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how bad would a measles epidemic be?
shouldn't be too bad. you have cheap medication, don't you?
Some how RFK enacted his vaccination restrictions without out even Trump being in the White House after a day at being announced. He can’t be stop. Hail Kennedy!
They're priming everyone's minds to start making that connection so when there is a large measles outbreak in some border state, he can be blamed. Also the medical community as whole and the immunization community in general destroyed its credibility during the pandemic. As a result, people who never would have been skeptical about what used to be called vaccines are now skeptical about the larger category of things called vaccines, which now includes both the mRNA therapies and the traditional old inactivated virus shots.
measles declined to barely anything before vaccines were pushed on people.
yet vaccines are claimed to be what protects people from measles?
all kennedys are scum no exceptions

What next? Cold epidemic?
vaccines are needed to defend against weaponized measles
Are these people borderline illiterate, or are they maliciously totally changing what that headline says? It's not even an implication that RFK Jr has anything to do with a "measles surge", it's a clause in a sentence that indicates the two things are happening contemporaneously. I fucking hate the NPC nigger faggots that post on Twitter. The only thing worse is the faggots that post that normal nigger shit here.
Why'd they use a picture of a white baby for a story about 3rd world immigrants?
TikTok and Instagram moms aren't vaccinating their babies because they are not-sheeples. They hire 3rd world illegals to nurse their babies because daddy want them to stay perky. White baby catches measles and mom wins a grazillion Internet points for her big sad news post.
It would exclusively affect antivaxxers and their spawn, so not terribly
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Natural selection.
Good for the species, maybe. Not good for the babies.
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>source: vaccine manufacturers and their allies in government and academia
Wait, I thought those illegal aliens were compliant to their free-healthcare vaccination programs in their countries.
what was OP pic?
there were fairly large amounts of the nation with no running water in early 70's anon.. surly there is no connection.
Measles are a nightmare virus.
Measles are insanely infectious and give you mini-AIDS for 3 to 12 months. Good shot at neurological symptoms as well.
If someone with Measles sneezes inside a room and you enter that room half an hour later, you have a significant chance of catching it. Just by being in a place where a sick person was.

All that covid hysteria? It's because we know what it could have been. Measles is a disease that genuinely threatens society, which is why there was a genuine effort to eradicate it.
Bullshit. “You” knew early on it was a nothingburger and continued with “your” draconian interventions instead of isolating the comorbid and elderly and leaving it at that. The only nation whose health ministry had any sense was Sweden.
That’s a funny way to spell histrionics.
Well, how early did people really know?
In March 2020, things were quite unclear still, because nobody (understandably) wanted to trust the Chinese.
"Measles" barely kills anyone. It's more like people die with measles more than of measles.

The same trick they used in covid times.

Spreading panic and pandemic making rules such as isolation will always upgrade all symptoms to be more intense.
So it weakens people to the point where something else will kill them?
Sounds pretty bad.
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