Welcome to the Doctor's Lounge.>Is flying with an intrathecal pump considered drug smuggling?EditionPrevious case study: >>16503695
Started smoking cigarettes as an MS1. With my attending money, I plan on going to every state and buying a pack of cigarettes in each one for their unique tax stamps.
>>16518030NiceI'm a zyn guy myself. Well, velos, since zyns are fucking $8/can near me.
Would you let your patient of primary care use things like noopt, phenylpiracetam, etc?
>>16518034I switches from cigs, now I just buy 3 "Nois" pouches a week for €3.9 piece, instead of spending €50 on cigs.
this question might be abysmal, but why does blood loss lead to death? wherever I look it's almost always "muh not enough oxygen to get around" and "muh no pressure and pressure is important cuz... reasons". from my research it's all about how the heart is filled with blood by pressure in aorta rather than it pumping blood into itself as it does to the rest of the body, which is due to coronary openings being closed by aortic valves when blood is pumped from the heart into the aorta. so once enough the blood pressure (aortic walls become flimsy rather than tense) drops low enough there is no longer blood being pumped into coronary arteries and thus low pressure kills the heart. is this conclusion correct, yay or nay?
>>16518129>"muh not enough oxygen to get around"And you have a problem with this statement because?> "muh no pressure and pressure is important cuz... reasons"There's no sufficent circulation without sufficent blood pressure, no sufficent circulation means cells are not getting oxygen at a sufficent rate, no oxygen means no cellular respiration (among other things, but this is probably the most pressing issue) means no energy, means no active cellular processes, means cells die, means you die.>drops low enough there is no longer blood being pumped into coronary arteries and thus low pressure kills the heartLast i checked biological death isn't defined by the heart being dead. You don't technically need a working heart to live short term. What you do need is a functional brain however, and brain is especially sensitive to oxygen deprivation. More than the heart is, 99% sure.
>>16518053Let? Most of the times, yes. Encourage? Fuck no, but only because of the amount of legal jewry it can cause >>16518129>>16518169this, but besides that, I don't understand your hypothesis beyond that
>>16518169>And you have a problem with this statement because?because it's incomplete. saying "lack of blood=lack of oxygen=lack of life" is much like "cause of death: death">There's no sufficent circulation without sufficent blood pressure, no sufficent circulation means cells are not getting oxygen at a sufficent rate, no oxygen means no cellular respiration (among other things, but this is probably the most pressing issue) means no energy, means no active cellular processes, means cells die, means you die.>Last i checked biological death isn't defined by the heart being dead. You don't technically need a working heart to live short term. What you do need is a functional brain howeverobviously, as such I was referring to loss of blood leading to heart failure which then leads to total organ failure (brain first after heart), thus the mechanism of "death by loss of blood due to lack of pressure in aorta that feeds the heart". looking further into the heart mechanisms it is apparent that the heart isn't the first one that dies from loss of blood and thus I am wrong, but I still believe that lack of pressure in aorta is the one reason that will eventually kill the heart. looking further into brain death, not related to blood loss, the heart will keep pumping blood for hours which I quite frankly find amusing.>, and brain is especially sensitive to oxygen deprivation. More than the heart is, 99% sure.so if I understand correctly it is the brain that dies first from blood loss and then the rest follows.
>>16518190Brains don't die. Cells die. People die. Organs fail.
>>16518190>because it's incomplete. saying "lack of blood=lack of oxygen=lack of life" is much like "cause of death: death"Well it assumes you know what cellular respiration and ATP are, which are in high school curriculum in any 1st world country. I hope they are, at least.>so if I understand correctly it is the brain that dies first from blood loss and then the rest follows.Yes. Brain is one of most if not the most energy hungry organs in the body, and at the same time, neurons have very small energy reserves, which as I already pointed out, makes it very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. It takes around 5 minutes of no circulation for neurons to start dying and for permanent brain damage to begin, by the 10 minute mark you're unlikely to survive and even if you do you might as well be in a permanent coma.I mean you can have other organs fail before the brain does in some cases, such as trauma to that particular organ (getting shot in the heart, for example), but it's not really relevant - death doesn't occur until there's no brain activity, by definition. I wish i still had a link, but i did read about a drugged up junkie that got shot in the heart and continued to function for a few more minutes. The same often happens during hunting - heart shots are very common, and the animal will very often manage to run at nearly full speed for several minutes. This is perfectly logical, because as I said, the heart is not technically required to be alive and function, for as long as cells have enough oxygen left after circulation stops. If you want an analogy, if an apocalypse started and the grocery store supply chains failed, the shelves wouldn't become empty in an instant, you could still get the stuff for a few hours.
>>16518216I didn't say I was smart jackass. I just said you're a retard because you're begging for answers for someone who's according to you stupid.
>>16518030Menthols are limited collectors edition, buy them before they're gone like lead paint or asbestos insulation
>>16518304Endless seethe from online degree roasties lol
>>16518304How much of a bitch do you have to be to complain about residents in the lounge?
>>16518304Lynchings. I fucking hate nurses. I'd rather EMT Basics replace them
>>16517817i hope i never piss or shit myself in front of others. been close a few times though...
>>16518417Jokes upon you. Many years past you were babë.
I didn't get covid vaccinated and that's my right.
>>16442461Why do med schools want research so badly? They never say "good" research. Can I do spurious correlations and become dean? Asking for a friend.
feel like shitting on "mid"levels a bit, me
>>16518506>passed the shelfBillions must thrive or however the gomer is turfed
>>16518506but im going to be a midlevel...
Asking all healthcare professionals, and please be honest. My wife cooked some food for me (cauliflower, eggplant, etc). All was well until I drank the soup that came from the pot; there was a small piece of plastic in my bowl. The type of plastic you find wrapped around spice bottles, a very small piece of it seemed to fall into the pot whilst she was cooking this entire time. I managed to remove the small plastic from my mouth but I need to ask; did I just infest toxic substances from said plastic piece via my food and soup? I ate the entire fucking thing and there wasn’t any plastic nor did it taste off. It wasn’t until I drank the soup from said cooking pot where I discovered it scraping my mouth. I’m asking here because google/webmd says everyone has cancer and AI doesn’t understand the question, giving me sources for aptly related things but not matters pertaining to accidentally cooking a piece of plastic with food. Please and thanks.
>>16518563Le heckin microplastics o algoIn reality unless you can clearly see that the plastic melted and you swallowed it the tiny amount of microplastics from boiling a tiny piece can't be THAT bad for you rightYour liver and kidneys will do what they can, trust
>>16518470>they never say "good" researchIf you do shit research and you list it on your app you will be ripped a new asshole according to our Dean of Admissions. You better know your research in and out and it better be real.
>>16518563You're fine. Microplastics are bad for you if the exposure is longitudinal, i.e. you eat out of non-food safe plastic plates that leech plastic into every meal you have = you may get cancer in 10 years.
Question for all US physicians here (no, fuck off homeopathy, naturopathy or chiropractic don't count):How do you feel that the insurance industry is currently spending money on op-eds that shift the blame of rising healthcare costs onto physician salaries despite the fact that physician salaries haven't kept up with inflation over the last 25 years while healthcare costs quadrupled? https://www.reddit.com/r/medicalschool/s/iT9wf8vjbHhttps://www.yahoo.com/news/seven-reasons-why-americans-pay-100720536.html
>>16518563I'm sorry bro, you only have 6 months left to live.
>>16518696Thank God I don't engage with meddit.
>>16518696I need some good one-liners to shut nurses up, share your best.
