If all math was destroyed tomorrow but you could save one equation, what would it be?
>>16534239I would only save an equation to fake you out as if I were saving one. Then I would destroy it last
>>16534239sucessor function
>>16534239I'd say the Laplace transform definition:[math]F(s) = \mathcal{L}\{f\}= \int_{t \in [0,\infty)}f(t)e^{-st}dt, \quad s\in \mathbb{C}[/math]Granted, if all math was destroyed, nobody would actually know what it means. However, I don't know if that matters much as the people who use it the most often also have no clue what it means.
>in your path
>>16534279>proof that God is a nerd
>>16534239What's the point of saving an equation if mathematics as a whole disappears? We won't know what it means and how to apply it anymore
Whatever version of the GUT that doesn't include this thread.
>>16534289to remind those that reattain the height of knowledge that their ancestors knew, that they, were there
>>16534239e ^ (πi) + 1 = 0
>>16534337>picBabylonians and Egyptians used the Pythagorean theorem, but they didn't prove that/how it works like Pythagoras.
>>16534239whatever comes out of the P vs NP problem
>>16534239take all equations ever derived, rewrite them in the form "[exp] = 0", save "(sum of all |[exp]|) = 0"
[math]e^{\pi i} = -1[/math]
>>16534616That's so...beautiful...
>>16534239basic arithmetic
>>16534239E = mc^2 + AI
[math]\frac{D\vec{v}}{Dt}\rho = -\nabla p + \mu\nabla^2 \vec{v} + \vec{F}[/math]
greater internet fuckwad theory
>>16534239There are three solutions to the right side of the depicted equation.The solutions are:https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=Solve%5BSum%5Bp%5En%2F2%5En%2C%7Bn%2C0%2CInfinity%7D%5D%2F10%3D%3Dp%5E2%2F5%5D
>>16534563This is the only correct answer.
Mathematics honestly ruined my life and I would be glad to see the back of it
>>16534239a^2 + b^2 = c^2.I need to navigate around this obstacle as quickly as possible without going the wrong way or getting lost. Hmm what do I do?Pythagoras would know! Lets go ask him.
>>16535025-1/phi,1,phiConsider the plot thickened
>>16535171Correct.Where your phi is the golden ratio.The OP's phi isn't always equal to the golden ratio.Maybe the OP should have used another variable.For example, theta.
>>16535025A plot of the three solutions:https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=Solve%5B-1%2F%285*%28p-2%29%29%3D%3Dp%5E2%2F5%5D
>>16535341phi/phi^2,phi^2/phi^2, phi^3/phi^2
>>16535423The exponents are correct.But only 2/3 of the signs are correct.The signs are -++.Not +++.
>>16534239distance = speed x time
>>16535782Not a proof.
>>16534239OP = faggotThe only one that matters.
>>16535423-g^(-1)+g^(0)+g^(+1)g = the golden ratio
>mfw dropped out of pharmacy school to study computer science >it’s all just fucking mathSo why does /g/ claim the rights to programming generals whereas /sci/ doesn’t?
>>16536273Cause programming isn't computer science
>>16534291Keeping your mind on what's important I see
This is one of my favorites.
>>16534291>>16536855Charging interest is a violation of the inequality "time <> energy".And printing money (which is worse than charging interest) is a violation of "conservation of energy".And who are the culprits?
>>16534239just use a quantum computer to generate every possible numerical value between 0 and 1 or generate as many bits in combination to make anything possible. even generate your nudes
>>16538463i mean i didn't specify how much you could save or on what
>>16537013>printing money>[...]>is a violation of>"conservation of energy".replace money with energy
2 + 2 = 5for extremely large values of 2
>>16534239It's definitely this one:[math] (a+b)(b+c)(c+a)+abc = (ab+bc+ca)(a+b+c)[/math]It's so simple and beautiful and symmetric, written using sums and products:[math] \prod(a+b)+\prod a = (\sum ab)(\sum a)[/math]Curiously if you take the LHS of this equation and swap all [math]\prod [/math] with [math]\sum[/math] and all [math]+[/math] with [math]\cdot[/math] then the LHS turns into the RHS, and vice-versa!!! And also these expressions are by default equal!!! Have never found any more of these since.
>>16534279Look at all that messy bullshit. Does anyone really believe that?
>>16534363>tell me you worship heroes without telling me you worship heroes
>>16540174Unfortunately it works for only 3 numbers.
>>16534239y = f(x). The relationship between two variables is the most fundamental of all mathematical relations.
>>16540195uhhh proofs??? There might be many more for more than 3 numbers
>>16537010*shifts awkwardly in his seat*
>>16540281If it holds for all numbers then it holds as a polynomial relation. However for n variables LHS has degree n and RHS has degree 3. n!=3 unless n=3.
>>16534239gauss digamma and there's not even a close second
>>16540479or you know more than 2 or 3 polynomials
>>16534239start with 1 + 1 = 2 and build it back up from there
>>16534239They must all be destroyed and replaced
>>16534279>>16534378>>16534979only correct post ittlet me add:[eqn]\frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}t}\left( \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{q_i}} \right)-\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial q_i}=0[/eqn]
>>16534365Pythagoras was likely a mythical figure invented by the Greeks to explain where they got older knowledge from. He probably didn't exist at all.