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>Dutch scientists, who analysed data from 70.000 Brits, found those ate more unhealthy plant-based diet had a higher chance of suffering from frail. but this was even higher for some men

Now that its know that vegans are unhealthy, can science explain why are vegans so unhealthy?
Should vegans be forced to eat meat in order to have a healthier overall population?
We already vaccinate people in order to make the population healthier so enforcing a healthy diet seems like a logical net step.
>can science explain why are vegans so unhealthy?
physical illness as a side effect of their mental illness
Given that vegan diets cause low IQ, its not out of the question that their mental illnesses are caused by their diet.
"Mental illness" is just another way of saying "malfunctioning brain" which is also synonymous with low IQ. So people with behavioral disorders, including eating disorders, are necessarily low IQ.
You will never meet a high IQ vegan or vegetarian, they don't exist
Its also worth noting that countries that have lower rates of meat consumption all also have lower average life expectancies.
There's an obvious third factor involved in that correlation: Poverty. I expect countries with higher rates of vaping have higher life expectancies. Vaping does not extend your lifespan.

That said, I think the medical literature shows that moderate consumption of meat is part of the optimal healthy diet.
It's literally the opposite, the Blue Zone populations eat a high carb low fat diet
notice how you didn't mention protein, which is what were talking about.
"Blue Zones" are literally just areas where people lie about their age to receive a pension.
This is the most retarded desperate cope I've ever seen lol
but they lead happier life. so you want a long shitty life or a short fulfilling life?
>suffering from frail
i will need a link to this article that explains how someone can "suffer from frail"
Is human cum vegan?
your mother said mine tasted of asparagus, so maybe
depends on what orifice it's ingested via
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>It's literally the opposite, the Blue Zone populations eat a high carb low fat diet
>greek islanders
the blue zone study literally only showed up during lent those guys eat a lot of fatty pork
greeks and italians guzzle olive oil, they eat a high fat diet
>Dutch scientists
>suffering from frail
That is atrocious English.
Suffering from frailty? or suffering from sickliness or weakness?
Holy shit, what minority hire from the Carribean wrote that fucking headline?
Was it AI generated?
Where the fucking link to the original article anon?
Why should we even waste our time with this?
Are you mentally retarded?
this phenomenon is called
The israeli paradox
Paradoxes de santé alimentaires
see >>16538887
Animal protein increases calcium absorption which can lead to stronger bones
Vegans won’t admit this lol

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