>>16519099Neg datamining detected
>>16519101Sure whatever if it can make them shut the fuck AND fuck me that's alright with me to, now lets hear it
>>16519099ur a faget xd
>>16519299solid, thanks
Ended the semester with a fucking 2.3 GPA lol. Thankfully, my school is going pass/fail next year.
>>16519099>Don't you have some bedpans to empty?
Hallo son. Yoo doctah? Yoo make beeg money? Yoo know I raise you like da baby? Gimme half yoo salary.
everyone who took part3 of optometry boards in august failed. how can literally everyone fail lmao.
>>16519828Too many brown people were taking the exam so they thought it best to fail everyone to preserve the profession
apparently this guy is a psychiatrist?!?!?psych bros... I'm not feeling good
is two years enough time to do stuff like volunteering/shadowing?I'm 1.5 years into a C.S. degree (4.0 science, 3.9 non) but AI + shit job market is making me reconsidermedicine is the only other thing I've ever been drawn towardswilling to provide further info & sorry if this is shitting up your thread
>>16519849With a GPA like that, just do well on the MCAT and those 2 years of medically related ECs is enough.Maybe get involved in a research project related to AI in medicine, EHRs or informatics for the overlap in CS/med.Just apply broadly because getting in nowadays is a crapshoot. And make sure you’ve done the prerequisites. One mistake I notice with people with a STEM major with plans for a PhD or the workforce switching to medicine is they think they’ve done all the premed courses but actually missed one or two.
>>16518692Initially it made me angry seeing trash articles by people like Noahpinion and Eric Levitz stating our salaries are the real issue and insurance companies dindu nuffin even though financial analyses have shown if all doctors were forced to work for free it would only save healthcare expenditures between 7-10%.They keep comparing our salaries to Europoor doctors but there’s a lot of reasons why we make more than them which this article goes intohttps://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/why-us-doctors-get-paid-more/Then I realized it’s just a sign of insurance companies being scared of public opinion being so harsh against them so they’re just paying off neolib Jews to publish propaganda blaming others like doctors. Note no one is talking about admin or PBMs though.Just Jews being Jews.
>Throwaway because it's probably going to be way easier to identify me going forward if I'm known as "the Redditor who goes to the med school where that guy popped a patient's titty in his mouth".>Apparently he did it earlier today in simulated clinic where we were practicing breast exams. Encounter was immediately stopped and he was asked to leave. He's been telling everyone it was because he was always goofing off while practicing exams on his girlfriend and the ingrained habit just popped out at the worst time. Word has been spreading like fucking wildfire. I didn't see it but a few of my friends are in his little group and did.>I'm Australian btw so no real COVID restrictions anymore if you guys are wondering why we're having in person encounters outside of hospitals.>He's definitely going to be expelled and I'm honestly scared he's going to kill himself. Who would want to be known as the medical student who put the titty in his mouth. Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck.https://www.reddit.com/r/medicalschool/comments/uhgx0g/holy_shit_one_of_my_classmates_put_his_mouth_on/https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/medicalschool/comments/uhgx0g/Any stories like this you guys have encountered in your experiences?
>>16519887You’d be surprised what kind of ways people mess up in Med school. I know a guy who “finger blasted” an SP’s anus during a training session out of habit or humor (hard to tell because he kept a very straight face) and was able to graduate just fine. Poor SP already had an excessive number of students practice on him too to the point that the school had to pay him extra. Also know a student who had to leave an actual patient encounter because she couldn’t stop laughing at the patient, she got kicked out of the program. And know a guy who jumped on a bed and straddled a practice mannequin to do CPR because he thought it was funny, he just got a stern talking to.For extra context the patient was disoriented and screaming in pain from a procedure while I was helping restrain the patient. The other student was on the other end of the room barely stifling the laughter. It was just a very weird situation and almost came off as psychotic honestly.
>>16519887Yeah, another Australian university as well.They lost their dissector's licence because some male pajeet was doing sexual things with the cadavers over night.
>>16519890With CADAVERS? I don't believe that. Mortician in a morgue? That I can believe because they are still visibly the same as when they were alive, but cadavers look as separate from a human being as you can get what with all the formaldehyde and yellowing it looks like a beef jerky version of a mannequin
>>16519889How the fuck do you accidentally finger blast a rectum
>>16519870You are so simplistic desu. Obama made it illegal for providers and insurance to deny for pre-existing conditions or non-payment. Someone can refuse to pay into insurance until they become sick and effectively cheat the whole insurance system. Or a homeless guy could show up, you have to treat him and he walks out with a debt he never intended to pay.We're halfway between socialism and capitalism with this kind of shit.
Look at these greedy healthcare CEOs and their 3-4% margin. Jesus fuck. We should round up all the democrats and shoot them in the head. That's how we save healthcare in this country.
Question about antidepressantsI've read that SSRIs fuck with your balls and reduce male fertilityBut apparently SNRIs (Effexor/venlafaxine, Cymbalta/duloxetine) and Remeron/mirtazapine don't have this effectOut of those three drugs (SNRIs and mirtazapine), which is best?
>>16519999I use Cymbalta if they have back pain or neuropathy.Effexor if they don’t or as a second line if they do Remeron if troubles sleeping or when appetite
hi /med/i kind of want a smart watch as a heat rate monitor and track whatever heart-related metrics i can. are smart watches any good for this sort of stuff these days or is it all useless? any of you guys use a smartwatch for a similar reason?
>>16520129I use a smart watch so I can see if texts I receive matter before getting my phone out. They are generally fine for HR shit but know that doctors don't care what your watch says. A watch saying atrial fibrillation means nothing.
>>16517813I have stopped eating in fear I am going to choke on my food. I have gone 5-6 days with eating very little and chicken broth. I am ordering Outback Steakhouse tonight and am going to try and eat the outback burger with fries. I had some teeth pulled, probably most teeth and my remaining teeth are damaged. I was doing fine until about six days ago when I was eating chili and accidently swallowed a big piece of meat that I didn't chew up. Ever since then I have been paranoid of choking.
>>16520129>are smart watches any good for this sort of stuff these days or is it all useless?Depends on what you consider good. To get a general idea of what your heart rate is and see it improve as you do cardio? Sure, why not. To seriously diagnose anything? No.
>>16520353If you're eating at a restaurant the chances of dying from asphyxiation is much lower because everyone vaguely knows about the heimlich manuever well enough to sort of perform it. If you're still worried then just study how to perform the heimlich on yourself by using the back of a chair, or alternatively just learn how to do anything anything tracheostomy so it doesn't matter if you do choke and you can't get it out since you can still breathe through the pen sticking out of your neck
>>16520353Why are your teeth damaged?
>>16518129Hypovolumic shock. You're pipes no longer have enough pressure in them to work properly so all of your cardiovascular and organ function fail. We're a closed loop system, if we "spring a leak" we loose not only the nutrients and gasses in the blood, but the basic physical pressure it provides, as well. Same with old sewer/water pipes, if they lose pressure they can collapse and become unrepairable, so it's better to keep the pressure up, even if they leak a bit. Takes lots of pressure to pump blood from the bottom of your toes to the top of your head, as well. Once your brain looses blood/blood pressure, it loses function and shuts everything else down with it.
>>16518129Loss of blood leads to a decrease in the ratio of platonic fire compared to the other elements. Earth, being the absolute opposite of fire, increases the most and causes a stilling of the natural vibration of your soul. This creates a disjunction between soul and body to the point where the soul is entirely disconnected. A body without a soul is the definition of death.
