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File: 74 plants 1 guy.png (438 KB, 1070x497)
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Would a grow-box of this size be enough by itself to completely satisfy a single person's food needs, provided there is enough variety of plants/fungi/algae?
File: 1713428445980.jpg (35 KB, 800x450)
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Is that a tree-sized person or a person-sized tree?
What video game are you using for your technical drawings?
it's a tree-sized person in front of person-sized tree, duh
I estimate that there is 288 sq ft of growing space in that grow box. Given that photosynthetic efficiency is around 1% and you need around 1500 calories a day for a sedentary lifestyle, you'd need 15,000 calories a day in light for your plants. That's 62,760 kilojoules per day. Plants need a dark period so at a 12/12 cycle that's 5,230 kilowatts for 12 hours, which is about 18 kilowatts per square foot. Your plants would burn to death.
It's actually 150,000 calories of light a day. Multiply all the figures by 10. Same answer applies.
Ah, thanks. The extreme perspective shift created an optical illusion in my mind.
don't leave out the fact that you also need to produce seed for subsequent crops
Not necessarily. If you're using a cut and come again system with perennials or you're cloning your plants regularly then it can work out. There's still not nearly enough space to feed a single person. The cost of electricity also tends to make it uneconomical to grow food under artificial light. It would be better to have a small garden with herbs and tomatoes.
A human needs up to 3000 cal. a day.
1 lettuce gives you about 50 cal.
This means you need to eat 60 lettuces a day.
1 lettuce needs about 42 days to grow to harvest.
This means you need space for at least 2520 lettuces to grow.
1 lettuce needs about 0,09 square meters of space.
This means you need more or less 227 square meters of space in order to feed 1 person.
Considering lettuces and can be stacked, the horizontal space required can be halved to 113.5 sqm.
The grow-box appear to host about 11 square meters.
Conclusion: you would need about 10 of those grow boxes. However...
...this is obviously the most pessimistic estimate.
Lettuce have minuscule amount of calories, you will probably want to grow much better food (like potatoes), which will decrease the amount of space required.
Also, lettuce in grow-boxes should have a much faster growth rate than the 42 days needed to grow outdoors.
Also, if you have a sedentary lifestyle, you could be fine with just 2000 cal. a day.
Also, that grow-box wastes a lot of space, for example you could remove those thick separating walls and enlarge the racks to fill the whole available space.
All these things considered, you could easily reduce the number of needed grow-boxes by about a half or even more.
fill the growbox with cows and chickens, then yes
you can't live from plants alone, you would die
What are the cows and chickens going to eat?
Cuck meat, from you
Whatever they can fit into their mouth.
I see. You're all retards that think animals don't need food. Look up trophic levels and then be embarrassed that your suggestion takes more space and resources than growing a vegan diet.
>You're all retards that think animals don't need food.
>durr becuz da animal eat whatever fit in da mouf, it mean dey no need food
Where does that food come from, retard? You have to grow it. Try to be less of a retard.
the handy thing about animals is that they go off and find their own food so you dont have to do anything...or as much. you will need to land though of course.
Not usually and absolutely not if they're stuck in a box. How can you be this fucking stupid?
>you will to land though of course
capture those and use the energy cook the animals.
>he can't into land
Read the OP, retard.
did, and obviously its very silly.
Human runs on 200 watts. By that efficiency that's 20kW light exposure to the plants. Perhaps with a mirrored box and tinfoil resting on the soil the you only lose 50% of the light emitted from a bulb. So 40kW total. Given solar flux is 1kW/m2, It doesn't sound that bad to make a 10m^2 area for plants.
blacks & kikes
>Let me just make up a completely unrelated scenario
Why did you post in this thread?
>A human needs up to 3000 cal. a day.
how fat are you?

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