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>but this one study-
It’s wrong.
>but they found that-
No they didn’t.
>look at the evide-
Don’t need to.

Science has spoken.
big discoveries in history started by going against the consensus Galileo, Mendel, Einsteinnone of their work fit the 'peer-reviewed' standards of their time. Consensus doesn’t create new ideas it just lags behind them. If you only trust what's popular, you'll miss breakthroughs, call everything misinformation, and end up as one of many snoyboy scientists this era keeps churning out if you're not already one seeing as you post muh popsci black man
Albert Einstein gifted you with all his nuclear Weapons. Wht DO you do?
physical reality is downstream from democracy, chud
And that's why global warming is fake.
This whole thread is s°y
people say shit like this and then their revolutionary ideas are all about how vaccines make you trans and jews invented particle physics to distract the public from gnostic mysticism and CTMU
Soo, you see stuff that isn't there?
Have you been on /sci/ at any point in the last five years? You can't even have a thread on spaceflight or medicine anymore without /pol/faggots coming out of the woodwork to rant about how space is fake and vaccines will make your penis fall off.
>Most papers are garbage
>A single study overturns a field
Pick a narrative and stick to it. Is all science equally as good and every paper deserves the attention of the whole field, or are some studies done poorly or even outright falsified and only an aggregate of studies with high agreement worth the attention of the field? How do you think science works? I could use a laugh.
If you’re going to make a “this guy is dumb” meme be sure to double check your spelling
the possibility that vaccines are imperfect only upsets you because you're vaccinate so you take any criticism of vaccines as a personal attack even when it isn't meant that way because you presume that the whole world revolves around you.
Too retarded to realize that neither >>16497361
nor >>16497318 are about how good vaccines are.
AI replacing those retards doesn't seem to be a bad thing anymore.
yeah /pol/ is mostly all 13 year olds with only superficial understanding of things. Still I would rather have that than some official forum where I can't post forbidden ideas
Take your meds
Neither fission nor nuclear reaction (as in a nuclear reactor) are from him. Regarding the bomb you may be thinking of Oppenheimer.
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Yes we can MEASURE it. But WHY does it chirp?
fucking KEK
Yeah, but you need to provide evidence. For example most people thing beauty and attractiveness is subjective, but that isn't true if you look at the evidence. The reason people who go against the consensus are right is because people replicate their research and find the same results.

1. Female faces with an accentuated canthal tilt were preferred 93% of the time to unaccentuated faces.
-> https://journals.lww.com/op-rs/abstract/2007/01000/is_medial_canthal_tilt_a_powerful_cue_for_facial.13.aspx
2. Ideal interocular and eye-to-mouth distances that created an optimally attractive face, which demonstrated facial averagness.
-> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0042698909005045
3. Eyebrow thickness, jawbone prominence, and face height all contribute to facial attractiveness.
-> https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02428/full
4. Objective measures of facial traits predict evaluations of facial attractiveness and of kindness.
-> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S109051382300051X
5. Female facial attractiveness was associated with symmetry, averageness, large eyes, prominent cheekbones, thick lips, thin eyebrows, and a small nose and chin.
-> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15500809/

1. Facial abnormality was associated with poor childhood health.
-> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S109051380000060X
2. Men's facial masculinity correlated negatively and women's positively with respiratory disease number and duration.
-> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1090513805000528
3. Male body attractiveness correlated substantially with physical fitness.
-> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1090513806000754
4. Female facial attractiveness correlated with physical fitness.
-> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26190411/
Not the concensus, so its not science you lose.
Thats how the church of modern science works.
>I chose to believe what most people believe
What a unique genius.
fucking illiterates.
Whats wrong with that, you bri'ish or something?
not-a-word is not.
Half of all scientists in the world can’t even agree that sex is binary
Climate change is real. It being blown far out of proportion is also real.

Five if it WAS as severe as scientists say, there’d be no way to circumvent it in such a divided world like this one.

It’s just something we’re going to have to live with. It’s not an apocalypse.
Even* stupid fucking fat thumbs on my stupid fucking phone
i farted
So you’re saying that the dinosaurs experienced Christmas
Trust. The. Science.
Democratic determinations of truth are fake and homosexual. Science should be a dictatorship. I get my scientific knowledge by obeying the machine elves that I communicate with when I take DMT.
If you only trust what's popular, you might miss breakthroughs, but if you only trust what's unpopular, you'll find mostly a lot of complete horseshit.

The ideas of Galileo, Mendel, Einstein, etc. didn't win out because they opposed the consensus, they won out because the evidence in support of their positions was overwhelming. Going against the consensus doesn't make a position any more right than going with the consensus. The evidence is all that matters.

