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Does his Cognitive-Theoretical Model of the Universe make any sense at all?

Is he really the smartest person who ever lived?
idk man its seems so strange on one end he really could be but man there is a lack of proof. i feel abit strange that no college has accepted him just simply for being Chris langan i would do it if i was a Proff in math/physics i would fucking head hunt the guy just to see what hes made of
What proof do you need?
No, it is actually me, with an IQ of 336, but I will work closely with this man to develop his theory into the first physical theorem, where it resolves the problem of induction, and may even start to manipulate reality like a magical equation.

While I'm not an expert on him, from what I do know, it seems unlikely that he would accept such a position. Academia as it exists in the West is likely offensive to him. He wouldn't be the first or even the hundredth genius to avoid the world of academia.
I read what he wrote about math and physics in his CTMU paper. In short, he's a pseud and has no idea what he's talking about.
He got debunked by Professor Dave. It's over
Everyone who disagrees with him just lacks the IQ to understand him. Langan is just too smart.
If you believe his shit you are low iq
I got in contact with his theory after watched Michael Knowles video.
The guys sound like a gigantic fraud.
I got in contact with his theory after watched Michael Knowles video.
The guys sound like a gigantic fraud.
>spews massive word salads every single time he's asked to explain his theory in concrete, direct terms
He's a grifter that appeals to disaffected, uneducated religious people with a resentment for establishment academics.
hes payed by the government 10k a month
He has no theory. He wrote a book about a philosophy that has as much supporting evidence as one from ancient Greece.
He's a fraud. Doesn't understand even basic math. His book is a joke.
no, he's probably a midwit who was smarter than the other kids in a particularly dumb environment, let it go to his head, and convinced himself that the world has conspired to not recognize his genius. He might have become a decent mid-tier researcher if being around actual smart people had curbed his egomania a bit.
The fact that he's quite limited can even be gathered from the way he writes. Reminds me of a 15 yr old pseud who got his hands on a thesaurus and fell in love with the idea that artificially, pointlessly complex syntax makes you sound smart.
These threads always turn out the same. Ask anyone for any particular critique of his CTMU and they have nothing. Then ask them which principles they disagree with. Crickets again. Then ask them what logical inconsistencies are within and yet more nothing. Half-wits like not-professor Dave & co are just permafiltered idjits
If Langan would, after all these years, deign to present a single non-trivial corollary of this theory that's not a variation of "all is one/as above so below/everything flows" or any other ancient esoteric tidbit, the proper critique would surely come. As it stands, it's just pseudo-technical autofellatio.
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>Is he really the smartest person who ever lived?
Picrel is the smartest man in the world's wife.
>Ask anyone for any particular critique of his CTMU and they have nothing.
Is there anything at all that I would gain from reading it, versus doing... literally anything else? Will it make me a better /sci/entist?
indeed anon i thought he was a pseud even when i wasnt clear headed
It won't help you from a /sci/ perspective, except for six figures starting, but you already have that, right anon?
While resulting descriptions are the same, CTMU first principles are separate from generic hermetics and ground systemic behaviors, such as telic recursion. The metalogical principles are well founded except for the initial conspansion duality which is more of a theoretical conclusion seemingly based on wave-particle considerations.
>... the Principle of Conspansive Duality then says that what appears as cosmic expansion from an interior (local) viewpoint appears as material and temporal contraction from a global viewpoint ...
If someone knows Chris personally:
please ask him to join our project

if he isn't interested then we'd love to hear criticism.
It does not and he's full of shit.
chris is a fraud if you really want to join his moveement or get attention join his patreon and bother him there kek
i'm not familiar with him or his theory but it sounds like you are. what's an example of an experimental result predicted by it and not by others?
you can go into the details of how the prediction arises if you want but really i'm interested in the example so i can understand what the theory is actually saying.
CTMU doesn't have empirical claims, per se. At least, I am not aware of Langan making any testable predictions from it. Certainly phenomenon like Morphic Resonance are substantiated by the SCSPL theory. But what makes it tough, as the other anon said, the behavioral unit is functionally idealism at the end of the day. A unique empirical claim coming from CTMU, that would stand out from those could be tricky to find as everything from remote viewing to GCPdot, outside of materialist understanding, are all trivial results of basic idealism.

Alright, so there is a fundamental unit called the Telor which recognizes actions and ascribes real meaning to them. For example, we see a basketball go into a hoop. Without the higher Telor, the event that could never be said to have happened. Perhaps some lower Telor would see some energy transitions of up and down in the ball, and a lower one still would be oblivious to that as it only knows atomic jittering in its local cosmos of many jitterings and the major event it would witness is transient deformations when the ball hits the ground.
This is not to say that atoms are telors, but that some telor is necessary for some event to transpire.
If one could condition telors, they could locally shape reality.
The issue here is that Langan invoked GOD, Global Operator-Descriptor, or the highest telor. Such a thing could be responsible for rules that we can't comprehend including the present isolated condition between telors, such as the qualia gap. And trying to coerce these lower agents could be an impossible task, like trying to sell weaker drugs to an addict at higher prices. No reason for lower forms to bend if they are snorting GOD.

