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File: godelontologicalproof.jpg (1.21 MB, 2554x1404)
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Mathematician Kurt Godel reformulated Anselm of Cantebury's ontological proof of God into an axiomatic proof, giving it some more credibility IMO. Picrelated. Thoughts? Perhaps the proof indicates a geometry instead of God, possibly the universe or comparable phenomena. Also could we get some book recommendations of where to go from here?
godel was the most based-schitzo, even though group-theory is fake
>redefine "God" to mean something provable yet utterly unrelated to the normal meaning of the word
>yep god is real guys
Go play video games
>God, by definition
what kind of meme definition is this shit?
from a linguistist perspective, It's just ONE OF MANY names given to the higher power in reality that humans can interact with. fuck off
I don't accept such concensus
Basically that's only proof against an omnipotent non-interventionist god. It takes as given that god must be as great as possible and that if he weren't allowed to exist in our reality he wouldn't be great enough.

Consider that the universe, as we understand it, is part of god in the same way that the feces in my large intestines are part of me. Would god be all powerful if he were unable to keep the universe separate from him? God cannot be a a slave to constipation.

Consider god as the set of all sets which by our understanding cannot exist. If god cannot contain all, god is not omnipotent and omnipresent, and would not be god. Therefore, god must contain all. Can such a set remove sets from itself?
>muh sets
kys, you memester
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Anything is possible if you give yourself permission to redefine words.
>religion vs science thread
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Why can't people just intuit that God exists as I was able to?
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Pic related. No greater good can be conceived
Its not though, you would have to prove that there is a specific largest finite number to prove no greater can be conceived.
Why can't you intuit that retards like you wouldn't exist if God designed humans?
Oh wait, I already answered that one myself.
>prove that there is a specific largest finite number
Number of subatomic particles in our universe.

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