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Vegan milk substitute found to cause cancer.
>oat milk
>highly processed
Let me guess, this is a dailymail article? Oat milk is just cut oat soaked in water. It's less processed than regular milk. Stop getting your news from tabloid rags.
No an emulsifier is correlated with cancer. Dumb bait.
don't oats, like most grains, have water soluble anti-nutrients? Like, it's the entire reason asians soak rice and dump out the water. But some dumb vegan thought that stuff would be good to drink? Idgi
>Like, it's the entire reason asians soak rice and dump out the water.
The anti-nutrients are in the hull of brown rice. Asians wash white rich to get rid of excess starch to improve the texture. The anti-nutrients happen to be correlated with a decreased risk of disease. You know that of course but some idiots may not realize that you're trolling.
do they know how this specific chemical causes cancer?
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yet another case of vegans trying to replace normal decent food with poison
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Obviously the article is about commercial oat milk products, not oat milk you make at home. Stop playing pedantic games and recognize context. This isn't plebbit where your need to defend some ideological viewpoint out weighs everything else.
>Oat milk is just cut oat soaked in water
silly of you to think they are selling you that
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Imma be honest, most "studies" today are total horseshit and this one was likely paid for by a dairy lobby. Nobody has ever gotten cancer from fucking oatmeal.

>b-b-but it's oat MILK that's different
It's just oats, retard.
The name is pretty dishonest but the label says pretty clearly it's made from plants.

>In charge of literacy
Wtf is an "anti-nutrient" supposed to be? Why is there so much quackery on diet and nutrition these days? Holy shit we need less talking and more crosses.
>It's just oats, retard.
all oats are dried with glyphosate.
you are ignorant of that fact because of your low IQ and you are certain that you have the whole picture regardless having had zero education or reading anything about the topic ever because of your narcissistic personality.
you're so dumb that you're too stupid to realize what an idiot you are
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>Wtf is an "anti-nutrient" supposed to be?
They're what cause you to get fat when you don't want to admit that you eat too much and exercise too little
I'm guessing they mean Just as in Justice Egg not Just as in Only Egg. Of course I'm positive their idea of justice is retarded and/or evil.
ALL crops are grown with glyphosate, dickhead. What's your fucking point?
Where exactly in the article does it say that it's about "commercial oat milk products" and not just oat milk?
>all non-organic grains are dried with glyphosate
FTFY. Hope you don't eat bread.
You don't dry grains with glyphosate you baby brained retard.
It's so obvious that they didn't
>I choose to believe that this article is about the 5 people that soak their own oats rather than the thing millions of people have bought in the store
what the fuck is a pyroprostate
christ are these bottles of shampoo? marketing to women was a fucking mistake
>Wtf is an "anti-nutrient" supposed to be?
an anti-nutrient is something that reduces the nutritional value of feeds such as the chelation effects of phytates in grains that lock up mineral.

the term is in common use in the animal sector where there is actual financial incentive to understand real nutritional science because when you have 30,000 pigs to feed you can quickly go broke if you get it wrong.

Mainstram Human "nutritional science" is a complete scam though bought and paid for by big food companies and the medical industry working together to make you eat the most value added diet that leads to necessity of costly long term drug treatments

So if you want to learn actual nutritional science pick up an ag textbook
Yes you do, retard. That's a standard practice for all grains that aren't grown organically. It lets you harvest them two weeks earlier.
>Nooo! My tabloid rags can't be a bad source of information! It has to be your fault for not divining the actual meaning that they never actually say!!1
How often were you dropped on your head?
Its like a nutrient but with opposite charge or something, when the two of them touch they annihilate into a free radical, kek
They put it on almonds too, but organic almond milk is difficult to find.
>forgot to activate my almonds
The article's mention of oat milk with "highly processed ingredients" is a pretty strong hint that it's referring to the product in grocery stores which is called oat milk and contains highly processed ingredients.
This is a dumb hill you're choosing to die on
Just because you're autistic and have to have everything explained in strict, concrete terms, doesn't mean everyone else is as challenged.
Just drink real milk. Water mixed with almond dust isn't milk, its just almond flavored water
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LMAO, only an imbecile poorfag like you would believe such nonsense.
This. I make my own oat milk. >>16474262
You know dann well the headline is misleading as fuck and you especially fell for it's divisive nature.
Cheese is highly processed industrial pseudo food. We should stop eating cheese RIGHT NOW before it's too late.
Cope harder and get a better news source.
Not my battle but quick reminder that chimping out and insulting everyone just makes you sound stupid and like you're compensating for that.
>Oat milk is just cut oat soaked in water.
You are forgetting it soaking in glyphosate on the field
you're the one insulting people by telling them they sound stupid
Well I'm sure behind all the vitriol you're a wonderful bright young man
it's obvious if you speak english in an english speaking country that has grocery stores and cafes
Milk is only produced by mammals. Plants can't produce milk. The idea of "oat milk" is as preposterous as the idea of a vegetarian hamburger.
Why are vegans so dead set on eating their fake "milk" "eggs" and "meat"?
Why can't they just be satisfied eating nuts, grains and vegetables?
Why do they insist on appropriating omnivore culture?
>uncritically believing anything in the daily mail
sweet jesus do you all have to be so fucking gullible
Don't eat bread, champ.
people have been calling plant milks milk for centuries. it predates modern vegetarianism.
What about milk of magnesia?
or the milk of human kindness
no they haven't, that idea comes from intentionally mistranslated old texts. the milk substitute drinks consumed centuries ago in europe were never referred to as any sort of milk, milk of any sort of was off limits during lent and lent was why those beverages were concocted to begin with. the chinese name for those beverages does not contain the character for milk 奶 and its only vegan propagandists who translate them as 'milk'. the chinese word for what vegans call 'onions milk' translates literally to 'bean slurry' or 'bean paste'
nobody ever called that slop 'milk' in engllish before the present era of vegan activism
In Europe it is illegal to label anything that isn't of animal origin "milk"
They have to call it 'sºy beverage' or ''sºy drink'
>Vegan milk substitute
Human breast milk doesn't cause cancer.
lmao, medieval texts are full of recipes with almond milk and call it that
>Take Almaundes blaunched and drawe hem up with wyne, do þerto powdour of gyngur and sugur and colour it with Safroun. boile it and serue it forth.
14. century, sauce: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/8102/pg8102-images.html
almond milk comes up a ton and its called that way. unless you can find evidence how they "mistranslated" it and what they really called it.
maybe you'd be happier if you were less mad about what other people eat
>maybe you'd be happier if you were less mad about what other people eat
But then he'd have to find something else to be mad about because his life is devoid of happiness.
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