Anyways, from this, a prediction can be made. One would expect chemical properties to vary significantly depending on how many atoms there are in a clump as their telor density is lower and/or GOD may have not processed a given combination before and has to figure out how it works.
>jew defame him because he said the jew control the world itt
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pretty much, he's officially been deemed a CHUD now
this sounds like leibniz. i'm not sure you could literally just find-and-replace all instances of "monad" with "telor" in the monadology to get CTMU but the way you describe it sounds very similar.
>One would expect chemical properties to vary significantly depending on how many atoms there are in a clump as their telor density is lower and/or GOD may have not processed a given combination before and has to figure out how it works.
this is a retrodiction, not a prediction, we already know chemical properties vary based on chemical structure and our current theories have explanations of why. does CTMU give any predictions about the properties of new synthetic elements? what does it have to say about the island of stability predicted by our current theories?
If he isn't the smartest person, than who is it? Wouldn't he be so over the top smart that you'd instantaneously know that you're outmatched? I have never heard of or seen such a person, even though he has to exist, right? Or do over the top smart geniuses somehow blend in with us comparatively low IQ plebs?
Fyi langan has much more in depth interviews, brainlets just get filtered out by the dailywire interview even though half of it is casual laymans conversation to match the interviewers vibe

Those interviews are clearly 200iq and his haters would never have the brain power to critique them
Terrence tao
>Wouldn't he be so over the top smart that you'd instantaneously know that you're outmatched?
lots of john von neumann's colleagues described him like this. not sure there's anyone like that today. terence tao might be the closest to it.
I listened to the 4 hour Curt Jaimungal interview and, in addition to being cringe-inducing, it showed no sign of particularly high IQ. If that's your example you're just easily impressed.
There is scientific evidence that changing the number of atoms in a substance changes its properties? 50 gold atoms behave differently from 500?
a critical mass of fissile atoms has properties a non-critical mass doesn't have.
This doesn't demonstrate a change in the fissile material properties. Likelihood of reaction varies across mass and shape and other such things. Taking the critical mass and flattening it out into a long foil would prevent it from being the critical mass. So critical mass is a function of the geometry.
Also, decay is supposed to be a property across every individual atom. Critical mass doesn't not change this.
oh, i thought you were talking about in the molecular structure of a compound, not just stacking up more of a pure metal on top of itself.
now i'm back to not knowing what you're saying CTMU predicts here. how would a block of 500 gold atoms behave differently from a block of 50?
also there's stuff like o2 behaving very differently from o3 but i don't think that's what you're talking about either.
>Von Neumann was born in Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire),[13][14][15] on December 28, 1903, to a wealthy, non-observant Jewish family.
>is father Neumann Miksa (Max von Neumann) was a banker and held a doctorate in law.
>On February 20, 1913, Emperor Franz Joseph elevated John's father to the Hungarian nobility for his service to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The most intelligent person does not need a mile-long head start. He'd just show up from some background and you'd instantly know, he's the one.

Most intelligent person doesn't need a name to be recognized.
>Tao's father, Billy Tao,[a] was a Chinese paediatrician who was born in Shanghai and earned his medical degree (MBBS) from the University of Hong Kong in 1969.
>Tao's mother, Grace Leong,[b] was born in Hong Kong; she received a first-class honours degree in mathematics and physics at the University of Hong Kong.
>Tao also has two brothers, Trevor and Nigel, who are currently living in Australia. Both formerly represented Australia at the International Mathematical Olympiad.
This is a prediction on telor's. As reality is Self-configuring and processing, the various interactions between materials represent telons manifest, they substantiate some telor's perspective, even if it is GOD.
In the case of a base reality where lesser telor's are manipulating events, they are processing in one form or another. Gross matter will be sum-total distribution of telor activity. Low counts of elements could have behaviors that are wildly different.
In the case where GOD is micromanaging all of reality, the same also holds because it is only processing through reality. In this sense, the relationship between most permutations of atoms are unknown, because they have never came to pass. Once again, it is possible that behaviors of elements can be different. A further hypothesis would be that upon discovery of a particular interaction between elements, it may come to pass that such events change.

From CTMU, there isn't too much reason to assert atomism as the most primitive unit, instead they are another conspansive term. They only appear to be one way or another because of the scale they are witnessed from.
Langan is a fraud but Professor Dave is legitimately 80 IQ.
That Russian mathematician that lives with his mother deep in the woods and only leaves to scavenge mushrooms from the forest.

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