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Could it be that greed, a necessary trait for survival in any circumstance is in fact the great filter?
I think its pretty obvious at this point that humanity is almost certainly going to annihilate its self.
Perhaps that is just the inevitable outcome of all species that has the greed necessary to not go extinct and also the intellect/disposable thumbs to into technology, plus, the power necessary for interstellar travel being much less than whats necessary to sudoku
Don't be afraid to place blame on the few idiots running the show. Greed ought be contained by the leadership. Sin needs to be managed, the fault of unmanaged sin is in the hands of the leadership who doesn't prohibit too much sin.
>Don't be afraid to place blame on the few idiots running the show.
it can't be helped though since every living thing is greedy and would do the same shit in their place
>oy vey the world is coming to an end!!!
>everyone pay attention to me!!!
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>I think its pretty obvious at this point that humanity is almost certainly going to annihilate its self.
With fucking what. The West has all the functioning nukes at this point. China never had a relevant stockpile and the Norks are a bad joke. As for Russia, nuclear weapons require 24/7/365 maintenance, and they're too fucking broke and (ironically) greedy to pull this off...it's way too easy for an opportunistic general to abscond with the money than to routinely replace the tritium and electronics they need to function.

In the unlikely case that COVID was a bioweapon, it backfired worse on the Chinese than the rest of the world, and no one's going to forget that outcome. And thinking an AI is going to wipe humanity out to steal our resources is like thinking a PhD is going to kill all the chimps at your local zoo to steal their bananas.

Sorry to report that doomsday isn't going to rescue you from your mediocrity.
>I think its pretty obvious
I don't and I look better.
This has got to be the most midwit take in existence. It's a perfect distillation of impotent scientoid seething about the state of the world. No pragmatism, no responsibility, not even an acknowledgment of reality; just pure liberalism refined by the self-assuredness of technological prosperity into a religion of unparalleled self-unawareness and conceit.
Just using the words "greed" and "trait" in the same sentence tells you all you need to know about a person's understanding of evolution and "filters."
I Don't believe the hyper fixation, consideration and emphasization on purely as far as we know human traits is a rational point in the wider spectrum of answers to the questions held against the proliferation of Intelligent life across the universe.
Contemporarily, a bigger focus is and should be place on more objective concepts and matters, such as non artificial disasters, resource depletion and scarcity, covert behavior due to fear of detection and antagonization and such.
The question to ask if this thesis is to be put forward is this;
Is greed a part of cognitive and emotional intelligence?
Can that same cognitive and emotional intelligence signal out greed and negate its effects?
they just need to launch a single icbm, one satan missile is enough to completely level new york and cripple america
How antisemitic of you to even bring up a hypothetical of leveling New York...
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...And after the dust cleared, every Russian would be extinct and the United States would carry on after LE EDGY DEVIL ROCKET provoked a massive retaliation that turned every square inch of land to the west of the Urals into glass. We're not in the era of MAD anymore...it's just AD these days, so as long as you're into fantasizing, might as well hope for something more rational like Taylor Swift breaking into your house to steal your pee pee seed.
You might be unaware of the fact that America has a neutrino laser that can disarm every nuclear bomb on the earth. If anyone other than America tries to use a nuke, they'll just blow themselves up because they've been sabotaged already.
>they just need to launch a single icbm, one satan missile is enough to completely level Tel Aviv and cripple the international ZOG collective
Israel has the right to exist, and the right to defend its self from genocidal extremists.
You've already lost, and you'll only keep losing.
Ball size to body size ratio determines level of violence. Violent death-centric religions suppress knowledge of the Bonobo which is a peaceful ape that solves problems by grooming each other and sex. Also a baboon troop in Keyna where the most aggressive violent males died off, the troop experienced peace afterwards. Also violent acts are not dominance, social dominance is being capable of violence and being able to control your emotions in tough situation. Also if a guys testosterone levels are stable and normal, a guy is able to control their emotions better. Balanced testosterone levels stabilizes mood.

Source; Robert Sapolsky and the science of Primatology.


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