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This is why we can't have nice science.
The Martian movie made $630 million in return.
The Orbiter made $0 in return.
So it is more profitable to milk normies with such goyslops
Sounds like if celebrities and Hollywood executives weren't parasites then they could have all taken a smaller paycheck and funded six space missions.
welcome to the "we hate capitalism because it's a blight on human civilization" crew! ahoy!
going to mars to observe rocks is a waste of time anyways, wake me up when we start setting up infrastructure on mars for real applications
India doesn't even have toilets yet their government is wasting what precious little money they have on vanity projects like this so they can larp as a developed country (they never will be.)
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Unmanned Jeet Mars orbiter: $73 million
Shitty Movie: $108 million
Unmanned NASA Moon orbiter (Artemis I): $4.1 billion

>the movie is the problem
idk i haven't watched it
it's all fake money laundering operations for sex trafficking, drugs and weapons. people just accepted these ridiculous budget numbers as fact.
morning saar
I don't know man don't they use gold foil for heat dispersion and stuff? gold is pretty expensive
Do indians use magic rockets that cost nothing to launch? A spacex launch is like $70 million each, let alone one capable of reaching mars. Spending $73 million on the probe alone might make sense, but it's development and launch would be considerably more.

Even though, that seems incredibly cheap for a probe. A modern US spy satellite can cost between $1-1.5billion.
Yup. Good Ole capitalism.
>taxes on $630million dollars
>some goes towards science projects
oh noes.
Yup exactly. Colonization of other planets is a waste. We are doomed. This planet is going to shit and here we are getting fucked by crazy liberals.
>real applications
Like fucking what? What are some real applications for colonizing mars in any way? The suppose liquid water is 10miles underground, which makes it impossible to get to. That's deeper than any hole made on Earth and that took decades to make.
personally i would end all funding for anything mars related and focus everything on moon infrastructure
we are not colonizing mars by analyzing rocks for the 50th time, colonizing mars aint happening until we terraform it, so not even in this millennia. The only real application at mars is a refueling station in orbit
moons are gay, the point of space exploration is to set foot on other PLANETS
>What are some real applications for colonizing mars in any way?
There is literally 3 continents worth of free real estate there
This. For the most part space science doesn't make money. When it does, the job it's doing could be done cheaper with non-space stuff.
You can work for free then. That's what you demand. It's not capitalism's fault, it's that the scientists won't work for free, or even minimum wage.
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>personally i would end all funding for anything mars related and focus everything on moon infrastructure
I'd just cut the US govt healthcare budget to zero. Free up 2 trillion dollars in the process.
>colonizing mars aint happening until we terraform it
>colonizing space won't happen until we fill it full of air
id rather skip to the point where we have the infrastructure to actually turn mars into a 2nd earth
living under 5ft of martian soil to shield yourself from radiation is hardly colonization, it's masochism
So? Most of siberia is empty as well but you don't see people rushing to colonize it (even though it would be considerably easier to do than going to fucking mars). Same for 90% of Canada. It's not like we have discovered some vast resources waiting to be harvested on mars. And keep in mind, these resources would have be on the surfaces to be feasible in any way to mine. Getting massive mining equipment on mars would cost trillions and there is no way you would ever gain back any money.
You couldn't make me wear a face diaper no way I'm walking around with a giant glass bubble on my head 24/7.
that's land is not free at all. There is also and argument to be made for preserving the environment there.
>And keep in mind, these resources would have be on the surfaces to be feasible in any way to mine.
they are

Also I think if there was some initiative to build in the frozen wastes then some people would probably move there. But it would be monstrously expensive and miserable. If you're going to endure that you might as well move to a different planet. There is also the fact that if you colonize a place the economy resets. For example the first 100 photographers on Mars will be rich and famous. To even make a decent living in current society as a photographer is a miserable thing that is not even guaranteed.
I live in Wyoming and we barely have infrastructure for real applications.
1)Seattle (small US city): Population: 775,000
Has TWO space companies that have already functioning man protable spacraft.
2)India: Population 1,429,000,000
ZERO man portable space programs.
508,000 whites in Seattle mog 1,429,000,000 Indians. That mean it takes 2,858 Indians to equal a single white man.
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Mutt monkey. Thing why you work when white bitch sucking brown dick lol? LMAO maybe Im your indi father hahahahaha.

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