What do you except when you see these 3 words in a research paper?
Generic paper, probably made by a group of people from some provincial university in China. Most likely well researched and with good, albeit uninnovative methodology and hypotheses. Unlikely to be groundbreaking, but still useful for high school and undergrad students who are looking for random stuff to cite so as to pad their essays.
>>16485965Yeah exactly, great filler material
>>16485965>uninnovative methodology and hypothesesIt's like all modern papers, not only china
>>16485935garbagewe have a chinaman in our research group now and his work is exactly what you expect
>>16485935>Chinese papervery derivative work with poor English >Indian papervery derivative but tries to show off for no reason>Jewish paperovercomplicated for no reason despite showing lack of understanding for core concepts >anglo paperextremely basic and mundane. Very little desire to understand the bigger picture. Focused exclusively on the goal at hand.>french paperthe polar opposite of an anglo paper>german papervery direct and to the point, but lacking finesse. Polar opposite of a Jewish paper.
>>16486247forgot to add>Japanese paperschizo ramblings that somehow work in the end. Extremely original yet incomprehensible and not even trying to communicate ideas. The definition of a based retard.
>>16486250Yes you are indeed retarded.
>>16486250And 99% yields on everything for some godforsaken reason
>>16485935>exceptu mean expect?
>>16485935Into the trash it goes.