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Adding fluoride to drinking water reduces IQ, so why do they do it?
It can't be for dental health because low IQ people will not be smart enough to care for their teeth properly, they will lack the foresight to do so and/or lack the brainpower to do a good job of it.
The only reasonable explanation seems to be that its done to intentionally reduce people's intelligence. What other reason would make sense?
doctors prescribe statins despite the countless damage they do to muscles and bleeding problems yet they still proscribe them
Statins dissolve cholesterol
The brain is made out of cholesterol
So statins make you low IQ
The reduced intelligence conspiracy seems likely to me.
> low IQ people will not be smart enough to care for their teeth properly
You don't know anything, do you? There's 80 IQ people with perfect teeth because all they care about is their appearance
>Adding fluoride to drinking water reduces IQ,
According to what? I've read the Chinese study that showed a drop of like 3 points in a particular area with a very high concentration of fluoride. That is extremely weak evidence because there are very many other factors that could cause that drop, which is small to begin with. It's a terrible study. I read a few other studies one of you fluorotards linked and they were also totally unconvincing (I didn't bother to remember the details). Furthermore, fluoride occurs in many natural water sources in similar concentrations to what they add to tap water. Furtherfurthermore, it's good for your teeth, yes.
>a significant portion of locales with high water fluoride just have a naturally fluorinated water that's mistreated
>t. grew up in isle of wight co in VA (but was carried and born in alaska, lucky me) everyone there has the most mottled teeth you'll ever see and they've known about it since at least 2003 but are genuinely too retarded to do anything about it.
tbqhon it's not so bad. fluorosis saved my ass when I was all depressive and stopped brushing my teeth/taking care of myself. went to the dentist after four years of maybe brushing a hundred or so times total with zero cavities, but shit, if it means I miss out on pearly whites so be it.
>REEEEEE fluoride doesn't cause IQ loss
>t. every idiot who has ever been stupid enough to consume fluoride
just more of dumb people having dumb opinions
>Why do we put fluoride in the drinking water?
>To prevent tooth decay
This used to be reasonable to me but now it just sounds like an absolute non-sequitur. Suppose that you had never heard of this, and then one day someone proposed we do it. You'd think that person is insane
I have 160 IQ and I drank midwest tap water for the first 25 years of my life
It happened like this
>be you
>small community drinking (fluoridated) well water
>your people do not easily get cavities
>notice other neighboring community gets cavities a lot
>they have different enamel from you despite having virtually identical diets
>check their water
>contains less fluoride than yours
>"what if we add fluoride to their water?"
>tooth decay rates drop drastically
>most people are too stupid for yet another brain defect to be noticeable
you arent 160 iq nigga i am
that is true they cause cognitive decline
dumbass it lowers the cholesterol making enzyme in your liver
every single drug a doctor prescribes is meant to make you come back for more "care", you're not meant to be healthy after a doctors visit
tooth decay happens because of a grain based and nutritionally incomplete diet, not because of a lack of flouride
people who drink fluoridated water should be kept out of STEM because their IQs are too low
if it only helps by coming into contact with your
teeth, why should you drink it?
There is one benefit of Fluoride.
It poisons insects and rats as well as humans.

Sulfuryl fluoride is used to control a wide range of pests. Some of these include bed bugs, termites, rats, and mice. Sulfuryl fluoride has been registered in the United States for use in pesticides since 1959. All sulfuryl fluoride products are restricted use pesticides (RUPs).

It should also kill microorganisms like amoebas, freshwater parasites, and rodents.

Fluoride is absolutely shit for the teeth and poison for the body of humans.
>thank god I don't consume hydrogen or oxygen. H2O2 is poisonous!!!
the fucking state of this board.
If you refer to his picture, the exact same compound (NaF) is used in toothpaste and insecticides. NaF is also added to water supplies.

