explain it
anyone got a working link to that alt hype vid on living in a low trestosterone world looking at the evidence for its decline and behavioural outcomes?He made it a couple years back the original got nuked along with some of the mirrors I had saved
>>16514002>/thread'ing your own postkill yourself
too much ball breakingreturn to trad life
>>16513999>Post says sperm count>Chart says T levelsDepends on a lot of things. My guess is it's a combination of obesity and over sampling of boomers that would have naturally lower T in their old age. Which might also explain why it's started rising again (they've died off).
>>16513999Emo kids wearing their little sister's jeans, next question
>>16513999>talks about a drop over the past 25 years>literally only shows half of that timeline>in the data shown, half shows a dropping and the other half shows an increasing trend>data points don't have error barsWhy should anyone bother with a reply beyond calling this crap?
>>16513999the men they took the tests on got older
>>16513999It went down when Loli was banned. Simple as.
>>16513999>explain itgymfags
>>16513999Excessive masturbation
Idk my T is 750
>>16513999because china is dumping millions of pounds of plastic shreds into the fucking river every day
>>16514331thanks, always quite a disturbing watch
Is there any mechanism through which you could affect testosterone levels through vaccination?Since there is that phenomena where women with more sons are more likely have the younger sons be gay due to her increasing resistance to testosterone
>>16514703not through actual vaccination, but these days you can name any injection a "vaccination" regardless what it's real purpose and function of the shot is.
>>16513999It can't be because science is making the human race healthier. The more science oriented our culture become they more unhealthy everyone gets, why is that?
>>16513999(Anti-)correlates nicely with the rise in atheism... makes u thinkt. low T high IQ athiest
>>16513999This graph is misleading to begin with. Does total testosterone really matter when the percentage of free testosterone is at a healthy level? You can have 1000 ng/dL but a suboptimal percentage of free testosterone, say 0.8% and not enjoy any of the advantages associated with "high testosterone". Meanwhile you can have 400 ng/dL and be around 2-3% free testosterone and look masculine, put in muscle and excel in various fields.Testosterone obsession has to be an elaborate ploy to get more and more men to juice(funny how this is slang for steroids but also a homophone)
>>16517781Low T cope.
>>16513999Since when was it the job of scientists to explain natural phenomenon? It's just a glorified data entry/ data analyst job.
>>16513999They orgasm more often, next question.
>>16513999I'd have to name the East Asian legume that we're not allowed to discuss on 4chan to do that. And now you know why we aren't allowed to discuss that East Asian legume
>>16518629>muh onionsKill yourself you retarded reddit faggot.
>>16513999Toxin exposure and nutrient deficiencies, which is responsible for virtually all diseases and most mental illnesses
>>16513999Probably correlates with rise of single-parent households or onions parents, lack of manly father figures leads to lack of manly children
>>16513999Demasculinization caused by plastics, etc leaching Estrogen activation receptor shaped molecules?
>>16519063Oh yeah, and plastics of course as >>16514245 said.
>>16513999nanograms per decilitre is such a screwy unit. was this diagram made by a vampire who drinks blood from cocktail glasses or what
>>16513999microplastics are the most likely hypothesis atm
>>16519065Who the fuck deleted my first post?Is this board censored now?Fuck you.
>>16518959>Demasculinization caused by plastics, etc leaching Estrogen activation receptor shaped molecules?yep
>>16513999>doesn't say the age ranges tested>doesn't say the average weight group tested>doesn't say the type of food they eat on average >doesn't say if the men jacked off within the last 24 hours which would affect testosterone hormone levels
>>16513999>-40% of the dropped happened during the Obama yearsTranny propaganda really is strong
>>16519905>and then rose again in the obama yearsguess the tranny propaganda died down!
>Research consistently shows a negative correlation between serum testosterone levels and obesity, meaning that as body mass index (BMI) increases, testosterone levels tend to decrease;>https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4476341There is no additional evidence required here. BMI has been movng up and testosterone levels fall accordingly. 75% of the populatoin is overweight now, this accounts for all the testosterone losses. >>16514245Honorable mention
>>16514245and what countries were shipping them to china for """"""recycling""""""" until very recently?
>>16514169loli is for agp
>>16520283Michelle Obama is a literal man in a dress though?
>>16513999Don't care, I got tested at 750.
>>16513999>MeanProbably has to do with the mean age being 50 in the westcuck countries.
>>16513999you are what you eatpeople are eating shit, so they turn to shit
>>16513999If this were true balding rates wouldn't be increasing
>>16522254you're making oversimplified and plainly wrong assumptions about what causes baldness
>>16513999Inactivity. The drop correlates with social media and internet addiction. Men don't go outside, they don't do yard work, the dont chop wood, they dont do fuck all but sit on their asses and phones.
>>16522254Lower test doesn't mean lower DHT. Only a miniscule amount of test gets converted into DHT in the first place. If you're prone to balding any amount of DHT will eventually set it off in a man.
