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> I will just fake my groundbreaking discoveries hoping that no one will try to reproduce them
Why are scientists so stupid? You are supposed to be the smart ones.
>hoping that no one will try to reproduce them
This works btw. If they fail, you can just blame their shoddy technique.
>I will just fake our profit numbers to keep my stock value high hoping no one audits them
Why are CEOs so stupid? They're supposed to be the smart ones.

It's ridiculous how blinding greed can be, whether it's for money or prestige.
The Jewish Microchip input into them at birth through the traditional practice of baby cock sucking leads to such flawed and defect abundant decision making I have come to believe
>Most of the time, they get away with it.
Only for like a quarter or two, it doesnt work any further because investors want their share of profits. And IRL the opposite is more likely, CEOs hide income to lower their taxes, unless they find it more profitable to fake a high income to defraud investors. But thats way harder to fake.
Some hard drive manufacturer pretended to have a huge stock of hard drives by filling a warehouse with hard drive boxes with bricks inside each. Thats money in the bank.
>Many more never get caught at all.
Nonsense, CEOs gain nothing but a higher tax bill if they pretend to have a higher income. But like i said, its worthy if they can fool investors, they must reach some balance. Short term its good to get investor money, long term is bad, hence its not something you can keep forever.
It works if nobody can afford to reproduce your discoveries. So anyone can invent fake JWST data, what are you going to do? Build you own $88 billion dollar telescope to prove them wrong?
Thats common in a lot of fields, one group monopolizes the government gigabux instruments or other apparatus and then uses that monopoly as an excuse to shill a bunch of lies that can't be disproved. JWST is a fine example of that
>here a picture of a galaxy 300 gigatrillion light years away!!!
>that means I'm smart and sheeeiiiiittt and u have to do what I say!!
and all they have as proof is some pixels they probably drew in paint, its retarded and so is anyone who falls for it
Bad example cause all astroshit is retarded, its the most useless branch of science, its a shame so many fags pay so much attention to it. If the $88 trillion spent on JWST wasn't stupidly wasted it could've ended up doing a lot of good in useful projects which actually benefit people other than publishers of astro journals
Journals explicitly refuse to publish research that is just testing of other published research
You can publish it and my group has. It's mostly about finding the angle and the way to push it out.
Faking data is based, but getting caught faking data is cringe. Thats why you have to make sure to lie about things that cannot be disproved.
>Thats why you have to make sure to lie about things that cannot be disproved.
CERN's trick of autodeleting all the LHC data was constructed around that principal
They use that on JWST too, all the original raw 'data' is deleted after its generated by the AI and the fake science they produce is all based on the 'reduced' data sets
>Raw data is immediately available to whoever requested it
>All raw data is released to the public after one year
A guy proposed earth was an organism and he was still writing books in the 00's
>CERN's trick of autodeleting all the LHC data
yeah bro I can't believe they don't back up the 1 petabyte per second of raw data and release it as a 31 zettabyte torrent each year, what were they thinking
i can see it
they designed the system, why did they design in it generate mountains of useless junk information if they weren't planning on cherrypicking nonrepresentative data?
sensors sample data, if it samples at 1 GHZ then thats 1 GB per second for one sensor. You can still just see that data as some graph. The raw data isnt for you to read, its for programs to process
nice excuse, but everyone knows LHC is fake and gay
its even more cringe if its not fake. all that money wasted to produce nothing of any use and no interesting or even noteworthy discoveries.
if they didn't just steal all the money and fake all the results then they're hella cringe incompetents
who is that?
>You are supposed to be the smart ones.
no they aren't, nerds are all retarded losers, everyone knows that. smart people don't become scientists, they do something useful and important with their lives like being a lawyer or running a business.
Faking data is based, all the pros do it. Results matter, not methods. If you want to be a famous scientist you need results
Jan Schön dindu nuffin wrong, the people slandering him are racists.
tsmt. everyone remembers the piltdownman chads, nobody knows about any of the other anthropologists of their era
The other anthropologists of that era all ruined their own reputations when they fell for the Piltdown man chads' epic trolled prank
>can't prove me wrong if i hide all my evidence
this is 'science' in the current year
>Why are scientists so stupid?
Its a prerequisite for studying science. Smart people don't go to college in order to study for a decade so they can qualify for a low paying job, only dumb people would do that.
>their scheme collapsed
Their scheme didn't collapse, it was intentionally destroyed by the people operating it because they wanted to take the money and run right after 9/11 when the media was focusing everyone's attention elsewhere
Ken Lay's death was faker than Epstein's, Saddam's or Bin Laden's
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really makes you wonder about all the people who were a little less blatant and ended up succeeding as a result
If he was any race other than white he could've just accused the people pointing out his fraud of racism and he would still have his job
He should've claimed to be a woman and then used 'sexism' or 'transphobia' as his get-out-of-jail-free card
The Altzheimer scandals show you can get away with it AND also build a successful career based on all out fraud that nobody could reproduce. Retraction Watch is full of these stories.
The Bogs proved it true in physics long before the Alzheimer scandals became public knowledge.
The Bogs' jargonslop physics papers went unrecognized for what they were because they were no more fraudulent than the rest of the papers publishing in that sector
Nobody could read those papers because they were so jargon heavy.
And nobody wanted to admit they were too dumb to understand them, so everyone just signed off on them
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damn nigga
nobody reads any replication crisis journal papers anyway. the academic press is just a subset of the vanity publishing industry
Thats why publishing lies is so based, you will never get caught because even the peer reviewers won't do much more than glance at your figures and read the first couple sentences of your abstract and maybe the conclusion if you have one. The guy on OP was singled out for witch hunt treatment because he is a white male and probably made the mistake of revealing his power level to someone.
he should have tried being black or a woman or gay or jewish, then it would have been racist to call out his lies and nobody would have ever done it
Tons of science is like this and we never call it out. Like the CMB. Its 100% made up bullshit but we just pretend like it isn't.
t. failed highschool

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