It's funny that you're getting particular about specific fluoride compounds now but a common deflection used by fluoride lovers is that "natural" fluoride is present in water everywhere. Calcium fluoride actually turns out to be less absorbed and results in 2-5x less harmful effects in humans and animals than sodium fluoride.
I am ok with losing 3 iq points in exchange for healthy teeth
i live in a place with unfluoridated water and my teeth are find. you have dumb opinions because of your fluoride reduced mental capability.
the dose makes the poison
>twice the recommended limit
Are you somehow distilling water to up the concentration of water? No? Then you're fine. If it's in the recommended ratio to water consumed it won't have any affect. This is like saying that you need to be scared of air because if you only consumed CO2 you would die
Does low IQ cause fluoride drinking or does fluoride drinking cause low IQ?
Whats the causality up in this bitch
ppl that drink fluoride are to dumb to understand how stupid it is to drink fluoride.
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the fact that they're stupid is the biggest problem with idiots. they wouldn't be such a hassle if they had the intelligence needed to learn how to not be retarded.
>it won't have any affect
you can keep on imagining that if you feel the need for a coping mechanism, but you're wrong. humans evolved to be intelligent and they did so in an environment with no fluoride added to the water. consuming fluoride is proved to lower IQ, if you're drinking fluoridated water you are reducing your intelligence. you may have already reduced your brainpower to the point that you're too dumb to recognize the harm that you're doing to yourself by drinking fluoride
the people who keep on presuming they can improve on nature always end up only causing problems
evolution of the gaps theory.
reading this thread reduced my iq
by a weird coincidence, that make me more likely to enjoy this thread
also more likely to drink fluoride
We'd have cities on Mars by now if it wasn't for fluoridefags
Is the fluoride stare real then?
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such progress
how come you sound stupid as fuck then
Given that is has long been well known that fluoride cause intellectual disabilities, if it wasn't being put in the water supply maliciously then there would be strict rules about monitoring fluoride levels in the water to insure that it isn't excessive and your local utilities would be required to inform the public of the local fluoride concentrations. The fact that nobody seems to care enough to do that strongly suggests that the fluoride was put in the water intentionally to lower people's IQs. I'm rural and have my own well and send samples out to a lab to test for contaminants regularly. Its fairly insane that urbanites aren't equally concerned about their own water safety
Drinking out the tap surely correlates with lower income and success. It doesn’t cause it tho
>The effect magically starts and stops at the recommended limit

You've clearly consumed a lot of flouride.
This is utter nonsense and I suspect your education stops just after "The Cat in the Hat". It sure is a zingy talking point on 4channel.socialmedia though huh?
It is very real, way too real.
this, it was noticed ages ago that people who eat meat and dairy based diets have healthier teeth and bones and people who eat animal feed have weaker teeth and are dumber and wimpier
>twice the recommended limit
Also the study found the decline was marginal.

Also also, the study had fuck all to do with "adding" fluoride. It looked at fluoride levels. Remember, plenty of places REMOVE fluoride to get it to within whatever the local limit is because it naturally occurs in many water supplies.
Unless you think eating apples kills you, we agree that the dose makes the poison and you need to shut the fuck up and stop huffing glue.

Replicate the results within the legal limit or fuck off.
Your brain has been damaged by your fluoride consumption so you invent weak false equivalencies in order to deny that you have reduced IQ.
If you were intelligent then you would admit that your harmful fluoride consumption was a mistake and you would cease it, but your IQ has been reduced too far for you to do that.
>false equivalence
"The dose makes the poison" doesn't magically stop and start with different chemicals.
If you were intelligent then you would admit that your harmful paste consumption was a mistake and you would cease it, but your IQ has been reduced too far for you to do that.
People who drink fluoride still get cavities, its not like the fluoride is doing any good. All it does is reduce your IQ
> doing x causes z
> why are they doing z?
I'm glad someone finally said it
>people who drink water still get thirsty
Fluoride is a byproduct of aluminum manufacture. All those planes, soda cans, and everything else - the fluoride has to go somewhere.

