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File: bafflement.png (22 KB, 794x1123)
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Do squares A and D touch? If not, what is between them?
Do squares B and C touch? If not, what is between them?
they are touching
They all square each other but each one only triangles 2 others and each one only circles 1 other and each one crosses 0 others.
>Do squares A and D touch?
Depends on how you define touch.
>If not, what is between them?
Depends on your distance metric.
(), [], (], or [)?
Remove the intentional vagueness in your post, troll.
Two shapes touch when at least one point in the diagram exists simultaneously on the perimeters of both shapes.
square B and square C
square A and square D
they dont touch each other because there is a black border between them
i assume then you mean that the perimeter/boundary is considered part of the constituent shape, correct?
Why draw people in with this b******* dude why don't you just f****** tell us if you know not being a dick or anything but like I don't have much patience for f****** up and down and left and right and all that s*** like I'd rather just get it from the guru right the first time instead of being f****** drawn
Suppose the squares lie on a grid.
The center would be at 0,0 - smack in the middle, let this be L.
The inner corners of all 4 squares, if the squares are perfect, are equal to point L.

Personally I liked the "this is a square" threads much more than this one.
The portal threads are also great.
Someone should make a portal thread again.
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165 KB PNG
I downloaded your shit and zoomed in 256x for u, hope this helps
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If you glue two squares togeter to make a rectangle, you only used those squares. But yet 1/4 of the perimeters of each square became part of the rectangle. In other words if you glued two sets of points together to create a larger set of points, then any point that now exists in that larger shape must have been part of the pieces you created it from. So the perimeter of a shape is part of the shape.

Proof by Microsoft Paint.
Provide a real situation where the answer to this question is meaningful
They share a coordinate, so they are touching. If 0.0 were the bottom left corner, then they all share 1.1 as a coordinate. There's no debate or discussion to be had here.

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