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Same for the audience: optimism about the future decreases with each lived decade.
neuralink will solve aging once and for all.
cancer/dementia/heart disease will be cured any day now says increasingly nervous boomer.
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There was an OTC epigenetic reset that was developed here about a year ago.

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I wish niggas would present these findings to a university or some sort of a research facility and get it clinically confirmed. if this is real it has the potential to increase quality of life for so many severely fucked up people it's actually crazy. but the only place you can find it is in a random 4chan thread. no wonder nobody is going to look into this shit seriously
>still no progress has been made
They should have at least put it in the news if it was dangerous or any known side effects when he put a few thousand notices about it across my city.
Nobody is ever going to publish information that is potentially valuable for free, they will keep it to themselves so they can reap the rewards of exploiting the information for themselves
>be robot youtuber
>make the best looking robot
okay when is homoglobocorp going to make that?
i say 20 years
They borrowed all the ideas from the University. There is no need.
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if you play God you better be good at it
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it wont, the elites tried. even with witchcraft they live to 99 or some shit like charlie munger iirc
The desire for immortality is a necessary consequence of narcissistic personality disorder. Someone who is infinity selfish will of course want to be that way for an infinite amount of time
>The desire for mortality is a necessary consequence of depression. Someone who hates their life will of course want everyone to share their death cult mentality.
Look mom I can diagnose people on the internet!
Yes, and depressed people are generally high iq
leave it satan to rug pull even death
its quite telling that you feel personally attacked by the post you replied to.
I mean who wouldn't feel attacked that they're being called selfish because the don't want to die, dum dum.
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post natal gene therapy will never be thing, right?

I don't even want to live forever, all I want is to not be a 3/10 manlet
would even gladly give up 20 years of my life expectancy for that
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>the year is 2085
>I am 78 years old
>sputtering around on my deathbed
>open the wrinkled up newspaper from this morning
>>last boomer dead at 125!
>expire happily
Please God, let the day come.
Anon, that would make my Pfizer stock plummet. You better keep your fucking mouth shut.
https://www.nature (dot) /articles/s41586-024-07701-9
Yes, but for humans it will still take 15 years.
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Look at your fucking faces. Just take the fortified Apigenin and stop being fags about it. You can reprogram your cells now, big whoop. The quiet seethe is so fucking gaaaaayyyy.
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>I am obligated to not be gay.
This is the universe telling you to get fucked up the ass.
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You can now reprogram your cells back to a previous state. Anon looks younger to me.
>fortified Apigenin

is this the standard for reprogramming your cells?

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