at each station with a short drive between stations), then you'd be making about $100/hr just for clipping wires.
>>16472804Over the very short term, sure, but there aren't enough stations for you to make a living off of it and considering the monetary amount of the damage you would cause, this would be a felony even in California. You'd be caught pretty quickly. The risk/reward ratio is really bad for this particular metal theft scheme. It sounds like something thought up by the type of person who wrote the "Anarchist's Cookbook".
>>16472804You'd actually be making more like the equivalent of $200/hr because people who work illegal jobs don't have to pay taxes on their wages
>>16466734cry more ivan
>>16473158But there are certainly thousands across the US. Some might be in a remote location and not worth the drive to get there, but certainly urban/refugee zones are certainly not sparse and they are the most likely to have them. In addition to that, they would be refurnished over some time frame. It is is matter of crop rotation at that point. You don't want to over forage where it is advantageous for them to camp a spot to catch you, nor do you want to run out of work. 4 / hour for 250 hours + drive time at $100/hour is $25k. A seasonal rotation makes a lot of sense in this case. Besides that, you are actually helping the economy because the EV cable makers have more business. Net service+.
>>16466734that's by design
>>16466734in like 100 years once oil, petrol, coal, an natural gas are mostly replaced by other forms of 'cleaner' and more effective power, that is when electric vehicles will be the default.
>>16474100>in like 100 years once oil, petrol, coal, an natural gas are mostly replaced by other forms of 'cleaner' and more effective power,thats never going to happenother forms of power do not enhance the atmosphere by adding additional co2 to it. co2 is plant food, adding more co2 to the atmosphere is like putting fertilizer on every plant on the planet, it only makes nature healthier and has no downside.
>OY VEY WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF OIL!!!!11!>copper is infinite btw
>>16469166he's becoming too powerful
>>16475344>oil wells are the evil!!!!11>btw lets destroy the planet mining lithium and copper
>>16473967kek, David here thinks he's got it all figured out
>>16466576you have to have at least an 100 IQ to post here.
>>16467755Sorry chud, your anecdotal evidence is irrelevant.
>>16477776No you don't, 100 is the average IQ on /sci/, not the minimum
>>16477449muskoids really do be like this
>>16466793Is Detroit really this ghetto?
>>16479743The City of Detroit is pretty bad but metro Detroit has lots of nice areas or at least areas that are typical for American suburbs. The city itself has a small number of nice areas but it's a relatively tiny portion. In some ways it's not as bad as somewhere like Baltimore because so much of it is abandoned or the remaining residents are simply exhausted by life in Detroit. It probably has already hit rock bottom and is slowly going up. They elected (and re-elected) a white mayor who has taken the city's bond status from junk to investment grade. The city land bank is taking control of properties and selling them lien-free to people who will bring them up to code and live in or rent them out. While I wouldn't live there, if I had to, I'd feel less panicked about it than in decades past. Plenty of middle class blacks live in the city, it's not all hood.Speaking somewhat on topic, in addition to the Big Three and their EVs, several other EV companies like Rivian and Scout are in metro Detroit. Automobile manufacturing, not oil production, is the base of the economy, so switching from ICE to EV would be fine with them if economically viable.
>>16466734ev insurance is so dumb high ngl
>>16480023why are EVs so much more expensive to insure?is it because of the frequent spontaneous combustions of the vehicles?
>>16481684Yes its that also because they're less safe in general because they have much larger moving mass than regular cars do
>>16467755>pay $10000 extra taxes to subsidize Shitbox Automotive>save $5000 on a Shitbox Automotive station wagoncongratulations you just ????? five thousand dollaridoos
>>16485685subsidies always were for companies and not for people, your point?
>>16466734They're bad, but>solar freaking roadways>earth-launched orbital mirrors to reflect light onto existing solar farms>the latest overunity scam>robot girlfriends without sex bits>cell phones without headphone jacks>a rechargeable wireless computer mouse that cannot be used while the charging cable is plugged into itthe list goes on
>>16485998And those companies spend their subsidy money on more DEI hiring, not on lowering prices for consumers.
>>16487436lowering prices was never the goal, trickle down economics has never workedyour point?