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What does it mean to "braid indigenous knowledge into science"?
It means
>Another way for Jewmanities to syphon funds from science and act like they're doing something.
Admittedly they really DO think they're accomplishing something, mostly because they've fully swallowed the "everything is subjective"/"everything is just power structures" horseshit.
I think the author misunderstood "brayed." MWF it's a normal science class, TR it's a donkey yelling at you for an hour.
>For millennia, the Passamaquoddy people used their intimate understanding of the coastal waters along the Gulf of Maine to sustainably harvest the ocean’s bounty. Anthropologist Darren Ranco of the University of Maine hoped to blend their knowledge of tides, water temperatures, salinity, and more with a Western approach in a project to study the impact of coastal pollution on fish, shellfish, and beaches.
>But the Passamaquoddy were never really given a seat at the table, says Ranco, a member of the Penobscot Nation, which along with the Passamaquoddy are part of the Wabanaki Confederacy of tribes in Maine and eastern Canada. The Passamaquoddy thought water quality and environmental protection should be top priority; the state emphasized forecasting models and monitoring. “There was a disconnect over who were the decision-makers, what knowledge would be used in making decisions, and what participation should look like,” Ranco says about the 3-year project, begun in 2015 and funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Take the political verbage away and it sounds like cataloging. Writing a farmers almanac but American-Indian edition. And then getting ecosystems researchers to actually use it I guess.
Lie. More than "scientists" already do.
"indigenous" = "Native )American)" = "Indian" = "Braids"

They're never more racist than when they're trying to totally not to be racist.
>hoped to blend their knowledge of tides, water temperatures, salinity, and more

We already know and track all of this with 100% accuracy all ready and have been for centuries, really. LOL!

Show me an "Indian" that understood tide tables. LOL!
This is one of those things like when they try to rename the constellations or the periodic table in sahaptin or ojibwe in order to try and erase White history and culture
It means that the rumored "indigenous knowledge" wasn't worthwhile enough to have braid itself into science so it has to artificially inserted.

p.s. science is already indigenous knowledge, it is indigenous to Europe where Whites are the indigenous people
>indigenous to Europe where Whites are the indigenous people
Wee-woo-wee-woo, hate speech detected! Show the bobbies at the door your tv loicense and nobody gets hurt!
"braid indigenous knowledge into" is an overly complicated way of saying "ruin"
They will do this in our sacred labs: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/15/world/asia/new-zealand-parliament-maori-haka.html
Actually, if they did it properly, it could work well, like Eastern medicine being incorporated into allopathic by scientifically isolating the effective compounds of the traditional herbs.

But in this case, they are just stealing grant money
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it seems like it's some "decolonized" ethnography/archeology/education/environment catch em all

before you go reee - lefties, one of the reasons governments form such groups is to provide "cover your ass" paperwork, in form of research, surveys, that legitimizes, makes it a-ok, to rezone land, enforce policies, change educational curriculum etc.
it means that african witch doctor science can explain gravity, and if you disagree you're a bigot and all your funding gets stopped immediately.
based indigenous knowledge havers
this has already happened, of course
as the saying goes:
what do we call indigenous knowledge that turns out to be true?
we just call it knowledge
So that would in turn imply that any knowledge which falls under the heading of "indigenous knowledge" would be false
>sustainably harvest the ocean’s bounty
how do they think that they know this? do they have any data of richness and/or diversity before the arrival of those peoples?
they knew were technologically incapable of harvesting any substantial catch and they were intellectually incapable of thinking far enough into the future to want to harvest more than they could eat that day. thats not sustainably, its just stupidity
>Oh wise men please teach me your ways
yes anon now you are getting it
here is an example
in ancient egypt people got sick a lot
there were two types of cure
magical : put a frog on your head, turn around three times, say an incantation. osiris will cure you. that kind of thing
practical : here are some herbs. grind them up and make a drink out of them. you will feel a bit better. that kind of thing
it turns out that quite a lot of the practical cures were actually quite effective
these are both indigenous knowledge. the latter turns out to be actual knowledge. there are many actual medicines that have originated with herbal remedies.
>we just call it knowledge
Or we just ignore it and call it a crime, considering that the US forest service banned controlled burns until the late 90s
I've read some of this crock of shit in "Your Brain on Art"
Basically BRAIN SCANS are the new hot shit in science and everything everyone fucking knows (you feel better after painting or going outside or some shit other than sending emails and watching shitty netflix) is suddenly a 100% legitimate research opportunity aka a new money black hole. They love approaching the old savages - the newly rebranded indigenous peoples - and stooping down to them and pretending they got the obvious right on accident while they hook up electric spiders to people's skulls. They think it's humanitarian or some shit. They just want to farm biometric data on your brain and are pushing for it under the guise of moralizing.

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