>>16518129Another thing to consider young nonmed is that as oxygenation status fails, cells switch to anaerobic respiration, which produces lactic acid. Normally, like in exercise, small amounts of lactic acid can be buffered and processed but hypoxemic lactic acidosis at a large scale can disrupt the metabolism of cells. Remember that all enzymes operate only within a specific pH range, and when the pH drops too low (or raises too high) then enzymes fail and the cell ceases to function, maintain its membrane integrity, produce energy etc.
>>16520815Do oxygen-deprived neurons even live long enough for lactic acidosis to matter? I'd assume lack of ATP is what kills them first, considering anaerobic respiration produces 2 ATP/glucose, which is fuck all compared to 30-40 from aerobic.
>>16521040I'm not really sure how to answer your question with certainty, I was just adding to the larger picture. It's difficult to adequately explain in short form. Hypoxemic organ failure affects not just the heart and brain, you get shock liver, kidney injury, bowel ischemia etcetera. It's a very incomplete picture if all you consider is the heart and brain.
>>16521087>Hypoxemic organ failure affects not just the heart and brain, you get shock liver, kidney injury, bowel ischemia etcetera. It's a very incomplete picture if all you consider is the heart and brain.I don't think any organ other than the brain is very relevant when talking about death from blood loss. Brain death will happen first because neurons are especially vulnerable to oxygen deprivation, by the time other organs even begin to fail, brain will be long gone.
>>16521094Oh if all you care about is immediate causes of death, then yeah. Oxygen is the key because the brain runs out of energy and the cells die, to simplify it. Imagine every red blood cell just poofed away and the volume was somehow replaced with normal saline or what have you. Blood pressure doesn't matter if there's nothing carrying oxygen for the brain Etcetera
Just barely fucking passed this first semester. Thank god for P/F
I wasted my time with CS. I should've gone to med school instead. I can't cope with this
>>16521238I barely passed my first semester too. I literally saved my grade during the last week of school lol. Can't believe it gets worse.
>>16521241It's not too late
>>16521238It gets better MD or DO? Or something else?
>>16521273MD. I've been half-assing everything since there is zero distinction between 100 and 70 and my school doesn't internally rank desu. I'll hustle for the step exams
>>16521241>wasted my timeNo such thing. I'm going to med school at 29. It couldn't really have happened earlier, because it's not even something i would have considered back then, it was things that happened and people i met later in life that made me realize it's what i want to do. In a way i feel like i actually have an edge over younger people in that regard, i've had enough time and experienced enough to truly know this is how i want to spend the rest of my life, unlike so many kids going into it basically blind. Or I could just be an old man coping, but i really don't mind how i spent my time up until this point.Always remember hindsight is 20/20 and blaming yourself for not making decisions in the past that you would make now is like blaming yourself for not playing the winning lottery numbers.
>>16518684>undergrad graduate>you better know research inside and out before getting an offer of admissionGo fuck yourself>>16519849Only be a doctor if you're white and male. Females and nons need to go away.
>>16519870Based>>16519921"Desu" new faggot, or readit faggot
>>16519837damn. i guess i got caught in the cross-fire. time to fly to north carolina to take it again...
>>16520385I fell into depression and stopped brushing them for years. I could have brushed with non-flouride toothpaste but I let them rot instead. I don't know what I was thinking. No one will help me. I am poor. My Medicaid will never pay for implants, my dad never loved me, my mom is a witch. They force me on anti-psychotic shots. Everyone is a scumbag normie who hates me. I was severely bullied, harassed, and basically abused in school. Christ won't return for another 15 fucking years. I have terrible depression. They would draft me without my schizophrenic diagnosis some kike psychiatrist gave me because my witch mother abused me and they all deny it. I am fucked and none of it is my fault. It's like God just hates me and cursed me for no reason! I hate everyone and everything!
>>16521288Well good job passing man, keep it up. You will find you enjoy school more if you're not terrified of your ignorance. Study more. Your patient might need you one day. Or not lmao go into family med
>go on coffee date with girl that seems a little weird but whatevs I'm desperate and she's kinda cute>5 mins into date tries to recruit me for a pyramid schemeweirdest dating experience /med/bros
why do doctors like torturing mentally ill and demented people?
>>16521532Based. I wear a white lab coat and ask people to call me doctor when I sell my health supplements.
>>16521375how do i stop being terrified of my ignorance?
>>16521575Why the fuck do you care? It's just a job. Patients die. Get over it.
Paging internal medicine, paging internal medicine: Need a consult in Room >>16521564
>>16521551I'm in your walls I'm in your walls I'm in your walls I'm in your walls I'm in your walls I'm in your walls I'm in your walls I'm in your walls Haha, just kidding sport. But seriously, take your meds. You're already paying for them and the voices won't stop if you don't.
>>16521585i dont want to get sued
>>16521610If that's genuinely your only fear, don't be. That's what malpractice insurance is for. US physicians get hit with so many frivolous law suits that the malpractice insurance pays for your legal defense and they more or less work in the background 24/7 to field the bullshit claims and have them dismissed to they never ever reach the board of medicine. Also it's impossible to be sued for malpractice as family medical because you're rarely going to be directly handling something so important that you could kill or maim someone because you exist to refer people out to specialists, overprescribe 90% of psych meds despite not being a shrink, and do check-ups, all the while earning community praise and trust as the doctor they are most familiar and trusting of (you literally can't fuck it up)
>>16519828Opto or optho? Very important distinction anon
>>16521602bump. any advice is much appreciated
>>16521622Oh you're the patient? When was the last time you drank as of today? Did you notice any abdnormal discomfort in your abdomen within 24 hours of drinking alcohol? Has the recipient's body accepted the organ or does the surgeon think they may need to borrow some more of your liver soon?
>>16521628I'm just a podiatrist covering the night shift here so I can't offer much help outside of the other doc anons that sporadiclly lurk here. If you're lucky Mengele will be on soon, he's our German internal medicine physician
>>16521629Meant to reply to >>16521622 not your post >>16521628 sorry
>>16521628I drank in moderation (one can of beer and a bit of whiskey) in the middle of this month. Did not feel any discomfort whatsoever. The recipient has not had any issues and apart from having low protein levels (pertaining to his vegetarian lifestyle and maybe age), can be considered healthy
>>16521617it's optometry. it's in the post, and i'd hope no one here would confuse optometry with ophthalmology....
>>16521630You're fine, don't worry footfag>>16521631As a FNP I would say that you should be fine given that it's been 6 months postoperative and there's been no signs of concern. Still you should find a way to slowly reintroduce alcohol to your liver over the next few months so that in the event that something goes wrong you will have minimized the damage and detected it as early as possible. Any testing at this point would be mostly to reassure you and would most likely be unnecessary. Agree with footbro though I would wait until one of the IM docs here can give a second opinion
>>16521629Is it true podiatrists are dentists that have foot fetishes?
>>16521635Which one is the one that works at lenscrafters?
>>16521637thanks anon. also was wondering what do you believe could go wrong? like would I risk developing liver cirrhosis or could it be more serious like suddenly having liver failure? I do not intend to become an alcoholic, I just am planning of drinking socially
>>16521647>In animal models, post-hepatectomy ethanol exposure was associated with enhancedsusceptibility to alcohol-induced hepatic steatosis, impaired cell regeneration, and liver functionimpairment.(5, 6) While there is extensive research on the ill effects of alcohol in livertransplant recipients, research on living liver donors and alcohol is minimal. In the Adult-to-Adult Living Donor Liver Transplant study, 8.4% of living liver donors endorsed symptoms ofan alcohol use disorder within the first two post-donation years, more than any other surveyedpsychiatric syndrome.(7) These concerns led study investigators(7) as well as clinicians(8) torecommend more close monitoring of alcohol use before and after donation, especially giventhe time frame for liver regeneration in donors.
