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>we wuz science muffugguh!!!





that looks photoshopped...
"The extremes of every trait are found in Africa. The extreme case of african intelligence is me."
>the dimensions are there
>but you can't observe their existence or deduce their existence in any way
very convenient stringfags
jewish science always circumvents or avoids the Christian scientific method and instead boils down to 'trust me'
and since their religion instructs them to deceive non-jews (the goyims) then they can't be trusted
Thats why they invented peer review and have managed to successfully replace the scientific method with it
NDT says its OK for us to call him the n-word
well he is an nword so why shouldn't people be allowed to call him what he is in a country with supposedly free speech
Cool he did exactly what I thought he was going to do, can I work at NASA now?
are you a girl?
>Larry Page, Google Co-Founder, Said He'd Leave His Fortune To Elon Musk Over Charity Because Of His Plans 'To Go To Mars To Back Up Humanity'


What has NDT done for humanity?
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why does he hate Christmas so much? you never see him debunking jewish holidays
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>why does he hate Christmas so much
theres a lot of different groups out there who hate Christians.
its a real pic
the pics where he doesn't look stupid are the photoshopped ones
>the pics where he doesn't look stupid
that doesn't exist
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>The magic of Santa clause is part of christian theology with the santa claus 9 magic reindeer and Rudolph and all
WEW lad! You realize that Santa clause is a fucken lie?

Why are Christians always like this?
The Hanukah origin story defies physics, it can't possibly be true
hey, you can't say that, thats antisemitic!
How could one day's worth of oil possibly last for 9 days? How about if there was a black hole involved and it made time slow down? Therefore Hannukkkah proves that black holes are real, checkmate atheists
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>they invented peer review and have managed to successfully replace the scientific method with it
more attention should be brought to this
In doing so it is also important to be aware of the fact that 'soviet' is russian for 'committee'
>Black soience man: *shaves off the outboard ends of his mustache*
>Black soience man: Hannukah is fake! science has disproved it!
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Imagine the massive shitstorm that would occur if scientists started debunking jewish theology, yet its completely acceptable for them to attack Christian theology
correct 'atheism' is just another part of the white genocide agenda, 'atheists' never attack the religious beliefs of anyone other than whites.
>'atheists' never attack the religious beliefs of anyone other than whites.
This is a shame because the other religions are so ridiculous that pointing out how stupid their are is much, much funnier than trying to take down Christianity.
For example, jews unironically have a belief called 'kaporos' in which they think they can absolve themselves of sin by transferring their sins into a chicken and then killing the chicken so the chicken will go to hell instead them
the 12 dimensions stuff comes from kabbalah, jewphysicists are kabbalists
so their religion is based around the concept of committing evil deeds and escaping blame for them
Thats pretty much all there is to it. They don't have any other substantial beliefs.
Have they figured out how to transfer my credit card debt to a chicken yet?

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