I've seen pictures of fluoride-manipulated shrunken brains. Ever wonder why we find old skeletons with great teeth?

The other important part is how many varying forms of sugar are packed into so many foods.
>so why do they do it?

They want to cripple our pineal glands to stop us from connecting with the akashic field

I live in a fluoride free water district and I never get cavities. Fluoride does not protect against cavities, I would have tons of them if it did, way more than the people who drink fluoride and still get cavities
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this, there is no evidence that fluoridated water is good for your teeth
Fuck off you imbecile ignorant piece of shit.
Stupid idiot, you don't know shit.
Retard take.
100% true and real.
Fluoride doesn't protect teeth at all, is only a poison one needs to use after every meal in concentration high enough to kill cavity bacteria. Drinking it diluted is fucking stupid.
>Adding fluoride to drinking water reduces IQ, so why do they do it?
Please stop noticing, don't make me call you an antisemitic conspiracy theorist
>you should drink fluoridated water
but also
>fluoridated mouthwash? you should never swallow that
>fluoridated toothpaste? always spit it out
Yeah, thats one of the big tipoffs that fluoride shouldn't be consumed. Putting it in the water is literally poisoning people's brains. If you ever wonder why Idiocracy is coming true, fluoride is why
I dunno dog I think I'd need a lot more care if I was constantly psychotic from bipolar disorder. Putting me on meds for my epilepsy probably wasn't a bad idea either.
>Putting me on meds for my epilepsy probably wasn't a bad idea either.
wrong, its a very bad idea, those meds give you the opportunity to pass your defective genetics to subsequent generations
>I would have tons of them if it did
Why would fluoride protecting against cavities cause people that don't consume fluoride to get cavities?

>I live in a fluoride free water district
Your district isn't fluoride free. It's *added* fluoride free. Fluoride naturally occurs in drinking water in a lot of areas. Hell, in some places they have to remove fluoride to get it down to recommended levels.
>fluoridated mouthwash? you should never swallow that
They make alcohol free mouthwash if you're that set on drinking mouthwash.

It's for people that are too mentally or physically gone to control when they swallow.
3 pts is fairly significant and has a measurable economic impact.

A recent court ruling in the USA concluded that it was toxic.

How many doctors have spent any amount of time trying to find the root cause of your disorders so you are free from the 'meds'?
>3 pts is fairly significant and has a measurable economic impact.
Which is why there's legal limits.

>A recent court ruling in the USA concluded that it was toxic.
No. It didn't. It found there was a *risk* that it was toxic and ordered the EPA to address that risk...which they did by concluding it wasn't. They also called the judge a fuckwit.
Reduces IQ means people get lower IQ, not that they get a low IQ. Are you low IQ or something?
so if fluoride is good for teeth then shoudl i use flouride toothpaste and floss? as long as i rinse well ill be better off right
also the u in fluorine should be removed like it was is colour
>find the root cause of your disorders
There is significant evidence those disorders are genetic, but their complete nature is extremely complicated so such research must be done on large scales over several decades. At a certain point you have to trust modern medicine because it has worked for many, many people, and other matters in life are too pressing to risk suffering another seizure or manic episode by taking your health into your own hands.

Now you may actually have a point there.
population control
Why do you want a high IQ anyway? So you can think more racist thoughts? Nice try chud.
It's been explained as a form of harm reduction.
Certain portions of the population have a tough time taking care of their teeth for whatever reason.
Fluoride by itself has apparently shown to improve dental heath in absence of regular or proper care.

Everytime you point out how a well devloped country doesn't add fluoride the above explanation is said and it's implied the US is incapable of teaching proper dental health and fluorination is basically compassion to improve a bad situation.

Problem is that even if the benefits outweigh the risks, some just refuse to let go of fluorination as it's become a sacred cow of how scientific studies and research can shape public policy.
Scientists for some reason just can't be humble that chlorination and the adding of calcium, magnesium and other minerals have done way more good for public heath than fluoride ever did or could. I wonder why they don't take credit for that?

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