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How does one treat or cure ADHD? The shitty stimulants my psychiatrist is pushing don't really work.
If they don't work, there's a good chance you're actually just retarded and don't have ADHD.
t. someone with ADHD for whom it's like day and night.
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Do what this guy did
Start taking peptides and or nootropics (not meme ones that are glorified vitamins) like Tak 653, Tropisetron, Semax, Cerebrolysin, Dihexa, Isrib, Neboglamine, and Epobis to improve your memory, focus, creativity, motivation, mind clarity, and enhance your ability to understand problems. They also repair brain damage.
You can take them intranasally as well to get more of it directly to your brain, which is especially beneficial for Cerebrolysin since the alternative is injecting it and the recommended dosing that way is 5ml a day which is a lot to inject.
everychem.com has Tak 653, Tropisetron, and Neboglamine
cosmicnootropic.com and rupharma.com have cerebrolysin + semax
Science.bio has Dihexa
pglchem.com and isrib.shop have isrib
jennyschem.com has Epobis but it's not listed, you have to email them and say a friend told you they have Epobis, I confirmed this with someone who bought it from there and posted pics of it + his experiences with it on r*ddit
Other good sources include peptidesciences.com and amino asylum
Heres where to get steroids steroidsourcetalk.cc/index.php
You need to get your account approved by the owners of science.bio to purchase things on there, just say you are researching the effects of UV light on degradation of chemicals and look up a bunch of lab and safety equipment on google and say you have that in the approval form
I've got tested, and I'm positive for ADHD. I'm humble enough to admit it if I was retarded. but I'm really not. I could be a midwit.
Thank you very much.
Why do you thank the guy trying to sell you snake oil? Are you genuinely retarded?
Because at least he puts down the effort to help someone other than deliver a backside insult and then return to the sludge of the internet.
That aside, it's stupid to treat every single thing he listed as snake oil. I haven't tried them, nor I'm a pharmaceutical expert, but some of these are still being researched and might yield good results.
Prayer and meditation.
Seriously go to church when theres noone there.
Light a candle and pray a rosary.
I have actually unironically tried this. I would have to pray 5 rosaries in order to stay completely focus for an 8 hour study day.
>some of these are still being researched and might yield good results
nigga admitted to snorting chocolate, you can probably disregard
OP have you considered basic exercise?
same OP, I guess I am part of that section for whom stimulants make tired. Caffeine too, just drank 3 cups of coffee but I am about ready to take a nap. I'm slightly hypochondriac that cardiovascular encephalopathy might have somethint to do with it. Stimulants consistently raise my BP to mild systolic hypotension ~135/80., which would be dire, but treatable in theory.

I wanna try the nootropics, the fact that thats so much from the USSR ignites the communist in me. Needless to say it's difficult to get where I am, my country's particularly strict.

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