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What variables lead to liberals having low self-esteem
It’s so weird, if liberal girls just got pregnant (and didn’t abort) then they would be cured
What happened around 2009? I think it's a certain internet culture that nourishes self derogation, and liberals are much more likely to be a part of it. Not sure what happened but in many places of the internet it seems to be the norm to call yourself stupid or a depressed failure and it seems like almost excepted to talk bad about yourself when you are talking about yourself, otherwise people will think you are arrogant.
The Recession
iphone was invented along with all manner of degenerate social media apps
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The white half feels bad because they're condemned to be evil. The non white half feels bad because they're condemned to be trapped by that evil. It's impossible not to feel bad about your destiny.
race hustling nog became president
iphone pushed lookism and a constant need for social validation, while undermining real and meaningful relationships
>invents virtually every medical, technological, and safety standard on Earth
White guilt
They are nothing but demonic trash, and deep inside they know it. Simple as.
>higher IQ is associated with more mental illness, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.
Conservatives are just blissfully ignorant. Low IQ tards are also more racist, which conservatives are considerably more racist than liberals.
Being forced to live around themselves + having those stupid conversations that go nowhere.
Man, you're literally retarded, look at the graph again.
>Self- derogation
Sounds like something with a mental illness would do, especially depression or bipolar. You would get this if you weren't a retarded conservative.
obama's presidency and the rise of identity politics
they're under a great delusion
Are you retarded or something? Just saying "durr look at the graph" when it just shows that liberals have more self-derogation after 2009 isn't going to change the more you look at the graph.

You can say "Oh that's because of cell phones" but there's no correlation. You can also say it's because liberals and conservatives have drastically changed since Obama went into office and became more extreme on both sides.
do you find your life difficult, being low IQ?
>I find that individuals who identify as Republican have slightly higher verbal intelligence than those who identify as Democrat (2–5 IQ points), and that individuals who supported the Republican Party in elections have slightly higher verbal intelligence than those who supported the Democratic Party (2 IQ points).
>verbal IQ
>Usually one of 3 IQ identifiers
>2 points difference
Hur dur
>became more extreme
NTA but this is only semantically true because the media convinced a bunch of boomers that extreme positions are centrism and centrist positions are extremism.
Mistyped 2. Ignoring the entire other section of IQ testing is fucking retarded, especially when the difference is an entire 2 points.
>no disagreement found
i'm glad we're on the same page
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non-liberal whites score low only because of their hatred for liberal whites.
We really aren't. If you think someone's life is difficult because their IQ on only a single part of an IQ test is within margin of error difference then you are just retarded.

Whoever wrote that article is borderline retarded and reaching towards a superiority complex. They go on and on about how verbal iq is so god damn important and does all this shit that literally no one else agrees on only to come to publish the results that are negligible at best. It's a clickbait article that gives morons a good title to brag over.

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