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Share interesting integrals ITT.

[math]\int_{a}^{b} (x-a)^n(x-b)^n \mathrm{d} x[/math]
Isn’t this just a variant of Euler’s beta function?
I checked out and it indeed seems to be.
The logarithmic integral is pretty cool, especially for the prime number theorem
\text{li}(x)=\int_0^x \frac{1}{\ln(t)}\text{d}t
\\ \lim_{x \to \infty } \frac{\pi(x)}{\text{li}(x)}=1
\\ \text{where } \pi(x) \text{ is the prime number counting function:}
\pi(x): \text{number of primes less or equal than x}
[math]\mathfrak{B}=\{f\in C(\mathbb{R}) : \int\int\int f(x)d^3x< \frac{e^{i\pi}}{11.999\dots}\} [/math]
The Barnett integrable functions have been a source of mystery for many years, I suspect there are profound theorems hidden within this set, which would change the world forever.
You could have greentexted Perelman’s quote, you know

crosspoast im publishing on 4chan
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The infamous Cleo's integral...

The integral doesn't have an official name and is
only one of the 39 difficult integrals they have
solved on MSE during that time (2013-2015).
The integral gained its fame from the unique and
unusual solution that arose when solved...
and fame for Cleo who presented the answer as is
without any explanation. Based, if you asked me.
This one is from >>16499324
Kings Rule
maybe he is perelman
Are there any almost continuous functions that are Lebesgue integrable but not absolute (improper) Riemann integrable or vice versa?
>and vice versa
never happens because Riemann measure is a type of Lebesgue measure
i dont even solve math by hand i just conceptualize it and its non linear patterns then find what to optimize for thats it if i really need to i use symbolab im a half ass quant
What are you talking about?
Riemann and Lebesgue measures
What is a Riemann measure?
A measure used in Riemann integrals?
Undisputed goat
Riemann integrals do not use measure.
Riemann-Stieltjes integrals in general.
\int_a^b f(x) dg(x)
Every integral does. Read a book.
Okay, why does MCT fail for Riemann integral if it uses a measure?
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An integral inequality from >>16509888
Doesn't look too bad.
Choose the sqrt branch cut to be [-1,1].
Write 2I as the cc integral around [-1,1] where the value just below the branch cut corresponds to branch intended in the integral.
Deform the contour so that it becomes two clockwise integrals around the log branch cuts: i/2 + [-1/2, 1/2], -i/2 + [-1/2, 1/2]
Use formula:
[math]\int_a^b f(x)dx={1 \over 2 \pi i}\oint_{[a,b]}f(z)log({z-a \over z-b})dz[/math]
that’s really neat. The argument of log looks a lot like a Moebius transformation. Is there something going on symmetry-wise?
Now, how about this integral of a hypergeometric function that Cleo found a closed form for in 2014?
Idk if there is much to do with mobius.
There are a few ways to understand, though.
1) If you differentiate wrt a or b, you get the usual residue formula. Since you end up with opposite signs for f(a) and f(b), it sort of explains why one is the numerator and the other is denominator. You can also just add the integral for [a,b] and [b,c] and things telescope the way they should.

2) The log is just a result of doing riemann sums via cauchy residue.
[math]lim_{\Delta \rightarrow 0} {1 \over 2 \pi i}\oint_{[a,b]}f(z)\sum\limits_{n=0}^{{b-a \over \Delta}}{\Delta \over z-(a+n\Delta)}dz =\\
{1 \over 2 \pi i}\oint_{[a,b]}f(z)(\int_a^b{dw \over z-w})dz.[/math]
this is interesting
This one right here
This is another thread of mine. I found it on an old hard math problems website.
a classic!
>The log is just a result of doing riemann sums via cauchy residue.
Interesting. This looks like some kind of "discretization" of the interval [a,b] into a countable set of equidistant poles. But from this argumen f(z) must be entire?
f just needs to be holo on the interior of the contour that circles [a,b].
Greetings anon

Which is the function inside?
The function inside is [math] {{1}\over{x^{1/2}}}\cdot \left[{}_3F_2\left(r,s,t;u,v|-x\right) \right]^2 [/math] where r,s,t are the top 3 fractions and u,v are the bottom 2 fractions.
But the original function has a pole at the origin…
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In this special case there is no pole really there because the log zero cancels the 1/x.
Since this is true, you can deform your initial integral path off the real line.
Then once you have the two isolated loops you can apply the result.
I will draw the deformations.
[math]\int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin(x)}{x} \, dx = \frac{\pi}{2}[/math]
[math]\int_{0}^{\infty} x^{k-1} e^{-x} \, dx = \Gamma(k)[/math]
What’s a good book to learn integration properly?
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that is cool
ends and coends
idk what they do
i fucking hate integrals so much, i cheated through all the classes fuck
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Here's another
[eqn] \int\limits_{0}^{x} \frac{log(1-t)}{t}dt = -Li_{2}(x) [/eqn].
Cool particular case is
[eqn] \int\limits_{0}^{1} \frac{log(1-t)}{t}dt = -\frac{pi^2}{6}[/eqn] (Basel Problem).
Basel problem? More like based problem
>No one posted the best integral in an entire month
It's over for /sci/

[math] \int_\mathbb{R} e^{ikx} \,dx = 2 \pi \delta(k) [/math]
>Thinking of distributional identities as actual integrals
kys physics nigger
You shouldn't suck so many cocks with that foul mouth of yours
how do you solve that one?
Dirac delta is just the Kronecker delta of continuum.

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