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Coldest weather of all time in Canada

Cold temperature record from 1940 broken in Manitoba

Manitoba’s cold weather broke several temperature records in different communities on Thursday, including one that had been in place since the 1940s.
According to a weather summary from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), four communities in Manitoba set new records for cold temperatures.

The coldest? The Roblin area reported a temperature of -37.1 C on Thursday. The old record was -35.5 C, which was set in 2000.
The Pilot Mound area reported a temperature of -34.3 C, down from the previous record of -33.9 C set in 1940.

Even for Canadian weather this cold in unprecedented and has never been experienced before.
'We're not used to it this year': Extreme cold impacting Winnipeggers
Extreme cold to 'linger' in southern Manitoba: ECCC
Colleen Bready's Forecast: How long will the extreme cold last?
The Carberry area set a new record of -36.8 C, breaking the record set in 1995 of -35 C.
Finally, the Carman area reported a temperature of -34.6 C, a drop from -33.4 C reported in 1995.
the sun needs to start working harder this some bullshit
Almost as if we're in a solar minimum and em maximum holy f
We just need to detonate Panama.
Global Warming means more unstable weather. This is further proof of that.
More ice = more stable

Simple as
Learn what the polar vortex is and what the consequences of it destabilizing are.
>Imagine being this retarded
Breaking 100 year old cold temperature records wouldn't be possible if global warming was real
It's climate change now chud
There can be higher avarage with bigger deviation, but you're dumbfuck so you won't ever know.
thats not how the rumored greenhouse effect works. during the day the sun warms up the whatever part of the planet you're at and during the night it cools off. the proposed greenhouse effect makes the cooling off phase less efficient which means that the lowest temperatures of the day should be substantially warmer if the greenhouse effect was real. recording all time low temperatures under those conditions should be impossible.
since record lows are recorded regularly that proves the greenhouse effect theory false.
Is this a stereotype??? lmao at this
evidence doesn't trump theory when the theory was created for political reasons.
Northern and central India are all experiencing record low temps currently.
>I don't understand how the greenhouse effect works or what consequences it has on the environment so that means it's not real
>the greenhouse effect
Greenhouses function because they have a rigid barrier which prevents convective cooling from taking place. No gas can reproduce that effect.
Fuck off you retard monkey, we don't need morons like you here.
That wouldn't be possible if the CO2 induced greenhouse effect was real.
It's climate chude now chang
Glad to see IceAgeFarmer's schizo ramblings still carrying strong into the year 2025.
It's sadly not real though.
Its completely real, you can read through the whole archive of the Eugene Register-Guard and a lot of other newspapers on the news.google.com archives.
what'd I miss?
a good meme
Unfortunately this is what normies think everywhere: colder winter good. The real effects of global warming are more unstable and extreme seasons, be they winter or summer.
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>our predictions of global warming have all failed to pan out so we're using this different even more ridiculous new lie instead
that lie has also already long since been disproved
protip: if you genocide all the shitskins then its not racism since you're treating them all equally
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>ice levels have gone up for the last 40 years in the Antarctic at a median rate of 150000km2 per year
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>Arctic ice is too strong for Norway's strongest icebreaker
This could not possibly be happening if global warming is real
To the surprise of no one with a working brain it was just another fraud from the left lunatics.
This, people who don't understand math or physics, particularly thermo & radiative transfer, should stop trying to discuss this topic.
We've been in an ice age for 100 times longer than 22k years.
>recording all time low temperatures under those conditions should be impossible.
The greenhouse effect is a global phenomenon. Did we record a global all time low? No? Then shut the fuck up.
proof? Pretty sure that's not true.
>Global warming nutbags: this was the hottest year on record (globally)
>Also global warming nutbags: there's no way to know the global lows! Stop making stuff up!
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Meanwhile where I live we're several years into clearly abnormal winters with barely any snow and even though it's the end of december it was about mid-spring temperatures today,
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>Also global warming nutbags: there's no way to know the global lows!
I actually didn't say there's no way to know the global lows. I said this wasn't a global low. There is a way to know the global low. We measure temperature all over the god damn globe fucking constantly. Global average temperature might be the most tracked statistic on earth.

You have been told you were wrong and for some reason interpreted that as there's no way to know you're right. I suggest you get your eyes checked and your head examined.
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15 day in advance weather forecast is never going to be accurate. will be funny to see how badly this one misses
it's warm through december where I live but I'm glad scientist man is eating shit with his myopic human-centric bullshit
Good points here. That makes a lot of sense.
i hope its real, i like cold weather
Justify the absurd metric in that graph.
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whats absurd about the metric?
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>coldest weather in more than a decade.
Atmospheric CO2 is nearly 6% greater than it was a decade ago, so how is possible that the weather is colder now than it was back then. Why isn't "the greenhouse effect" keeping us warm and preventing cold weather? Real greenhouses don't get cold, they stay warm
>so how is possible that the weather is colder now than it was back then
Coldest Winters!
Hottest Summers!
Sounds a lot like more eneegy in the atmosphere causes more extremes.
OP, come back when we start having Coldest Summers again, OK?
>Hottest Summers!

>What happened to summer 2024?
>mean temperatures running 2.4°C below average under cloudy skies.
What is normal weather? Can scientists even quantify it? Do scientists expect weather patterns to remain the same forever?
If you morons had listenend to Thom Yorke
>"Global climate trends"?!?
>More like schlobal schlimate schlends, amirite?
>If I cherry pick a specific local area at one special moment in time, I know I will win!
>Because the only thing that matters is reinforcing my opionion.
>Checkmate globalists!
Kek. Too easy.
More total energy (higher average temperatures) means more local extremes. Sorry.
>What is normal weather?
it's not about that you retard
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Whenever you read "may" in journalist-slop, read it as "may not" and see if its still a story or just sensationalism.
Same problem with any journalist-slop article about diet or medical opinions.
Chock full of weasel words like "may" means ignore it.
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not terribly accurate
>heres your 2 week in advance weather forecast bro, its accurate to within +/- 50º
>btw i can totally predict what the weather is going to be a century from now accurate to within 1º
>t. science
As the jetstream is weakened due to warmer weather in the arctic it pushes cold arctic air down into North America.

Why do we have to explain this every time there's a polar vortex? Are you just too stupid to learn or what?

>it's cold where I live, therefore it's gold everywhere.

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