Too many retards are convinced that they're oppressed geniuses.
Galileo's concept of the sun as the center of the solar system was disproved by Newton centuries ago, there was never a period of time that it was generally accepted as true by anyone other than contemporary elementary school kids who get taught a false history of Galileo as part of their 'Christianity = evil' public school brainwashing. The sun orbits the solar system's center of gravity same as every other body in the solar system does.
What is science's pronouns?
I actively hope it will be an apocalypse, I hate industrial society so much
Serious question, Are you white?
>they won out because the evidence in support of their positions was overwhelming
thats not true in einstein's case, they had to invent a 95% imaginary universe to make his ideas seem real
You are a retard and do not understand iterative science.
Galileo heliocentrism was wrong, why does that upset you so much?
Heliocentrism was a bad guess based on a smattering of observations, he never did any of the type of rigorous work to confirm the theory and as a result he ended up being wrong
the consensus was that the Earth is flat and the negro is inferior to the white man
Sure but the consensus no longer supports flat earth, the data disproved it
by ignoring his other assertion you are asserting that the negro is in fact inferior to the white man
Mass appeal is kind of a red flag that you can’t think critically or entertain the idea that the masses may actually be wrong about something, which is basic human history 101. By God.

Again, half of the scientific community is incapable of agreeing on whether or not sex is binary. That’s fucked. Absolutely, royally fucked. A fuck ton of scientists are compromised, politically addled people.
>Climate change is real.
its fake
try living in the same place for a few decades, you'll notice the weather doesn't change
I have and I’ve noticed that it has changed
Is this pol in a room with us?
You just grew older and forgot
its funny how some people can't just accept that the zeitgeist has changed. paradigm shift happens, the history of science is full of it
everyone knew about selective breeding before Mendel, farmers had been doing selective breeding for tens of thousands of year before he decided to write it down in science terminology and take credit for it
Mendel did the experiments to determine how genes are passed down and he came up with the idea of dominant and recessive genes, which greatly advanced the technique of selective breeding.
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Mendel faked his findings. His results cannot be replicated. Just one more set of lies from a long line of secular hucksters trying lead people astray to compensate for their own personal inferiority.
The atheists/leftists lost 100% of their small remaining credibility the day they declared men could get pregnant. The biology and sociology "experts" are all seen as a total fucking joke now—psychopathic, beta-tier retards spewing utter nonsense in an attempt to make child-rape legal because their dicks are all so tiny.
people who believe in Mendelian genetics are people who've never attempted to do selective breeding. they read about it in a textbook and memorize the Mendel memes, but never try to put them into practice
and then they go around bragging about how "I know genetics" even thought they have zero practical experience in the field. i have actually done substantial selective breeding and thats why i know Mendel was full of shit. at first it was surprising when my results didn't match up with textbook predictions, but after a few years of that i got used to it and now i have a pretty good idea of how genetics actually works
Can you point to a book or video or article that you think accurately describes how selective breeding works?
Math doesn't lie get fucked
What if that one scientist is jewish?
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imagine being famous only for being a black guy with an advanced degree, like some rare animal
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good video
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consensus is good, but it isn't something that happens all at once when better ideas are presented
Skeptics are dangerous. Many of the big brains in history that accounted for great and impactful breakthroughs had a lot of strange beliefs and ideas, and were a lot nutty in the brain.

The reason these people excel at times is because they entertain new and different things, however stupid, until something is bound to stick.

That’s real science. The act of poking.
>consensus is good
no it isn't. midwits are too dumb to understand intelligent ideas and consensus needs to be something that midwits can comprehend
He is only interested in da grass and da money.
>heir work fit the 'peer-reviewed' standards of their time
peer-review is a mid 20th invention, so of course none of their work fit its mold
Had Neil saw an actual UFO, I wonder how he'd react. I wonder how he'd word it to his peers, or if he even would.
Neil doesn't believe you should trust anecdotes so he would just reject his own experience. After all, It's n = 1, it wasn't peer reviewed, no control group, and humans are notoriously bad at remembering.
So he’d willingly make himself stupid in the moment. “Nope. Not seeing it. It’s not there. Nope.”
Consensus says liberal democracy works...
vaccines are unnecessary, simple as
if they were necessary you would not exist
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>b-but muh strawman
if you think like this you also unironically belong on /pol/ because that kind of politically tribalistic and dogmatic mindset certainly isn't anything close to scientific
Not a strawman, just pointing out how shallow people like you tend to be.
Whis consensus motherfucker?
Goofy ass dumb clown nigger just says stupid shit trying to sound intelligent.
Also pEt of the cancel culture dei movement agenda to remove identity of white Caucasian scientists from the history of science so dumb niggers puppets can appropriate the credit for scientific knowledge
consensus means priors. consensus opens doors to new research even if subsequently the research fails to establish new priors