>>16521644take a guess
>>16521652Isn't that what dr glockumfeckin is?
>>16521363I used to be depressed too Anon, and one piece of advice i can give you is, quit the self-pity. Take responsibility for your life.
>>16521575fake it till you make it
>>16521551It's hard work but someone's gotta do it.
>>16521604Why the heck? I've heard that taking pills just makes you more suspectible to voices, and that's what you degenrates that somehow happened to control microwave auditory want.
i want to know more about the human body but I don't want to be a doctor, what should I do
Started taking urgent neuroanesthesia cases in my private practice. Fills my adrenaline crave and monis be good. Doe I feel like there’s something more in life than blowing my money on videogames, whores and coke. Is this what growing up feels like?
>>16521803Depends on the depth of knowledge you want to have. Anatomy doesn't need medical school, you can study that on your own. If you want a good understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathology, etcetera all together then it can be tougher to find a good methodology to appreciate everything. What do you want to learn?
>>16521690Fuck you KIKE!
>>16521693at my hospital, the doctors always inject dementia patients with copious amounts of antipsychotics giving them EPS then laugh in their face and tell them their entire families are dead. i've never understood why they do this
The MCAT will be replaced with an IQ test and personality test. I will make it happen.
>>16522020The MCAT is already an IQ test. The CASPER is already the personality test.
>>16521363Well, I've got "asymptomatic schizophrenia", mom's new boyfriend hated me.
>>16522025The MCAT is not a valid IQ test since it depends on previous knowledge that is written by schizos. It will be a standardized IQ test that is internationalized. The Casper test isn't a personality test you dope. It's situational judgement.
>>16521532This the asian nursoid? Figures.
>>16522030The interview is a personality test then, dumbass.
>>16522051I rest my case as to why we need an IQ test instead of an MCAT. You're bordering on negroid levels of cognitive function if you think an interview is a personality test.>tell me about yourself>why medicine>biggest weakness and strength>etc
>>16522058And they literally have material from which they learn proper responses to questions like "Why medicine".Then people die or suffer, because somebody's parents wanted their child to be doctor, and child is unaware of it's incompetence.
Maybe making medicine undesirable will make people less interested? The volume of applicants needs to reduce. A second option is opening the doors to physiology PhDs that can do clinical stuff. Something like clinical Neuroscience already exists. We need to shove the hyper-specialists off to dusty classrooms and small offices where they can talk to their 1-5 types of patients until they retire. Dentistry is another good example. Make schools dedicated to autism specialties.
>>16521803Read a book? Some med school may also allow free listeners to attend their lectures.
My dad died of cancer recently and I’m looking to get back into medicine. I currently do glowie stuff but I wanna do something actually beneficial with my life. Problem is I had a serious medical condition in college (icu for 8 weeks) that tanked my gpa so I have no idea where to start.
>>16522088Time machine because medical admissions is way too competitive. If you have one (1) bad semester, you are unworthy of even thinking about medicine. Unless you're black then the world is your oyster (for stealing).
>>16522094Not everyone is trying to get into a competetive spec. The specs where you're actually likely to save or change lives for the better aren't even that competetive to begin with because they have shitty lifestyle and pay and that's where competitiveness comes from.
>>16522094Fuck, how would I even go about trying?
>>16522058Well, I'm in medical school and you're not, prem*d.
>>16522102What are some good ones to look into? When I was looking at it originally I was thinking pediatric oncology but I don’t think I have the mental strength for it.
>>16522094It's truly over for me... Might as well just flip burgers and steal
>>16522108>pediatric oncologyI actually came to the same conclusion when thinking what the most "noble" spec would be, as my motivation is quite similiar to yours (in med school right now, kinda old, want to do something good with my life). It's hard to beat saving innocent children from premature deaths. Do keep in mind that ped onc won't have enough patients to maintain a private practice, you will most likely have to work at an academic hospital, do research, or maybe work regular ped as well. You may also need to move to a different city.Other things I'm considering are emergency, immunology, peds, hem onco, surgical onco, general and trauma surgery. I'm heavily leaning towards emergency because I feel like it aligns with my interests and character the most. No sense going into a spec you will hate because you simply won't be good at it, and if you won't be good at it, you might as well let someone actually good at it do it. I'm fully aware i will have to kiss regular sleep goodbye forever and mostly deal with retards/drunks however.>I don’t think I have the mental strength for itWell dude you kinda have to make up your mind here. You can't make a real change if there are no real stakes. Can't save lives if there are no lives in danger. If you want to be in the life saving business, you have to make peace with the fact that some people will die, and if you want to be in the kid saving business, well, some kids will die. If you don't want to deal with that, you should probably consider a spec that deals with quality of life instead. But even then, if we're talking about serious improvements, you will have to live with the fact that sometimes it won't be possible and someone ends up being miserable.
>>16522140I’ve been grappling with that to. I have another sick parent so I’m trying to at a minimum stay on the east coast. As for your second point I know you’re right. I think I’m just gonna have to man up and do the right thing or go FBI.
>>16522154>I have another sick parent so I’m trying to at a minimum stay on the east coastThen ped onco might not be the way to go. It's a very niche spec, childhood cancers are (thankfully) rare. If your area already has enough ped oncos, you're out of luck. Which is why i said you may need to do regular ped as well, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.>As for your second point I know you’re right. I think I’m just gonna have to man up and do the right thing or go FBI.The way i think about it, people die anyways. It doesn't really matter if they die in front of you or on the other end of the world, they're dead all the same. We naturally don't extend our empathy to however many african children died from malaria while writing these posts because we simply couldn't function like this. You just have to limit your empathy in the same way on the job, for the same reasons. If a patient dies despite your best efforts, well, they would have died without your efforts too. All you really have to be worried about is deaths caused by your own mistakes, so you better make sure you don't make mistakes. You will, eventually, that's just statistics, but you need to do everything in your power to do as few as possible if you want to sleep at night, that's the hard part in all of this if you ask me.
>>16522088don't listen to that Floyd minion faggot, just figure out which pre-reqs you need to retake and shoot for above a 3.0 and any DO school in the country will take you. You can retake them at community college for cheap. Weave your dead dad and icu bullshit into a solid sob story narrative in your personal statement and essays and you'll get just as much pity points as the average nigger
How do you guys cope with the US Healthcare system
>>16522170My story? It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days sittin on the porch with my family singin and dancin down in Mississippi.
>>16521325That anon said you need to know YOUR research inside outNow get back to slaving at that lab bench racist ass premed
>>16522218You'd fail your own personality test that you want so bad for admissions lol.
>>16522280>he doesnt get it
>>16522278Racism is a predictor of stable marriage, among other good qualities :)
>>16522280Post skin color and breasts. For science
>>16522170>you must self-deprecate to succeedWhat has this world come to? Why the fuck do normies want to be physicians so bad. 100 years ago, being a doctor wasn't prestigious. Having a PhD was though.
>>16522106>pump and dump MCAT topics>use <5% of the total corpus>proudRight. If we suffer the MCAT and get in, so should everyone else. I didn't know aamc shills were itt.
>>16522379If you're letting the MCAT filter you, you're just a dumbass.
>>16522388It's not about filter. It's about the money and time sink. Why are you standing up for the aamc
>>16522388Also, standardized test scores don't predict IQ well. So, do you Wang regurgitation monkeys or high IQ people for being physicians? I'd prefer the later.
>>16522388>>16522459I can't believe you premed niggers are arguing about MCAT at Christmas. Get a life.
