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press F to pay respects for her wonderful world bringing science to americans
The media's influence on the public is starting to wane. Time to get out of that grift and find a new one before the funding dries up.
so this was the bitch that gutted SciAm?
Another psychologist pretending to be a scientist and ruining the reputation of science.
It's the way of business majors. Show up for four years, gut the system, put on your CV how much you've changed the system and get a new position. It works for chancellors and provosts as well. Fuck up a university. Take millions in salary. "Retire" meaning you stay salaried from university #1 and move on to another university pulling double salary while fuckin that one too and so on. It's a ponzi scheme at this point.
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My wife used to love magazines until exactly 10 years ago when they all went insane. Her vomit reflex has saved me thousands of dollars a year. The entire Conde Nast portfolio devolved into political garbage in the fall of 2015
>Conde Nast
Owned by the same jew who owns Reddit.
Donald Newhouse, his father who he inherited the publishing empire from was the American version of Robert Maxwell with the same connection to Mossad
Is this another rag that endorsed Harris? They used to have good articles 50 years ago.
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brilliant publication
It was really bad.
Retarded American

Goats are cool

I can not understand WHY people are 'devastated' by this USA election.
The SAME two parties have been running the USA for almost 200 years.
One party ran a former President and the other a Vice-President.
HTF is the result 'devastating?"... why so overly dramatic?
Non-Americans have difficulty seeing ANY differences between the parties.

Why would a Science editor feel ANY reason to comment on an election?
>Non-Americans have difficulty seeing ANY differences between the parties.
I don’t know man, parties aside, people in my country got plenty worked up over Cheeto Hitler working for Russia and gassing all the gays
>Cheeto Hitler working for Russia and gassing all the gays

Except this never happened or will ever happen.
He is a 'middle of the road' conservative business man that entered politics later in life.
Why are people so gullible that any lie their media tells them they blindly believe?
Look at that leaf. Literally the domain of God.
>Why are people so gullible that any lie their media tells them they blindly believe?
An obvious question given the past 8 years, and finally all this data on Twitter and other places. It’s crazy how social scientists aren’t jumping in make themselves useful for once.
He's more of a center left populist that isn't afraid to touch the weird electric fences our media decided to put up around open borders and security state worship, both of which are traditionally opposed by liberals, not conservatives.
>Why are people so gullible that any lie their media tells them they blindly believe?
I think it's just that most people don't even have opinions about many political issues until they hear the first "urgent" argument for one side or the other.
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>that blank space
Odd. The paragraph was longer than this.
NTA but the rest of the paragraph is pretty dumb, too. We already keep track of two women's marathon world records: mixed and women only. Both are (obviously) slower than the men's record.
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The only endurance race with a large enough sample size to conclude women are better at that particular sport is long distance swimming, where it is thought their natural upper body buoyancy gives them a biological edge. The other sports are too niche to determine if there's a gender difference or individual difference.
Males and females are built different, something understood by humanity until a few years ago when a small slice of it went insane. As long distance swimming shows, it is possible for an athletic competition to exist where the biology of females gives them an edge over males. But that's not what activists are pushing. They want everyone to believe that females are as good at basketball as males, which simply isn't the case. When you show that head to head males destroy females in such competitions, they claim that's because females aren't given the same resources as males instead of observing the obvious biological differences that give males a performance edge.
It's weird that they keep pushing on things that are obviously untrue instead of focusing on creating athletic competitions that advantage female biology. Long distance swimming is one such competition. There are some like Netball that males rarely play so we don't know if females are better than males or not. We do know that in sports like football, males are better due to biology. It seems unlikely that long distance swimming is the only possibility for a female advantaged sport but activists don't like putting in hard work to create, they just want to wear the skinsuit of what others have created and call it their own.
this added context didn't make it any more intelligent or interesting
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so brave

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