Learn your fucking Latin and then get back to us
>a priori
Savory is a whack job
he is a famously successful scientist and you are a nobody, thats why he upsets you, because you're envious of him
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No, seriously, I really do wonder how Neil would react to a UFO landing in front of him with a little green alien walking out
no he's talking about how Einstein personally owned a bunch of nukes.
this is the extent of knowledge he acquired getting a phd in astonomy
He is a movie theater manager
you're confusing savory & tyson
as far as i know allan savory never managed a movie theater
It's literally so easy to fix we could do it with current technology and half of one year of the military budget by buying current day price rocket trips and current day price aluminum foil. This is the least efficient method of forming a solar shade and is entirely within our capacity.
>If you only trust what's popular, you'll miss breakthroughs
Missing breakthroughs is literally not a fucking issue unless you're a research scientist. Ultimately trusting what is popular is safer and wiser. For every actual fucking breakthrough that improves society, there's a thousand discoveries that at best amount to nothing and at worst fucking kill the first people to get involved in that shit before it's banned or the kinks get worked out. Every bottle of snake oil and tinfoil theory was some dipshit's "breakthrough" in the first place.

And if you ARE a research scientist, you should be capable of fucking checking claims found in breakthroughs and building consensus for them. Remember, ultimately being right doesn't fucking matter if you can't convince others you're right. The people that make cutting edge discoveries can't change jack shit on their own.

Remember Copernicus and Mendel both ended up basically fucking ignored until other people checked and propagated their shit.

tl;dr Shut the fuck up and stay in your fucking lane. Leave science to the scientists and trust the science.
Finally, a good post on this shithole of a website.
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>Copernicus … ended up basically fucking ignored
he didn't publish his ideas, they were published posthumously. he chose not to publish because he valued his sinecure more than his ideas
and now you're getting angry and upset over a nonexistent injustice that you invented in your tiny little ignorant head.
and his ideas about circular orbits and heliocentrism were all wrong.
>pretending the pencil pusher deserves recognition
>and now you're getting angry and upset over a nonexistent injustice
I literally didn't mention an injustice.
Also Copernicus's work was published before his death. Stop getting your info from hallucinating AI.
This guy independently proved climate change over his lifetime doing exactly what you suggest.

fake and gay
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>tl;dr Shut the fuck up and stay in your fucking lane. Leave science to the scientists and trust the science.
Half of the scientific community cannot tell you if sex is binary or not. What now?
De revolutionibus didn't go into publication until the 1700s (Copernicus died in the 1500s). This information comes from a Polish astronomer at the Vatican observatory who specialized in the history of European astronomy.
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>What now?
Now I tell you that any study that says "of scientists" that doesn't narrow their field of specialization and doesn't relate to publication of papers generally is fucking bullshit.

Also, beyond that, taxonomy isn't a science. It's an art based on science.

>De revolutionibus didn't go into publication until the 1700s (Copernicus died in the 1500s).
Counterpoint: MDXLIII
>This information comes from a Polish astronomer at the Vatican observatory who specialized in the history of European astronomy.
AI can hallucinate that they're whatever the fuck they want to be.
So you admit that consensus is a sham. That dissenting thought—even if correct—should just be ignored. Fuck that insane guy, eh?
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Temporarily. We'll see how well it works when Elon is done importing 20,000,000 poos. Look at Canada, India and London for a good look at your future.
this is really fucking scary
>So you admit that consensus is a sham
Nobody has ever argued that you should listen to geologists for how to treat cancer. Consensus of informed opinions is all that matters. No consensus on any matter has ever been reached by seeking all voices without exception. And that goes beyond science and into every fucking subject imaginable.

This is why "do your own research" motherfuckers are such dipshits. They can and will invariably find whatever crackhead opinion they want and then uncritically hold it up above all others.

>That dissenting thought—even if correct—should just be ignored
By people without the skillset to evaluate the credibility of that thought, yes. If you're an expert in whatever field you are dealing with, feel free to engage with dissenting thought. In fact, I would encourage it. Ideas have to survive testing and challenge.
You are just pushing the goalposts. Informed is just a meaningless qualifier where you seem to think further government sponsored brainwashing on your own dime is relevant.
Your idea of expertise is a spook. You are a moron.
>Informed is just a meaningless qualifier
If you don't need any of that there book lernin', why are you even on /sci/?
I am a mathchad.
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You're a tool.
Black science man has spoken
It's definitely hotter here then it was 20 years ago
Or you have a thicker layer of fat than you did 20 years ago.
>you have to listen to my individual opinion because i'm only interested in consensus
In fairness, the consensus opinion is that you should only listen to the consensus too.
The man who knows everything is the one who wages war against the rest of the world. Being the most informed person in the world would be indistinguishable from waging war upon it.

That's not consensus.