>>16522463Are you going to midnight Mass tomorrow or do you just like presents and food? Get a spiritual life.
>>16522466???Religious schizo lashes out because I reminded him of Christmas?
>>16522170Thank you
>>16522472>premed niggers>get a lifeBut>you're lashing outNurse behavior
Vanguard is currently for their MD Fellow program where you use your degree to analyze biosci stocks
>>16522463Bitch, you're here too, premed faggot.
>>16522522You're right. Let's start a new fight. Where do physicians belong in this dominance hierarchy
>>16522527my ego tells me the third row from the top, but my gut knows it's the bottom 2 rows
>>16522530Achem. Sorry. Pre-postmoderist physicians
>>16522527I am a medical intern with D20/60
What are some good books, or sites which list books; about topic such as end-of-life care, medical assistance \mental health support when confronting death, terminal diagnoses and palliative\ painkiller treatment, etc? And specifically stage IV or V (does this exist?) Cancer from detection to patient's death?
Okay now fight over nipple color
>>16519889>It was just a very weird situation and almost came off as psychotic honestly.Could be a stress response, the average person doesn't know how to react so the body makes up a response.
>>16520129Eh, they're not a solid diagnosis but could be a decent alarm bell.
>>16522175Just do what you can for your patient.
>>16522797Exactly recommend him traveling abroad for better care.
Pa rum pum pum pum.
Merry Christmas, /med/. Even if I argue with you fags sometimes, I still (mostly) love you guys.
Hey guysMy wisdom tooth broke open but there is no painI think it had a filling and not sure how much tooth broke off vs how much is just filling but on one side at least it broke pretty low down and I think that was some bone because it's a sharp break.I'm trying to sort of wash and clean it out by swishing around water in my mouth but there is no pain or cold sensitivity whatsoever, which should mean it's not to the root where it can infect me, right?I'm not sure if it's bone or pulp at the bottom, I can't seem to get my tongue tip quite far enough into the hole to feel the bottom well now that it's broken openI don't have any money or a job right now or any insurance so I can't go to the dentist, is there any very cheap OTC medication I should take or a good way to irrigate it to maybe get a better feel of what's in there?It's too far back to see, I can't pull my mouth that wide.What is a good way to irrigate it?Any "go to a dentist" replies will be cursed, I can't
>>16522991If you do not go to a dentist you will die
>>16523035Thanks Reddit.
>>16522991Dentemp, pick it up at a Walmart or drug store.You just ball it up and bite down and trim the excess, it's not a proper tooth fix it just seals it.If you don't get the tooth cavity cleaned properly first you will die though, and it has temp in its name for a reason, so you need to see a dentist when you can still.Also swish salt water around instead of regular water to sterilize.
>>16522991Take the amalgam pill, but don't swallow it.
>>16522991I'd go off 4chins and find a job if you have literally zero savings and can't even afford a consult.>Any "go to a dentist" replies will be cursedWhat the fuck do i care about your weak curses man, if you were any good at cursing you wouldn't be broke, you would be fucking cute witches right now
>>16523119>cute>witchexplicitly not how it works, zoomer
is anyone health here also NSW Health? it's so over
>>16522170>and shoot for above a 3.0 and any DO school in the country will take you.DO schools are generally high GPA but shit MCATif your GPA is shit, you need a high MCAT still
>>16523072Thanks anon, appreciate the actual reply.My car's battery is dead and I can't find my car starter, so I just ordered some on Amazon. Won't be here until next year so I'm just biting little bits of paper towel off and on for now (want to seal it but not dry it out too much) and brushing my teeth a lot, using mouthwash, and gonna see how long I can fast without issues, could lose a few pounds anyways.Still doesn't hurt at all so good sign.I might walk down to the corner store and see if they have any sort of plaster or putty just to seal it a bit until the Dentemp comes in.>>16523119Yeah, I will, actually I've been meaning to get a job since the end of summer but my last job really broke me down and I haven't done anything since I quit other than use up my savings on rent and eat canned food.I don't have any holiday plans so I'm going to update my resume and get to applying come new years when companies are actually hiring, since I missed the start of this quarter. Hoping jobseeking will be a little better now that companies know Trump will be back, we'll see.>>16523115mite b kool if the job I get ends up not having dental at all and the dentemp falls apartIs it really not toxic though? I don't want to poison myself.And is there a cheap kit I can get somewhere that's easy to mix? I don't mind if my tooth isn't a great shape, sure I can file it if really needed and just biting it while soft with a bit of wax paper or something in between should do some of the molding for me, but I don't want to poison myself or anything if I somehow fuck up the mix.
got my internal med shelf back, 2 points off honorsguess i'll kms myselfjk i don't give a shit so glad to be done with that awful rotation
>>16523126>198 of 295 of staff specialist psychiatrists in NSW resign over shit pay>Health Ministers and AHPRA push fast track for foreign psych, GP and anaethesia with gen med, gen paeds and rads to follow in 2025.>AHPRA dropping English proficiency requirements for foreign doctorsIt is so fucking over.
>>16523159You know... I wonder what life would be like if Hitler wins. It's becoming a daily thought now. If you work with these "people," if we can call them that, then find ways to throw them under the bus. Poison the well. Make fake reports on RateMyMD, etc. You can start eroding foreigner trust right now. Go, and do the Lord's work.
>>16523175summary>https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-23/private-doctors-crisis-rates-nsw-public-psychiatrists/104758242oy vey you can't unionise or organise mass resignations>https://www.asmofnsw.org.au/ContentBuddyDownload.aspx?DocumentVersionKey=a0c6b073-5af0-466c-a172-9ef12366fe08ahpra opens fast track pathway for many specialties with more to come>https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2024-12-20-media-release-Fast-track.aspx?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3wsgTv4uCfYRT2vxTzak5X1OjqjERUQbjVU61U-6UU19bFY2Hn4dwRgK0_aem_jOdofi2REgaBTfQtDDTzfAreducing English requirements>https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2024-12-12-English-language-skills.aspx
>>16523159i thought it was bad enough in the US when i had to talk with spic patients in broken spanish, but trying to understand chink or poo as an aussie is going to be much worse. poor bastards.
>>16523124t. another curselet
>>16523177Abandon the system if you're white. Move to Canada for a similar nightmare, but with more public support.
I'm GMI brosI will become a med student
>>16523222>spend 7 years at uni only to enter profession with government fucking youfeels bad man
Anyone ever been offered cash tip for healthcare?I’m premed working as AEMT and a local business owner threw $200 each at me and my partner for taking his wife to the hospital. My partner acted like I was a fag for giving it back
>>16523205spoonbab curse edition
someone should do a study comparing the efficacy of seeing an escort vs seeing a therapist in treating male depression
do i get to post here as a hospital janny?
merry christmas, /med/bros.
Merry Christmas night float, I'll take hand-off now and get you out of here.
>>16523287Violation of medical ethics, you cannot receive monetary gifts. It strains the patient physician relationship. As an AEMT I do not think taking a gift is appropriate. Best thing to do is have a few charities in your back pocket and ask people to donate in your stead. You can accept small gifts or sentimental gifts like cards, flowers etc but it's a really bad precedent to set.
