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why do two negatives make a positive?
2 lesbians(negative) makes my dick hard (positive)
because you turn 180 degrees and get back right where you were
[1] (-) * 0 = 0
[2] 0 = (-) + (+)
[3] (-) * (+) < 0

[1],[2] => (-) * {(-) + (+)} = 0
<=> (-) * (-) + (-) * (+) = 0

[1],[2],[3] => (-) * (-) > 0
So two gays should also make your dick hard
[math](x + (–x)) * (–y)\ =\ x (–y) + (–x)(–y)\ =\ –xy + (–x)(–y)[/math]

But since [math]x + (–x) = 0 [/math] then,

[math]–xy + (–x)(–y) = 0 \\
(-x)(-y) = xy[/math]
invert your direction twice, which way are you going...
based algebra chads
cringe geometry virgins
Cause for some reason the number line goes -2,-1,0,1,2 which is rediculous cause -2 is smaller than -1. Should be -inf +1,-inf,0,1,2

<-, 0, ->

Because the continuity is needed for :
(-1)^k with k in IN+ (Natural Numbers positive)

(-1)^0 = 1
(-1)^(1) = (-1) = -1
(-1)^(2) = (-1).(-1) = 1
(-1)^(3) = (-1).(-1).(-1) = -1

If k is in IN- (Natural Numbers negative), the continuity is ok in a Complex plane :
(-1)^0 = 1
(-1)^(-1) = i (imaginary unit in Complex axe)
(-1)^(-2) = -1 (negative unit in Real axe)
(-1)^(-3) = -i (negative imaginary unit in Complex axe)
(-1)^(-4) = 1 (unit in Real axe)
(-1)^(-5) = i
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negative *negative = positive
odd + odd = even

negative == odd
positive == even

the negatives are the odd numbers of multiplication

the prime numbers under addition are a great mystery
because its defined that way.

interestingly enough your direction is the same your spin is not.
Because changing sign is the same as rotating π (180 degrees). Rotating 2π or 360 degrees leaves you facing the same direction.
Doubling your debt $20 makes it $40, right?
That is the same as saying 2x-$20 = -$40.
Because debt is a minus in your bank account.
Now. Why would -2x-20 be the same as 2x-20? Don't you agree they somehow need to produce a different result?
proof that [math]x(-y)=-(xy)[/math] ?
Because we want it to be. Double negation elimination is a useful function to have which lets us cut some corners. That's it.
Proof? That is just notation.
[math]x(-y) = (x)(-1)(y) = (-1)(x)(y) = -(x)(y) = -(xy)[/math]
They don't. (-i)*(-i)=-1.
>same your spin is not.
You are retarded
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Because 2- = +, a thread died for this.
semantic confusion between lesser magnitude (|a|<|b|, a is smaller than b) and less than (a<b, a is smaller than b).
cope glowie
Two lesbians make out.
Both have front holes (negative).
But its still hot.
Therefore it is a positive.
>two negatives make a positive
It doesn't
although notation idiots and geometry tards want to repeat their memorized sludge, i think it's a matter of dimensions.
if you take a simple measure of something you get a positive number. if you get a negative measure like a hole or a shadow, imagine you are measuring something that's not htere yet when bumped to a higher dimension, it makes a positive impact on reality.
a hole can be measured in a positive manner, as a capacity of a container or similar.
then a negative area or volume would be confusing so we assume always a positive.

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