>>16523217baldness is caused by genetics, not chemicals. anyone who says otherwise is wrong
>>16517781yeah free test is the only useful metric. and measured, not calculated.
>>16513999we stopped smoking tobacco only to start ingesting microplastics. it's the only explanation that makes perfect sense.
>>16520254beer is for faggots
>>16524105this, most older people have always been bald
>>16513999>explain itwhy do republitards always screech and scream and never fund some fucking studies? they expect every single fucking question to have already been answered by science
>>16513999Now-ubiquitous plastics leaking estrogens. I stopped eating food heated up in plastic containers and my ng/dl went up by ~30. Ashwagandha and Saw Palmetto bumped it up by about 50, both results sustained over over two years at this point. >>16514221Also genuinely this.
>>16524105>baldness is caused by geneticsI was once told that a man's mother's father is where that gene comes from, and I'm not sure if that's the truth or not but it's been hard to ignore ever since.
>>16525122NYT etc. would say "we can't trust this study because it was funded by Republicans"
>>16524883Awesome, it's Dr. Gay Frogshttps://youtu.be/i5uSbp0YDhc
Pollution? Obesity? Older population? Easy non physical jobs? Micro plastics? Obesity? Prison in the food? Estrogen in the water supply? I'm sure it all matters.
you are too damn fat!
Because the measurement and data application methods are either wrong, incomplete, biased by purpose behind the scenes, or a dozen other things. Drops like that don't just happen relatively instantly like OP pic suggests. Plastics, manufactured materials and otherwise hydrocarbon derived products have been around in society for far longer than the inter-generational span of a handful of years represented by the OP pic.To understand the effect of testosterone on >a single< male would require multiple years of controlled study along with a full genome sequencing, and a complete understanding of genome expression.Take a dozen guys force them to have the same exact diet and the same exact physical output relative to their "natural" body composition, sizes, caloric and physical effort needs and you'll still get misleading results if you can't factor genetic predispositions.like the one poster said, a male with 400ng absolute testosterone but a far better total hormonal balance and 2% "free blood test" has an equal amount of "free testosterone" as someone with 1000ng but only 0.8% "free"The male with 1000ng absolute testosterone also has much much higher estrogen, and all the related breakdown hormonal compounds such as the dreaded DHT. The 1000ng male's natural cortisol levels would be astonishing.Proper testing requires proper data and proper controls.
>>16527225>example of low t male: *posts bald man caked in body hair, BUT hes doing things that my personal strawman does*>example of high t male: *posts man with smooth skin and a full head of hair, BUT he has big muscles and is based and chad*rofl
>>16518836>nutrient deficienciesWe live in world where food supply has never been so abundant AND diverse. What nutrients are we all collectively lacking?
>>16513999Is self evident for anyone who has understanding, the rest are animals who should not procreate.
>>16513999We started carrying 2.4 GHz transmitters in our pockets.
>>16513999who are these men anyway?
>>16514051you have poor reading comprehension
>>16527475Phytoestrogens, but we're not allowed to discuss the source of them because the admins on this website have banned the name of the relevant plant as a means of censoring discussion of the topic
>>16525279can you please show some proof and I'll get on all of those, also all the meat I find is wrapped in plastic, how else do you source your meatalso I thought plastic was only harmful for hot things, is there really transfer otherwise
>>16532711>how else do you source your meatbuy a hunting rifle, faggot. meat is free
>>16534257I'm in Canada, we are sending them to Ukrainehttps://www.terracestandard.com/national-news/canadas-push-to-send-prohibited-firearms-to-ukraine-raising-critical-eyebrows-7697564
>>16513999Fake study by fake people to spread fear for the sake of spreading fear (that's what they get off to).Nothing is happening. Everything is still the same. Go out, touch grass.
>>16513999Video games, porn, internet information overdose. Men are now indoors.More caffeine, the rise of energy drinks, removes test.Someone born in the 90s feels today's society is basically castrated
I'm 34 and my T levels actually increased to like 920 ng/dL a few months back. Last time I checked in 2022 they were at like 770. I try to stay reasonably active, lifting weights and running at least 3 miles about 5 days a week. I also practice intermittent fasting and try to eat balanced meals, a decent amount of meat and lots of vegetables, fruits. I've also noticed I jerk off more frequently, like twice a day, while having sex a few times a week. Not sure why this is, I take Adderall for work which might be a contributor. I also moved down to San Diego in 2021 which is conducive to a healthy lifestyle.I have to imagine obesity and lack of exercise are the major causes of low testosterone. Goyslop definitely doesn't help either.
>>16513999Men jerk off a lot more so the concentration of sperm and hormones in their semen should be lower, also more obesity, and also the proportion of older men in society is increasing so that will lower the average as they skew it to lower levels.
>>16534432>Someone born in the 90s feels today's society is basically castrated>feelsknows
>>16513999Obesity and endocrine disruptors.
>>16513999They're only measuring it in males, female testosterone levels have gone up a lot over the same period of time
>>16537605I lol'd