(1/2)Genuinely one of the most fucked up horror stories I've seen:>Elderly father being taken advantage of by nurse practitioner. What can I do?>My father (70) is functioning but has a long history of mental disorders (bipolar and schizophrenia). He was diagnosed this year with late onset dementia. Again, he’s able to drive and function but it’s very obvious that he’s not well. >He has been going to this nurse practitioner for PRP injections for ED. He has become obsessed with her and she continues to perform a sexual “procedure” and lead him on for his money.>My mom reached out to her in May and told her how unethical it is for her to continue to see him knowing that he is obsessed with her.>The NP first wrote an official letter from her med spa saying that my dad will no longer be a patient there. And then she continued to see him.>Months later, my mom reached out by text message and she again said in text message that my dad will no longer be a patient there. But then continued to see him.>The third time, my mom called her and again she said that she will not see him. Only to again, continue to see him.>Now my parents are getting a divorce and my dad has made it clear to the NP that he is open to a relationship after my parents divorce.>My father told me that the NP told him that her husband is going to leave her and take her children, leaving her high and dry. My father brought up to me the possibility of her moving into my parents home. She is leading my father on. >My father while has he has his problems, does not lie and would not make this up. >There’s absolutely no way that she is serious about anything romantic with my father. >This is incredibly sick. He has given her thousands of dollars and she continues to perform a procedure that gives my father an erection, for money. She is an evil person and I want to do whatever I can to screw her over and makes sure she cannot do this to anyone else ever again.
>>16523515(2/2)>I have the letter and text messages saying that my dad is no longer a patient at her med spa. I also have receipts for every payment he’s given her med spa. >What can I do? Thank you in advance.https://www.reddit.com/r/Noctor/comments/1hlooc8/heart_of_a_nurse_apparently_the_libido_and_morals/
>>16523437>>16523501merry christmas ladsall the best for 2025
>>16523435sureyou have to tell us an interesting story though
>the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score was developed as a side effect of a weight loss study that discovered almost all of its participants had complex childhood trauma
Wife and I too broke to buy each other gifts this year, the kids are happy with theirs Going over to grandma's soon, hopefully a few sets of scrubs and enough rope to hang myself
if my goal is to go into PCP is that seen as a plus or a minus?do schools prefer people going for competitive specialties?
>>16523287>>16523505Unethical, yes, but not really a big deal. I've gotten cookies and some pocket cash from patient's family or food. I always try to turn them down or direct them to a charity or to drop off stuff at headquarters but some people just won't take "no" (I've had people put the money in my pockets). It's EMS, you make shit to begin with and are far more personable, it's not like you're a doc taking a kickback or extorting people. Still, unethical, if I can't talk them down I just donate the same money value.
>>16523182>trying to understand chinkA bunch of people from Myanmar came to my area, I was sent to a possible stabbing with PD which turned into bleeding from the penis after some back and forth with the guy. Don;t know what the dispatch call was like. Of note, I was going to get the guy to the stretcher when I turn and see a buddhist priest in full regalia just standing in the door.
>>16523617You'll actually get in easier if you say your goal is to go into primary care and have a good story to back it up.
>>16523623Cookies, food, etc all goodI am sure there's less of an emphasis on this stuff in the field, and honestly, I wouldn't give a shit if I saw someone "tipping" emergency services. Pre-hospital care is where many many lives are saved and lost. I wouldn't take it, since it's a much much bigger deal in my role. t. applying EM
>>16522904thanks fag, likewise
>>16523617>if my goal is to go into PCP is that seen as a plus or a minus?seen as a plus. everyone lies about it of course, even unintentionally. i thought i wanted FM or IM going into med school and now im applying neuro lol. fuck primary care
>>16523270Once I finish med school it'll be over 10 years of classroom for me. Covid fucked my studies badly.
>>16523427They already have... kind of. The tl;dr is get married and have children. It's good at treating psych problems that are environmental, but not genetic. It also works wonders for criminals and recidivism. No, I won't cite anything.>>16523435Based custodians are always welcome. >>16523437>>16523501>>16523545>>16523607Merry Christmas!
>>16523802My experience with rural GPs has been fantastic. They balance IM, ER, and FM. It's also a spec where you can be a cowboy. For For example, you can force feed someone whiskey for an antifreeze overdose. I've been around them for years of my life and compared to hyper-spec people, my idea of what a physician is lies with generalists. I think it's pathetic that specialists focus on such a reduced scope of practice. If they were ever asked to interpret an ECG for, in your case, a patient with a history of seizures, then they'd be useless and often refer to cards. The barriers specialties make is annoying. Everyone should have a general practice with their speciality as a focus, and not a life long job. Preventive care, once it's well addressed, reduces the need of specialists. There should, instead, be a clinical PhD pathway. Medical doctors should all be generalists first: surgery or medicine. Our current specific/general approach clearly hasn't been working for patients at large.
>>16523699>I am sure there's less of an emphasis on this stuff in the fieldWhen I went through my EMT course they glossed over it, usual "don't do it" stuff about how we're a paid agency and ways to refuse politely (donations). I've found a good one is asking family to reach out to the company and throw in a good word because management.
>>16523866Absolutely, rural medicine is incredible with how many hats they wear. I also have a lot of respect for emergency med docs, the shear volume and variety of patients and complaints they see is really impressive, I've only dealt with specialists a few times and they didn't really impress when operating under stress or in a general capacity.
>>16523866>rural GPs>>16523875>rural medicineReddit.
>>16517813Is it possible for an non-US img to match into Family medicine in East Coast, Midwest or West Coast near a metropolitan area?
>>16523964Depends on where you are from.
>>16523623Last time some granny tried to put a benjamin in my pocket for resuscitating her i broke her wrist and smashed her denture in with a wwe stone cold stunner. WE DONT DO IT FOR THE MONEY WE SAVE LIVES BECAUSE THATS OUR CALLING GET WELL SOON MAM. Hope i teached that old bitch a lesson
>>16523889Why is this a reddit? I interacted with many specs and GPs. I always looked up to GPs but specs were pretentious dickheads who knew nothing outside of their scope. They probably couldn't even change the tires or breaks on their Mercedes. Now, GPs will ride a horse into work and wave at the fair maidens as they epley maneuver your mother because if you don't reply she will die in her sleep tonight
>>16523968Was this before or after you fucked the ER nurse and everybody clapped?
>>16524023By any chance do you happen to be a radiologist or anesthesiologist?
>>16523970Why the fuck would you want to redo your residency to practice medicine in Shartmerica?
>>16524025Why do you ask?Future vascular surgeon though
>>16524027Because you're an autistic faggot who can't tell the most obvious joke
>>16524028yep you have frogs
>>16524028Are you a newfag or autistic yourself? Can't tell
WellGot a stethoscope holster and two pairs of scrub pants in a brand and color I don't have a top forMerry Christmas
>>16524037Bitch, you have money. You can easily afford that shit.
>>16524045I'm a third year medical student anon i am beyond broke
>>16524053I don't believe you. Too many in medical school are pretending to be broke. Knew a dude that said he was broke but he was driving a Lexus.
guys im broke. can i put up a gofundme here while i sail around the mediterranean to pick up life experience? thanks.
>>16524056Suit yourself anon I don't really care if you believe me Anyways merry Christmas here's to 6 weeks of psyche for a relaxing last half of winter
>>16524056I drive a luxury car but it's a beat up 08
>>16524064What happens if someone takes a leave of absence to just enjoy themselves like this? Is it a kiss of death for residency application? I want to do a leave of absence to pursue my hobbies more, desu. I used to have hobbies before this shit.
>>16524136Fair enough. I've had some people tell me with a straight face they were broke when they had 2 parents as doctors though. I had to sell my plasma to apply to school lol.
>>16524143LOL I have mentioned this before but I literally would not be able to attend w/o scholarships thanks to falling in the middle class, that age old enemy of American education's financial aid algorithms
>>16524150I don't even think I'm the poorest guy at my school. There's some poor dude at my school who has a job because he literally is that broke. I feel for him.
