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>be me
>scrolling through 4chan on a lazy Sunday
>come across this thread about 'Map of Mathematics' by Dominic William
>curiosity.exe activated
>download the PDF because why not
>open it up and it's this colorful, crazy flowchart
>feels like a treasure map for math nerds
>see all these branches going everywhere
>geometry, calculus, number theory, even math history wtf
>realize I’ve been doing math wrong my whole life
>thought math was just boring numbers and equations
>this map just made it look like an epic adventure
>each branch looks like a different quest line
>mfw I start feeling like a math hero
>decide to embark on this journey
>spend hours navigating through the map
>each section leads to more questions
>start googling everything I don’t understand
>now I’m knee-deep in proofs and theorems
>math is no longer my enemy, it’s my new best friend
>mfw I finally start understanding calculus and all the other spooky math ghosts
>mom walks in, sees me with the math map
>'What are you doing?'
>tell her I’m on an epic math quest
>she just shakes her head and walks away
>who needs approval when you’re on the path to math enlightenment?
>thank you, Dominic William, for showing me the way
>mfw I realize I’m just a nerd now
>maybe that’s not so bad after all.
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maths isnt real
Well, now you can make a fantasy RPG that teaches math and CS, would be a banger
good point.
would look great on crt
Mathematics are a social constructs driven by petty ideologies such as rejecting dogmatically https://njwildberger.com/
Grug say math easy. Grug have one rock and another one rock. Grug have two rock.
Grug say get own two rock and learn math
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What's the middle animal here? It looks sort of like a frog head on a monkey body but that can't be right.
I love this sort of thing. Reminds me of a terrific figure I saw in a colloquium talk a few years ago - it was a three-axis map of physics in terms of motion, size, and complexity. So like you had classical mechanics and electrodynamics hovering around the origin; if you moved up along the motion axis you got into special relativity, up along the size axis you got into general relativity, down along the size axis you got into quantum mechanics, and as you blended these with complexity you could identify regimes where you'd cross into thermodynamics or MHD or BECs and so on.
>electrodynamics hovering around the origin; if you moved up along the motion axis you got into special relativity
EM is already relativistic. Only electrostatics are strictly classical (magnetostatics violate Newton's third in some isolated cases).
that's because you mistakenly added an 's' at the end, you silly little thirdie
statics - my mistake
we invented this language

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