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you" - Oscar Wilde
anyone using "consensus" as an argument is either a grifter or scientifically illiterate.

This is a good example. The "consensus" narrative is the work of a college dropout and political cartoonist. Who caught so much flak he eventually returned to college for some shit degree. Granted, the media didn't cover this flak. Only allowed him to dance and spew his "consensus". Which was formed by a keyword search. Anything but outright denial of AGW was counted in support of AGW. Thus 97% "consensus" in human contribution of some degree. Which was then spun as full tilt "consensus" for catastrophic man made global warming. Despite no actual consensus for that. He wasn't the originator of this stunt. It was first done by a historian.
It is a bit impressive this guy created a whole career out of it. In fact, he went back to get a degree. In "cognitive psychology". Where he studies the psychology of "climate denial". So the guy drops out of college, becomes chief promoter of climate alarm, and then after people start noticing he doesn't have any relevant degrees, goes for a bullshit psychology degree where he studies the impact of his own alarmist rhetoric. So now he has a PhD and is referred to as "Doctor". Like the Jill Biden of climatology. And people can't figure out why the reputation of science is falling. We need to boot all psychologists from the room. Those quacks can sit with the astrologists and chiropractors where they belong.
>there’d be no way to circumvent it in such a divided world like this one

>Shit's shit so it can't stop being so shit that shit will continue to get shittier
Literally the only thing worse than climate denialism is climate doomerism. Setting aside the fact that individual entities are perfectly capable of *lessening* climate change, which should always be a goal, if the world is shit, you simply change the world. We've come together to changed society before when faced with far worse divisions. Real people fuck up the world and then real people stop them. That's the way shit goes. Climate change isn't an act of God. It's an act of despicable assholes.
so much updoot
>the world is shit, you simply change the world
It’s not happening in a world of China, India, and the Middle East. It’s just not happening. You’re naive to just up and think that humans won’t backstab each other in the process of “bettering” the planet.
>It’s not happening in a world of China, India, and the Middle East
China and India are investing a fuckton in green energy and beyond that, India's gonna start seeing a mass exodus cause several major cities are literally running out of fresh water.

Hardly anyone lives in the Middle East, but even then countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt are changing up their shit too.
>China and India are investing a fuckton in green energy and beyond that
China builds 2-3 more coal burning portals to hell every week
Chinese investment in coal has been cratered for over a decade. Yes, there are still some plants in the pipeline, but they are transitioning over to other fuel sources, and more importantly, older, much more toxic coal plants are being taken off-line or being converted to other fuel sources.
Also China, unlike the USA, is actually drastically reducing their dependence on fossil fuels.

Here we're just switching all the coal plants to gas because the fossil fuel lobby owns the government. Imagine being more corrupt than China on anything.
Is this bug cope
Stop overfishing out waters
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>Is this bug cope
No. It's reality. America is cucked to the fossil fuel lobby. Literally the only reason we aren't sucking in coal fumes constantly nationwide is because coal just isn't as profitable, not because of some massive government led shift towards green energy.
You’re insane. China accounted for more than ninety percent of coal plants in the last couple of years.

>China accounted for more than ninety percent of coal plants in the last couple of years
That doesn't contradict anything I've said. God you're fucking stupid.
>b-but we’re burning less coal
Shut up bug.
I didn't say they were burning less coal. Dipshit. I said they were investing less in coal and phasing out older coal plants. Which they fucking are. Their new energy production largely isn't fucking coal. That's why the share of their production that is coal is cratering.

Yes, as it turns out having a primarily coal energy sector means you burn a lot of coal. I said they were moving away from coal, not that they don't burn coal.

You are genuinely fucking stupid. Doubly so when you consider they're still rapidly increasing their energy production.

Both of you dumbass motherfuckers need to learn how percentages work.
>Yes, as it turns out having a primarily coal energy sector means you burn a lot of coal. I said they were moving away from coal, not that they don't burn coal.
irrelevant. They’re still coal burners.
Why does it always come down to fucking Black people with you fuckers? I swear you're fucking obsessed.
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>gaslight + strawman
lol, its both funny and horrifying that there are really people in the professional ranks who presume they can change or decide the nature of physical reality with a show of hands vote on the matter. i guess thats the kind of out of touch mindset you get when all you ever study is math
Those ones don't care about the true nature of physical reality, they care about maintaining their social status in their profession.
>b-b-but social status in the profession should come from being the best scientist
Thats not how it works, if you show people up and make them look dumb then they get angry at you, if you do that to everyone in the profession then they gang up on you and ruin your shit even if you're right and they're wrong
Seriously, you're obsessed with Black and brown people.
Did you know that Leo Frank's Wikipedia article asserts consensus of his innocence based on 2 sources?
Science has spoken, go- guy!
And Jews. Black people, brown people, and Jews.

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