>>16524154Ouch. Why isn't he just loanmaxxing and getting work-study? That's the entire point of federal student loans - if you live a frugal life, it should theoretically be possible to live off the maximum amount of student loans. I don't think I would have gone to med school if I had to max them out, but it's better than working FTE for your grades...What's his plan for clinicals?
>>16524156>Ouch. Why isn't he just loanmaxxing and getting work-study? That's the entire point of federal student loans - if you live a frugal life, it should theoretically be possible to live off the maximum amount of student loans.I'm not sure actually. Maybe he didn't think about that? He has multiple part time -jobs. For one, I know he works as a receptionist for a local gym so he can study while working which is good. For the other, he's a crossing guard for the local school. The other, I forgot. Either way, he's grinding.
do antipsychotics cause suicidality as a stand alone side effect? I swear ever since I started taking them I've wanted to kill myself. it's been over a year now and I still think about killing myself almost every day. it's not any kind of emotional distress or depression as far as I'm aware. I just want to end my own life most of the time. Multiple times I thought I'd reached some kind of catharsis and got over it but it always comes back shortly after.
>>16524000Actual atlantean itt
>>16524162>I still think about killing myself almost every dayThat's normal, anon, just ignore it.
>>16524156>>16524158that sucks ass man. Our school has us sign a contract that we will not take a second job, and I'm HPSP anyways so I have two contracts preventing me from employment. The stipend would be fine if I didn't have 2 kids, a wife who can't work due to said kids, and a car payment.
>>16524026I like the US a lot, also the US FM residency is recognized in most European countries and US doctors are among the best trained globally.I probably wont follow up on it (i passed step 1 last year) because the financial/bureaucratic/academic burden for getting a residency spot is not worth it. The system is designed to make it as hard as possible for non-US-IMGs even in less competitive specialities like FM, IM and psych. It is not worth for Europeans/Australians etc to go through all of that out of interest, because the quality of life and salary is roughly the same.The only immigrants who will be desperate for are Indians/Middle Easterners with wealthy parents, for whom having an US trained doctor in the family is a status symbol like a new mercedes
>>16524026Why the fuck wouldn't you? Getting your education outside of US without debt and then going to US to earn bank is the best of both worlds.
>>16524342Can confirm. Fluctuating between internal punishment and external punishment is an axiom of a paradigm that's consistent with the human experience. T. Psy
>>16524393You have to care for many non-whites though. Going somewhere like the Midwest would probably be a good move. Maine too.
>>16524349It sucks for that dude but at the very least, he's pretty smart so he's doing well academically despite everything.
>>16524393You work like a dog in America>>16524404>le heckin nonwhitesWhy even bother being a doctor if you hate your own patients for the color of their skin
yall make rural docs sound like dr. house wearing a cowboy hat
>>16524404>You have to care for many non-whites though.Purely location and spec specific.>>16524406>You work like a dog in AmericaSame as above, plus do you really think doctors in europe have it any different?
>>16524437They get like 2 months of vacation + the job is 9-5 unless you're specifically working night shifts. It's why their salary is so much less on average. If a German doc started working the same number of hours as an American FM doc, he'd be making a similar amount - maybe slightly less
Is clinical pharmacy still worth it
>>16523996In what world are GPs superior to those with more training?
>>16524526It's a common anti-opinion. I'm of the mind that it's a reaction to an internalized inferiority complex. Think of it this way:Family med is not as respected because primary care is "less specialized knowledge" than, say, interventional cardiology. Thus, some people view them as the underdog in an imagined "war" between medical specialties, and seek to exalt them as unsung heroes or something.The reality is that a family medicine doctor would make a shit interventional cardiologist because they lack the training required, and an interventional cardiologist would also make a shit family medicine doctor because they lack the training required. Every job has its own challenges, its specialized knowledge, its limitations, and its drawbacks. Some are more celebrated (conveniently, by premeds and med students who are mistaking average salary for respect).
I wanted to know what doctors know about illnesses, but without being a doctor (job fucking sucks, imagine dealing with p*ople)
>>16524673go to med school, become a pathologistGood pay, medical education, never see a patient
>>16524406I don't hate the skin color. I hate their collective behavior, beliefs, and so on. The skin color is a useful heuristic for seeing what's underneath. Racism is natural and healthy. You clearly haven't interacted with many nons before
>>16524415Some are close. Instead of being smart, they're just fun to be around and often incredibly handsome with no limp. Some are also retarded beyond repair with a limp.
>>16524526Every medical spec that isn't yours is inferior. General med is fun to look at since you have so much variety. All hyper-specs have to look forward to is office jobs, and hoping for a rare disease. Everyone still deals with bread and butter boredom most of the time. Anyone who has hospital admin lording over them and/or works in an office wearing khakis is cringe
>>16524680Shit sounds too good to be true. What are the cons if any?
>>16524713It's a tism speciality and your coworkers will forever be tisms. You also get consulted all of the time for benign shit like >>16524706 said. It's a nerdy spot that inherently has a lot of reading, and a lot of bench work compared to seeing people. But, you see that as a plus.
>>16524713You can also do a pathology PhD.
>>16524717It's not competitive for DO's, right?
>>16524720They don't exist around me. Idk.
>>16524720No, people generally don't go into medicine to be a pathologist. Relatively easy to match.
>>16524727>>16524720Source: i made it up, but it's not bad. Idk about DO
there better be no fucking busriders on /med/
>>16524756What do you have against people who ride the bus?
>>16524760wtf lol.
>>16524570>>16524526Nah that's retarded, the reality is GP is going to do more good because they see more people and deal with a wider variety of their problems. Yes, Interventional cardiology is good at what they do and you're going to want them, but by the time you get to one you'll have consulted/been seen by your GP dozens of time and they've been the one's helping you. After IC does their thing you're going to go right back to them.
>>16524717I'm a pathologist and my coworkers are neurotypical women with kids, I'm the only autist
>>16524713you have to cut intestinesyou know what's inside them
>>16525058What's inside them?
I've been taking Prozac/fluoxetine for 4 weeks now and I probably feel worse than before I started taking themWhy don't these meds work for fuck's sake
>>16525166Depression is a manifestation of "habitual monotony".Because it's a habit where you do nothing it's hard to break, there's no spontaneity happening.All antidepressants act by throwing a spanner in the machinery, just change some random parameters and hope it sticks. A random dude stalking you with an air-horn would be as effective or better for fixing your depression.I've tried a handful of antidepressants. None of them worked. What worked was reviewing my habits and quitting most of them. I swapped the smartphone for exercise. Passivity for actively asking people to hang out or go to dates.I expected a multi-year change for something slightly better.Instead I changed from wizardhood to getting laid in 8 weeks.Modern tech is like a meager pilot flame that is pathetic but it can just enough manage to keep your boredom at bay to the point where you remain passive, forever. In the pre-technological era boredom of a passive life drove people to action.
I'm suffering from grass is greener syndrome.I should've chosen to be a doctor way back then, now I'm an unemployed mech eng with a huge debtAs a doctor I would have a huge debt BUT I'd also have a job
Taking orgo next semester (I didn’t do good in gen chem )
>>16525210I did engineering in undergrad -> medical schoolThe grass isn't greener
>>16524760>tfw will never catch a gangrel breaking the masquerade on the bus>tfw no face
>>16525097bussy juice
>>16525222Can you elaborate
>>16525251On what
Would you rather have ESRD or chronic decompensated cirrhosis?
>>16525483ESRD. Isn't cirrhosis one of the worst ways to die?
i have small bumps on the sides of my pubic area, like where the fold between thighs and pubes is. it actually goes all around to under my balls, like a semicircle. i cannot see anything but i can feel bumps when touching and scratching, they're itchy as hell. sometimes i also get them towards the anus and above the anus, up the crack.i've been to like 4 dermatologists, tried every single cream, lotion, wash, but nothing happens. i wear 100% cotton underwear, im in decent shape, avoid unhealthy food.they literally dont know what the fuck is going on, one dermatologist told me it's just my nervous system making me itchy and recommended me some cream to change my immune system topically (how the fuck does that work) but it had a possible link with cancer so i didn't wanna try that.also, if it's really my nervous system, why is there actual bumps then?im desperate and i dont know what to do. help me /sci/, i also wanted to shot my shoot with someone and maybe lose my virginity but im afraid it might be infective. anyway i've had this for like 2 years at least now.
have you ever had a patient who couldn't afford treatment they needed?I feel like that would kill me inside
Had heart attack like symptoms after taking speed a few years back. When the paramedics put an IV in, the venous pressure was so high that the blood shot out. Never touched that shit since.
>>16525515>I feel like that would kill me insideWell you can always pay out of your pocket if it will make you feel that bad.
>>16525513Its pubic bumps.That will be $1500 + tips.But no seriously nigga you have follicles and skin glands everywhere. That's normal. If you constantly scratch and fondle them they get itchy so don't do it.
I hate working with brownoid patients
>>16525599nigga do you think i lived normally 25+ years of my life and then one day i decided to scratch the shit out of my pubes for no reason? clearly something is going on
>>16525636>niggaKill yourself please
>>16525038Did you ever need to inspect coom?
>>16525205Promiscuous lifestyles lead to mental illness.
>>16525717incel cope
>>16525843He may be an incel, but he's right.
>never had sex>i have a self diagnosed mental illnessit's over.
>>16525522>>16525587oy vey!
>>16525843https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3752789/Honestly, I have to keep pushing women away from me. For some reason I keep meeting insane women. Perhaps it's their sexual history sparking their unhinged behaviors and beliefs.
>>16517813this is the Best OP in a while
>replaces nursesNothing personal, kid.https://www.1x.tech/
>>16525868>Have sex>Stop being neurotic about googled illness that doesn't exist.Worked for me, if I knew how easily it went I'd have done it a decade earlier.
I realized I know almost nothing about my own body. Isn't that crazy? To know more about cars and computers than your own organic machine.
>>16526229>isn't it crazy we know more about our own creations that we designed from ground up than something we had no hand in designing and can only crudely attempt to reverse engineerNot really
Psychiatry is bullshit isn't itWhy did I trust your drugsThey haven't helped after 4 weeks of taking themFUCK Big Pharma
>>16526256>trusting psychiatryLmao
>>16526256It kind of is. But statistically (tm) it works. Also>thinking psych drugs are magic pills even though most psychiatrists (even the jewest of them all) clearly tell you they are a crutch to actually face up the real reasons why are you depressedNGMI.
>>16526933Anon we all know that patients are idiots>why can't you give me a magical pill that fixes everything with no side effects and is cheap or free?>WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO STOP DRINKING IF I WANT TO LIVE??????
>>16525872>omg I feel so bad about these pepople who can't pay for treatments :(>but not bad enough to pay for them myself lmao get fuckedevrytiem
>>16522672When breath becomes air and house of God (not to be confused with house md)
>>16523141You couldn't match IM if you tried. Go match into PM&R with the rest of the brainlets
>>16524026*Laughs in 1m+ per annum*
>>16524162Yes and tell your physician so they can switch you to something that won't invalidate the very reason you're on them like SSRIs or Tricordrazine
>>16524379>US doctors are among the best trained globallyWhat amerislop propaganda bullshit is this? If you want the best healthcare go to France or Switzerland
>>16525218Doesn't matter just learn the material this time and stop having a social life
>>16525513You know the drill, show tits or gtfo
>>16526199Just saw in the NYT how AI now diagnoses better than 80% of Doctors. Our jobs are done for. It's easier to automate intellectual jobs than it is manual labor jobs and with nurses lobby being more powerful than AIPAC it's us who'll be out of a job first
>>16526214How did you do it if it's supposedly ao easy? You're just a brainwashed normie
are there any studies showing effective methods for maintaining long term weight loss with binge eating disorder?
>>16527423I just want to be left alone.
>>16527121>>why can't you give me a magical pill that fixes everything with no side effects and is cheap or free?I never asked for that. In fact I told them many times I don't want antidepressants. But they would say "we don't think you're going to get your life back on track unless you take the pills".
>>16527560I understand your frustration anon. The best analogy I can think of is that antidepressants are like emotional analgesics. Say someone gets a sports injury and needs physical therapy to get better. Without some pain control, doing the work of going to PT, staying active, continuing to go to work etcetera is going to be very tough. High strength Acetaminophen, maybe NSAIDS, muscle relaxants etc in the short term might give that person enough control over their pain so that they can recover meaningfully. Without pain control, they might not be willing or able to complete therapy. SSRIs etcetera are used like this, something to take to help remove a barrier to healing. Maybe they're not the most effective thing possible, but they're what we have.
>>16527560Then what do you want fag? All you have to do is get your life back in track without the fucking pills to prove them wrong. Just stop going to them. That's it. There are plenty of retarded psychology bitches you can pay to tell them how daddy touched you in your special place and now that makes you sad. You don't have to go to psychiatrists. And you're probably only trying one or two types of the several there is, if you insist with being a pest, go to your doctor and tell them it isn't working, they will find one that eventually will. Christ, if there was only a pill we can give retards like you to make them smarter. We used to give you electroshock to at least make you quiet. >>16527156I don't have the funds to help all of them. But that won't make me fall into a kike cope like yours. I will advocate for universal healthcare for those worthy of it, which NEVER FAILS to make kikes like you seethe.>>16527121Idiots OK retards NOT OK
This is your reminder that there were threads on /sci/ about a year ago that some of you may have missed regarding epigenetic resets and cellular reprogramming. You can restore cellular function back to where it was when a patient was in their 20s now.Rentry.co/CR_General
>>16527888Young Blood Rejuvenates Old Bodies: A Call for Reflection when Moving from Mice to Menhttps://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5836258/Yeah, yeah. Inject yourself with baby blood. Yadda yadda. Be gone, juden.
>>16527999Apigenin is isolated from the genus Apium, like celery. You. are. an. idiot.
>>16528008Didn't ask, and I don't care.
16527999>Assumes people have to die so others can liveSuch is the state we find humankind. It's a universe with infinite space, materials, energy, and ideas.
>>16528030>assumes deathWhy do you assume you'd need to kill babies to extract their blood?The rich and powerful can easily get baby blood farms without killing the babies. Epstein already proved he can do if for sex. Also, the health schizo on YouTube takes his son's blood to reduce his biological age.
>>16528039Stfu schizo. Nobody needs baby blood to begin with anymore is the point. Molecules in question come out of the ground, aren't even synthetic biology, and work far better.
>>16527888>>16527999>trips twice>wasted on retarded discussion
>>16528508Based SA2 enjoyer
>>16527515Intragastic balloon + glucomannan + orlistat + multivitamin + >1 gal/day water
>>16527855>I don't have the funds to help all of them.How many treatments did you pay for yet? How much money total? Be honest now.
>>16528039>Also, the health schizo on YouTube takes his son's blood to reduce his biological age.He doesn't anymore, because he didn't notice any benefits.
>>16529242it's easy to talk the talk and offer to use someone else's money. how generous and brave he is.
>>16529242none directly, but I do pro bono sometimes